サトウ シゲオ佐藤 成男教授Shigeo SATO
- 2024年03月 - 現在, 運営委員長, X線分析研究懇談会
- 2020年04月 - 現在, 論文誌専門委員, 日本鉄鋼協会 評価・分析・解析部会
- 2020年04月 - 現在, 理事, 日本銅学会
- 2023年03月 - 2024年02月, 編集委員長, X線分析研究懇談会
- 2011年04月 - 2024年02月, 運営委員, 日本分析化学会 X線分析研究懇談会
- 2014年04月 - 2020年03月, 講演大会分科会主査, 日本鉄鋼協会 評価・分析・解析部会
- 2015年04月 - 2018年03月, フォーラム座長, 日本鉄鋼協会 評価・分析・解析部会 「鉄関連材料のヘテロ構造・組織の解析研究」フォーラム
- 2016年01月 - 2016年10月28日, 運営委員, 第52回X線分析討論会
- 2014年12月 - 2015年10月, 運営委員, 第50回X線分析討論会
- 2013年11月 - 2015年10月, Organizing committee, Asia Steel International Conference 2015
- 2015年04月, 企画運営委員, 日本銅学会
- 2014年04月01日, 運営委員, 日本銅学会
- 2012年01月 - 2013年09月, Organizing committee, The 15th International Conference on Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods (TXRF2013)
- 2012年04月01日, 運営委員, 日本鉄鋼協会 評価・分析・解析部会
- 2009年04月 - 2012年03月, フォーラム座長, 日本鉄鋼協会 評価・分析・解析部会 「複雑構造をもつ機能性物質のキャラクタリゼーション」フォーラム
- 2010年05月01日, 委員, 製鋼第19委員会
- 2024年10月, 日本銅学会第56回論文賞, 固溶型銅合金における高温変形中の転位増殖と転位運動に対する合金元素の作用, 日本銅学会
柄澤誠一;馬場可奈;小貫祐介;大平拓実;三田昌明;伊東正登;鈴木茂;佐藤成男 - 2022年11月, 学生奨励賞, 中性子回折を用いた純銅の高温圧縮変形時に伴うミクロ組織形成の観察, 第58回X線分析討論会
国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞 - 2022年11月, 学生優秀講演賞, 固溶強化型銅合金の低温焼鈍条件による転位パラメータの変化と応力緩和特性への作用, 日本銅学会第62回講演大会
国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞 - 2022年10月, 日本銅学会論文賞, 固溶型銅合金の低温焼鈍による強度・応力緩和特性の改質メカニズム, 日本銅学会
学会誌・学術雑誌による顕彰 - 2022年03月, Best Presentation Award, A mechanism of austenite grain size dependency of Ms by stored elastic energy in neighbor parent grains, 16th International Conference on Martensitic Transformation (ICOMAT 2022)
Toshiro Tomida;Shigeo Sato
国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞 - 2021年12月, 学生優秀講演賞, 固溶強化型銅合金の低温焼鈍条件による転位パラメータの変化と応力緩和特性への作用, 日本銅学会第61回講演大会
国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞 - 2021年11月, 学生優秀講演賞, 固溶型銅合金の耐応力緩和特性に対するSS 転位およびGN 転位の作用, 日本銅学会第62回講演大会
国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞 - 2021年11月, 学生奨励賞, 荷重変形中のその場中性子回折測定による Al 合金のミクロ組織発達過程観察, 第57回X線分析討論会
国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞 - 2020年11月, 学生優秀講演賞, 銅合金の転位増殖に及ぼす塑性変形モードの影響, 日本銅学会第60回記念講演大会
国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞 - 2020年10月, 日本銅学会論文賞, 固溶型銅合金における合金元素種による転位増殖への影響, 日本銅学会
学会誌・学術雑誌による顕彰 - 2020年04月, 奨励賞, Bailey-Hirschの式における転位強化係数に対する結晶粒径の影響, 日本鉄鋼協会第179回春季講演大会
国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞 - 2019年10月, 奨励賞, X線回折ラインプロファイル解析に基づく金属材料の加工硬化挙動の定量的解釈, 第55回X線分析討論会
国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞 - 2019年09月, 学生ポスターセッション優秀賞, 低合金TRIP鋼の相変態および炭素拡散現象に及ぼすベイナイト変態温度の影響, 日本鉄鋼協会第178回秋季講演大会
国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞 - 2019年03月, 学生ポスターセッション努力賞, X線回折とEBSDそれぞれから求められる転位の特徴, 日本鉄鋼協会第177回春季講演大会
国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞 - 2019年03月, 学生ポスターセッション努力賞, 積層欠陥エネルギーおよび固溶元素の差異が与える転位配列への影響, 日本鉄鋼協会第177回春季講演大会
国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞 - 2018年11月, 日本銅学会論文賞, 固溶型銅合金の伸び特性へ作用する転位キャラクターの解明, 日本銅学会
学会誌・学術雑誌による顕彰 - 2016年03月, 学術記念賞(西山記念賞), 量子線鉄鋼組織解析法の研究開発, 日本鉄鋼協会
国内外の国際的学術賞 - 2013年11月, 日本銅学会論文賞, 抽出分離法を利用したCu-Ti合金時効析出物の定量評価, 日本銅学会
- 2012年11月, 日本銅学会論文賞, 微細構造解析に基づくCu-Ni-Si-Fe合金の溶質元素と転移の時効挙動の解明, 日本銅学会
- 2008年08月, Poster Award, X-ray Probe Analyses of Complicated Precipitates Formed in Copper-base Alloys, Denver X-ray Conference 2008
- 1999年09月, 日本金属学会論文賞, Evaluation of Anisotropic Lattice Strain of Co9Fe/Cu Superlattice by Grazing Incidence X-ray Scattering Method, (社)日本金属学会
- 1998年11月, Remarkable Poster Award, "Fast X-ray Measurements with Imaging Plates in Supercooled Zr-Al-Ni Liquid", Materials Research Society 1998 Fall Meeting
- X線回折法により測定される多結晶鉄合金の残留応力および関連微細組織
鈴木 茂; 佐藤 成男; 今宿 晋; 佐藤 裕之; 田中 俊一郎, Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
鉄と鋼, 2024年09月 - Neutron diffraction analysis of microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior in an additively manufactured multiphase alloy
K Yamanaka; M Mori; Y Onuki; S Sato, Abstract
Additive manufacturing (AM) involves an unprecedented thermal history during solidification and post-melt high-temperature exposure, leading to unique microstructural evolution. In this study, we employed neutron-diffraction-based microstructural analysis to better understand the microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of AM alloys, with a particular focus on multiphase alloys. Samples of Ti−6Al−4V alloy used as a model material were prepared using electron beam powder bed fusion (EB-PBF) under varying building conditions. Time-of-flight neutron diffraction (TOF-ND) measurements were performed using an iMATERIA (BL20), J-PARC, Japan. Using Rietveld texture analysis (RTA), we revealed the textural evolution during hierarchical microstructural development from solidification to solid-state phase transformations in the EB-PBF process. The effects of building conditions on the textures in the as-built states and their evolution during subsequent tensile loading were analyzed., IOP Publishing
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2024年08月01日 - 固溶型銅合金における高温変形中の転位増殖と転位運動に対する合金元素の作用
柄澤誠一; 馬場可奈; 小貫祐介; 大平拓実; 三田昌明; 伊東正登; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
