マエダ トモキ
前田 知貴助教
Tomoki Maeda



  • 原子科学研究教育センター
  • 理工学研究科(博士前期課程) 量子線科学専攻
  • 理工学研究科(博士後期課程) 量子線科学専攻
  • 応用理工学野 ビームライン科学領域


  • ナノテク・材料, 高分子材料, 高分子・繊維材料
  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学), 材料力学、機械材料, 機械材料・材料力学


  • ソフトマテリアル


  • 2016年03月 博士(工学)(慶應義塾大学)
  • 2013年03月 修士(工学)(慶應義塾大学)


  • 2013年04月 - 2016年03月, 慶應義塾大学, 理工学研究科, 開放環境科学専攻
  • 2011年04月 - 2013年03月, 慶應義塾大学, 理工学研究科, 開放環境科学専攻
  • 2007年04月 - 2011年03月, 慶應義塾大学, 理工学部, 機械工学科


  • 2018年01月, 文部科学省, 卓越研究員
  • 2018年01月, 慶應義塾大学, 理工学部機械工学科, 訪問助教
  • 2018年01月, 茨城大学, フロンティア応用原子科学研究センター, 助教
  • 2015年04月 - 2017年12月, 慶應義塾大学, 理工学部機械工学科, 助教
  • 2016年02月 - 2016年03月, カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校, マテリアルリサーチラボラトリー, 訪問研究員
  • 2013年04月 - 2015年03月, 慶應義塾大学, 研究員(非常勤)
  • 2013年08月 - 2013年11月, カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校, マテリアルリサーチラボラトリー, 訪問研究員


