カノウ コウキ
加納 光樹教授



  • 地球・地域環境共創機構
  • 理学部 理学科 生物科学コース
  • 理工学研究科(博士前期課程) 理学専攻
  • 理工学研究科(博士後期課程) 複雑系システム科学専攻
  • 基礎自然科学野 生物科学領域


  • 環境・農学, 環境影響評価, 環境影響評価・環境政策
  • ライフサイエンス, 水圏生産科学, 水産学
  • ライフサイエンス, 生態学、環境学, 保全生物学
  • ライフサイエンス, 生態学、環境学, 魚類学


  • 水生生物 水産有用種 絶滅危惧種 生物多様性保全 外来種問題



  • 2003年03月 博士(農学)(東京大学)
  • 2000年03月 修士(水産学)(東京水産大学)


  • 2000年04月 - 2003年03月, 東京大学大学院, 農学生命科学研究科, 農学国際専攻


  • 2004年04月 - 2008年03月, 財団法人自然環境研究センター


  • 2010年01月, 会計幹事, 日本魚類学会
  • 2006年07月, 自然保護委員, 日本魚類学会


  • (研究者からのメッセージ)

    (教員からのメッセージ),研究室のメインテーマは,魚類とそれをとりまく自然環境の保全・再生です。興味があれば魚類以外の生きものにも挑戦しています。全国各地の河川や湖沼,河口域,内湾などのフィールドに出かけてデータを取りながら,生物多様性や在来生態系の保全・再生,水産資源の持続的利用などのために,いま何をすればよいのかについて考えています。, 研究室は水郷として有名な潮来(いたこ)の北浦湖畔に位置する茨城大学地球・地域環境共創機構水圏環境フィールドステーション内にあります。水圏FSでは,卒論・修論・博論研究を行う学生,教育・研究目的で施設を利用したい方々を,学内外から広く募集しています。水圏フィールドには,未知のテーマがまだいくらでもあるはず。ワクワクしながら研究やフィールド゙体験がしたい方,いつでもお気軽にいらしてください。



  • 茨城県の河口汽水域におけるウシエビの北限記録
    中山聖子・木村将士・金子誠也・山崎和哉・外山太一郎・池澤広美・加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    水生動物, 2024年01月, [査読有り]
  • 北浦に流入する雁通川における流下仔魚の季節変化               
    小原 迪・赤木光子・滑川結香・豊田大晃・加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    日本生物地理学会会報, 2023年12月, [査読有り]
  • 霞ヶ浦流入河川の桜川における外来魚ダントウボウの食性               
    大埜登輝・渡邊美如々・高沢剛希・平山拓弥・加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    日本生物地理学会会報, 2023年12月, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県那珂川感潮域の魚類相               
    金子誠也・山崎和哉・外山太一郎・中嶌政明・加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    茨城県自然博物館研究報告, 2023年12月, [査読有り]
  • Northernmost record of Sardinella melanura (Teleostei: Clupeiformes) from Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan               
    H. Hata and K. Kanou
    Kuroshio Biosphere, 2023年10月, [査読有り]
  • 霞ヶ浦の張網へのチャネルキャットフィッシュ侵入防止グリッドの設置が魚類・エビ類の漁獲に及ぼす影響               
    古旗崚一・所 史隆・根本隆夫・加納光樹, 責任著者
    水生動物, 2023年09月, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県北部の里根川および江戸上川で採集された南方系魚類 8 種               
    Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 2023年06月, [査読有り]
  • 霞ヶ浦の流入河川における外来種オオタナゴの仔魚の生息環境特性               
    山本天誠・萩原富司・諸澤崇裕・加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    魚類学雑誌, 2023年04月25日, [査読有り]
  • 北浦の23本の 流入河川 における魚類の分布パターン と生息環境特性               
    大森健策・諸澤崇裕・加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    水生動物, 2023年01月05日, [査読有り]
  • 東日本の海跡湖「北浦」に流入する農業水路における遡上魚類の季節変化               
    浜野 隼・木村将士・加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    うみ, 2023年01月, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県久慈川感潮域の魚類相               
    茨城県自然博物館研究報告, 2022年12月23日, [査読有り]
  • 証拠標本・写真に基づく茨城県産淡水・汽水魚類目録の再検討               
    山崎和哉・外山太一郎・大森健策・金子誠也・諸澤崇裕・稲葉 修・増子勝男・萩原富司・荒山和則・加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    茨城県自然博物館研究報告, 2022年12月23日, [査読有り]
  • 霞ヶ浦の流入河川「桜川」における魚類相とその長期的変遷
    渡邊 美如々・木村将士・碓井星二・根本隆夫・外山太一郎・宮崎淳一・加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    水生動物, 2022年08月23日, [査読有り]
  • Seasonal occurrence and food habits of larvae and juveniles of the threatened goby Gymnogobius castaneus in a salt marsh in Lake Hinuma, eastern Japan               
    Oguma; S.; S. Kaneko; K. Kanou, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    Aquaculture Science, 2022年04月20日, [査読有り]
  • 霞ヶ浦の沖帯における魚類群集の季節変動               
    神成田優花・綿引 悟・外山太一郎・根本隆夫・加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    うみ, 2021年12月, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県茂宮川河口干潟域の魚類相               
    金子誠也、加納光樹; 山崎和哉; 大森健策; 中嶌政明
    茨城県自然博物館研究報告, 2021年12月, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県久慈川とその周辺河川で採集された南方系魚類               
    外山太一郎; 山崎和哉; 大森健策; 金子誠也; 中嶌政明; 加納光樹
    茨城県自然博物館研究報告, 2021年12月, [査読有り]
  • 春季から夏季の霞ヶ浦の張網内におけるチャネルキャットフィッシュによる魚類・エビ類の捕食実態
    古旗 崚一; 所 史隆; 根本 隆夫; 加納 光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー,

    チャネルキャットフィッシュによる張網漁獲物の捕食実態を把握するため,2016年6-8月と2017年3-8月に霞ヶ浦で張網により採集した個体の食性を精査した。本種は張網に同時に入網するワカサギ,シラウオ,ウキゴリ,テナガエビを主に食べていた。体長20 cm以上の個体は自然環境下と比べて胃充満度指数が極端に高く,張網内でそれらを摂餌したと考えられた。張網内での漁獲物の被食率はワカサギで74%,シラウオで80%,ウキゴリとテナガエビで30%以上と推定され,張網漁業への甚大な影響が懸念された。

    , 公益社団法人 日本水産学会
    日本水産学会誌, 2021年10月26日, [査読有り]
  • ラムサール条約登録湿地「涸沼」に流入する涸沼川における コクチバスの侵入と再生産
    木村将士; 山口真明; 大森健策; 山崎和哉; 金子誠也; 加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー,

    要涸沼川とその支川の飯田川において,特定外来生物コクチバスの生息状況調査を行った.涸沼川における採集調査では,2019 年と2020 年の各年の6 月から9 月に,飯田川合流点より下流側の7 地点で仔魚や成魚を含む計228 個体(体長6.3–295mm)が採集された.そのうち1 地点では 2019 年6 月に産卵床で仔魚およびそれらを保護する親魚が採集された.したがって,コクチバスは涸沼川水系で再生産し分布を拡大しつつあると考えられた.

