Rice farmers’ response to climate and socio-economic impacts: a case study in North Sumatra, IndonesiaKawanishi M; N. Mimura, The aim of the present study is to use data from relevant government agencies to understand the change in rice production and land use since 2000 in North Sumatra, Indonesia, and to examine the combination of climatic and socio-economic factors affecting the change. Interviews and focused group meetings were also held to overcome the limitation of data availability. This study finds that the consistent increase in rice productivity has been offset by the reduction in rice harvest area, resulting in almost no growth in rice production over the last decade in North Sumatra. In contrast, oil palm plantations, particularly smallholder estates, have been expanding in the province. Four factors are identified as those affecting the change in land use: (1) climate conditions, (2) economic environment, (3) rice planting index, and (4) distance from palm oil enterprise estates. At the time of substantial reduction in rice harvest area, unusual climate conditions were observed across different regencies in North Sumatra, as was the case in 2006, when Medan, the provincial capital, recorded the highest annual rainfall during the last 20 years. The responses of the farmers to the rice planting index and the proximity to palm oil enterprise estates, both of which vary across the province, are differentiated into three types: (1) land use conversion from rice production to oil palm plantation, (2) conversion to other cash crops, and (3) staying with rice production. As oil palm is more resilient to rainfall variability, land use conversion from rice to oil palm can be considered a good adaptation from the farmers perspective. The large scale of the conversions, however, may be a threat to the food security of the society as a whole. This indicates that the countermeasures face trade-offs between different social groups, as well as between adaptation actions and other development priorities., SOC AGRICULTURAL METEOROLOGY JAPAN
J. Agric. Meteorol., 2013年,
[査読有り] Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment Methods in the Pacific Islands Region: Past Approaches, and Considerations for the FutureHay; J. and N. Mimura, Over two decades of vulnerability assessments have shown the Pacific Islands region to be one of the regions most at risk to the adverse consequences of climate change. Pacific Island countries have shown strong leadership in characterising the challenges of climate change, both nationally and for the region as a whole, and in identifying the most appropriate responses. This paper reviews the various Vulnerability, Risk and Adaptation (VRiA) Assessment Methods and Tools that have been used across the Pacific Islands region, with an emphasis on the past two decades. The aim is to identify the approaches that are best suited to the region, and to develop a common understanding and principles that may be relevant and useful to harmonising the assessment of vulnerability and risk, and of adaptation options across the region. Even though assessments undertaken in the Pacific Islands region tend to share the common objective of reducing vulnerabilities and risks, practitioners in the Pacific are using numerous approaches, methods and tools to assess vulnerabilities and identify possible adaptation interventions. No one approach will address all needs and accommodate all capacities. Rather, several successful approaches, methods and tools are identified. The paper also identifies and assesses the approaches, methods and tools that have merit for further use, without or with further improvements. Lessons learned as well as success stories and success factors are documented. These findings are reflected in principles designed to assist harmonisation of approaches to VRiA assessment. These principles, in turn, influence the development of a proposed higher-level framework and approach for VRiA assessments. It accommodates the various approaches, methods and tools commonly used with success in the Pacific., Springer
Sustainability Science, 2013年,
[査読有り] Sea-level rise caused by climate change and its implications for societyNobuo Mimura, Sea-level rise is a major effect of climate change. It has drawn international attention, because higher sea levels in the future would cause serious impacts in various parts of the world. There are questions associated with sea-level rise which science needs to answer. To what extent did climate change contribute to sea-level rise in the past? How much will global mean sea level increase in the future? How serious are the impacts of the anticipated sea-level rise likely to be, and can human society respond to them? This paper aims to answer these questions through a comprehensive review of the relevant literature. First, the present status of observed sea-level rise, analyses of its causes, and future projections are summarized. Then the impacts are examined along with other consequences of climate change, from both global and Japanese perspectives. Finally, responses to adverse impacts will be discussed in order to clarify the implications of the sea-level rise issue for human society. © 2013 The Japan Academy., Japan Academy
Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences, 2013年,
[招待有り] Concerns for Acceleration of Coastal Impacts due to Climate change -A Case Study in Hai Hau Coast, Northern Vietnam
Mimura1N; Mai T.T.T; Nagatsuka S; Nishihata T; Takewaka S; Yasuhara K; Duc, D.M
Proc. International Workshop on Geo-engineering for responding to Climate Change (GeoHue 2012), 2012年, [招待有り]