銅と銅合金, 2024年08月, [査読有り] - In situ neutron diffraction study and electron microscopy analysis of microstructure and texture evolution during annealing of rolled CoCrFeNi alloy doped with 1 at.%C
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Makoto Hasegawa; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato; Oleg V. Mishin, Elsevier BV
Materials Characterization, 2024年06月, [査読有り] - 中性子回折によるパーメンジュール合金の高温相変態解析
佐藤李行; 河原幸汰; 富田俊郎; 星川晃範; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
X線分析の進歩, 2024年04月, [査読有り] - 銅合金の変形モードによるGN/SS転位増殖への影響
大後直樹; 林桃希; 飯原智美; 髙野こずえ; 伊藤優樹; 松野下裕貴; 牧一誠; 森広行; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
X線分析の進歩, 2024年04月, [査読有り] - 固溶型銅合金の耐応力緩和特性に対する転位密度と転位の易動度の作用
馬場可奈; 水澤和大; 武田紗奈; 下村樹; 永野隆敏; 伊藤優樹; 松永裕隆; 松野下裕貴; 森広行; 牧一誠; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
X線分析の進歩, 2024年04月, [査読有り] - Fabrication of Dual-Phase Strengthened Cu–Ti Alloy Sheets
Satoshi Semboshi; Yuto Takito; Yasuyuki Kaneno; Shigeo Sato; Hiroshi Hyodo, Japan Institute of Metals
MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 2024年03月01日, [査読有り] - Comprehensive understanding of the crystal structure of perovskite-type Ba3Y4O9 with Zr substitution: a theoretical and experimental study
Katsuhiro Ueno; Atsunori Hashimoto; Kazuaki Toyoura; Naoyuki Hatada; Shigeo Sato; Tetsuya Uda, Crystal structure of Ba3Y4O9 consists of periodical stacking of BaO3 and Y layers, and the cationic lattice is like a body-centered cubic structure. Zr tends to substitute for Y in cubic-perovskite-like regions and changes the stacking period., Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Dalton Transactions, 2024年, [査読有り] - 大きな磁歪を示す鉄合金を搭載したデバイスの振動におけるひずみや磁界の変化
千葉 雅樹; 見澤 謙佑; 谷本 久典; 熊谷 正芳; 佐藤 成男; 川又 透; 鈴木 茂, Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
鉄と鋼, 2024年, [査読有り] - Effect of matrix dislocation strengthening on deformation-induced martensitic,transformation behavior of metastable high-entropy alloys
Kenta Yamanaka; Manami Mori; Daishin Yokosuka; Kazuo Yoshida; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato; Akihiko Chiba, Informa UK Limited
Materials Research Letters, 2024年01月, [査読有り] - Cold workability and magnetic properties of FeCo–V alloys With the addition of a small amount of Al
Kiyoshi Urakawa; Motohiro Kasuya; Shigeo Sato; Kiyoshi Kanie; Naoyuki Owari; Takashi Ebata; Shigeru Suzuki
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2023年11月, [査読有り] - Factors affecting the physical properties of electrically conductive copper and dilute copper alloys
Shigeo Sato; Kazunari Maki; Masato Ito; Shigeru Suzuki, 筆頭著者
Materials Transactions, 2023年09月, [査読有り] - Ductile behavior assisted by continuous dynamic recrystallization during high-temperature deformation of calcium-added magnesium alloy AZX612
Yusuke Onuki; Kasumi Masaoka; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023年06月, [査読有り] - A correlation between texture evolution and dislocation density in Al-Mg alloys during uniaxial tensile deformation
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Sega Nozawa; Moe Furusawa; Yusuke Onuki; Makoto Hasegawa; Katsushi Matsumoto; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
Materials Letters, 2023年06月, [査読有り] - 低合金TRIP鋼の二相域温度によるミクロ組織形成依存性の中性子回折観察
河原幸汰; 梅村和希; 平野孝史; 小貫祐介; 星川晃範; 富田俊郎; 佐藤成男, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
X線分析の進歩, 2023年04月, [査読有り] - Superior fretting wear resistance of 30Nb5Ta30Ti15V20Zr refractory high entropy alloy in a comparison with Ti6Al4V
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Yusuke Onuki; Jithin Vishnu; Praveenkumar Kesavan; Ansheed Raheem; Geetha Manivasagam; Karthik V Shankar; Makoto Hasegawa; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
Materials Letters, 2023年04月, [査読有り] - Demonstrating duplex TRIP/TWIP titanium alloys by introducing metastable retained β-phase
Kenta Yamanaka; Karri Sri Naga Sesha; Manami Mori; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato; Damien Fabrègue; Akihiko Chiba, Titanium alloys exhibiting transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) and twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) have attracted attention as a novel class of titanium alloys that exhibit significant strain hardening, resulting in excellent strength-ductility combinations. In this study, we demonstrate TRIP/TWIP effects in α + β titanium alloys by introducing a metastable retained β-phase. A heat treatment below the β-transus temperature was performed to manipulate the mechanical stability of the retained β-phase. By annealing a wrought Ti-6Al-4V alloy at 850 °C, followed by water quenching, a metastable retained β-phase with a volume fraction of ∼25% was obtained. The deformation-induced β → α′′ martensitic transformation, in conjunction with (021)α′′ twinning, occurred during tensile deformation at room temperature, significantly increasing the strain-hardening rate and ultimately uniform elongation. The results demonstrated that the minor retained β-phase could govern the macroscopic plastic deformation and contribute to the establishment of a novel alloy design for enhancing the strain hardenability of titanium alloys with fewer alloying elements than the recently developed TRIP/TWIP β-Ti alloys.