    , 公益財団法人 宮城県伊豆沼・内沼環境保全財団
    伊豆沼・内沼研究報告, 2021年06月, [査読有り]
  • Food resource use by juveniles of the endangered sleeper Eleotris oxycephala in the Sagami River system, Japan               
    Uchu Yamakawa; Kouki Kanou; Yoshiaki Tsuda; Koetsu Kon
    Ichthyol. Res., 2021年01月, [査読有り]
  • 東日本の海跡湖「北浦」の沖帯における仔稚魚群集の季節変化               
    柴田真生、金子誠也、碓井星二、百成 渉、荒山和則、加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    うみ, 2020年12月, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県涸沼の塩性湿地で採集されたジュズカケハゼ仔稚魚の形態発育               
    小熊進之介、金子誠也、原田慈雄、加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    日本生物地理学会会報, 2020年12月, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県平磯港の小規模なアマモ場と砂地の魚類群集構造の比較               
    小沼亮介・金子誠也・豊田大晃・加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    うみ, 2020年12月, [査読有り]
  • Differences in fish assemblage structures between tidal marsh and bare sandy littoral habitats in a brackish water lake, eastern Japan               
    Kaneko S; K. Kanou; M. Sano
    Ichthyol. Res., 2020年07月, [査読有り]
  • 霞ヶ浦のヨシ帯において採集された外来種オオタナゴの仔稚魚の形態と季節的出現               
    山本天誠,荒山和則,半澤浩美,冨永 敦,萩原富司,加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    日本生物地理学会会報, 2019年12月, [査読有り]
  • Fish and macroinvertebrate fauna associated with floating or drifting surface water mangrove litter in a shallow coastal area in Trang, southern Thailand               
    Horinouchi M; K. Kanou; K. Kon; P. Tongnunui; M. Sano
    Ichthyol. Res., 2019年05月, [査読有り]
  • 菅生沼周辺の水路で採集された国外外来魚コウライギギTachysurus fulvidraco               
    内田大貴,古旗崚一,石塚隆寛,加納光樹, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    茨城生物, 2019年03月
  • Nocturnal activity and feeding of juvenile channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, around offshore breakwaters in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan
    K. Yamazaki; K. Kanou; K. Arayama, Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    Ichthyol. Res., 2019年, [査読有り], [招待有り]
  • 霞ヶ浦の沿岸帯におけるチャネルキャットフィッシュ稚魚の季節的出現と生息場所利用
    山崎和哉,平山拓弥,加納光樹, 北アメリカ原産のチャネルキャットフィッシュ(Ictalurus punctatus)は,日本の河川や湖沼で地域漁業に甚大な被害をもたらしている。本種の稚魚の季節的出現と生息場所利用を明らかにするため,2016年5月から11月の夜間に霞ヶ浦の沿岸帯で小型地曳網による定量採集を行った。複数のじゃかごで作られた離岸堤の付近で,5月から10月にかけて本種の稚魚計417個体(体長16~97 mm)が採集され,その出現盛期は8月であった。体長組成のモードは7月から9月にかけて24~36 mm から60~64 mm へと大きくなり,離岸堤付近に滞在し成長する傾向がみられた。稚魚の個体数密度は,ヨシ帯(底質は砂泥質)よりも離岸堤付近(砂質)で明らかに高かった。稚魚が離岸堤付近に蝟集する理由として,隠れ家としてじゃかごを使っている可能性や,砂底によって特徴づけられる緩やかな流れを生息場所として選択している可能性が考えられた。, 水産増殖談話会
    水産増殖, 2019年, [査読有り]
  • Comparison of fish assemblage structures among microhabitats in a salt marsh in Lake Hinuma, eastern Japan               
    Kaneko S.; K. Kanou and M. Sano
    Fisheries Science, 2019年01月, [査読有り]
  • Comparison of predation risks for small fishes in salt marsh microhabitats in Lake Hinuma, eastern Japan, using tethering experiments               
    Kaneko S.; K. Kanou and M. Sano
    Fisheries Science, 2019年, [査読有り]
  • Morphological development and occurrence patterns of larval and juvenile halfbeaks, Zenarchopterus spp., associated with mangrove flotsam in a shallow coastal area, Trang, southern Thailand               
    Kanou K; M. Horinouchi; P. Tongnunui; K. Kon; M. Sano, 筆頭著者
    Biogeography, 2019年, [査読有り]
  • 霞ケ浦産のごた煮干しに含まれる魚類・エビ類の種組成               
    関野 遼,大森健策,山本天誠,荒山和則,加納光樹, 責任著者
    伊豆沼・内沼研究報告, 2019年, [査読有り]
  • 利根川水系江川とその周辺水域における外来魚カラドンコの定着のおそれと食性
    内田 大貴; 加納 光樹; 松沢 陽士; 山川 宇宙; 増子 勝男; 岩田 明久, 日本生物地理学会
    日本生物地理学会会報 = Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, 2018年12月20日, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県北浦に流入する小河川へのチャネルキャットフィッシュの侵入               
    平山拓弥; 遠藤友樹; 加納光樹,碓井星二; 金子誠也
    日本水産学会誌, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • Spatial variations in tidepool fish assemblages related to environmental variables in the Tama River estuary, Japan               
    Kanou K; T. Yokoo; H. Kohno
    La mer, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • Food habits of fishes in a freshwater reed belt in Lake Kitaura, eastern Japan, in summer
    Usui S.; K. Kanou and M. Sano, The diets and feeding guild structure of a freshwater reed belt fish assemblage (30 species) were examined in Lake Kitaura, part of the Lake Kasumigaura system, eastern Japan, from June to September in 2009 and 2010. Ontogenetic dietary shifts were recognized in 14 species, including several species (e.g., Cyprinus carpio, Tridentiger brevispinis and Hyporhamphus intermedius) targeted by local fisheries. Juveniles of these species generally fed on zooplankton, later switching to other prey items (e.g., benthic chironomid larvae, gammaridean amphipods, shrimps, juvenile fishes, diatoms and decomposing reeds) with growth. A cluster analysis based on dietary overlaps showed that the reed belt fish assemblage comprised five feeding guilds (plant, zooplankton, benthic invertebrate, terrestrial insect and fish feeders). Of these, zooplankton feeders were the most abundantly represented in terms of species numbers, suggesting that the main food items for the fish assemblage were zooplankton (e.g., cladocerans, and calanoid and cyclopoid copepods). Fish feeders included five species, of which one was an alien species introduced from another region in Japan (Opsariichthys uncirostris) and three were from foreign countries (Micropterus salmoides, Lepomis macrochirus macrochirus and Ictalurus punctatus)., Springer Tokyo
    Fisheries Science, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 東京湾におけるガンテンイシヨウジHippichthys penicillusの採集記録と北限個体群の確立の可能性               
    酒井 卓; 加納光樹; 瀬能 宏
    日本生物地理学会会報, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 富栄養湖のヨシ帯における餌料環境の季節変化に応じたチャネルキャットフィッシュの餌利用シフト               
    水産増殖, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 過去50年間の北浦における魚類相の変遷               
    魚類学雑誌, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • Habitat use and feeding ecology of early larvae of the gobiids, Rhinogobius kurodai and Tridentiger brevispinis, in an urban pond in Tokyo, Japan               
    M. Akagi; K. Kanou; H. Kohno
    Biogeography, 2018年, [査読有り], [招待有り]
  • 北浦に流入する小河川におけるチャネルキャットフィッシュの季節的出現と食性
    平山拓弥; 山崎和哉; 加納光樹, 霞ヶ浦(北浦)に流入する小河川とその河口付近の湖岸で四季を通じて採集調査を実施し,河川内での本種の採集個体数の季節変化や食性について明らかにすることを目的とした。, 水産増殖談話会
    水産増殖, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県北浦におけるチャネルキャットフィッシュの年齢と成長               
    遠藤友樹; 加納光樹; 所 史隆; 荒井将人; 片山知史
    日本水産学会誌, 2017年, [査読有り]
  • 富栄養湖のヨシ帯における魚類相のモニタリング方法の比較
    加納光樹; 碓井星二; 川島裕太,横井謙一, 日本魚類学会
    魚類学雑誌, 2017年, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県北浦の堤脚水路における魚類群集構造の季節と場所による差異               
    猪狩健太; 遠藤友樹; 金子誠也; 碓井星二; 荒山和則; 加納光樹
    水産増殖, 2017年, [査読有り]
  • Effects of habitat change from a bare sand/mud area to a short seagrass Halophila ovalis bed on fish assemblage structure: a case study in an intertidal bay in Trang, southern Thailand