Effects of climate change on coastal disasters: new methodologies and recent resultsYasuhara; K.; Komine; H.; Yokoki; H.; Suzuki; T.; Mimura; N.; Tamura; M. and Chen; G., Humanity faces an increasing possibility that unusual and extreme natural disasters will increase, compounded with climate change, including global warming. These compound events are designated as compounded natural hazards in this study. A methodology must be developed for predicting what events and risks will confront future societies, to propose countermeasures and adaptation strategies against these events, and to evaluate the influences of compound disasters on infrastructure which is particularly situated near coasts and rivers. Based on the above-stated background and demands, this study was undertaken with the intention of upgrading the methodology for estimating effects on infrastructure of compound events such as increased typhoon and rainfall severity caused by global warming occurring concurrently with a great earthquake in Japan. Such a methodology is expected to contribute to progress in the fields of natural disaster mitigation and land preservation, particularly benefiting coastal and river areas in Japan. Additionally in this study, risk and economic loss analyses for the possible occurrence of compound disasters for coastal infrastructure and foundations are produced for establishing environmental strategies at the governmental level. The authors further propose adaptation strategies and techniques as countermeasures against these events., SPRINGER TOKYO
Sustainability Science, 2011年,
[査読有り] Damage from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami - A quick reportMimura; N. K. Yasuhara; S. Kawagoe; H. Yokoki; S. Kazama, The Tohoku region, Northeast Japan, was hit by a gigantic earthquake which occurred in the Pacific close to Tohoku, and subsequently by a giant tsunami. These hazards have caused huge damage on the eastern coast Japan. The earthquake's magnitude was 9.0, the strongest ever recorded in Japan. The tsunami was also historical as its run-up height reached over 39 m. As of early May, 2011, over 24 thousand people were reported as dead or missing. Moreover, serious accidents at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants No. 1 were caused by the effects of the tsunami. Therefore, the damage faced by Japanese people can be seen as a giant composite disaster. Although Japan, and the northeast of Japan in particular, has over a long time period increased its preparedness against earthquakes and tsunamis, huge damage still occurred. This paper considers why this tragedy occurred, and what unrecognized factors contributed to the high vulnerability of the area. To assist in answering such questions, this paper presents a timely report of the features of the earthquake and tsunami, the damage they caused, and the early efforts for recovery and reconstruction., SPRINGER
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2011年,
[招待有り] 日本のビジョンと温暖化研究の課題
田村誠; 三村信男
サステイナブルな地球温暖化対応策, 2010年10月
浮遊細菌群の動態を考慮した汽水域生態系モデルの構築小山由美子・藤田昌史・信岡尚道・三村信男, We developed an ecosystem model for brackish lakes considering dynamics of suspended bacteria such as heterotrophs and nitrifier, and applied it to Hinuma Lake for its calibration and validation. The model predicted well seasonal water quality changes in 1998 and 2004 compared with the previous model in which the suspended bacteria were not incorporated as model components. In particular, the estimation of the biological reactions such as nitrification and denitrification was effective in the simulation of ammonia and nitrite concentration. Additionally, nitrogen balance in Hinuma Lake estimated from the simulation showed the reliability of the model structure., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海岸工学論文集, 土木学会, 2010年,
[査読有り] 熱帯低気圧による全球の高潮と沿岸脆弱性の推定
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2009年11月, [査読有り]
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2009年11月, [査読有り]
地球環境研究論文集,土木学会, 2009年09月, [査読有り]
地球環境研究論文集,土木学会, 2009年09月, [査読有り]
An Input-Output Analysis for Economic Losses of Flood caused by Global Warming: A Case Study of Japan at the River Basins Level
Hasegawa, R; M. Tamura; Y. Kuwahara; H. Yokoki; N. Mimura
The 17th International Input-Output Conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2009年07月
Asian and Oceania Coastal-Risk Projection due to Sea-Level Rise and Population Growth
Nobuoka H; N. Mimura; M. Tamura
5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coast, 2009年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2008年11月, [査読有り]
ODAプロジェクトに気候変動への対応を組み込むための適応機能評価の提案藤森眞理子・川西正人・三村信男, 気候変動による影響を受けやすい開発途上国において, 避け得ない影響に対する適応策を推進することの重要性が指摘されている. しかし多くの途上国においては, 現状の気象・気候条件に起因する災害や問題への対応も不十分であり, 適応のみが単独で行われるよりも, ODA等による地域開発計画支援の一環として実施される場合が多い. 本論文は, 従来のODA等による協力プロジェクトの事例分析を通して, 適応が備えるべき機能とは何かを考え, 従来の協力プロジェクトが「既に備えている適応機能」と, 「不足している適応機能」とを, 現場でプロジェクトに携わる実施者が容易に理解するための視点を提案した. さらに, より良い適応機能と効果を備えた協力プロジェクトにするための課題の考察も行った., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
環境システム研究論文集,土木学会, 2008年10月,
[査読有り] 大規模河川下流域を対象とした海面上昇による氾濫リスク推定のための基礎的分析桑原祐史・郡司美佳・横木裕宗・三村信男・小柳武和, 気候変動に伴い, 海面上昇による洪水の危険性が高まることが危惧されている. この影響の及ぶ範囲とその要素を把握する際には, 広域を面的に分析する必要がある. この点に関してGISの援用が有用である。しかし, このような情報を全国で統一した基準で評価する際に, 使用する地理情報の集計単位が様々であったり, 情報そのものが散在している点は否めない.本研究では, 日本全国を対象とした影響要素の把握を目指すために, まず, 分析のための流域データセット構築を進めた.続いて, 全国10の主要河川下流域を対象として, 護岸および堤防等の無い地形条件のみを考慮に入れたレベル湛水法による氾濫シミュレーションを行った. この分析を通して, 主要河川下流域を対象とした海域からの氾濫危険性の人口及び土地利用への影響を分析した., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