28th IFHTSE 2023 Congress, 2023年 - Dislocation density of electron beam powder bed fusion Ti-6Al-4V alloys determined via time-of-flight neutron diffraction line-profile analysis
Kenta Yamanaka; Manami Mori; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato; Akihiko Chiba, Ti-6Al-4V alloys undergo a multiple phase transformation sequence during electron beam powder bed fusion (EB-PBF) additive manufacturing, forming unique dislocation substructures. Thus, determining the dislocation density is crucial for comprehensively understanding the strengthening mechanisms and deformation behavior. This study performed time-of-flight neutron diffraction (TOF-ND) measurements of Ti-6Al-4V alloys prepared via EB-PBF and examined the dislocation density in the as-built and post-processed states using convolutional multiple whole profile (CMWP) fitting. The present TOF-ND/CMWP approach successfully determined the bulk-averaged dislocation density (6.8 x 10(13) m(-2)) in the as-built state for the alpha-matrix, suggesting a non-negligible contribution of dislocation hardening. The obtained dislocation density values were comparable to those obtained by conventional and synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements, confirming the reliability of the analysis, and indicating that the dislocations in the alpha-matrix were homogeneously distributed throughout the as-built specimen. However, the negative and positive neutron scattering lengths of Ti and Al, respectively, lowered the diffraction intensity for the Ti-6Al-4V alloys, thereby decreasing the lower limit of the measurable dislocation density and making the analysis difficult., MDPI
Metals, 2023年01月, [査読有り] - Microstructure, dislocation density and microhardness of 1 %C-doped CoCrFeNi complex concentrated alloys during isochronal annealing
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Yusuke Onuki; Kazuki Umemura; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, Elsevier BV
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023年01月, [査読有り] - Demonstrating a duplex TRIP/TWIP titanium alloy via the introduction of metastable retained β-phase
Karri Sri Naga Sesha; Kenta Yamanaka; Manami Mori; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato; Damien Fabrègue; Akihiko Chiba, This study demonstrates transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) in conjunction with twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) in α (Formula presented.) β titanium alloys by introducing metastable retained β-phase. By annealing at 850 °C followed by water quenching, metastable retained β-phase (∼25%) was obtained in Ti–6Al–4V alloy. Stress-induced phase transformation in the retained β-phase produced orthorhombic α′′-martensite associated with (021)α′′ twinning, which significantly increased the work-hardening rate and uniform elongation. The findings reveal that the minor retained β-phase is responsible for macroscopic deformation behavior and could aid in novel alloy design that can increase work hardenability with fewer alloying elements than currently available metastable β-titanium alloys.
Materials Research Letters, 2022年10月, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕In-situ neutron diffraction study on a dislocation density in a correlation with strain hardening in Al–Mg alloys
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Sega Nozawa; Moe Furusawa; Yusuke Onuki; Makoto Hasegawa; Katsushi Matsumoto; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
Materials Science and Engineering A, 2022年09月, [査読有り] - 銅と銅合金の圧延集合組織発達に及ぼす種々の因子の数値的検討
銅と銅合金, 2022年08月, [査読有り] - 銅合金に残留する三次元的応力の評価
銅と銅合金, 2022年08月, [査読有り] - 中性子回折による銅と銅合金の引張変形中の集合組織その場観察
銅と銅合金, 2022年08月, [査読有り] - 固溶型銅合金の低温焼鈍による強度・応力緩和特性の改質メカニズム
水澤和大、高野こずえ、伊藤優樹、松永裕隆、牧一誠、鈴木茂、佐藤成男, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
銅と銅合金, 2022年08月, [査読有り] - The significance of thermomechanical processing on the cellular response of biomedical Co–Cr–Mo alloys
Manami Mori; Ting Guo; Kenta Yamanaka; Zuyong Wang; Kazuo Yoshida; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato; Akihiko Chiba; R.D.K. Misra, Strengthening of biomedical Co–Cr–Mo alloys has been explored via thermomechanical processing for enhancing the durability of their biomedical applications. However, the effects of cold and hot deformation on the cellular activity continue to be unclear. In this study, we prepared Co–Cr–Mo alloy rods via cold swaging and hot-caliber rolling and studied the relationship between the microstructure and cellular response of pre-osteoblasts. The cold-swaged rod experienced strain-induced martensitic transformation, which increased the volume fraction of the hexagonal close-packed (hcp) ε-martensite to ∼60 vol.% with an increase in area reduction (r) to 30%. The 111γ fiber texture of the face-centered cubic (fcc) γ-matrix followed the Shoji−Nishiyama orientation relationship with ε-martensite. Cell culture results revealed beneficial effects of cold swaging on the cell response, in terms of adhesion, proliferation and morphology of cells, although increasing r did not significantly affect cellular metabolism levels. The addition of small content of Zr (0.04 wt.%) led to enhanced focal adhesion of cells, which became more significant at higher r. The microstructural evolution during hot-caliber rolling, namely, grain refinement without any phase transformation and strong texture development, did not appreciably affect the cellular activity. These findings are envisaged to facilitate alloy design and microstructural optimization for favorable tuning the osseointegration of biomedical Co–Cr–Mo alloys.