    Masahiro Horinouchi; Prasert Tongnunui; Keisuke Furumitsu; Koetsu Kon; Yohei Nakamura; Kouki Kanou; Atsuko Yamaguchi; Kouji Seto; Ken Okamoto; Mitsuhiko Sano, Fish assemblage structures in an intertidal sand/mud area invaded by short seagrass Halophila ovalis and a nearby non-invaded sand/mud area in Trang Province, Thailand, were examined in detail by visual census to elucidate the effects of such habitat change on assemblage structure. The assemblage structure in the newly established seagrass bed showed a significant shift from that in the sand/mud area, despite the total fish species numbers remaining similar to each other (i.e., 30 and 29 species, respectively). Total fish density was significantly lower in the seagrass bed. In addition, differences in density patterns of component species between seagrass and sand/mud fish assemblages were evident, some fish species being restricted to or more abundant in the alternative habitat. Such differences may have arisen, at least in part, from differences in practical food availability/accessibility between the two habitat types, and/or specific microhabitat preferences of the resident fishes. Although seagrass habitats are often regarded as supporting a richer fish assemblage compared with bare sand/mud areas, the present study clearly indicated that the latter also supported a unique fish assemblage, including juveniles of fishery target species. Accordingly, both seagrass and bare sand/mud habitats should be taken into consideration for both the conservation of greater overall biodiversity in the coastal environment and the continued existence of local fisheries., SPRINGER JAPAN KK
    ICHTHYOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2016年07月, [査読有り]
  • Food habits of salt marsh fishes in Lake Hinuma, Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan
    Seiya Kaneko; Kouki Kanou; Mitsuhiko Sano, To determine the food habits of salt marsh fishes, the gut contents of 28 species, caught from a salt marsh in Lake Hinuma, Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan, were investigated. Ontogenetic changes in diet were apparent in six species, including several of commercial importance (e.g., Acanthopagrus schlegelii and Hypomesus nipponensis). Smaller juveniles of such species fed mostly on planktonic copepods, with other prey items, including mysids, gammaridean amphipods and chironomid larvae, forming greater proportions in the diet of larger individuals. A cluster analysis based on dietary overlaps indicated that the salt marsh fish assemblage consisted of seven feeding guilds (small benthic and epiphytic crustacean, zooplankton, aquatic insect, polychaete, plant, terrestrial insect and detritus feeders). Among these, the first two guilds were the most abundantly represented in terms of species number, suggesting that small benthic and epiphytic crustaceans (e.g., mysids and gammaridean amphipods) and zooplankton (e.g., calanoid and cyclopoid copepods) were important food resources for the fish assemblage at the study site., SPRINGER JAPAN KK
    FISHERIES SCIENCE, 2016年07月, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県北浦の沖帯から沿岸帯におけるヌマチチブ仔稚魚の生息場所利用と食性               
    百成 渉,柴田真生,加納光樹,金子誠也,碓井星二,佐野光彦
    日本水産学会誌, 2016年, [査読有り]
  • 日本における特定外来生物チャネルキャットフィッシュのミトコンドリアDNAハプロタイプの分布               
    向井貴彦; Abinash Padhi; 臼杵崇広; 山本大輔; 加納光樹; 萩原富司; 榎本昌宏; 松崎慎一郎
    魚類学雑誌, 2016年, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県北浦の沿岸帯におけるチャネルキャットフィッシュの摂餌特性               
    遠藤友樹,金子誠也,猪狩健太; 加納光樹; 中里亮治; 亀井涼平; 碓井星二; 百成 渉
    水産増殖, 2015年, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県北浦のヨシ帯における魚類群集構造の季節変化               
    日本水産学会誌, 2015年, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県北浦のヨシ帯において小型定置網で採集された魚類の季節変動               
    猪狩健太; 遠藤友樹,金子誠也,碓井星二; 加納光樹
    日本生物地理学会報, 2015年, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県北浦の流入河川の雁通川に遡上する魚類の季節変化               
    豊田大晃; 滑川結香,加納光樹; 碓井星二
    日本生物地理学会会報, 2015年, [査読有り]
  • Influence of artificial headlands on fish assemblage structure in the surf zone of a sandy beach, Kashimanada Coast, Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan
    Tatematsu S; S. Usui; T. Kanai; Y. Tanaka; W. Hyakunari; S. Kaneko; K. Kanou and M. Sano, To determine the effects of artificial headlands (groins with an anchor-shaped head portion) on the surf-zone fish assemblage structure of a sandy beach with strong wave action, three study sites (headland site sheltered behind the head portion, pocket-beach site between two adjacent headlands and exposed reference site without headlands) were sampled on the Kashimanada Coast, central Japan, in summer and autumn in 2012 and 2013. Distinct differences in physical conditions were recognized between the headland site and the other two sites throughout the study period, the former being characterized by lower wave height and turbidity, finer sediment particles and richer detritus. The fish assemblage structures also differed among the sites, the headland site supporting greater species and individual numbers. Cluster analysis showed clear differences in species composition of fish assemblages between the headland site and the other two sites. In addition, small-sized fishes tended to be more abundant at the headland site compared with the other two sites, although no differences were apparent in fish assemblage structure between the pocket-beach and reference sites. These results suggested that the presence of headlands had marked effects on the surf-zone fish assemblage structure in the study area., SPRINGER JAPAN KK
    Fisheries Science, 2014年, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県北浦のヨシ帯と護岸帯での魚類群集構造の比較               
    日本水産学会誌, 2014年, [査読有り]
  • 耳石微量元素分析によって明らかにされた東京湾産マハゼの稚魚期での河川遡上履歴               
    松崎圭佑,加納光樹,河野 博
    日本水産学会誌, 2014年, [査読有り]
  • 東京都大田区の洗足池で採集されたハゼ科2種の仔魚の形態               
    赤木光子,加納光樹,河野 博,丸山 隆
    日本生物地理学会会報, 2014年, [査読有り]
  • Benthic food web of a salt marsh in an artificial lagoon, central Japan
    Kon; K.; Y. Hoshino; K. Kanou; D. Okazaki; S. Nakayama and H. Kohno, Salt marsh rehabilitations have been carried out globally, with the goal of recovering structural characteristics such as diversity or abundance. Functional properties (e.g. foodwebs) are also important but less is known about the effects of rehabilitation on such factors. We investigated the benthic foodweb in a reconstructed salt marsh, which consisted of marsh vegetation and mudflats, in the artificial Shinhama Lagoon, at the head of Tokyo Bay, central Japan. We used stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis to assess the contributions of primary producers (marsh plants, phytoplankton, microphytobenthos and macroalgae) as nutrient sources for benthic invertebrates in vegetated and unvegetated habitats. Phytoplankton contributed to approximately 27% of the diet of benthic invertebrates and was thus the highest contributor in both habitats. In addition, marsh plants contributed about 24% of the diet of the invertebrates in vegetated habitats, and microphytobenthos contributed around 22% of the diet in unvegetated habitats. These findings are consistent with those obtained from other intact salt marshes, suggesting that the artificial Shinhama Lagoon has evolved into a natural system in terms of the benthic foodweb approximately 30years after reconstruction. Results indicate that functional properties can be recovered by marsh restoration, and that future rehabilitation programmes should aim to recover whole ecosystems, i.e. both structural characteristics and functional properties., TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC
    Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 2013年, [査読有り]
  • Seasonal dynamics of fishes in tidepools on tidal mudflats in the Tama River estuary, central Honshu, Japan