地球環境研究論文集,土木学会, 2008年08月,
[査読有り] Impacts of climate change and sea-level rise on cyclonic storm surge floods in BangladeshKarim; M.F.; and Nobuo Mimura, This paper describes the impacts of sea surface temperature (SST) rise and sea-level rise (SLR) on cyclonic storm surge flooding in western Bangladesh. A calibrated numerical hydrodynamic model was used to simulate surge wave propagation through the rivers and overland flooding. The model was calibrated with base condition (present climate), and then eight flooding scenarios of plausible future conditions were assessed by considering increased surge heights. Flooded area, flooding depth and surge intrusion length were computed by superimposing the predicted maximum water level information on a digital elevation model (DEM). This analysis showed that for a storm surge under 2 degrees C SST rise and 0.3 m SLR, flood risk area would be 15.3% greater than the present risk area and depth of flooding would increase by as much as 22.7% within 20 km from the coastline. Within the risk area, the study identified 5690 km(2) land (22% of exposed coast) as a high-risk zone (HRZ) where flooding of depth 1 m or more might occur, and people should move to nearby cyclone shelters during extreme cyclonic events. Predicted area of HRZ is 1.26 times the currently demarcated HRZ. It was estimated that 320 additional shelters are required to accommodate people in the newly identified HRZ. This information would be of value to policy and decision makers for future shelter planning and designing shelter heights. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCI LTD
Global Environmental Change, 2008年08月,
[査読有り] ベトナム国フエ市を対象とした気候変動が土地利用に及ぼす影響の分布
桑原祐史・横木裕宗・Maokhamphiou Sisouk・安原一哉・小柳武和・三村信男
応用測量論文集,(社)日本測量協会, 2008年, [査読有り]
Vulnerability assessment of sea-level rise in Viti Levu, Fiji IslandsGabriel Gravelle; Nobuo Mimura, Fiji is expected to come under increasing pressure and risk from various threats resulting from climate change and sea-level rise (SLR). Fiji consists of 332 islands and thus has a predominant and large coastline. Viti Levu is the largest and most important of the islands, harboring Fiji's capital city and most of the major towns concentrated around its coast. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the extent of possible sea-level rise using GIS, and to identify high-risk locations. Potential sea level rise was shown graphically as an output to determine where inundation or flooding would take place. This analysis allowed important areas facing risk to be highlighted for future action. Flooding/inundation can be classified into two kinds: 'permanent inundation', which is the result of sea-level rise with tide; and 'temporary flooding', also including occasional storm surge events. The inundated area was displayed under different projections and quantified. The results produced output maps showing the distribution of inundation/flooding around the island of Viti Levu as well as the extent of flooding. Six scenarios for sea-level rise were used (0.09, 0.18, 0.48, 0.50, 0.59, 0.88 m). Six scenarios for storm surge were used with return intervals of 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 years. High risk and priority locations are identified as Fiji's capital Suva, the major tourist center and arrival port of Nadi, and Fiji's second city Lautoka. Future action, adaptation and response strategies in these identified locations must occur to reduce risk from climate change., SPRINGER TOKYO
Sustainability Science, Springer, 2008年,
[査読有り] A mapping of global warming research based on IPCC AR4,Ai Hiramatsu; Nobuo Mimura; Akimasa Sumi, It is easy to get lost in the vast amount of knowledge that is currently produced. In this study, to get a comprehensive picture of current scientific knowledge about global warming issues, we developed a mapping framework for global warming research based on the relationships between nature and human society. The mapping includes seven phases: (1) socioeconomic activity and greenhouse gas emissions, (2) carbon cycle and carbon concentration, (3) climate change and global warming, (4) impacts on ecosystems and human society, (5) adaptation, (6) mitigation, and (7) social systems. We applied the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report to the mapping. The quantity of research results and their reliability were analyzed on the basis of expert judgment to better understand the extent to which current scientific knowledge provides answers to society's major concerns. The quantity and reliability of answers have increased in phases 2 and 3 relative to research in the Third Assessment Report. Although a large quantity of results have been produced in phases 4 and 6, they are not always sufficient. More studies are required in phases 1, 5, and 7, and the reliability of existing knowledge needs to be improved in these phases. Mapping global warming issues enabled us to visually comprehend the numerous and varied parts of global warming research as a whole and to discern gaps in knowledge and other research shortfalls., SPRINGER JAPAN KK
Sustainability Science, Springer, 2008年,
[査読有り] 開発途上国における気候変動への適応策に関する国際枠組みについて竹本明生・三村信男, 94)竹本明生・三村信男(2007):開発途上国における気候変動への適応策に関する国際枠組みについて,環境システム研究論文集,Vol.35,土木学会,pp.355-365.
環境システム研究論文集,土木学会, 2007年10月,
[査読有り] 開発途上国における気候変動への適応策に関する国際枠組みについて竹本明生,三村信男, 94)竹本明生・三村信男(2007):開発途上国における気候変動への適応策に関する国際枠組みについて,環境システム研究論文集,Vol.35,土木学会,pp.355-365., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
環境システム研究論文集,土木学会, 2007年,