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2022年07月, [査読有り] - Microstructure formation and carbon partitioning with austenite decomposition during isothermal heating process in Fe-Si-Mn-C steel monitored by in situ time-of-flight neutron diffraction
Yusuke Onuki; Kazuki Umemura; Kazuki Fujiwara; Yasuaki Tanaka; Toshiro Tomida; Kaori Kawano; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
Metals, 2022年06月, [査読有り] - Analysis of hierarchical microstructural evolution in electron beam powder bed fusion Ti–6Al–4V alloys via time-of-flight neutron diffraction
Manami Mori; Kenta Yamanaka; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato; Akihiko Chiba, Elsevier BV
Additive Manufacturing Letters, 2022年05月, [査読有り] - Characteristic twin formation in body-centered cubic Fe–Ga alloy single crystals with different orientations
Shigeru Suzuki; Kazuhiro Mizusawa; Toru Kawamata; Rie Yamauchi Umetsu; Tsuyoshi Kumagai; Tsuguo Fukuda; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, Tensile tests and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) measurements were performed to understand the microscopic processes in the plastic deformation of Fe-17-at%-Ga alloy single crystals with a bodycentered cubic (BCC) structure. Samples close to the [001], [012], and [011] orientations for the tensile directions were cut from the alloy single crystal grown by the Czochralski method. They were plastically deformed at room temperature. The surface morphologies and microstructures of the deformed samples were characterized using an EBSD instrument attached to a scanning electron microscope. The mechanical properties such as elasticity and flow stress depended on the crystal orientation. Slip by dislocation glide was dominant in the tensile deformation in the [011]-oriented sample. Coarse planar deformation twins were observed in the [001]-oriented sample by plastic deformation. Thin deformation twins and slips were observed in the [012]-oriented sample. This implies that deformation twins have an important role in the plastic deformation of alloys. Although the addition of Ga induces solid solution hardening of iron-based alloys, the characteristic microscopic processes in the plastic deformations of the present alloys are similar to those in the plastic deformations of BCC iron and its alloys., IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN
ISIJ International, 2022年05月, [査読有り] - Microscale changes in microstructure and stress distribution in duplex stainless steel caused by plastic deformation
Shun-Ichiro Tanaka; Shigeo Sato; Kengo Matsuda; Masaki Chiba; Shigeru Suzuki, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
ISIJ International, 2022年05月, [査読有り] - Magnetic properties and substructure of iron-gallium alloy single crystals processed from ingot to wafers
Masaki Chiba; Takenori Tanno; Maho Abe; Shuichiro Hashi; Kazushi Ishiyama; Toru Kawamata; Rie Y. Umestu; Kazumasa Sugiyama; Shigeo Sato; Yosuke Mochizuki; Koji Yatsushiro; Tsuyoshi Kumagai; Tsuguo Fukuda; Shun-Ichiro Tanaka; Shigeru Suzuki, To process ingots of Fe-Ga alloy single crystals into wafers, Fe-17% Ga alloy crystals were cut using multi-wire sawing or electric discharging and rolling. Further, their properties of magnetization and magnetostriction were analyzed using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It was observed that the magnetization and magnetostriction curves changed with increasing rolling reduction. Although magnetization was negligibly affected by deformation, the shape of the magnetostriction curve of the as-grown crystal could be modified by a slight reduction in rolling or a slight plastic deformation. EBSD results show that rolling introduced dislocations to form heterogeneous dislocation cell walls and decreased the surface roughness of the wafers. The pole figures obtained by XRD indicate that the samples were single crystals; however, the crystal orientation was different from the ideal orientation after rolling. Residual stress measurements using the cos α method revealed that compressive and tensile stresses remained in the polycrystalline surface layers of the samples cut by multi-wire sawing and electric discharging, respectively. Moreover, the stresses were affected by the tensile strains or magnetic fields when the residual stresses were relatively small in the sample. Although the magnetization and magnetostriction of a single crystal are affected by rolling, they are not significantly reduced by small rolling reductions.
Materials Transactions, 2022年04月, [査読有り] - 中性子回折測定によるRietveld 解析を用いた低合金TRIP 鋼の相変態観察
梅村和希、小貫祐介、星川晃範、富田俊郎、田中泰明、藤原知哉、諏訪嘉宏、河野佳織、佐藤成男, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
X線分析の進歩, 2022年04月, [査読有り] - 中性子回折を用いた純銅の高温変形時における転位挙動の観察
馬場可奈、小貫祐介、長岡佑麿、伊東正登、鈴木茂、佐藤成男, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
X線分析の進歩, 2022年04月, [査読有り] - Austenite stabilization kinetics in early stages of austempering treatment in TRIP-aided steel using in-situ neutron diffraction technique
Yutao Zhou; Tomohiko Hojo; Amane Kitahara; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato; Motomichi Koyama; Eiji Akiyama, Elsevier BV
Materialia, 2022年04月, [査読有り] - Quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis of solute-enriched stacking faults in hcp-Mg alloys based on peak asymmetry analysis
Daisuke Egusa; Ryo Manabe; Takuro Kawasaki; Stefanus Harjo; Shigeo Sato; Eiji Abe, Based on X-ray diffraction analysis we attempt to quantify a volume fraction of stacking faults, which are essentially enriched by solute elements (solute-enriched stacking faults; SESFs) in Mg-Zn-Gd alloys with a hexagonal-close-packed (hcp) structure. We find that the SESFs with a local face-center-cubic stacking mostly occurs as a limited thickness less than several unit-cell dimensions, causing anisotropic broadening of the diffraction peaks including c*-component. By dealing the SESFs as intergrowth-like precipitates, we have successfully decomposed the asymmetric peak profile into the hcp-matrix and the SESF peaks, by which the relevant volume fractions can be estimated in a highly quantitative manner.