    Daisuke Okazaki; Toshihiro Yokoo; Kouki Kanou; Hiroshi Kohno, We investigated seasonal dynamics of fish in tidepools on tidal mudflats in the Tama River estuary, Japan. A total of 1,156 individuals of 8 gobiid species were collected from May 2008 to April 2009. The total abundance of fishes peaked in September and October. Of three dominant species, Acanthogobius flapimanus was found only in spring and early summer, whereas Pseudogobius masago and Mugdogoblus abei occurred in all seasons. The utilization patterns of tidepools with/without cobbles were different among the latter two species., SPRINGER TOKYO
    Ichthyological Research, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Assemblage structures and spatial distributions of small gobioid fishes in a mangrove estuary, southern Thailand
    Toshihiro Yokoo; Kouki Kanou; Masato Moteki; Hiroshi Kohno; Prasert Tongnunui; Hisashi Kurokura, We describe the assemblage structures and spatial distributions of juvenile and adult small gobioid fishes in a mangrove estuary in Trang Province, southern Thailand. The 11,183 gobioid juveniles and adults collected during the present study were classified into three families, 19 genera and 36 species. The three most dominant species were Pandaka pygmaea, Acentrogobius kranjiensis and Acentrogobius malayanus, which accounted for 75.9, 15.0 and 3.8% of the total number of gobioids collected, respectively. Spatial differences in gobioid fish assemblages were found in a mangrove estuary and its adjacent marine area. The diverse gobioid fauna with a variety of lifestyles found at muddy-bottomed, low-salinity stations, which were mainly upper-and middle-reach stations, can be partly accounted for by the existence of the various microhabitats in muddy-bottomed areas around mangroves. These microhabitats may contribute to local fish catches because gobies are of great significance as prey species for piscivores, including commercially important fish in mangrove estuaries. The abundance of each gobioid species would contribute to the development of rational methods for assessing the effectiveness of mangrove conservation and rehabilitation programs., SPRINGER TOKYO
    Fisheries Science, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Importance of allochthonous material in benthic macrofaunal community functioning in estuarine salt marshes
    Koetsu Kon; Yukihiro Hoshino; Kouki Kanou; Daisuke Okazaki; Satoko Nakayama; Hiroshi Kohno, Allochthonous input provides important food and spatial resources for estuarine benthic fauna. While it is known that autochthonous materials are important for fauna occupying small marshes, here, we present the significance of allochthonous materials for benthic fauna inhabiting a large salt marsh. To assess the effects of allochthonous input on benthic macrofaunal communities in estuarine salt marshes, we determined the source of substrate sediments and food resource utilisation patterns of benthic invertebrates in 2 temperate estuaries (the Tama River and the Obitsu River estuarine outlets into Tokyo Bay) by using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses. In the Tama River estuary, which has small patches of marsh vegetation upstream of the river mouth, there was an input of sedimentary organic matter from autochthonous sources (i.e. common reed and microphytobenthos). In the Obitsu River estuary salt marsh, which is situated immediately upstream of the river mouth and is well connected to the sea, sediment consists of allochthonous sources (i.e. imported phytoplankton), along with microphytobenthos. Isotope analysis indicated that most benthic invertebrates in the Tama River estuary depend on benthic microalgae (autochthonous) as a food resource, whereas the macrofauna in the Obitsu River estuary are supported by drift macroalgae (allochthonous), in addition to microphytobenthos or phytoplankton. Our results indicated that allochthonous material provides a food resource and potential habitat for benthic macrofauna in extensive salt marshes that have a strong connection to the sea but is not substantial in smaller marshes with limited connectivity to coastal water. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., ACADEMIC PRESS LTD- ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
    Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Food habits of small fishes in seagrass habitats in Trang, southern Thailand
    Horinouchi M.; P. Tongnunui; K. Furumitsu; Y. Nakamura; K. Kanou; A. Yamaguchi; K. Okamoto and M. Sano, To clarify the feeding habits of seagrass fishes, we examined the gut contents from 42 fish species collected in seagrass habitats in Trang. Thirteen species showed ontogenetic and/or seasonal changes in food-use patterns. Smaller individuals generally preyed on small planktonic items (e.g., copepod larvae) or small benthic/epiphytic crustaceans (e.g., harpacticoid copepods), with subsequent changes to other prey items (e.g., shrimps, crabs, detritus and filamentous algae) with growth. The most important dietary items for the seagrass fish assemblages comprised benthic/epiphytic crustaceans, detritus, and planktonic copepods. Cluster analysis based on dietary overlaps showed that the seagrass fishes comprised eight feeding guilds (large benthic/epiphytic crustacean, detritus, planktonic animal, small benthic/epiphytic crustacean, mollusc, invertebrate egg, polychaete, and fish feeders). Of these, the first three guilds were the most abundantly represented, whereas the last three were each represented by only a single species., SPRINGER TOKYO
    Fisheries Science, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県北浦のヨシ帯で採集されたハゼ科2種の仔稚魚の形態と季節的出現               
    百成 渉,碓井星二,加納光樹,荒山和則
    日本生物地理学会会報, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Feeding ecology of the tidepool-dwelling goby Pseudogobius masago on an estuarine mudflat
    Okazaki, D; K. Kanou; T. Yokoo; H. Kohno, Biogeographical Society of Japan
    Biogeography, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • 霞ヶ浦における外来種コウライギギ(ナマズ目ギギ科)の採集記録と定着のおそれ               
    荒山和則; 松崎慎一郎; 増子勝男; 萩原富司; 諸澤崇裕; 加納光樹; 渡辺勝敏
    魚類学雑誌, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • 標本記録に基づく1960年代の茨城県涸沼の魚類相               
    金子誠也; 碓井星二; 百成 渉; 加納光樹; 増子勝男; 鎌田洸一
    日本生物地理学会会報, 2011年, [査読有り]
  • 北浦の沿岸帯におけるクルメサヨリ仔稚魚の生息場所利用パターン               
    日本生物地理学会会報, 2010年, [査読有り]
  • 愛知県の梅田川中流域における外来魚ヨコシマドンコ(ドンコ科)の季節的出現と食性               
    日本生物地理学会会報, 2010年, [査読有り]
  • オオクチバスの耳石と鱗へのアリザリン・コンプレクソンによる染色               
    加納光樹; 久保田正秀; 荒山和則
    水産技術, 2009年, [査読有り]
  • Morphological characters and occurrence patterns of juveniles of two estuarine gobies, Acentrogobius kranjiensis and Acentrogobius malayanus, verified by molecular identification