[査読有り] マジュロ環礁を対象とした国土防護のための沿岸域ゾーニングプロセス桑原祐史,横木裕宗,佐藤大作,三村信男, 南太平洋島嶼国では, 気候変動に伴う海面上昇の影響による国土の喪失が危惧されている. そこで, 本研究では, マーシャル諸島共和国マジュロ環礁ローラ地区を対象として, 地形概況, 土地被覆および沿岸植生を考慮に入れた国土の防護のためのゾーニングマップの作成とその手順の整理を進めた. 現地調査により入手・取得した高空間分解能衛星, 現場写真および水準測量の各種データを使用し, 国土の基盤情報整備が必ずしも十分ではない地域を対象とした情報生成に関する検討を進めるとともに, 自然および社会特性に応じたゾーニング区分を定義した上で, 作業の手順をフロー図として整理し, GIS 援用による情報統合処理に基づくゾーニングマップを提示した., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木情報利用技術論文集,土木学会, 2007年,
[査読有り] Adaptation to Salinity Change Induced by Sea-Level Rise in Hinuma Lake, JapanNobuoka; H.; N. Mimura, Brackish water lake is home of peculiar organisms, as its salinity is middle of those of sea and fresh water. Its salinity changes sensitively with sea level, river flow rate and lake topography. Hinuma Lake is one of brackish water lakes in Japan and connects with the Pacific Ocean through a tributary and a major river. Therefore the inflow process of salt water to the lake is very complex. The purposes of this study are to estimate impact of sea-level rise on the lake salinity and to examine adaptation options to preserve ecosystem against the impact. To this end, we carried out a long-term observation on the inflow of sea water and seasonal change of salinity to understand the mechanism of sea water intrusion and to verify the numerical simulation model. The influence of topographic changes on salinity is also investigated for the last five decades. © 2008 Springer Netherlands., Springer Netherlands
Lakes and Coastal Wetlands, 2007年,
[査読有り] 複素主成分分析による波浪エネルギーフラックスが海浜変形へ及ぼす影響の解析
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2007年, [査読有り]
Influence of global warming on coastal infrastructural instabilityYasuhara; K.; S.Murakami; N.Mimura; H.Komine; J.Resio, The increasing infrastructure instability is an important issue in relation to the influences of global climate change in urban areas. A serious issue pertaining to this is the dual nature of damage triggered by events combined with climate change and natural hazards. For example, catastrophic damage could result from the combination of global warming with a great earthquake, which is a worst-case scenario. Although this worst-case scenario has rarely occurred and presents a low probability of occurrence, countermeasures must be prepared in advance based on an appropriate response and adaptation strategies. After an overview of possible infrastructural instabilities caused by global warming, methodologies are proposed placing emphasis on the increasing probability of infrastructural instability triggered by natural hazards resulting from groundwater-level (GWL) variations. These effects are expected to be particularly serious in coastal regions because of the influence of the rising sea level resulting from global warming. The influence of sea-level rises (SLR) will become apparent along with land subsidence because groundwater abstraction will become severe in coastal regions. Additionally, the probability of earthquake liquefaction increases if GWL rises in accompaniment with SLR. Using case histories, we examined the possible occurrence of these natural hazards as a result of global warming. Finally, possible countermeasures and adaptation strategies for reducing and mitigating infrastructure damage accelerated by global warming are described for each case in specific regions. In particular, special attention should be paid to adaptation strategies in coastal lowlands, which particularly suffer from the effects of land subsidence., SPRINGER TOKYO
Sustainability Science, Springer, 2007年
海域還元砂の最適な投入地点の選定手法に関する研究田島芳満,小塚将之,水流正人,石井敏雅,坂上武晴,百瀬和夫,三村信男, 海岸侵食の緩和を目的とした土砂の海域還元工法において, 効果的な土砂の還元地点, 量, 投入時期を選定するためには, 投入砂の挙動を精度良く予測する技術が不可欠となる.本研究ではこのような特定土砂の挙動の定量的・定性的な予測に適用可能なモデルの開発を試みた.モデルでは波・流れ共存場における粒子の移動速度をMadsen (1991) の掃流砂モデルと同様の概念に基づき新たに定義し, 移動層厚の概念を用いて土砂移動量を, ランダムウォークを用いて粒子の拡散効果をそれぞれ再現した.最後に実際の海浜にモデルを適用し, 新たに実施した蛍光砂調査によって得られた, 拡散を含む蛍光砂の移動形態の実測値と比較してモデルの妥当性を検証した., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2006年11月,
[査読有り] 阿字ヶ浦海岸汀線近傍における礫出現に関する現地調査熊谷隆,横木裕宗,三村信男, 茨城県の阿字ヶ浦海岸では, 海岸侵食とともに近年汀線付近への礫の出現が問題となっている. 本研究では, 定期的な現地観察を行い, 礫の出現と入射波エネルギーフラックスとの関係を明らかにした. また, 浅海部の海底状況調査や蛍光礫トレーサー追跡調査により, 岸沖・沿岸方向における礫の移動過程を明らかにした. これらの調査の結果, 阿字ヶ浦海岸南部の礫は元来地盤の下層にあったものが表層砂層の侵食によって露呈したものであること, 礫は高波浪ピークから4~5日後に出現すること, 常時波浪時においても, 礫は波の突っ込み点付近の分布帯と汀線付近を往復移動していることなどが明らかとなった., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2006年11月,
[査読有り] 茨城県沿岸の長期の高潮・津波浸水リスク
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2006年11月, [査読有り]
Perspective of Adaptation as Responses to Global Warming
Mimura, N
Global Environmental Research, 2006年, [査読有り]
Supporting climate change vulnerability and adaptation assessment in the Asia-Pacific region; an example of sustainability scienceHay; J.; N. Mimura, Sustainability is achieved only when there is full reconciliation between: (1) economic development; (2) meeting, on an equitable basis, growing and changing human needs and aspirations; and (3) conserving the limited natural resources and the capacity of the environment to absorb the mulitple stresses that are a consequence of human activities. The linkages between climate and sustainability are examined in the context of both the wider Asia-Pacific region and local level climate risks and adaptation responses. These findings are used to underpin and illustrate several implications for sustainability science. Climate change is seen as both an impediment to increasing sustainability and as an opportunity, though in most cases the former far outweighs the latter. Assessments of climate change vulnerability and risk are shown to be of critical importance because they inform decisions as to where resources