Materials Today Communications, 2022年04月, [査読有り] - A role of atomic size misfit in lattice distortion and solid solution strengthening of TiNbHfTaZr high entropy alloy system
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Shigeo Sato; Gian Song; Jozef Bednarcikef; Kornelius Nielsch; Juree Jung; Junhee Han, Elsevier BV
Scripta Materialia, 2022年04月, [査読有り] - Texture memory in hexagonal metals and its mechanism
Toshiro Tomida; Sven C. Vogel; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
Metals, 2021年09月, [査読有り] - 固溶型銅合金の転位増殖に及ぼす塑性変形モードの影響
中川康太朗; 高野こずえ; 松永裕隆; 森広行; 牧一誠; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
銅と銅合金, 2021年08月, [査読有り] - Evaluation of dislocation activities and accumulation in cold swaged CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Yusuke Onuki; Gian Song; Junhee Han; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, Elsevier BV
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021年07月, [査読有り] - Compositional complexity dependence of lattice distortion in FeNiCoCrMn high entropy alloy system
P. Thirathipviwat; S. Sato; G. Song; J. Bednarcik; K. Nielsch; J. Han, Elsevier BV
Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2021年06月, [査読有り] - Surface evolution and corrosion behaviour of Cu-doped carbide-reinforced martensitic steels in a sulfuric acid solution
Kenta Yamanaka; Manami Mori; Kazuo Yoshida; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato; Akihiko Chiba, Cu-doped martensitic steels (Fe–(13, 16)Cr–3W–2Cu–1C) (mass%) with multiple carbide precipitates were prepared at different quenching temperatures, and their corrosion behaviours were examined by measuring the weight loss during immersion in a 0.5 M H2SO4 solution. Lower weight losses and corrosion rates were obtained for the alloy samples prepared at higher quenching temperatures. Surface Cu enrichment was observed for all specimens with a large fraction of dissolved Cr species. Moreover, quenching from higher temperatures not only reduced the amount of M23C6 carbide but also decreased the local electrochemical potential difference between the carbide phase and the martensitic matrix via enhanced surface Cu accumulation, thus increasing corrosion resistance by suppressing microgalvanic corrosion between the constituent phases. The corrosion behaviour of the studied steels was remarkably different from those of the Cu-doped stainless and low-alloy steels with passive oxide surface films, suggesting the strong effect of multiple carbide precipitates on their corrosion behaviour.
Materials Degradation, 2021年06月, [査読有り] - Texture Memory in Si-Mn and ODS Steels Observed In Situ by Pulsed Neutron and Synchrotron X-Ray Diffractions and Prediction by Double Kurdjumov-Sachs Relation: A Concept for Intense Variant Selection
Toshiro Tomida; Elena Vakhitova; Denis Sornin; Jonathan Wright; Manuel Fran?ois; Yusuke Onuki; Takashi Hirano; Akinori Hoshikawa; Toru Ishigaki; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2021年06月, [査読有り] - Texture evolutions in aluminum and Al-3%Mg alloy subjected to shear deformation and subsequent annealing
Yoshimasa Takayama; Yihe Xu; Tsuyoshi Yoshida; Hiroki Tanaka; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
Mater. Sci. Eng., 2021年04月, [査読有り] - Grain growth in soft magnetic ferritic stainless steels under compressive stresses at high temperatures
S. Suzuki; Y. Onuki; M. Uchida; S. Sato; T. Naruse; M. Watanabe; T. Sato; T. Ebata,Abstract
Precipitation-hardened ferritic stainless steels are used for soft magnetic actuators of engines, as these steels exhibit high strength and soft magnetic properties. These ferritic stainless steels are hardened by nanoscale precipitates formed during an aging process after solution treatment. Furthermore, texture control of these steels is required in order to improve the soft magnetic properties. Therefore, texture control of ferritic stainless steels with <100> fiber texture by deformation at high temperatures is attempted in this study, as it has been demonstrated that the texture of ferritic Fe-Si alloys is significantly changed by deformation conditions, including temperature and strain rate. The results demonstrate that grains with the <100> fiber texture in the present stainless steels are preferentially evolved by compressive deformation under specific strain rates at high temperatures., IOP Publishing
Mater. Sci. Eng., 2021年04月, [査読有り] - Variant Selection in Phase Transformation and its Influence on Texture and Martensite Starting Temperature in Steel
T. Tomida; S. Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
Mater. Sci. Eng., 2021年04月, [査読有り] - The microstructure and mechanical properties of selective electron beam melting manufactured 9-12Cr ferritic/martensitic steel using N- and Ar-atomized powder
Tack Lee; Kenta Aoyagi; Huakang Bian; Kenta Yamanaka; Shigeo Sato; Akihiko Chiba, Low-carbon 9-12Cr heat-resistant ferritic/martensitic steels were fabricated by SEBM using two types of powders (Ar gas- and N gas-atomized powders). Both the as-built Ar- and N-components showed a tempered and fine lath-like ferritic/martensitic microstructure, high tensile strength (approximately 1300 and 1167 MPa for the as-built N-component and the as-built Ar-component, respectively), and tensile elongation of approximately 8%. The high N content (0.44 wt%) of the as-built N-component resulted in a refined lath martensite phase and promoted the precipitation of a fine M2X phase which give rise to higher strength. SEBM is a suitable and rapid method for fabricating low-C martensite steels with a fine lath martensitic microstructure and enhanced mechanical properties for use in power plants without employing welding.