    Yokoo; T.; T. Sakamoto; K. Kanou; M. Moteki; H. Kohno; P. Tongnunui and H. Kurokura, Juveniles of two Acentrogobius species collected in a mangrove estuary in Sikao Creek, southern Thailand, were identified by morphological and molecular methods. A total of 1315 Acentrogobius specimens were collected and grouped into types A (n = 1107, 4.4 - 12.0 mm standard length, L(S)) (melanophore absent or indistinct on posterodorsal contour of caudal peduncle; two rows of melanophore blotches on lateral midline) and B (n = 208, 4.8 - 12.6 mm L(S)) (distinct melanophore on posterodorsal contour of caudal peduncle; a single row of melanophore blotches on lateral midline). Based on the reverse series method, the melanophore patterns of larger juveniles were linked with the smallest specimens possessing adult characters. The homogeneities of mitochondrial cytochrome b region sequences between the two juvenile types and adult Acentrogobius species collected in the study area indicated type A to be A. kranjiensis (homogeneity between type A and A. kranjiensis: 99.3 - 100%), and type B to be A. malayanus (homogeneity between latter 98.1 and 99.7%). No Acentrogobius juveniles were collected from the surf zone outside the creek mouth, both species apparently spending most of their life histories within the estuarine habitat. During their pelagic phase, A. kranjiensis and A. malayanus dispersed in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the creek. On the other hand, occurrence patterns during the benthic phase of A. kranjiensis and A. malayanus differed, the former showing upstream movement and the latter downstream movement with growth. These results emphasize the necessity of analysing early fish life histories at the species level, and the collaboration between morphological and molecular methods should prove valuable in accurately identifying of larvae and juveniles. (C) 2009 The Authors Journal compilation (C) 2009 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC
    J. Fish Biology, 2009年, [査読有り]
  • Food resource partitioning among fishes in an estuarine nursery as revealed by stable isotope analysis
    Kon, K; K. Kanou; T. Inoue; A. Kobayashi; K. Hayashizaki; H. Kurokura, 日仏海洋学会
    La mer, 2008年, [査読有り]
  • Juvenile morphology of three Pseudogobius species (Gobiidae) occurring in a mangrove estuary, southern Thailand
    Yokoo, Y; K. Kanou; M. Moteki; H. Kohno; P. Tongnunui; H. Kurokura, Morphological characteristics of three gobiid Pseudogobius species (P. javanicus, P. sp. 1 and P. sp. 2) in their juvenile phases which collected in Sikao Creek, a mangrove estuary located in southern Thailand were described. Juveniles of them were distinguished from each other by the following characters: P. sp. 1 (n = 59, mm SL) with two distinctive large blotches located on dorsal and ventral sides symmetrically of caudal fi n base; P. sp. 2 (n = 13, mm SL), with three blotches on caudal fi n base; and P. javanicus (n = 18, SL) with two distinctive large blotches on caudal fi n base in asymmetrical, upper one close to the lateral midline of body. All of these Pseudogobius individuals were collected within creek, mainly at middle reach, whereas no individuals from the marine area off the creek mouth, suggesting that these species spend most of their life within the estuarine habitat., 島根大学
    LAGUNA, 2008年, [査読有り]
  • 魚類は干潟域のタイドプールをどのように利用しているか?               
    内田和嘉; 横尾俊博; 河野 博; 加納光樹
    La mer, 2008年, [査読有り]
  • 東京湾岸に位置する人工潟湖(新浜湖)の魚類相               
    河野 博; 横尾俊博; 茂木正人; 加納光樹
    日本生物地理学会会報, 2008年, [査読有り]
  • Relationships between short-term variations in density of juvenile yellowfin goby Acanthogobius flavimanus and environmental variables on an estuarine mudflat
    Kanou; K.; M. Sano and H. Kohno, Weekly variations in density of juvenile yellowfin goby Acanthogobius flavimanus with a variety of environmental variables (e.g. water temperature, salinity and transparency, and prey density) were investigated on a tidal mudflat within the Tama River estuary, central Japan, from March to July 2001. Metamorphosing newly settled juveniles occurred from mid-March to late May. Metamorphosed benthic juveniles first appeared in late March, the density sharply increasing to a peak (67.0 ind./m(2)) in early May but rapidly decreasing to less than 10% of that two weeks later. No consistent relationships were apparent between short-term variations in fish density by developmental stages and water temperature, or salinity. In contrast, a weak negative relation was found between juvenile density and water transparency. Further, benthic juvenile density was positively related to short-term fluctuations of errant polychaetes, which is one of the main prey items., BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
    Fisheries Science, 2007年, [査読有り]
  • 渡良瀬川水系の農業水路におけるカラドジョウとドジョウの出現様式と食性               
    加納光樹; 斉藤秀生; 渕上聡子; 今村彰伸; 今井 仁; 多紀保彦
    水産増殖, 2007年, [査読有り]
  • 諸外国の法令で輸入が禁止されている侵略的外来魚               
    加納光樹; 吉田剛司; 井上 隆; 瀬能 宏; 細谷和海; 多紀保彦
    生物科学, 2006年, [査読有り]
  • Juvenile morphology and occurrence patterns of three Butis species (Gobioidei: Eleotridae) in a mangrove estuary, southern Thailand
    Yokoo; T.; K. Kanou; M. Moteki; H. Kohno; P. Tongnunui and H. Kurokura, Juveniles of three eleotrid Butis species (B. butis, B. humeralis, and B. koilomatodon) are described; their occurrence patterns were examined in Sikao Creek, a mangrove estuary located in southern Thailand. Juveniles of each species were distinguished by the following characters: B. butis with no bands on body and pale pelvic fins; B. humeralis with no bands on body and densely pigmented pelvic fins; and B. koilomatodon with 5-6 regular bands on body and a fleshy process (preorbital knob) on the snout. Although B. butis shared the aforementioned characters with B. amboinensis found in the same estuary, the former was distinguished from the latter by having a greater number of pectoral fin rays (18-21 vs. 17) and a deeper caudal peduncle. Distribution patterns of the three Butis species in Sikao Creek were distinguishable from each other. Smaller B. butis [mean +/- SD = 22.7 +/- 16.9 mm in standard length (SL), n = 32] occurred in the upper reach of the estuary, while larger specimens (52.4 +/- 26.2 mm SL, n = 18 and 51.5 +/- 29.7 mm SL, n = 10, respectively) were found in the middle and lower reaches and none in the marine area. In B. humeralis and B. koilomatodon, only juveniles were caught except for one adult specimen each. Juveniles (8.9-16.5 mm SL, n = 79) of B. humeralis occurred in the upper and middle reaches and the marine area. B. koilomatodon juveniles (9.9-13.7 mm SL, n = 30) were distributed in all areas from the lower to upper reaches., SPRINGER TOKYO
    Ichthyological Research, 2006年, [査読有り]
  • Larval and juvenile fishes occurring with flood tides on an intertidal mudflat in the Tama River estuary, central Japan
    Kanou; K.; M. Sano and H. Kohno, Intertidal movements of fish larvae and juveniles on a mudflat in the Tama River estuary, central Japan, were investigated by comparing the abundance and sizes of fishes caught in the intertidal zone during flood tides with those in the subtidal zone during low tides. A total of 28 465 individuals, belonging to 9 families and 20 species, were collected by small purse seine. Among the abundant species, planktonic larvae and juveniles of gobiids and Konosirus punctatus were more abundant in the intertidal zone at flood tide than the subtidal zone at low tide. Similar occurrence patterns were found in juvenile Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis and Lateolabrax japonicus, having fully developed swimming abilities. In contrast to these species, much higher abundances of epibenthic juveniles of 2 gobiids (Acanthogobius fiavimanus and Gymnogobius macrognathos) were found in the subtidal zone at low tide, although they also utilized the intertidal zone at flood tide., SPRINGER TOKYO
    Ichthyological Research, 2005年, [査読有り]
  • Ontogenetic diet shift, feeding rhythm and daily ration in juvenile goby, Acanthogobius flavimanus, on a tidal mudflat in the Tama River estuary, central Japan