for adaptation are best invested. They also show whether global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions need to be strengthened because of limits to adaptation. In practice, adaptation takes place at many levels, essentially ranging between tangible interventions at community and enterprise level and national and international efforts to strengthen the enabling environment for adaptation. It is informative to undertake regional assessments of adaptation, even though most adaptation interventions need to reflect local conditions, including local adaptive capacities. The foregoing findings, based in part on a series of regional and local case studies, lead to several recommendations for further research that will help reduce barriers to implementing responses that reduce climate related risks, including adverse consequences for sustainability. The recommendations relate to such themes as making optimum use of predictive capabilities, characterising the linkages between climate change and sustainability, implications of the required rates and magnitudes of adaptation, institutional responses that enhance adaptive capacity, use of new and traditional technologies, the multiple dimensions of social responsibility, and enhancing the enabling environment for adaptation at the community and enterprise level. If these recommendations are acted upon they will, in turn, help address much needed improvements in quantifying the costs and benefits of adaptation, prioritising adaptation options, assessing sustainable development tradeoffs, and monitoring the success of adaptation initiatives. Such improvements will have even greater utility if they are incorporated into user-friendly decision support tools for adaptation., SPRINGER JAPAN KK
Sustainability Science, Springer, 2006年,
[査読有り] ラディエーションストレスの鉛直分布形状と3次元海浜流
信岡尚道、J.A. Roelvink、A.J.H.M. Reniers、三村信男
海岸工学論文集、土木学会, 2005年11月
塩分浸入に着目した涸沼の環境解析信岡尚道、鈴木学、長谷川慎一、三村信男、鯉渕幸生、須能紀之, 涸沼における約40日間の多点集中観測データを用いて, 塩分浸入による流動場の変化と貧酸素水塊発生メカニズムの解明を試みた. 観測期間中に台風に伴う湖全体の淡水化が一旦生じ, その後に塩水塊が浸入する状態で塩分濃度, 流速やDOの変化を捉えた. 観測データから涸沼において, 遡上した海水が塩水楔を形成しながら湖内に浸入する時点ではまだ貧酸素化しておらず, その後密度成層が形成された後に貧酸素化することが明瞭に捉えられた. また長期水質観測データにより, 涸沼の水質変化にはDO・風・水温・微生物の活動が密接に関わっていることが分かった., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海岸工学論文集、土木学会, 2005年11月
沿岸漂砂量の岸沖分布を考慮した海岸線変化モデルの構築と阿字ヶ浦海岸への適用南陽介、横木裕宗、三村信男, 阿字ヶ浦海岸で生じている海浜変形を再現し, 効果的な侵食対策工に資するため, 本研究では沿岸漂砂量の岸沖分布を考慮した海岸線変化モデルを構築し, 汀線付近の詳細な地形変化の再現を試みた. その結果, 前浜の急勾配化を伴う断面地形変化の傾向を捉えることに成功した. また, 侵食対策工を想定して計算した結果, 離岸堤背後で地形変化が抑制され, 海浜地形が安定するという結果が得られた. さらに, 養浜砂が汀線付近に留まることを計算で確認できたことから, 今後も定期的な養浜を継続していくことで砂浜を保持できる可能性が示唆された., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海岸工学論文集、土木学会, 2005年11月
マングローブ林による波浪減衰効果の実験・数値的検討柳澤英明、横木裕宗、三村信男, 近年, 東南アジア諸国の沿岸部ではマングローブ植林が, 経済的に安価で, 自然環境にも適した減災対策として実施されている. 本研究では, マングローブ植林の防波効果を定量的に明らかにすることを目的とし, 模型実験および数値計算から波浪減衰を算定した. その結果, 植生の枝葉部分は短周期の波を大きく減衰させることが, 実験より明らかとなった. またマングローブ林を抵抗としてモデル化した数値計算で植林幅, 密度と透過率を検討し, 植林密度が1本/m2のときには岸沖幅100m程度の植林で, 70%以上の波高が削減できることが分かった. また, マングローブ林周辺の平面波浪場を解析し, マングローブ林背後での回折の効果を確認した., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海岸工学論文集、土木学会, 2005年11月
地球温暖化に伴う海面上昇に対する住民意識と長期的対策のあり方細見寛、角湯克典、内 田智、五味久昭、板橋直樹、三村信男, 海面上昇による外力の増大と少子高齢化による人口減少という, これまでにない社会条件下における海岸管理のあり方を検討するため, 沿岸域の住民を対象に防護・移転・減災対策に対する意識についてアンケート調査を実施した. その結果, 防護対策よりも移転や減災対策を望む人が多いこと, 危険区域の情報提供とともに, ある程度の経済的支援によって移転対策は実現可能であることを示す結果を得た. 移転対策の実施には国土保全の問題が残されるほか, 我が国の海岸線全域での実施は不可能であることから, 防護, 移転, 減災対策を適切に組み合わせるベストミックス政策を目指す必要があることを示した., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海岸工学論文集、土木学会, 2005年11月
Adaptation to Coastal Flooding in Bangladesh under Climate Change and Se-level Rise
M.F. Karim; N. Mimura
GREENHOUSE 2005 (Poster), 2005年11月
Management of Storm Surge Flood Risk in the Coastal Region of Bangladesh
M.F. Karim; N. Mimura; H. Nobuoka
Arabian Coast 2005, Dubai, UAE, 2005年11月
Sea-level rise: Implications for water resources managementHay; J.E.、N. Mimura, Globally, sea level has been rising for more than the last one hundred years, and is expected to do so into the foreseeable future, and at an accelerating rate. The direct influences of sea-level rise on water resources come principally from the following: new or accelerated coastal erosion
more extensive coastal inundation and higher levels of sea flooding
increases in the landward reach of sea waves and storm surges
seawater intrusion into surface waters and coastal aquifers
and further encroachment of tidal waters into estuaries and coastal river systems. The impacts of sea-level rise are likely to be felt disproportionately in certain areas, reflecting both natural and socio-economic factors that enhance the levels of risks. The opportunity to learn about the likely nature of, and most appropriate adaptation to, the anticipated impacts of sea-level rise on water resources is arguably best developed in rapidly subsiding coastal areas, and especially in low-lying deltas where subsidence rates are typically much larger than the historic rise in global mean sea level. Significantly, such areas are often major centres of population and of economic activity, thereby highlighting the human dimensions of sea-level rise. Sound management of the risks to water resources associated with sea-level rise requires enhancing adaptive capacity, mainstreaming adaptation, harmonizing responses to extreme events, variability and long-term change and strengthening regional and international cooperation and coordination. In this regard, the policies and initiatives of international organisations are not always entirely consistent with the needs of developing countries. © Springer 2005.