  • 2018年01月, 第18回年会実行委員, 日本中性子科学会



  • 2018年12月, 優秀発表賞, 新規イミダゾリウム系カチオン性ラジカル重合開始剤による機能性ポリマーの創出


  • Contact-killing antibacterial polystyrene polymerized using a quaternized cationic initiator               
    Jitsuhiro; Akiko; Maeda; Tomoki; Ogawa; Akiko; Yamada; Sayuri; Konoeda; Yuki; Maruyama; Hiroki; Endo; Fuyuaki; Kitagawa; Midori; Tanimoto; Keishi; Hotta; Atsushi; Tsuji; Toshikazu
    ACS Omega, 2024年02月, [査読有り]
  • Water distribution in human hair elucidated by spin contrast variation small-angle neutron scattering
    Yohei Noda; Satoshi Koizumi; Tomoki Maeda; Takumi Inada; and Aya Ishihara
    Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2023年06月30日, [査読有り]
  • Microscopic depictions of vanishing shampoo foam examined by time-of-flight small-angle neutron scattering
    Satoshi Koizumi; Yohei Noda; Takumi Inada; Tomoki Maeda; Shiho Yada; Tomokazu Yoshimura; Hiroshi Shimosegawa; Hiroya Fujita; Munehiro Yamada; and Yukako Matsue, A novel surfactant of N–dodecanoyl–N–(2-hydroxyethyl)–β–alanine (coded as C12–EtOH–βAla) was synthesized by modifying the methyl group of N–dodecanoyl–N–methyl–β–alanine (coded as C12–Me–βAla). Amino-acid-type surfactants (C12–EtOH–βAla and C12–Me–βAla) are more healthy and environmentally friendly compared to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). To investigate the microstructures of these new surfactants, we employed a method of time-of-flight small-angle neutron scattering (TOF SANS) at a pulsed neutron source, Tokai Japan (J–PARC). The advances in TOF SANS enable simultaneous multiscale observations without changing the detector positions, which is usually necessary for SANS at the reactor or small-angle X-ray scattering. We performed in situ and real-time observations of microstructures of collapsing shampoo foam covering over a wide range of length scales from 100 to 0.1 nm. After starting an air pump, we obtained time-resolved SANS from smaller wave number, small-angle scattering attributed to (1) a single bimolecular layer with a disk shape, (2) micelles in a bimolecular layer, and (3) incoherent scattering due to the hydrogen atoms of surfactants. The micelle in the foam film was the same size as the micelle found in the solution before foaming. The film thickness (~27 nm) was stable for a long time (<3600 s), and we simultaneously found a Newton black film of 6 nm thickness at a long time limit (~1000 s). The incoherent scattering obtained with different contrasts using protonated and deuterated water was crucial to determining the water content in the foam film, which was about 10~5 wt%., MDPI
    Quantum Beam Science, 2023年01月29日, [査読有り]
  • Morphology and mechanical property of quenched poly(L-lactide)/N,N-dimethylacetamide gels               
    Shunya Inukai; Naruki Kurokawa; Fuyuaki Endo; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta
    Polymer, 2022年01月29日, [査読有り]
  • Thermoset poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate)-based polyurethane synthesized by RAFT polymerization and polyaddition               
    Shunsuke Tazawa; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta, 責任著者
    Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2021年12月15日, [査読有り]
  • Thermogelling nanocomposite hydrogel: PLGA molecular weight in PLGA-b-PEG-b-PLGA affecting the thermogelling behavior               
    Tomoki Maeda; Keishi Tanimoto; Atsushi Hotta, 筆頭著者, Wiley
    Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2021年11月17日, [査読有り]
  • Mechanical property of polypropylene gels associated with that of molten polypropylenes
    Tetsu Ouchi; Misuzu Yamazaki; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta
    Gels, 2021年07月23日, [査読有り]
  • Antithrombogenic poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate) elastomer via triblock copolymerization with poly(methyl methacrylate)
    Naruki Kurokawa; Fuyuaki Endo; Kenta Bito; Tomoki Maeda; and Atsushi Hotta, Elsevier
    Polymer, 2021年05月25日, [査読有り]
  • Degradation of thermoresponsive laponite/PEG-b-PLGA nanocomposite hydrogels controlled by blending PEG-b-PLGA diblock copolymers with different PLGA molecular weights
    Tomoki Maeda; Midori Kitagawa; Atsushi Hotta, 筆頭著者, Elsevier
    Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2021年02月16日, [査読有り]
  • Simultaneous crosslinking induces macroscopically phase-separated microgel from a homogeneous mixture of multiple polymers               
    Yuta Kurashina; Mio Tsuchiya; Atsushi Sakai; Tomoki Maeda; Yun Jung Heo; Filippo Rossi; Nakwon Choi; Miho Yanagisawa; Hiroaki Onoe, Elsevier
    Applied Materials Today, 2021年01月21日, [査読有り]
  • Mechanical, thermal, and microstructural analyses of thermoplastic poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate)-based polyurethane by RAFT and polyaddition               
    Shunsuke Tazawa; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta, 責任著者, The Royal Society of Chemistry
    Materials Advances, 2021年01月11日, [査読有り]
  • Advanced Small-angle Scattering Instrument Available in Tokyo Area II. Time-of-flight Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Developed on iMATERIA Diffractometer at High Intensity Pulsed Neutron Source J-PARC.
    Satoshi Koizumi; Yohei Noda; Tomoki Maeda; Takumi Inada; Satoru; Ueda; Takako Fujisawa; Hideki Izunome; Robert A. Robinson; Henrich; Frielingshaus, A method of time-of-flight, small-angle neutron scattering (TOF-SANS) has been developed based on the iMATERIA powder diffractometer at BL20, of the Materials and Life Sciences Facility (MLF) at the high-intensity proton accelerator (J-PARC). A large-area detector for SANS, which is composed of triple-layered 3He tube detectors, has a hole at its center in order to release a direct beam behind and to detect ultra-small-angle scattering. As a result, the pulsed-neutron TOF method enables us to perform multiscale observations covering 0.003 < q (Å−1) < 40 (qmax/qmix = 1.3 × 104) and to determine the static structure factor S(q) and/or form factor P(q) under real-time and in-situ conditions. Our challenge, using unique sample accessories of a super-conducting magnet and polarized neutron, is dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) for contrast variation, especially for industrial use. To reinforce conventional SANS measurements with powder materials, grazing-incidence small-angle neutron scattering (GISANS) or reflectivity is also available on the iMATERIA instrument., MDPI AG
    Quantum Beam Science, 2020年12月02日, [査読有り]
  • First experiment of spin contrast variation small-angle neutron scattering on the iMATERIA instrument at J-PARC
    Yohei Noda; Tomoki Maeda; Takayuki Oku; Satoshi Koizumi; Tomomi Masui; Hiroyuki Kishimoto
    Quantum Beam Science, 2020年09月25日, [査読有り]
  • The Large-Area Detector for Small-Angle Neutron Scattering on iMATERIA at J-PARC
    Yohei Noda; Hideki Izunome; Tomoki Maeda; Takumi Inada; Satoru Ueda; Satoshi Koizumi, An area detector with a central hole structure was built up for small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) on the iMATERIA instrument at Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). Linear position-sensitive detector tubes filled with 3He gas were arranged in three layers leaving a central hole. As a result of the calibration process, a SANS measurement with wide q-range from 0.007 Å−1 to 4.3 Å−1 was achieved in double-frame operation, supplying neutrons with wavelengths from 1 Å to 10 Å. As a merit of this central hole structure, neutron transmission can be measured simultaneously to reduce experimental time and effort. This is ideal for time-resolved studies, in which the sample transmission can be time-dependent, throughout the whole experiment. Additionally, the data storage system in ‘event mode’ format provides an excellent platform for such time-resolved experiments., MDPI AG
    Quantum Beam Science, 2020年09月23日, [査読有り]
  • SANS study on the nano-crystalline network structure of elastic physical gels made of syndiotactic polypropylene