    Kanou; K.; M. Sano and H. Kohno, To ascertain the feeding habits of benthic juvenile yellowfin goby Acanthogobius flavimanus, the gut contents of 599 specimens (15-41 mm in standard length, SL), collected on a tidal mudflat in the Tama River estuary throughout the diel cycle, were examined. The major prey items changed from harpacticoid copepods to errant and sedentary polychaetes at ca. 20 mm SL. Prey width increased with fish size. Fish of 26-28 mm SL fed mainly from sunset to morning, with highest feeding intensity during twilight hours and/or high tide. Based on the gut evacuation rate estimated from a forced feeding experiment in the laboratory and data for the diel change of mean gut-content volume in the field, the daily ration of juvenile yellowfin goby (26-28 mm SL) was calculated to be 13.8 mm(3) fish(-1) day(-1). This volume is approximately equivalent to 3.9 individuals of the errant polychaete Ceratonereis erythraeensis (9.7 mm in body length, BL) or 8.1 individuals of the sedentary polychaete Prionospio japonica (14.8 mm BL), both species occurring abundantly on the mudflat during the study., SPRINGER TOKYO
    Ichthyological Research, 2005年, [査読有り]
  • A net design for estimating the vertical distribution of larval and juvenile fishes on a tidal mudflat
    Kanou; K.; M. Sano and H. Kohno, JAPANESE SOC FISHERIES SCIENCE
    Fisheries Science, 2004年, [査読有り]
  • Morphological and functional development of characters associated with settlement in the yellowfin goby Acanthogobius flavimanus
    Kanou; K.; H. Kohno and M. Sano, Morphological and functional development of characters from pelagic larval to benthic juvenile periods in the yellowfin goby, Acanthogobius flavimanus, were examined on the basis of 275 specimens (9.4-25.9 mm in standard length) collected in shallow water in the Tama River estuary, central Japan. Judging from the development of osteological features, late pelagic juveniles possessed fully developed swimming and feeding abilities. Rapid changes in various characters, including the formation of a loop-shaped gut, increases in condition factor and teeth number, broader upper-field view capability, and extended scaly area and pigmentation development, occurred during the transition from late pelagic to early benthic periods. Most of the changes were associated with structural and functional aspects enabling more efficient use of benthic resources or the avoidance of predators in the benthic habitat., SPRINGER JAPAN KK
    Ichthyological Research, 2004年, [査読有り]
  • Catch efficiency of a small seine for benthic juveniles of the yellowfin goby Acanthogobius flavimanus on a tidal mudflat
    Kanou; K.; M. Sano and H. Kohno, Experimental hauls of a small seine for juvenile yellowfin goby, Acanthogobius flavimanus, were carried out on a tidal mudflat in the Shinhama Lagoon, central Japan, between April and June 2001. Immediately before each haul, visual censuses were conducted to evaluate whether juvenile densities estimated from the catches accurately reflected real densities in the area. The densities estimated from the net samples were significantly lower than those determined by visual censuses throughout the study period. The catch efficiency of the small seine for juveniles of ca. 17 - 40 mm in standard length was estimated as 23 - 71%, a negative relationship between efficiency and fish length being found., SPRINGER TOKYO
    Ichthyological Research, 2004年, [査読有り]
  • Food habits of fishes on unvegetated tidal mudflats in Tokyo Bay, central Honshu, Japan
    Kanou; K.; M. Sano and H. Kohno, To clarify the feeding habits of tidal mudflat fishes, the gut contents of 29 fish species, collected from unvegetated tidal mudflats in Tokyo Bay, central Honshu, Japan, were examined. Ontogenetic changes in food preference were recognized in 21 species, including several of commercial importance (e.g. Acanthogobius flavimanus, Konosirus punctatus, Mugil cephalus cephalus, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, and Sardinella zunasi). In general, larvae and/or juveniles of these species fed mainly on small zooplankton or benthic harpacticoid copepods, later switching to other prey items with growth (e.g. gammaridean amphipods, mysids, polychaetes, detritus, bivalves, and juvenile fishes). A cluster analysis based on dietary overlaps showed that the tidal mudflat fish assemblage comprised six feeding guilds (small benthic and epiphytic crustacean, zooplankton, detritus, mollusc, polychaete, and fish feeders). Of these, small benthic and epiphytic crustacean feeders were the most abundantly represented in the number of species., JAPANESE SOC FISHERIES SCIENCE
    Fisheries Science, 2004年, [査読有り]
  • 葛西臨海公園と八景島海の公園の人工海浜に出現する仔稚魚の比較               
    山根武士; 阿部 礼; 大藤三矢子; 岸田宗範; 原口 泉; 加納光樹; 河野 博
    La mer, 2004年, [査読有り]
  • Diet shift with settlement in the yellowfin goby Acanthogobius flavimanus on a tidal mudflat               
    Kanou, K; M. Sano; H. Kohno
    La mer, 2004年, [査読有り]
  • Larvae and juveniles of two engraulid species, Thryssa setirostris and T. hamiltonii, occurring in the surf zone of Trang, southern Thailand               
    Kanou, K; H. Kohno; P. Tongununui; H. Kurokura
    Ichthyological Research, 2003年, [査読有り]
  • Juveniles of a rare callanthiid fish genus Grammatonotus (pisces: perciformes) from Tosa Bay, Japan               
    Kanou, K; G. Shinohara; K. Shibukawa
    Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo Ser. A, 2003年, [査読有り]
  • 葛西人工渚西浜(東京湾奥部)の魚類相               
    桑原悠宇; 土田奈々; 元山 崇; 河野 博; 加納光樹; 島田裕至; 三森亮介
    La mer, 2003年, [査読有り]
  • 東京湾の表層域における仔稚魚の季節的出現と分布様式               
    加納光樹; 荒山和則; 今井 仁; 金澤 健; 小池 哲; 河野 博
    La mer, 2002年, [査読有り]
  • 東京湾外湾の砕波帯の魚類相               
    荒山和則; 今井 仁; 加納光樹; 河野 博
    La mer, 2002年, [査読有り]
  • Early life history of a seahorse, Hippocampus mohnikei, in Tokyo Bay, central Japan
    Kanou; K. and H. Kohno, The early morphological development, seasonal and spatial occurrence patterns, and food habits of a seahorse, Hippocampus mohnikei, in offshore waters of Tokyo Bay, central Japan, were studied on the basis of 206 juvenile and young specimens (6.0-65.3 mm TL) collected between August 1995 and January 1999. All the specimens were collected within the period from May to January, inclusive, each year. In the least developed specimen (6.0 mm TL), the number of dorsal, anal, and pectoral fin rays had attained the adult complement, whereas the minute caudal fin, consisting of two rays, was present in juveniles of 6.0-26.4 mm TL. Hippocampus mohnikei greater than or equal to 35 mm TL, being larger than settlement size (ca. 30 mm TL), had very low gut fullness index values (GFI = 0, >70% of specimens), whereas those of 15-29 mm. TL had higher values (GFI = 2-4, >80% of specimens). In addition, larger individuals selectively fed on larger planktonic animals (species of Brachyura), which occurred naturally at low densities, although smaller food items, such as Oithona davisae and Penilia avirostris, occurred abundantly, being consumed by smaller H. mohnikei individuals (15-34 mm TL). These results indicated that food availability for H. mohnikei in offshore waters of Tokyo Bay is significant for individuals larger than settlement size. because their food preference would shift from smaller food items to larger food items, which would be scarce in their environments., SPRINGER-VERLAG TOKYO
    Ichthyological Research, 2001年, [査読有り]
  • 東京湾内湾の干潟域の魚類相とその多様性               
    加納光樹; 小池 哲; 河野 博
    魚類学雑誌, 2000年, [査読有り]
  • 東京湾の河口干潟で採集されたチクゼンハゼとエドハゼの仔稚魚               
    加納光樹; 小池 哲; 渋川浩一; 河野 博
    La mer, 1999年, [査読有り]