Additive Manufacturing, 2021年04月, [査読有り] - In situ observation for deformation-induced martensite transformation during tensile deformation of SUS 304 stainless steel by using neutron diffraction PART II: Transformation and Texture Formation Mechanisms
Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, MDPI
Quantum Beam Science, 2021年02月, [査読有り] - In situ neutron diffraction measurement during bainite transformation and accompanying carbon enrichment in austenite at iMATERIA, J-PARC MLF
Yusuke Onuki; Takashi Hirano; Kazuki Umemura; Shigeo Sato; Toshiro Tomida, Mater. Sci. Forum
Materials Science Forum, 2021年01月, [査読有り] - Quantifying the dislocation structures of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V alloys using X-ray diffraction line profile analysis
Kenta Yamanaka; Asumi Kuroda; Miyu Ito; Manami Mori; Huakang Bian; Takahisa Shobu; Shigeo Sato; Akihiko Chiba, Elsevier BV
Additive Manufacturing, 2021年01月, [査読有り] - Cu-Zn 合金の転位強化因子に及ぼす結晶粒径の影響
中川康太朗、林桃希、高野こずえ、松永裕隆、森広行、北原周、小貫祐介、鈴木茂、佐藤成男, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, Japan Institute of Metals
日本金属学会誌, 2020年12月, [査読有り] - Characterization of dislocation rearrangement in FCC metals during work hardening using X-ray diffraction line-profile analysis
Koutarou Nakagawa; Momoki Hayashi; Kozue Takano-Satoh; Hirotaka Matsunaga; Hiroyuki Mori; Kazunari Maki; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeru Suzuki; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, MDPI
Quantum Beam Science, 2020年10月, [査読有り] - In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction line-profile analysis of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V alloy under tensile deformation
K. Yamanaka; A. Kuroda; M. Ito; M. Mori; T. Shobu; S. Sato; A. Chiba, In this study, the tensile deformation behavior of an electron beam melted Ti−6Al−4V alloy was examined by in situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) line-profile analysis. The as-built Ti−6Al−4V alloy specimen showed a fine acicular microstructure that was produced through the decomposition of the α′-martensite during the post-melt exposure to high temperatures. Using high-energy synchrotron radiation, XRD line-profile analysis was successfully applied for examining the evolution of dislocation structures not only in the α-matrix but also in the nanosized, low-fraction β-phase precipitates located at the interfaces between the α-laths. The results indicated that the dislocation density was initially higher in the β-phase and an increased dislocation density with increasing applied tensile strain was quantitatively captured in each constitutive phase. It can be thus concluded that the EBM Ti−6Al−4V alloy undergoes a cooperative plastic deformation between the constituent phases in the duplex microstructure. These results also suggested that XRD line-profile analysis combined with highenergy synchrotron XRD measurements can be utilized as a powerful tool for characterizing duplex microstructures in titanium alloys., EDP Sciences
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2020年10月, [査読有り] - In situ observation for deformation-induced martensite transformation (DIMT) during tensile deformation of 304 stainless steel using neutron diffraction. PART I: Mechanical response
Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
Quantum Beam Science, 2020年09月, [査読有り] - Cu-Zn合金の固溶亜鉛量による転位強化因子の変化
中川康太朗、高野こずえ、松永裕隆、森広行、北原周、小貫祐介、鈴木茂、佐藤成男, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
銅と銅合金, 2020年08月, [査読有り] - 固溶型銅合金における合金元素種による転位増殖への影響
林桃希、伊藤優樹、高野こずえ、森広行、松永裕隆、小貫祐介、鈴木茂、佐藤成男, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
銅と銅合金, 2020年08月, [査読有り] - Transformation textures in pure titanium: Texture memory vs surface effect
Zigan Wei; Ping Yang; Xinfu Gu; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
Materials Characterization, 2020年05月, [査読有り] - Rietveld texture解析を用いた鉄鋼ミクロ組織評価における 等方性温度因子の影響
平野孝史,小貫祐介,星川晃範,富田俊郎,佐藤成男, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
X線分析の進歩, 2020年03月, [査読有り] - 六方晶金属の非等方的な結晶子微細化に対するWilliamson-Hall法の補正法検討
正岡佳純,小貫祐介,佐藤成男, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
X線分析の進歩, 2020年03月, [査読有り] - In-situ neutron diffraction investigation on the martensite transformation, texture evolution and martensite reversion in high manganese TRIP steel
Dan-dan Ma; Ping Yang; Xin-Fu Gu; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
Materials Characterization, 2020年03月, [査読有り] - In situ observation of bainite transformation and simultaneous carbon enrichment in austenite in low-alloyed TRIP steel using time-of-flight neutron diffraction techniques
Yusuke Onuki; Takashi Hirano; Akinori Hoshikawa; Shigeo Sato; Toshiro Tomida
Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2019年12月, [査読有り] - Abnormal grain growth in commercially pure titanium during additive manufacturing with electron beam melting
Kenta Yamanaka; Wataru Saito; Manami Mori; Hiroaki Matsumoto; Shigeo Sato; Akihiko Chiba, © 2019 Acta Materialia Inc. The microstructural evolution of commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti) was investigated during additive manufacturing (AM) with electron beam melting (EBM). Abnormal grain growth (AGG) was observed throughout all but the top of the specimen, with a mixture of fine and very coarse α (hexagonal close-packed) grains, resulting in relatively large scattering in the Vickers hardness at a given build height. AGG proceeded by the growth of some α grains to a few hundred micrometers in size at the expense of the surrounding substructured fine grains, which were created during EBM but prior to the occurrence of AGG. A small amount of β-phase particles were also produced during rapid cooling after solidification, probably contributing the occurrence of AGG by pinning the grain boundaries. The observations highlight the evolution of a unique, process-specific microstructure during EBM fabrication. Improvement of the scan strategy as well as modification of the chemical composition are needed to obtain a homogeneous microstructure.
Materialia, 2019年06月, [査読有り] - Effect of multipass thermomechanical processing on the corrosion behaviour of biomedical Co–Cr–Mo alloys
Kenta Yamanaka; Manami Mori; Ika Kartika; Moch Syaiful Anwar; Koji Kuramoto; Shigeo Sato; Akihiko Chiba, © 2018 Elsevier Ltd We prepare a high-strength Co–28Cr–6Mo–0.14N–0.04C (mass%) alloy by multipass hot rolling and clarify the influence of the associated microstructural evolution on the corrosion behaviour. Potentiodynamic polarisation, static immersion tests, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy indicate that the corrosion behaviour and passive film characteristics do not vary significantly between the annealed and hot-rolled samples. However, hot rolling was found to weaken the active-to-passive transition during anodic polarisation. These results suggest that significant grain refinement and accumulation of dislocations, which occurred simultaneously during multipass hot rolling, enhance the passivity.