    Fuyuaki Endo; Naruki Kurokawa; Keishi Tanimoto; Hiroki Iwase; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta, The structure-property relationship of an elastic physical gel, obtained by simply quenching syndiotactic polypropylene (sPP)/decahydronaphthalene solution with liquid nitrogen, was investigated based on small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) analysis. The SANS analysis revealed that sPP nanocrystals with a constant radius of 4-5 nm existed in the sPP gels regardless of the sPP concentration, whereas the correlation length of the nanocrystals drastically decreased from ∼130 to ∼20 nm upon increasing the sPP concentration from 2 to 12 wt%. The volume fraction and the number density of the sPP nanocrystals increased monotonously with the increase in the sPP concentration. The rheological properties and the melting behavior of the quenched sPP gels were highly consistent with the number density of the nanocrystals calculated from the SANS analysis, strongly suggesting that the sPP nanocrystals actually worked as crosslinking points by inducing elasticity in the quenched sPP gels., The Royal Society of Chemistry.
    Soft Matter, 2019年06月18日, [査読有り]
  • Micellar structure of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid in water investigated by combination of SAXS and SANS
    Takumi INADA; Sataru UEDA; Yohei NODA; Tomoki MAEDA; Kiyoshi KANIE; Satoshi KOIZUMI, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
    JPS Conference Prroceediings, 2019年03月28日, [査読有り]
  • Size-tunable MRI-visible nitroxide-based magnetic mixed micelles: preparation, stability, and theranostic application
    Nagura, Kota; Bogdanov, Alexey; Chumakova, Natalia; Vorobiev, Andrey; Moronaga, Satori; Imai, Hirohiko; Matsuda, Tetsuya; Noda, Yohei; Maeda, Tomoki; Koizumi, Satoshi; Sakamoto, Koichi; Amano, Tsukuru; Yoshino, Fumi; Kato, Tatsuhisa; Komatsu, Naoki; Tamura, Rui, Metal-free magnetic mixed micelles (mean diameter: 16 nm) composed of biocompatible surfactant Tween 80 and hydrophobic pyrrolidine-N-oxyl radical were prepared by mixing them in phosphate-buffered saline. The magnetic mixed micelles were characterized by dynamic light scattering and small angle neutron scattering measurements. The stability of the micelles is found to depend on the length of alkyl side chain in the nitroxide compounds and degree of unsaturation in the hydrophobic chain in the surfactant. The size of the mixed micelle can be tuned by changing the molar ratio of Tween 80 and nitroxyl radical. In view of theranostic application of the micelle, the cytotoxicity and stability in a physiological environment was investigated; the mixed micelle exhibited no cytotoxicity, high colloidal stability and high resistance towards reduction by large excess ascorbic acid. The in vitro and in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed sufficient contrast enhancement in the proton longitudinal relaxation time (T 1) weighted images. In addition, hydrophobic fluorophores and an anticancer drug are stably encapsulated in the mixed micelles and showed fluorescence (FL) upon reduction by ascorbic acid and cytotoxicity to cancer cells, respectively. For example, the paclitaxel-loaded mixed micelles efficiently suppressed cancer cell growth. Furthermore, they were found to give higher MRI contrast (higher r 1 value) in vitro than the micelles without paclitaxel. The magnetic mixed micelles presented here are promising theranostic agents in nanomedicine due to their high biocompatibility and high resistivity towards reduction as well as functioning as a drug carrier in therapy and MR or FL imaging probe in diagnosis., IOP Publishing
    Nanotechnology, 2019年03月19日, [査読有り]
  • Controlling the size of spherulite and the degradation of poly(butylene succinate-co-adipate) by solvent and gel preparation temperature
    Hana Yamazaki; Saya Kamitabira; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta
    Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2019年02月13日, [査読有り]
  • Thermoresponsive nanocomposite hydrogels based on PEG-b-PLGA diblock copolymer and laponite
    Tomoki Maeda; Midori Kitagawa; Atsushi Hotta; Satoshi Koizumi, 筆頭著者, MDPI
    Polymers, 2019年02月02日, [査読有り]
  • Uniformly dispersed polymeric nanofiber composites by electrospinning: Poly(vinyl alcohol) nanofibers/polydimethylsiloxane composites
    Kentaro Watanabe; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta, A method for the fabrication of homogeneous and well-dispersed polymeric nanofiber composites was investigated. Nanofiber fillers can be used to produce polymeric nanocomposites by mixing the fillers to base polymers, eventually enhancing the mechanical property of the matrix polymers. To produce such composites, nanofibers were usually sandwiched by molten matrix polymers at high temperature before molding. The traditional so-called sandwich method, however, was found to produce rather biased and inhomogeneous composites due largely to the solid entanglement of the nanofibers. In this work, unwoven polymer nanofibers were synthesized through electrospinning by controlling the electrostatic repulsion of the nanofibers. We modified the electrospinning apparatus for the direct synthesis of homogenous composites: nanofibers were electrospun and directly ejected from the electrospinning syringe to the matrix polymer solution (not in a solid state), where a regular metal electrode plate was replaced by an optimized metal container containing the base polymer solution. It was found that this new fabrication method could realize homogeneous mixing of the nanofibers that were eventually uniformly dispersed in the polymer solution. Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) was used for nanofibers and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) was used for polymer matrix. The field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) revealed the homogeneous and well-dispersed PVA nanofibers in the resulting PDMS composites. The composites also presented higher mechanical properties as compared with the composites fabricated by the traditional sandwich method., Elsevier Ltd
    Composites Science and Technology, 2018年09月08日, [査読有り]
  • Impact of hot wire and material gas species on the Cat-CVD coating of gas barrier SiOC thin films onto PET bottles
    Masaki Nakaya; Shigeo Yasuhara; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta, In an attempt to enhance the gas barrier property of plastic containers such as poly(ethylene terephthalate) bottles, a hot wire chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique for a type of SiOC thin film, which has been recently found to be applicable in this field, was further studied using different hot wire and material gas species. As a result, the authors found practically useful coating was possible with specific combinations of the hot wire and material gas species., Elsevier B.V.
    Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018年06月25日, [査読有り]
  • Composition-dependent sol-gel transition of amphiphilic blend of PEG with hydrophobic gallamide components
    Akihiro Aso; Kazutaka Taki; Tomoki Maeda; Kazunori Toma; Hitoshi Tamiaki; Atsushi Hotta, Two types of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based amphiphiles were synthesized: a diblock-type amphiphile (PEG1) with a hydrophobic moiety on one terminal of PEG (PEG with the molecular weight of 2000), and a triblock-type amphiphile (PEG2) with hydrophobic moieties on both terminals of PEG. The hydrophobic moiety consisted of hydrophobic C14 alkyl tails covalently linked through a gallamide component. The sol–gel transitions of the aqueous solution of PEG1 and PEG2 were studied. At the PEG amphiphile concentration of 15 wt %, PEG1 gave a clear solution over a wide temperature range from 20 to 80 °C, while PEG2 was partially soluble in water. However, the aqueous blend solution of PEG1 and PEG2 exhibited a hydrogel depending on the blend ratio and temperature. It was considered that the composition of PEG1 and PEG2 governed the sol–gel transition, and that the dynamic moduli could be effectively controlled by changing the mixing ratios of the PEG amphiphiles. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2018, 135, 45402., John Wiley and Sons Inc.
    Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2018年06月20日, [査読有り]
  • Thermoplastic polydimethylsiloxane with l-phenylalanine-based hydrogen-bond networks
    Shunsuke Tazawa; Atsushi Shimojima; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta, Thermoplastic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) containing l-phenylalanine was synthesized by the liquid-phase synthesis method with an Fmoc-protected amino acid and by the condensation polymerization. In order to investigate the mechanical and the thermoplastic properties of the PDMS with l-phenylalanine, the tensile testing and the dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) were conducted. From the results of the tensile testing, it was found that the stress at break of the PDMS with l-phenylalanine nearly became seven times higher than that of the PDMS without l-phenylalanine. The DMA results revealed that the PDMS could maintain its storage modulus for three heating cycles, while the melting temperature was also kept at ∼120 °C. Moreover, the mechanical property was analyzed through two remolding cycles, and it was found that the PDMS could almost maintain its mechanical property after the heat remolding. Finally, it was found that the PDMS also possessed some self-healing property, where the Young's modulus of the cut PDMS could maintain at least 70% of its original Young's modulus after contact and self-healing. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2018, 135, 45419., John Wiley and Sons Inc.
    Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2018年06月20日, [査読有り]
  • Mechanically Tough Syndiotactic Polypropylene (sPP) Gels Realized by Fast Quenching Using Liquid Nitrogen
    Fuyuaki Endo; Ryusuke Okoshi; Keita Takaesu; Naruki Kurokawa; Hiroki Iwase; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta, Physical gels have attracted considerable attention due to the remoldability deriving from the reversible cross-linking points made of noncovalent bonds. In this study, we report a facile method to realize a mechanically tough syndiotactic polypropylene (sPP) gel, one of the physical gels made of semicrystalline polymers. The sPP/decahydronaphthalene gel quenched using liquid nitrogen (GEL LN) presented the fracture stress of over 2 MPa with the fracture strain as high as while the sPP gel prepared at room temperature (GEL 25) presented the fracture stress of only 315 kPa and the fracture strain of similar to 0.3. The fracture stress was found to increase with the increase in the sPP concentration. Furthermore, the structural analyses of the sPP gels revealed that the quenching of the sPP gel suppressed the phase separation, eventually forming homogeneous nanocrystalline cross-linking network structures to produce a mechanically tough sPP gel., AMER CHEMICAL SOC
    MACROMOLECULES, 2018年03月, [査読有り]
  • PEG-based nanocomposite hydrogel: Thermo-responsive sol-gel transition and degradation behavior controlled by the LA/GA ratio of PLGA-PEG-PLGA
    Midori Kitagawa; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta, The sol-gel transition behavior and the degradation behavior of the nanocomposites consisting of laponite clay nanoparticles and poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide)-b-poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA-PEG-PLGA) triblock copolymers (laponite/PLGA-PEG-PLGA nanocomposites) were studied changing the LA/GA ratios of the PLGA blocks in the PLGA-PEG-PLGA. The thermo-responsive sol-gel transition at the physiological temperature (25–37 °C) was observed using the PLGA-PEG-PLGA with a high PEG/PLGA ratio of ∼0.8 regardless of the LA/GA ratios (LA/GA: 1.1, 4.0, and 8.8). The decomposition rates of the laponite/PLGA-PEG-PLGA nanocomposites at 37 °C were regulated by adjusting the LA/GA ratios (LA/GA: 1.1, 4.0, and 8.8). Specifically, ∼45% of the weight loss was observed after 10 days of the decomposition for the laponite/PLGA-PEG-PLGA nanocomposites with the LA/GA ratio of 1.1, while ∼30% of the weight loss was observed after 10 days of the decomposition for the laponite/PLGA-PEG-PLGA nanocomposites with the LA/GA ratios of 4.0 and 8.8., Elsevier Ltd
    Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2018年01月01日, [査読有り]
  • Gas and flavor barrier thin film coating to plastic closures               
    Masaki Nakaya; Kohei Motomura; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta
    Quarterly Physics Review, 2018年01月01日, [査読有り]
  • In vitro basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) delivery using an antithrombogenic 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) polymer coated with a micropatterned diamond-like carbon (DLC) film.
    Kenta Bito; Terumitsu Hasebe; Shunto Maegawa; Tomoki Maeda; Tomohiro Matsumoto; Tetsuya Suzuki; Atsushi Hotta, In this study, a newly designed drug-release platform composed of an antithrombogenic 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) polymer was introduced, which was impregnated with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) (bFGF/MPC polymer) to enhance the endothelial cell activation. The platform was also coated with an ultrathin micropatterned diamond-like carbon (DLC) film (DLC/bFGF/MPC polymer) to precisely control the drug release rate and the cell compatibility. The resulting DLC/bFGF/MPC polymer could effectively prolong the bFGF release rate by depositing the micropatterned DLC. The number of adherent platelets on the DLC/bFGF/MPC polymer was significantly lower (about 1/14) than that on a currently used stent made of stainless steel (SUS316L), indicating the enhanced antithrombogenicity in the DLC/bFGF/MPC polymer. The proliferation of endothelial cells on the DLC/bFGF/MPC polymer and the DLC/MPC polymer (without bFGF) were also examined. It was found that the optical density of HUVEC on the DLC/bFGF/MPC polymer determined by WST-8 assay was higher by 25%than that on the DLC/MPC polymer (without bFGF) measured after 72 h of incubation. Our results suggest that the released bFGF that contributes to the expression of other growth factors results in the early proliferation of the HUVEC on the DLC/bFGF/MPC polymer. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A: 105A: 3384-3391, 2017.
    Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A, 2017年12月, [査読有り]
  • PEG-based nanocomposite hydrogel: Thermoresponsive sol-gel transition controlled by PLGA-PEG-PLGA molecular weight and solute concentration
    Makoto Miyazaki; Tomoki Maeda; Kenji Hirashima; Naruki Kurokawa; Koji Nagahama; Atsushi Hotta, A PEG-based copolymer with a high PEG ratio was synthesized and the sol-gel transition temperature (T-gel) around the physiological temperature (25 degrees C-37 degrees C) was achieved. Specifically, we synthesized a triblock PEG copolymer of poly ((D),(L)-lactide-co-glycolide)-b-poly (ethylene glycol)-b-poly ((D),(L-)lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA-PEG-PLGA) with different molecular weights and a high PEG/PLGA ratio of 0.80. By adding synthetic clay (laponite) to an aqueous solution of the PEG-based copolymer, it was found that the discriminating concentration combinations of the laponite (from 0.75 to 1.5 wt%) and the PLGA-PEG-PLGA (from 2.0 to 5.0 wt%) could effectively regulate the T-gel to fall between 25 degrees C and 37 degrees C (physiological temperature), simultaneously controlling the storage and the loss moduli of the specimens studied by the dynamic mechanical analyses (DMA). The structural analyses were also performed by the cryo-TEM and the high-resolution small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements at SPring-8, Japan. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCI LTD
    POLYMER, 2017年04月, [査読有り]
  • Syndiotactic polypropylene nanofibers obtained from solution electrospinning process at ambient temperature
    Tomoki Maeda; Keita Takaesu; and Atsushi Hotta, 筆頭著者, Fabrication of semicrystalline syndiotactic polypropylene (sPP) nanofibers by solution electrospinning was studied. It was found that sPP nanofibers with an average diameter of 230 nm were successfully fabricated via solution electrospinning with methylcyclohexane as solvent at room temperature (25 degrees C). The obtained diameter was significantly thinner than the minimum diameter of 350 nm of PP fibers that were reported previously. It was also found that increasing viscosity of the sPP solution, which was customarily a useful way of fabricating noncrystalline thin fibers, was found ineffectual in producing thinner semicrystalline sPP fibers in our experiments. In fact, a careful selection of solvent by considering the evaporation rate and the specific viscosity could effectively lead to the fabrication of thinner sPP fibers by imposing proper elongation and preventing the sPP solution from gelation. The results could be applied to other semicrystalline polyolefins with similar gelation characteristics analogous to sPP to produce thinner nanofibers. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., WILEY-BLACKWELL
    Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015年12月10日, [査読有り]
  • Syndiotactic polypropylene nanofibers obtained from solution electrospinning process at ambient temperature               
    Tomoki Maeda; Keita Takaesu; Atsushi Hotta
    Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015年12月10日, [査読有り]