  • 北浦におけるカライワシElops hawaiensisの70年ぶりの採集記録
    茨城生物, 2019年03月
  • 茨城県菅生沼において採集された外来魚3種と外来エビ1種
    内田大貴・石塚隆寛・加納光樹・増子勝男・池澤広美・土屋 勝
    茨城県自然博物館研究報告, 2018年12月, [査読有り]
  • 干潟・塩性湿地における仔稚魚の生息場所利用
    加納光樹,河野 博,佐野光彦
    日本水産学会誌, 2015年
  • 茨城県の海岸から得られたヌエハゼ
    茨城生物, 2014年03月
  • 干潟域の魚類の多様性とその保全-東京湾での事例
    加納光樹,河野 博
    水環境学会誌, 2014年, [招待有り]
  • 1960年代の涸沼産魚類標本の発見
    加納光樹; 金子誠也; 碓井星二; 百成 渉
    魚類自然史研究会会報「ボテジャコ」, 2011年
  • 霞ケ浦の湖岸域におけるテナガエビの生息密度と体サイズの昼夜相違
    荒山和則; 加納光樹
    茨城県内水面水産試験場調査研究報告, 2011年
  • 西表島浦内川のマングローブ域における澪の魚類群集構造と環境特性
    東海大学海洋研究所研究報告, 2010年, [査読有り]
  • カルタヘナ法の規制対象となる遺伝子組換え観賞魚
    加納光樹; 古畑芳晶; 吉田剛司; 堀内 洋
    魚類学雑誌, 2007年, [査読有り]
  • 東京湾の葛西人工渚で採集されたチクゼンハゼの稚魚
    加納光樹; 高麗行真; 岸田宗範; 原口 泉; 河野 博
    魚類学雑誌, 2002年, [査読有り]
  • 都心におけるカラスの集団塒から主要採餌場への移動行動
    Urban birds, 1996年