Corrosion Science, 2019年03月, [査読有り] - Tuning the strain-induced γ-to-ε martensitic transformation of biomedical Co-Cr-Mo alloys by introducing parent phase lattice defects
M. Mori; K. Yamanaka; S. Sato; S. Tsubaki; K. Satoh; M. Kumagai; M. Imafuku; T. Shobu; A. Chiba, © 2018 Elsevier Ltd In this study, we examined the effect of pre-existing dislocation structures in a face-centered cubic γ-phase on strain-induced martensitic transformation (SIMT) to produce a hexagonal close-packed ε-phase in a hot-rolled biomedical Co–Cr–Mo alloy. The as-rolled microstructure was characterized by numerous dislocations as well as stacking faults and deformation twins. SIMT occurred just after macroscopic yielding in tensile deformation. Using synchrotron X-ray diffraction line-profile analysis, we successfully captured the nucleation of ε-martensite during tensile deformation in terms of structural evolution in the surrounding γ-matrix: many dislocations that were introduced into the γ-matrix during the hot-rolling process were consumed to produce ε-martensite, together with strong interactions between dislocations in the γ-matrix. As a result, the SIMT behavior during tensile deformation was accelerated through the consumption of these lattice defects, and the nucleation sites for the SIMT ε-phase transformed into intergranular regions upon hot rolling. Consequently, the hot-rolled Co–Cr–Mo alloy simultaneously exhibited an enhanced strain hardening and a high yield strength. The results of this study suggest the possibility of a novel approach for controlling the γ → ε SIMT behavior, and ultimately, the performance of the alloy in service by manipulating the initial dislocation structures.
Mech. Behavior Biomed. Mater., 2019年02月, [査読有り] - Anomalous twinning as the macroscopic deformation mechanism for AZ31 magnesium alloy
Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato, In order to study the plastic deformation mechanism of AZ31 magnesium alloy, in situ texture measurement during uniaxial tensile deformation is conducted by using neutron diffraction. The specimen is prepared from a rolled sheet so that the deformation axis is parallel to the rolling direction. By increasing strain, the alignment of <
along the tensile axis is strengthened, which is due to the activation of the prism slip system. The basal pole concentration at the prior sheet normal direction is slightly decreased by the deformation and the new texture component is formed at the transvers direction. This can be understood by activation of the {1012} tension twinning. These results indicate that the tension twinning plays an important role even when the tensile deformation is applied parallel to the basal plane., Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Key Engineering Materials, 2019年 - Dislocation densities and intergranular stresses of plastically deformed austenitic steels
Y. Tomota; M. Ojima; S. Harjo; W. Gong; S. Sato; T. Ungar, Heterogeneous plastic deformation behavior oforiented individual grains-family with respect to the tensile direction in austenitic steels was studied using electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) and neutron diffraction (ND) measurements. The kernel averaged misorientation value determined by EBSD for a plastically deformed specimen was different in grain to grain, suggesting different dislocation densities. Such insights obtained from the surface observations with EBSD were quantitatively evaluated as bulk-averaged data using ND. The convolutional multiple whole profile fitting (CMWP) for ND profiles has revealed different dislocation densities in oriented grains-families, showing good coincidence with the EBSD results in trend.
Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2019年, [査読有り] - Characterization of dislocation evolution in cyclically loaded austenitic and ferritic stainless steels via XRD line-profile analysis
Masoud Moshtaghi; Shigeo Sato, 責任著者
ISIJ International, 2019年, [査読有り] - 中性子回折による定量的なミクロ組織情報に基づく鉄系形状記憶合金の逆変態現象解析
塙健太、小貫祐介、植村勇太、星川晃範、鈴木茂、大塚広明、千葉悠矢、佐藤成男, 責任著者, Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
鉄と鋼, 2019年, [査読有り] - Rietveld texture analysis for metals having hexagonal close-packed phase by using time-of-flight neutron diffraction at iMATERIA
Y. Onuki; A. Hoshikawa; S. Nishino; S. Sato; T. Ishigaki
Adv. Eng. Mater., 2018年, [査読有り] - 中性子回折ラインプロファイル解析によるフェライト系およびオーステナイト系ステンレス鋼の引張変形中の転位増殖その場観察
佐藤 成男; 黒田 あす美; 佐藤 こずえ; 熊谷 正芳; ステファヌス ハルヨ; 友田 陽; 齋藤 洋一; 轟 秀和; 小貫 祐介; 鈴木 茂, 筆頭著者, To investigate the characteristics of dislocation evolution in ferritic and austenitic stainless steels under tensile deformation, neutron diffraction line-profile analysis was carried out. The austenitic steel exhibited higher work hardening than the ferritic steel. The difference in the work hardening ability between the two steels was explained with the dislocation density estimated by the line-profile analysis. The higher dislocation density of the austenitic steel would originate from its lower stacking fault energy. Dislocation arrangement parameters indicated that the strength of interaction between dislocations in the austenitic steel was stronger than that in the ferritic steel. This would mainly originate from the difference in dislocation substructures
while dislocation tangle, which can be prompted by the cross slip, was expected in the ferritic steels, highly dense dislocation walls induced by planar glide of dislocations as well as the tangle were expected in the austenitic steel. It was confirmed that the stronger interaction between dislocations in the austenitic steel resulted in the smaller strain field of dislocation. Consequently, the coefficient for the root square of dislocation density in the Bailey-Hirsh equation became smaller in the austenitic steel. X-ray diffraction line-profile analysis was also carried out for the tensile-deformed specimens. The dislocation arrangement parameter evaluated by X-ray diffraction was smaller than that evaluated by neutron diffraction. This would be caused by the difference in the relationship between the loading direction and the scattering vector. On the other hand, the dislocation density evaluated by both methods was almost identical., Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