  • Biodegradability, reprocessability, and mechanical properties of polybutylene succinate (PBS) photografted by hydrophilic or hydrophobic membranes
    Sawako Mizuno; Tomoki Maeda; Chiharu Kanemura; Atsushi Hotta, The biodegradability and the reprocessability of surface-modified polybutylene succinate (PBS) covalently grafted by hydrophilic or hydrophobic membrane were investigated. The original ungrafted PBS already possesses desirable mechanical and thermal properties, which are very close to those of widely used polyolefins such as polyethylene and polypropylene, but the intrinsic inflexible biodegradability of PBS is still limiting its practical use. Controlling the biodegradability and the reprocessability of PBS, therefore, is necessary to extend the usage of PBS. In this research, the surface of PBS was modified by the photografting polymerization of hydrophilic acrylic acid (AA) and hydrophobic styrene (St) monomers. The surface of PBS became more hydrophilic by increasing the reaction time of the photografting polymerization of AA (or hydrophobic when St was used). Additionally, to estimate the reprocessability of the photografted PBS, the surface-modified PBS was carefully remolded and hence the grafted-membrane was evenly dispersed in the reprocessed and recycled PBS. The structural and mechanical analyses of the modified PBS revealed that the biodegradability and the reprocessability of PBS were effectively controlled by the surface modification via the photografting polymerization and the successive internal dispersion of the grafted membrane. These experimental results may highly provide a new possibility of the extensive use of PBS as an alternative material for polyolefins. (c) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCI LTD
  • Poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine) (MPC) nanofibers coated with micro-patterned diamond-like carbon (DLC) for the controlled drug release
    Kenta Bito; Tomoki Maeda; Katsuya Hagiwara; Soki Yoshida; Terumitsu Hasebe; Atsushi Hotta, © Japanese Society of Biorheology 2015. Attaining high hemocompatibility and promoting endothelialization are two major keys to solve the endoleak problems observed in existing stent-grafts. For the satisfactory long-term use of the stent-grafts, blocking the endoleak symptom is highly essential. This paper deals with the fabrication of electrospun nanofibers made of antithrombogenic poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine) (MPC) containing drug that can sustain the endothelial activity of the MPC nanofibers. Moreover, the drug release was controlled by micro-patterned diamond-like carbon (DLC) coated on the MPC nanofibers. It was found that MPC nanofibers retained excellent hemocompatibility and that the micro-patterned DLC efficiently controlled the drug-release rate of MPC fibers.
    Journal of Biorheology, 2015年, [査読有り]
  • Effects of salt concentrations of the aqueous peptide-amphiphile solutions on the sol-gel transitions, the gelation speed, and the gel characteristics
    Takahiro Otsuka; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta, Hydrogels made of peptide amphiphiles (PA) have attracted a lot of interest in biomedical fields. Considering the applications of PA hydrogels, the control of the gelation speed and the gel characteristics is essential to predominantly determine the usefulness and practicability of the hydrogels. In this work, the effects of the salt concentrations using sodium dihydrogenorthophosphate (NaH<
    ) on the sol-gel transition behaviors, especially the gelation speed and the gel characteristics of the designed PA (C16-W3K) hydrogels in aqueous solution were discussed. It was found that the original solution state before rheological testing was independent of the salt concentration, which was confirmed by observing the self-assembly structures and the peptide secondary structures of PA through transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD). The PA solutions with different salt concentrations, however, presented a profound difference in the gelation speed and the gel characteristics: the solution exhibited higher gelation speeds and higher mechanical properties at higher salt concentrations. Concurrently, the density, the length of wormlike micelles, and the conformational ratio of β-sheets to α-helices in the equilibrium PA solutions all increased with the increase in the salt concentrations., American Chemical Society
    Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2014年10月02日, [査読有り]
  • Effects of salt concentrations of the aqueous peptide-amphiphile solutions on the sol-gel transitions, the gelation speed, and the gel characteristics
    Takahiro Otsuka; Tomoki Maeda; and Atsushi Hotta, Hydrogels made of peptide amphiphiles (PA) have attracted a lot of interest in biomedical fields. Considering the applications of PA hydrogels, the control of the gelation speed and the gel characteristics is essential to predominantly determine the usefulness and practicability of the hydrogels. In this work, the effects of the salt concentrations using sodium dihydrogenorthophosphate (NaH2PO4) on the sol-gel transition behaviors, especially the gelation speed and the gel characteristics of the designed PA (C16-W3K) hydrogels in aqueous solution were discussed. It was found that the original solution state before rheological testing was independent of the salt concentration, which was confirmed by observing the self-assembly structures and the peptide secondary structures of PA through transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD). The PA solutions with different salt concentrations, however, presented a profound difference in the gelation speed and the gel characteristics: the solution exhibited higher gelation speeds and higher mechanical properties at higher salt concentrations. Concurrently, the density, the length of wormlike micelles, and the conformational ratio of beta-sheets to alpha-helices in the equilibrium PA solutions all increased with the increase in the salt concentrations., AMER CHEMICAL SOC
    Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2014年09月08日, [査読有り]
  • Preparation and characterization of 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine polymer nanofibers prepared via electrospinning for biomedical materials
    Tomoki Maeda; Katsuya Hagiwara; Soki Yoshida; Terumitsu Hasebe; Atsushi Hotta, Electrospun nanofibers of poly (2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine) (MPC) possessing excellent hemocompatibility were successfully fabricated first. These nanofibers were investigated as drug-delivery vehicles for suppressing the acute thrombogenicity of vascular grafts to lower the risk of coronary artery disease by improving the graft patency rate
    the graft patency rate is the percentage of patients who do not have any blockage in a graft after a stent-graft treatment. We varied the MPC concentrations in ethanol from 1 to 10 wt % to fabricate electrospun MPC fibers. Scanning electron microscopy images revealed that when the MPC concentration was lower than 5 wt %, beads instead of fibers were formed. When the MPC concentration was increased (>
    5 wt %), uniform fibers were produced with average fiber diameters of about 160 nm (5 wt %), 640 nm (7.5 wt %), and 1270 nm (10 wt %). In vitro drug-release tests showed that a higher amount of drugs was diffused from MPC fibers with small diameters
    this indicated a faster drug-release rate for the thinner MPC fibers. Diameter-controlled MPC fibers could be used as a new vascular graft materials. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014, 131, 40606. Copyright © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., John Wiley and Sons Inc.
    Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014年07月15日, [査読有り]
  • A nanocomposite approach to develop biodegradable thermogels exhibiting excellent cell-compatibility for injectable cell delivery
    Naho Oyama; Hiromasa Minami; Daichi Kawano; Makoto Miyazaki; Tomoki Maeda; Kazunori Toma; Atsushi Hotta; Koji Nagahama, A new class of injectable nanocomposite thermogels having excellent cell-compatibility were developed through cooperative self-assembly of biodegradable poly(lactide-co-glycolide)-b-poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(lactide-co-glycolide) copolymer micelles and clay nanosheets for effective cell delivery. This study will be valuable for the establishment of injectable cell delivery technology., ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY
    BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE, 2014年, [査読有り]