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Springer, 2005年10月
地球温暖化による海面上昇に対応するための海岸保全対策のあり方細見寛、角湯克典、内田智、藤森眞理子、鈴木信夫、三村信男, Japanese coasts have experienced extensive damage caused by storm surges and high waves which made new high records. The impacts of climate change and sea-level rise are suggested to increase in this century. To address these impacts, as protection by hard structures such as coastal dike and seawall has limited effects, integrated policy for coastal conservation should be introduced, combining hard and soft options. Soft options include land use change/regulation, early warning system and disaster prevention scheme. Trends of national population and financial conditions are another factors for the future policy. This paper examines coastal conservation and management policy against sea-level rise caused by global warming through review of existing policy framework in foreign countries as well as in Japan, options of integrated policy, questionnaire survey of coastal residents' opinion, and quantitative assessment of those options. Through these studies, future direction of coastal management is proposed taking into account the effects of climate change and sea-level rise., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海洋開発論文集、土木学会, 2005年07月
Three-Dimensional Nearshore Currents Model Using Sigma Coordinate System
Nobuoka, H; N. Mimura; J. A. Roelvink
Coastal Engineering 2004, ASCE, 2005年04月
Investigations on recent accelerated beach erosion on Ajigaura coast, Ibaraki, JapanYokoki; H.; N. Mimura; Y. Minami; H. Nobuoka, Bottom topographic and shoreline survey data as well as observed wave data were analyzed to identify the process and causes of the recent accelerated beach erosion occurred in Ajigaura coast these two years. Analyses of topographic data for whole the coast indicated that about 300,000 m(3) sediments in total had been transported northward on the shoreline area since 1998. The changes of the surf similarity parameter calculated using cross-shore profile data and wave data revealed that the recent accelerated beach erosion was caused by both southerly high wave energy and breaker-type change due to steepening of foreshore slope., WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD
Coastal Engineering 2004, ASCE, 2005年04月
Vertical profile of radiation stresses for 3D nearshore currents model
Nobuoka, H; J.A. Roelvink; A.J.H.M. Reniers; N. Mimura
Coastal Dynamic 2005, ASCE, 2005年04月
Analyses of Vulnerability to Flood Risk in Bangladesh -Bridging Scientific Research and Policy Development
M.F. Karim; N. Mimura
International Workshop on Community Level Adaptation to Climate Change, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2005年01月
Adaptation to Salinity Change Induced by Sea-Level Rise in Hinuma Lake, Japan
Nobuoka; H.; N. Mimura
Lake2004(in press), 2005年
Sea-level rise: Implications for water resources management
Hay, J.E; N. Mimura
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Springer, 2005年, [査読有り]
海岸工学論文集, 土木学会, 2004年11月
南太平洋島嶼国における海岸侵食と対策の課題P.Vanualailai, Coastal zones are precious environment for the small island countries in the South Pacific. The coastal zones consist of sandy beaches, coral reefs and mangroves, which have been kept natural for a long time. However, since around 1960, coastal erosion has become apparent, and today it is a prevailing problem in many islands. In this paper, the present situation of costal erosion is presented based on field and literature surveys for Fiji, Samoa, Tuvalu, Kiribati, etc. There are very few places where modernc oastal engineering was applied to design and construction of coastal protection measures such as seawalls. A major problem is; lack of scientific and technical knowledge for erosion, fragile materials used, lack of appropriate design of coastal structure, and poor financial, institutional and technological ability of governments of the island countries., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海洋開発論文集,土木学会, 2004年07月
Climate change and sea-level rise: Challenges to coastal science and engineering
Asia and Pacific Coasts 2003, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference, 2004年03月, [招待有り]
Precise nearshore currents model using sigma coordinate system
Asia and Pacific Coasts 2003, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference, 2004年03月
Present situation of coastal protection system in island countries in the South Pacific
Asia and Pacific Coasts 2003, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference, 2004年03月
沿岸海洋研究, 2004年, [招待有り]
Design of Clean Development Mechanism and its Potential in the Asia and Pacific Region
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2003年
Technology assessment of coastal protection systems in the South Pacific countries
Proc. Ibaraki University International Symposium, 2003年
3-D nearshore current model focusing on the effect of sloping bottom on radiation stresses
Coastal Engineering 2002, 2003年
Deducing the characteristics of large-scale beach topographic change by complex principal component analysis
Coastal Engineering 2002, 2003年
Formulation of dumped sand penetration into very soft mud layerM.Gomyo, Penetration and mixing of sand and bottom mud are important in sand capping works for more effective and efficient practice. In this study, dumped sand penetration into very soft mud is investigated on the basis of two ideas. One is introducing momentum preservation ratio α and another is dividing impact phenomena into two categories
collision and penetration. In the case of collision between a sand particle and very soft mud, it was found that α is almost one and penetration into soft mud can be simply formulated. An experimental formula is proposed and verified in actual practices., American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Coastal Engineering 2002, 2003年
A new method of sediment dumping to reduce environmental impactA.Kurihara; M. Gomyo, A new method for sediment dumping, "Double Tremie Tubes" was developed to reduce environmental impacts such as dispersion of suspended solids. Its functions to decrease both occurrence and dispersion of suspended solids are derived from unique flow pattern in the tubes caused by structural properties. Orifices, double tubes and interaction of water and sediment motion in tubes are fundamentally responsible for the effect. We confirmed all functions experimentally or by field observation in actual practices. Furthermore, a few important points to be considered in design and construction management are presented., American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Coastal Engineering 2002, 2003年
Vulnerability of the coastal zone to climate change and sea-level rise, Abstracts
World Climate Change Conference2003, 2003年