  • 現代おさかな事典 第二版 ~漁場から食卓まで~               
    丸山啓太・加納光樹・河野 博, 分担執筆
    エヌ・ティー・エス, 2024年03月31日
  • 茨城の外来種データブック 2023年版               
    加納光樹・荒山和則・諸澤崇裕・金子誠也・松崎慎一郎・稲葉 修・内田大貴, 分担執筆
    茨城県県民生活環境部環境政策課・茨城県生物多様性センター, 2023年08月
  • 最新 日本の外来生物               
    諸澤崇裕,今井 仁,加納光樹, 分担執筆
    平凡社, 2019年10月25日
  • 茨城における絶滅のおそれのある野生生物 動物編               
    加納光樹・増子勝男・稲葉 修・諸澤崇裕・棗田孝晴・碓井星二・金子誠也, 共著
    茨城県生活環境部環境政策課, 2016年03月
  • 魚類の初期生活史研究.成育場としての泥質干潟域の重要性               
    加納光樹,上原匡人, 共著
    恒星社厚生閣, 2015年
  • 日本産稚魚図鑑 第二版               
    加納光樹, 共著
    東海大学出版会, 2014年03月30日
  • 東京湾の魚類               
    河野博、加納光樹、横尾俊博他(第2著者、他36名), 共著
    平凡社, 2011年12月
  • 「エビ・カニ・ザリガニ 淡水甲殻類の保全と生物学」 2.6 外来ザリガニ問題と外来生物法               
    中山聖子; 水谷知生; 吉田剛司; 加納光樹, 共著
    生物研究社, 2011年12月
  • 日本の外来生物. 魚類               
    加納光樹・今井仁, 共著
    平凡社, 2008年04月
  • シリーズ21世紀の農学 「外来生物のリスク管理と有効利用」. 第7章 外来魚とどう付き合うか               
    多紀保彦; 加納光樹, 共著
    養賢堂, 2008年04月
  • 東京湾魚の自然誌               
    河野博・加納光樹・荒山和則・茂木正人、他7名, 共著
    平凡社, 2006年07月
  • 改訂版 原色魚類大図鑑 解説編               
    河野博・茂木正人・渋川浩一・打木研三・加納光樹・横尾俊博, 共著
    北隆館, 2005年12月
  • 魚1000(UOSEN),携帯端末対応型カラーイラスト魚類図鑑               
    河野 博・茂木正人・加納光樹・横尾俊博
    ナレッジリンク, 2003年
  • Illustrated Fish Fauna of a Mangrove Estuary at Sikao, Southwestern Thailand               
    P. Tongnunui; S. Tanyaros; T. Medei; H. Kurokura; M. Horinouchi; K. Ikejima; K. Kanou; M. Sano; T. Yamane, 共著
    Trang Project for Biodiversity and Ecological Significance of Mangrove Estuaries in Southeast Asia, Rajamangala Institute of Technology and the University of Tokyo, 2002年12月
  • 東南アジア市場図鑑(魚貝篇)               
    河野博・多紀保彦・茂木正人・加納光樹・土屋光太郎・本屋洋、他2名, 共著
    弘文堂, 2001年07月


  • 稚魚研究会
  • 日本水産増殖学会
  • 日本水産学会
  • 日本魚類学会


  • 霞ヶ浦・北浦の沖帯における魚類群集の時空間的変動に関する研究               
    2021年08月 - 2022年03月