  • 中性子全反射法による固体表面の組成分析〜ゴムの固着と劣化のその場観察を目指して〜
    小泉智,麻生修平,前田 知貴,上野真寛,仲摩雄季,武山慶久
    月刊ソフトマター, 2020年03月05日
  • 市販の製品そのものの評価が可能な量子線顕微装置-動的核スピン偏極コントラスト変調による中性子小角散乱
    小泉智,能田洋平,前田 知貴
    月刊ソフトマター, 2020年03月05日
  • 大強度陽子加速器の中性子小角散乱ー製品そのものを分析する技術を目指してー
    月刊ソフトマター, 2018年06月05日


  • 次世代ポリオレフィン総合研究 Vol.16               
    前田知貴,堀田篤, 共著
    株式会社三恵社, 2023年11月30日, [査読有り]
  • 次世代ポリオレフィン総合研究 Vol.15               
    前田知貴,堀田篤, 共著
    株式会社三恵社, 2022年11月30日, [査読有り]
  • 次世代ポリオレフィン総合研究 Vol.14               
    前田知貴,堀田篤, 共著
    株式会社三恵社, 2021年12月20日, [査読有り]
  • エレクトロスプレー/スピニング法とその応用               
    黒川成貴,前田知貴,堀田篤, 分担執筆
    シーエムシー出版, 2021年04月01日
  • Handbook of Modern Coating Technologies               
    Tomoki Maeda; Fuyuaki Endo; Kazuhisa Tsuji; Atsushi Hotta, 共著
    Elsevier, 2020年08月, [査読有り]
  • 生体吸収性材料の開発と安全性評価               
    技術情報協会, 2017年12月27日
  • 次世代ポレオリフィン総合研究 Vol. 11               
    前田知貴,堀田篤, 共著
    三恵社, 2017年11月, [査読有り]
    N. Kurokawa; F. Endo; T. Maeda; A. Hotta
    Elsevier, 2017年03月06日
  • ポリプロピレンの構造制御と複合化、成形加工技術               
    技術情報協会, 2016年06月30日
  • 動的粘弾性チャートの解釈事例集               
    技術情報協会, 2016年01月29日
  • Printing on Polymers               
    K. Tsuji; T. Maeda; A. Hotta
    Elsevier, 2015年09月29日
  • Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) Based Blends, Composites and Nanocomposites               
    T. Maeda; F. Endo; A. Hotta
    Elsevier, 2015年08月21日
  • Comprehensive Guide for Nanocoatings Technology               
    T. Maeda; K. Hagiwara; T. Hasebe; A. Hotta
    Nova Science Publishers, 2015年07月
  • 次世代ポリオレフィン総合研究Vol.7               
    三恵社, 2013年12月