日本沿岸域学会論文集, 2003年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2003年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2003年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2003年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2003年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2003年
Vertical distribution of radiation stresses and 3-D nearshore currents around coastal structures
Proc. of 12th International Ocean and Polar Eng. Conf., 2002年
環境工学研究論文集,土木学会, 2002年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2002年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2002年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2002年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2002年
Distribution of vulnerability and adaptation in the Asia and Pacific region, Global Change and Asia Pacific Coasts
Proc. APN/SURVAS/LOICZ Joint Conference on Coastal Impacts of Climate Change and Adaptation in the Asia-Pacific Region, 2001年
Technology assessment of coastal protection systems in the South Pacific, Global Change and Asia Pacific Coasts
Proc. APN/SURVAS/LOICZ Joint Conference on Coastal Impacts of Climate Change and Adaptation in the Asia-Pacific Region, 2001年
Vulnerability to climate change and sea level rise in the Asia and Pacific Region
Proc. of Coastal and Ocean Engineering in Korea, 2001年, [招待有り]
Japanese coastal zone and framework of management
Proc. of the 10th Northeast Asian Conference on Environmental Cooperation, 2001年, [招待有り]
Toxicity existing in the sediment of river flowing into lakes
N.Kamiko; T. Sugimura
Proc. of 9th International Conference on the Conservation and Management of Lakes, 2001年
Development of low-cost absorbent and removal of phosphorus from river water
K.Yamazaki; K. Kamiko; H. Sahara
Proc. of 9th International Conference on the Conservation and Management of Lakes, 2001年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2001年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2001年
Impacts of sea-level rise on sandy beaches
Current Topics in Wetland Biogeochemistry, Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute, LSU, 2000年, [招待有り]
International Activities related to global warming
Proc. Thai/Japanese Symposium on the Comprehensive Assessment for Sea-Level Rise, 2000年, [招待有り]
Asian and pacific vulnerability assessment- An approach to integrated regional assessment
K. Sato; S. Machida
Proc Thai/Japanese Symposium on the Comprehensive Assessment for Sea-Level Rise, 2000年
海岸工学論文集, 土木学会, 2000年
緩傾斜海底面上の海浜流予測モデルの高精度化―radiation stressの鉛直分布の再検討―
信岡尚道,加藤 始
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 2000年
Coastal environmental Problems in Japan and related activities of Committee on Coastal Engineering JSCE
H. Yokoki
International Symposium on Progress in Coastal Engineering and Oceanography, 1999年11月
National Assessment Results of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, Climate Research, Special Issue 6 (Editor)
Inter-Research, 1999年
Three-dimensional nearshore currents model based on vertical distribution of radiation stress
H.Nobuoka; H. Kato
Coastal Engineering 98, 1999年
Vulnerability of island countries in the South Pacific to sea level rise and climate changeN Mimura, An assessment of the vulnerability to sea level rise and climate change was performed for island countries in the South Pacific (Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, and Tuvalu) under the collaboration of Japanese experts and the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme. A combination of experience-based and scientific methods were developed to reveal the overall vulnerability of and possible impacts on the coastal zone sectors. The studies identified the common impacts on and vulnerability of these countries. Inundation and flooding are the common threats to these islands because, of their low-lying setting; the problem is exacerbated by the social trends of population growth and migration to main islands, in particular to the capital cities. Other threats include beach erosion, saltwater intrusion, and impacts on the infrastructure and coastal society. For the island countries, the response to sea level rise and climate change focuses on adaptation rather than on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (that is, mitigation). Based on the results of the vulnerability assessment, the concept of and options for adaptation are also discussed., INTER-RESEARCH
Climate Research, 1999年
日本沿岸域学会論文集, 1999年
Regional issues raised by sea-level rise and their policy implicationsR.J.Nicholls, Global sea levels are rising and this change is expected to accelerate in the coming century due to anthropogenic global warming. Any rise in sea level promotes land loss, increased flooding and salinisation. The impacts of and possible responses to sea-level rise vary at the local and regional scale due to variation in local and regional factors. Policy responses to the human-enhanced greenhouse effect need to address these different dimensions of climate change, including the regional scale. Based on global reviews and analyses of relative vulnerability, 4 contrasting regions are selected and examined in more detail using local and national assessments. These regions are (1) Europe, (2) West Africa, (3) South, South-East and East Asia and (4) the Pacific Small Islands. Some potential impacts of sea-level rise are found to have strong regional dimensions and regional cooperation to foster mitigation approaches (to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and, hence, the magnitude of climate change) and adaptive solutions to climate change impacts would be beneficial. For instance, in South, South-East and East Asia subsiding megacities and questions about long-term deltaic management are common and challenging issues. The debate on mitigation and stabilisation of greenhouse forcing also requires information on regional impacts of different emission pathways. These results will be provided by integrated models, calibrated against national assessments., INTER-RESEARCH
Climate Research, 1998年
地理学報,中国地理学会, 1998年
日本沿岸域学会論文集, 1998年
日本沿岸域学会論文集, 1998年
Assessment of sea-level rise impacts on the coastal area of Funafuti, Tuvalu
Rabie, A; N. Mimura; T. Sannami; K. Yamada; K. Furuike
Proc. Pacific Coasts and Ports '97, 1997年
Regulation of nearshore circulation by submerged breakwater for shore protection
Nobuoka, H; I. Irie; H. Kato
Coastal Engineering 96, 1997年
Vulnerability of South Pacific Nations to Sea-Level Rise
P.D. Nunn
Journal of Coastal Research, 1997年
Vulnerability of Tonga to future sea-level rise
N. Pelesikoti
Journal of Coastal Research, 1997年
わが国沿岸域の特性評価 ---北海道, 茨城, 神奈川, 愛知, 三重, 福岡を対象にして---小島治幸,川森 晃,喜岡 渉,五明美智男,和田 清,横木裕宗
海岸工学論文集, 土木学会, 1997年
地球環境変動が沿岸域の社会・経済システムに及ぼす影響-LOICZ Focus4の研究計画に関連して-三村 信男, 本論では,国際的な研究の進展によって明らかにされつつある気候変動と海面上昇の影響を紹介する.最近の研究では温暖化による海面上昇の将来予測は下方修正されているが,大河川のデルタや太平洋の小島嶼国に対する脅威は依然として懸念される状況にある.世界規模での影響予測によれば,水没や氾濫に対するこれらの地域の災害ポテンシャルが増大し,また,農業,湿地帯に対して大きな影響が出るという結果が得られた.海岸・沿岸域システムは極めて多様な要素から成り立っているため,影響の全体像を把握するには至っていない.経済セクターや社会制度,文化などを含めて総合的な影響評価に取り組もうとすれば,学際的な研究組織を形成しなければならない.沿岸域の社会・経済システムに対する影響の評価を課題とするLOICZ Focus 4では,それに応える研究態勢を作る必要がある., 日本海洋学会沿岸海洋研究部会
沿岸海洋研究ノート, 1997年
信岡尚道,加藤 始
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 1996年
海岸工学論文集,第43巻,pp., 1996年
ひたちなか地区を対象とした土地被覆 変化の時系列変化に関する考察
環境情報科学論文集, 1996年
Evaluation of environment as a basis of integrated coastal zone management
S. Machida
COSU 95, pp., 1995年
Measurement of household's benefit from counter- measures against sea-level rise in small island country
Proc. 5th World Conf. of the RSA, 1995年
海岸工学論文集, 1995年
海岸工学論文集, 1995年
環境情報科学論文集, 1995年
Climate change in South and South-East Asia: Some implications for coastal areas
Nicholls, R.J; J.C. Topping
Jour. of Global Environment Engineering, 1995年
Methodology for the assessment of vulnerability of South Pacific island countries to sea-level rise and climate change
K.Yamada; P.D. Nunn
Jour. of Global Environment Engineering, 1995年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 1994年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 1994年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 1994年
中国地理学会地理学報, 1994年
地球温暖化に伴う海面上昇・気候変動に対する脆弱性評価支援データベースの構築町田聡,原沢英夫,山田和人, The Coastal Zone Management Subgroup (CZMS) of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) proposed a world-wide project of the vulnerability assessment on a case study basis. This paper describes a need of the databese for vulnerability assessment to sea level rise in Asian and Pacific region, which helps researchers to assess each study area in an objective and common method. Importance of the regional assessment in the Asia and Pacific is also stressed, and the first step of this regional assessment in the study area was carried out, using the Asian Pacific Database., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
環境システム研究, 1993年
Vulnerability assessment of coastal zones to sea-level rise: A case study on the Tianjin Coastal Plain, North China, by using GIS and Landsat Imagery
Proc. IPCC Eastern Hemisphere Workshop, 1993年
Impacts of sea-level rise and cost estimate of counter- measures in Japan
Kitajima, S; T. Ito
Proc. IPCC Eastern Hemisphere Workshop, 1993年
Database system for vulnerability assessment to sea-level rise: An Asia-Pacific VAS.Machida, The Coastal Zone Management Subgroup (CZMS) of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) proposed a world-wide project of the vulnerability assessment on a case study basis. This paper describes a need of the databese for vulnerability assessment to sea level rise in Asian and Pacific region, which helps researchers to assess each study area in an objective and common method. Importance of the regional assessment in the Asia and Pacific is also stressed, and the first step of this regional assessment in the study area was carried out, using the Asian Pacific Database., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Proc. IPCC Eastern Hemisphere Workshop, 1993年
Preliminary study on impacts of sea level rise and response strategies in Japan
T. Ito
Coastal Zone 93, 1993年
Impacts of sea level rise and a framework for their assessment
M. Isobe; K. Nadaoka
Proc. Intl. Conf. on Climatic Impacts on Environment and Society, 1992年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 1992年
海面上昇に対する沿岸域の脆弱性評価-中国渤海湾のケーススタディ-細川恭史,韓慕康,町田聡,山田和人, This paper describes two aspects on the assessment of vulnerability of coastal zones to sea level rise; a framework of procedures and results of a case study for China. The Coastal Zone Management Subgroup (CZMS) of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) proposed a world-wide project of the vulnerability assessment on a case study basis. CZMS also developed a common methodology and guidelines for this assessment, which consist of operational procedures of seven steps. These procedures are introduced in the first part of this paper.
A case study of vulnerability assessment was performed for Tianjin area located on the low-lying Bohai Bay Coast in China on the basis of the guidelines. In this case study, sea level rise of 0.3m and 1.0m, and additional rise by storm surge were considered as scenarios for future sea levels. Impacts on land area, population, assets, and economic activities were evaluated by analyzing geographical and socio-economic data and satelite remote sensing images. Fatal or very severe damages would occur in all the fields analyzed in the Tianjin area by the projected sea level rise., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
環境システム研究, 1992年
Recent activities of IPCC on the vulnerability assessment for sea level rise
Seminar on Mean Sea Level Monitoring, 1992年
Assessment of the vulnerability to sea level rise for the Kingdom of Tonga
Fifita, N.P; N. Mimura; N. Hori
Global Climate Change and The Rising Challenge of the Sea, IPCC/NOAA, 1992年
加藤 始
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 1991年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 1991年
海面上昇・地球温暖化の沿岸域への影響の諸相と影響評価の枠組細川恭史,磯部雅彦, An overview is presented on the possible impacts of sea level rise and climate change induced by global warming on the coastal zones through a literature review. Several changes in physical conditions are identified as basic impacts, including inundation, exacerbation of storm surge and coastal flooding, increase in erosion, and salt water intrusion into rivers and aquifers. Serious secondary impacts are brought about by these basic changes on the socio-economic activities and natural environment. In order to give a firm basis for establishing response strategies, a framework is developed for quantitative assessment for these impacts, on the basis of understanding the mechanisms of impact occurence by an event-tree analysis. Assessments are necessary to two primary fields, one is changes in physical external forces and the other vulnerability of socio-economic and natural systems in the coastal zone., Japan Society of Civil Engineers
環境システム研究, 1991年
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 1990年
加藤 始,永井紀彦,堀井昭彦
海岸工学論文集,土木学会, 1990年
Experimental study on the velocity field and salinity transport of the tidal river flow
Kato, K; N. Mimura
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Recent Japanese studies on cohesive sediments transport
Journal of Coastal Research, 1989年
Laboratory study on two-dimensional beach transformation due to irregular waves
Mimura, N; Y.Otsuka; A.Watanabe
Coastal Engineering 86, ASCE, 1986年
Oscillatory boundary layer flow over rippled bed
Sato, S; N.Mimura; A.Watanabe
Coastal Engineering 84, ASCE, 1984年
Diffusion characteristics of large scale heated discharge in the coastal region
Mimura; N.; K.Horikawa
Coastal Engineering in Japan, JSCE, 1982年
Environmental aspects of heated water discharged from coastal power station
Mimura N; K.Horikawa
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衛生工学研究討論会論文集、土木学会, 1979年
中立粒子浮遊流とカオリンフロック・カオリン浮遊流の乱流 特性
土木学会論文報告集, 1979年