  • DNP-SANSによるマルチネットワークエラストマーの構造解析               
    岩﨑慶太郎・知野圭介; 小泉 智・能田洋平・前田知貴・高橋寛多
    日本ゴム協会第33回エラストマー討論会, 2022年12月15日
    20221215, 20221216
  • Water distribution in human hair fiber, analysis by DNP-SANS approach               
    Yohei Noda; Satoshi Koizumi; Tomoki Maeda; Takumi Inada; Aya Ishihara; Hiroyuki Inoue
    第71回高分子討論会, 2022年09月06日
    20220905, 20220907
  • Water in Nafion investigated by DNP SANS               
    Satoshi Koizumi; Yohei Noda; Takumi Inada; Tomoki Maeda; Henrich Fielinghaus; Olf Holderer
    第71回高分子討論会, 2022年09月06日
    20220905, 20220907
  • コントラスト変調小角散乱法を用いた組成傾斜ブロック共重合体の構造解析               
    山本 勝宏、不破 良明、小泉 智、能田 洋平、前田 知貴、高木 秀彰
    第71回高分子討論会, 2022年09月05日
    20220905, 20220907
  • シンジオタクチックポリプロピレン(sPP)乾燥ゲルの力学物性               
    第16回次世代ポリオレフィン総合研究会, 2022年08月23日
  • コントラスト変調小角散乱法を用いた組成傾斜ブロック共重合体の構造解析               
    山本勝宏・不破良明; 小泉 智・能田洋平・前田知貴; 高木秀彰
    日本ゴム協会2022年年次大会, 2022年05月31日
    20220530, 20220531
  • Fabrication of poly(ether ketone) nanofibers by solution electrospinning               
    Tomoyuki Nomura; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta
    第71回高分子学会年次大会, 2022年05月27日
    20220525, 20220527
  • Fabrication of high heat-resistant polyarylate nanofibers by electrospinning               
    Shigeki Okada; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta
    第71回高分子学会年次大会, 2022年05月26日
    20220525, 20220527
  • DNP SANS study of water distribution in hair fiber microstructure at swollen state               
    Yohei Noda; Satoshi Koizumi; Tomoki Maeda; Takumi Inada; Mitsuki Tanaka; Aya Ishihara; Hiroyuki Inoue
    第71回高分子学会年次大会, 2022年05月26日
    20220525, 20220527
  • Synthesis of thermoplastic poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate)-based polyurethane               
    Tomoki Maeda; Shunsuke Tazawa; Atsushi Hotta
    第71回高分子学会年次大会, 2022年05月26日
    20220525, 20220527
  • 高耐熱ポリエーテルケトンナノファイバーのエレクトロスピニング法による作製               
    野村 智之、前田 知貴、堀田 篤
    第71回高分子学会年次大会, 2022年05月26日
    20220525, 20220527
  • ポリアリレートのナノファイバー作製:ピリジン/クロロホルム混合溶媒を用いた溶液エレクトロスピニング               
    岡田 成生、前田 知貴、堀田 篤
    第71回高分子学会年次大会, 2022年05月26日
    20220525, 20220527
  • Degradable nanocomposite hydrogel: thermoresponsive gelation and controlled degradation               
    Tomoki Maeda
    Pacifichem 2021, 2021年12月20日
    20211216, 20211221
  • PEG-rich polymeric surfactants with poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) blocks for thermoresponsive nanocomposite hydrogels               
    Tomoki Maeda
    Pacifichem 2021, 2021年12月20日
    20211216, 20211221
  • Thermoplastic poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate)-based Polyurethane and Its Antithrombogenicity               
    Shunsuke Tazawa; Tomoki Maeda; Masamitsu Nakayama; Atsushi Hotta
    2021 MRS FALL MEETING & EXHIBIT, 2021年12月07日
    20211206, 20211208
  • Thermosetting and Mechanical Property of poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate)-Based PolyurethaneSynthesized by RAFT Polymerization and Polyaddition               
    Shunsuke Tazawa; Tomoki Maeda; Atsushi Hotta
    2021 MRS FALL MEETING & EXHIBIT, 2021年12月06日
    20211206, 20211208
  • 時分割中性子小角散乱法によるシャンプー泡のその場観察               
    2021年繊維学会秋季研究発表会, 2021年11月19日
    20211118, 20211119
  • 中性子線を用いた時分割小角散乱による絹糸の乾燥過程の定量評価               
    2021年繊維学会秋季研究発表会, 2021年11月18日
    20211118, 20211119
  • 動的核スピン偏極コントラスト変調法による毛髪繊維微細構造内の水分布評価               
    能田洋平、小泉智、前田知貴、稲田拓実、田中 三喜、石原綾、井上宏之
    第70回高分子討論会, 2021年09月08日
    20210906, 20210908
  • 動的核スピン偏極小角中性子散乱法によるブロック共重合体の構造解析2               
    山本勝宏、安藤健成、小泉智、能田洋平、前田 知貴
    第70回高分子討論会, 2021年09月08日
    20210906, 20210908
  • 新しい中性子コントラスト変調法 -動的核スピン偏極の水系への発展-               
    第70回高分子討論会, 2021年09月08日
    20210906, 20210908
  • PEG-rich triblock copolymers with PLGA end-blocks for thermogelling and degradable nanocomposite hydrogels               
    Tomoki Maeda; Satoshi Koizumi; Atsushi Hotta
    第70回高分子討論会, 2021年09月07日
    20210906, 20210908
  • 中性子全反射法による金属表面の組成分析,焼き付きゴムの場合               
    小泉 智,麻生脩平,前田知貴; 武山慶久,上野真寛,仲摩雄季
    第70回高分子討論会, 2021年09月07日
    20210906, 20210908
  • 暗視野中性子イメージング法の開発と現状               
    第70回高分子討論会, 2021年09月07日
    20210906, 20210908
  • パルス中性子線による結城紬の湿潤、乾燥過程のその場観察               
    小泉智、田中三喜、能田洋平、前田知貴、篠塚 雅子、中野睦子
    第70回高分子討論会, 2021年09月06日
    20210906, 20210908
  • sPPゲルの作製とその乾燥ゲルの構造と吸油性               
    第15回次世代ポリオレフィン総合研究会, 2021年08月25日
  • DNP-SANS study on micro-structure of human hair fiber               
    Yohei Noda、Satoshi Koizumi、Tomoki; Maeda、Takumi Inada、Mitsuki Tanaka、Aya Ishihara、Hiroyuki Inoue
    第70回高分子学会年次大会, 2021年05月28日
    20210526, 20210528
  • 動的核スピン偏極小角中性子散乱法によるブロック共重合体の構造解析               
    山本勝宏、安藤健成 、小泉智、能田洋平、前田知貴
    第70回高分子学会年次大会, 2021年05月28日
    20210526, 20210528
  • 作動状態の固体高分子形燃料電池のその場を観,察するパルス中性子小角散乱               
    第70回高分子学会年次大会, 2021年05月26日
    20210526, 20210528
  • 中性子全反射法による金属表面の組成分析,焼き付きゴムの場合               
    小泉 智,麻生脩平,前田知貴; 武山慶久,上野真寛,仲摩雄季
    2021年年次大会, 2021年05月21日, 一般社団法人日本ゴム協会
    20210520, 20210521
  • 動的核スピン偏極中性子コントラスト変調法による架橋構造の定量化               
    能田洋平; 小泉智; 増井友美; 岸本浩通; 前田知貴
    第69回高分子討論会, 2020年09月17日
    20200916, 20200918
  • 小型中性子源の3軸分光器による高分子ダイナミクス研究               
    小泉智; 能田洋平; 前田知貴; 大竹淑恵; 小林知洋
    第69回高分子討論会, 2020年09月17日
    20200916, 20200918
  • Grazing incidence small-angle scattering on a single film of shampoo surfactant               
    小泉智; 鬼澤岬; 前田知貴; 能田洋平; 藤田博也; 下瀬川紘
    第69回高分子討論会, 2020年09月17日
    20200916, 20200918
  • Neutron reflectometry under atmospheric pressure at iMATERIA for in-situ monitoring of polymer-brush growth               
    前田知貴; 齊藤元輝; 稲田拓実; 能田洋平; 小泉智
    第69回高分子討論会, 2020年09月17日
    20200916, 20200918
  • 大強度陽子加速器J-PARCの中性子産業利用 iMATERIA装置における動的核スピン偏極コントラスト変調法               
    小泉智; 能田洋平; 前田知貴
    第69回高分子討論会, 2020年09月16日
    20200916, 20200918
  • Surface structure of polymer electrolyte membrane -Observation by grazing incidence X ray scattering-               
    小泉智; 宍戸嵩希; 前田知貴
    第69回高分子学会年次大会, 2020年05月29日
    20200527, 20200529
  • シャンプーの単泡膜の斜入射小角散乱               
    小泉智; 鬼澤岬; 前田知貴; 能田洋平
    第69回高分子学会年次大会, 2020年05月28日
    20200527, 20200529
  • PEG-b-PLGA/laponite thermoresponsive hydrogel: Degradation behavior of PEG-b-PLGA diblock copolymers               
    前田知貴; 堀田篤; 小泉智
    第69回高分子学会年次大会, 2020年05月28日
    20200527, 20200529
  • Elucidation of crosslinks by dynamic nuclear polarization & neutron contrast variation method 1               
    小泉智; 能田洋平; 前田知貴; 増井友美; 岸本浩通
    第69回高分子学会年次大会, 2020年05月27日
    20200527, 20200529
  • Elucidation of crosslinks by dynamic nuclear polarization & neutron contrast variation method 2               
    能田洋平; 小泉智; 増井友美; 岸本浩通; 前田知貴
    第69回高分子学会年次大会, 2020年05月27日
    20200527, 20200529
  • Contrast Variation Small Angle Neutron Scattering Using Proton Spin Polarization at SANS Spectrometer iMATERIA (BL20), J-PARC               
    Yohei NODA; Tomoki MAEDA; Takayuki OKU; Satoshi KOIZUMI; Tomomi MASUI; Hiroyuki KISHIMOTO
    Materials Research Meeting 2019, 2019年12月11日, [招待有り]
    20191210, 20191214
  • Contrast Variation Small Angle Neutron Scattering Using Proton Spin Polarization at SANS Spectrometer iMATERIA (BL20), J-PARC               
    Yohei NODA; Tomoki MAEDA; Takayuki OKU; Satoshi KOIZUMI; Tomomi MASUI; Hiroyuki KISHIMOTO
    Materials Research Meeting 2019, 2019年12月10日, [招待有り]
  • イミダゾリウム系カチオン性ラジカル重合開始剤を用いた抗菌性ポリスチレンシートの開発               
    實廣 亜希子,辻 俊一,前田 知貴; 此枝 優希; 小泉 英樹; 堀田 篤
    第41回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会, 2019年11月24日
  • イミダゾリウム系カチオン性ラジカル重合開始剤による抗菌ポリマー材料               
    第28回ポリマー材料フォーラム, 2019年11月21日
  • 茨城県材料構造解析装置iMATERIA における動的核スピン偏極コントラスト変調中性子散乱のゴム材料への応用               
    第68回高分子討論会, 2019年09月25日
  • シャンプーの単泡膜の射入射小角散乱               
    第68回高分子討論会, 2019年09月25日
  • PEG-b-PLGA/laponite温度応答性ハイドロゲル: 異なるPLGA鎖⻑を有するPEG-b-PLGAのブレンドによる分解挙動制御               
    第68回高分子討論会, 2019年09月25日
  • 新規イミダゾリウム系カチオン性ラジカル重合開始剤による抗菌性樹脂の応用可能性               
    辻 俊一; 前田 知貴; 實廣 亜希子; 此枝 優希; 小泉 英樹; 堀田 篤
    第71回生物工学会大会, 2019年09月18日
  • BL20 茨城県材料構造解析装置 iMATERIAにおける新しい機能 小角散乱               
    小泉智; 能田洋平; 前田知貴
    2019年度J-PARC MLF産業利用報告会, 2019年07月19日
  • 産業利用を目指した中性子小角散乱 - 茨城県構造解析装置iMATERIAの場合 -               
    2019年度J-PARC MLF産業利用報告会, 2019年07月19日
  • BL20 茨城県材料構造解析装置,iMATERIAにおける新しい機能 小角散乱               
    2019年度J-PARC MLF産業利用報告会, 2019年07月19日
  • PEG-PLGA/laponiteハイドロゲル:異なるPLGA鎖長を有するPEG-PLGAのブレンドによるゲル化温度制御               
    第68回高分子学会年次大会, 2019年05月29日
  • 茨城県材料構造解析装置iMATERIAにおける動的核スピン偏極コントラスト変調中性子散乱実験               
    第68回高分子学会年次大会, 2019年05月29日
  • PEG-based nanocomposite hydrogels with controlled thermoresponsive gelation and hydrolytic degradation               
    257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, 2019年03月31日
  • Synthesis of PEG-PLGA diblock copolymers with high PEG/PLGA block ratio for the PEG-PLGA/laponite hydrogels with thermoresponsive sol-gel transitions               
    257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, 2019年03月31日
  • PEG-PLGA/ラポナイトハイドロゲルの中性子小角散乱による構造解析               
    日本中性子科学会第18回年会, 2018年12月04日
  • SAXSとSANSによる水溶液中でPFOSが形成するミセル構造の解析               
    日本中性子科学会第18回年会, 2018年12月04日
  • 結晶性ポリマに対する寸法依存性に関する実験的観察および分子鎖塑性モデルへの反映               
    第31回計算力学講演会, 2018年11月23日
  • 新規イミダゾリウム系カチオン性ラジカル重合開始剤による機能性ポリマーの創出               
    第27回ポリマー材料フォーラム, 2018年11月22日
  • PEG-PLGA/ラポナイト水溶液の温度応答性ゾル-ゲル転移挙動と微細構造               
    第67回高分子討論会, 2018年09月12日


  • マルチプローブによるナノ複合材料の精密構造解析:結合・分解機構の導入               
    2023年 - 2026年03月
  • 高耐熱・高強度スーパーエンプラナノファイバーを作る               
    2019年04月 - 2024年03月
  • 有機・無機ナノ材料-ポリマー間相互作用の理解と機能性ナノ複合材料への応用               
    2017年04月 - 2022年03月
  • ブロック共重合ポリマをベースとしたナノ複合材料におけるスケール効果の理解               
    2018年04月 - 2020年03月
  • 異種のポリマ‐ポリマ複合化を実現する新しい1次元分散型異方性複合材料の創製               
    2018年04月 - 2019年03月
  • 細胞パターン培養に向けたプラズマ処理によるナノファイバパターニング技術の開発               
    2015年08月 - 2017年03月
  • TRiSTARフェロー研究費               


  • US 2021/0363323 A1, Antimicrobial resin and coating material
    Toshikazu Tsuji, Hideki Koizumi, Akiko Jitsuhiro, Yuki Konoeda, Atsushi Hotta, Tomoki Maeda
  • 特開2019-151677, 特願2018-35438, 固体(ポリ(2-メトキシエチルアクリレート)


  • 茨城県中性子ビームライン運転維持管理等に関する委託事業
    2022年04月 - 2023年03月
  • 県BL推進会議への出席
    2022年04月 - 2023年03月