鉄と鋼, 2018年, [査読有り] - Microscopic stress characterization of functional iron-based alloys by white X-ray microbeam diffraction
E.P. Kwon; S. Sato; S. Fujieda; K. Shinoda; K. Kajiwara; M. Sato; S. Suzuki, Microscopic residual stress evolution in an austenite (γ) grain during a shape-memory process in an Fe-Mn-Si-Cr alloy was investigated using the white X-ray microbeam diffraction technique. The stresses were measured on a coarse grain, which had an orientation near <
, parallel to the tensile loading direction with a high Schmid factor for a martensitic transformation. The magnitude of the residual stresses in a grain of the sample, which was subjected to a 23 % tensile strain and subsequent shape-recovery heating, was found to be very small and comparable to that prior to tensile deformation. Measurements of the recovery strain and microstructural analyses using electron backscatter diffraction suggested that the low residual stresses could be attributed to the significant shape recovery caused by a highly reversible martensitic transformation in the grain with a particular orientation., Institute of Physics Publishing
Mater. Sci. Eng., 2018年, [査読有り] - Development and verification of simultaneous measurement system for texture and phase fraction by time-of-flight neutron diffraction at iMATERIA
Y. Onuki; A. Hoshikawa; S. Sato; T. Ishigaki; T. Tomida
Mater. Sci. Eng., 2018年, [査読有り] - Strain-induced martensitic transformation and texture evolution in cold-rolled Co-Cr alloys
Y. Onuki; S. Sato; M. Nakagawa; K. Yamanaka; M. Mori; A. Hoshikawa; T. Ishigaki; A. Chiba, MDPI AG
Quantum Beam Sci., 2018年, [査読有り] - 固溶型銅合金の伸び特性へ作用する転位キャラクターの解明
伊藤美優、伊藤優樹、小林敬成、松永裕隆、高野こずえ、牧一誠、森広行、鈴木茂、佐藤成男, 責任著者
銅と銅合金, 2018年, [査読有り] - Quantitative phase fraction analysis of steel combined with texture analysis using time-of-flight neutron diffraction
Yusuke Onuki; Akinori Hoshikawa; Shigeo Sato; Toru Ishigaki; Toshiro Tomida, The accuracy of the phase fraction determined by time-of-flight neutron diffraction measurement at iMATERIA was verified by preparing model samples consisting of laminations of ferritic and austenitic stainless-steel sheets. Rietveld texture analysis, based on 132 diffractograms, was employed as the analysis method. The analyzed volume fractions of austenite agree with the prepared fractions (0.61-49.3 vol%) with a maximum error of only 5%, relative to the prepared fractions. This is due to the excellent fitting quality of the multi-diffractogram-based Rietveld refinement with consideration given to the textures of both the major and minor phases. Although the quality of the texture analysis for the austenite phase becomes poor, at\5 vol%, the consideration of the textures improves the accuracy of the phase fraction determination. Also described is how the textures affect the phase fractions, as determined by the conventional diffraction method. It is clearly shown that texture cannot be ignored in phase fraction analysis and, in turn, a reasonable consideration of the texture realizes precision in the analysis., SPRINGER
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2017年10月, [査読有り] - Characterization of microscopic deformation in Cu-Al-Mn superelastic alloy by in situ Laue diffraction study using white X-ray microbeam
E. P. Kwon; S. Sato; S. Fujieda; K. Shinoda; K. Kajiwara; M. Sato; S. Suzuki, In this study, in situ white X-ray microbeam diffraction experiments were conducted to investigate the microscopic deformation behavior of a Cu-Al-Mn superelastic alloy during tensile testing. Local deformation both at a grain scale and an intragranular scale was revealed by analyzing Laue spot streaking that occurred within a grain and in some grains with different orientations. The streaking measured within a grain under tensile load showed inhomogeneous behavior because of an inhomogeneous martensitic transformation. Moreover, the effect was dependent on grain orientation. In a grain with a high Schmid factor, a large dispersion in the 20 diffraction angle of Laue spots was observed due to significant Laue spot streaking, which can be attributed to that grain's favored martensitic transformation., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 2017年09月, [査読有り] - Stacking-fault strengthening of biomedical Co-Cr-Mo alloy via multipass thermomechanical processing
Kenta Yamanaka; Manami Mori; Shigeo Sato; Akihiko Chiba, The strengthening of metallic biomaterials, such as Co-Cr-Mo and titanium alloys, is of crucial importance to the improvement of the durability of orthopedic implants. In the present study, we successfully developed a face-centered cubic (fcc) Co-Cr-Mo alloy with an extremely high yield strength (1400 MPa) and good ductility (12%) by multipass hot-rolling, which is suitable for industrial production, and examined the relevant strengthening mechanisms. Using an X-ray diffraction line-profile analysis, we revealed that a substantial increase in the number of stacking faults (SFs) in the fcc gamma-matrix occurred at a greater height reduction (r), while physical modeling demonstrated that the contribution of the accumulated SFs (i.e., the reduction in SF spacing) with an increase in r successfully explains the entire strengthening behavior of the hot-rolled alloy. The present study sheds light on the importance of the SF strengthening mechanism, and will help to guide the design and manufacturing strategy for the high-strength Co-Cr-Mo alloys used in highly durable medical devices., NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2017年09月, [査読有り] - Characterization of nano-quasicrystal-formation in correlation to the local structure in Zr-based metallic glasses containing Pd
Junji Saida; Rui Yamada; Pawel Kozikowski; Muneyuki Imafuku; Shigeo Sato; Masato Ohnuma, The effect of a noble metal (Pd) on the local atomic structure of the glassy state and the transformation behavior of quasicrystal (QC) precipitation in Zr-70(Cu and Ni)(30-x)Pd-x (x = 0, 5, 10, 20) alloys were investigated. A QC phase precipitates in Zr-Cu glassy alloys at Pd concentrations of 5-20 at.% and in Zr-Ni glassy alloys at Pd concentrations of 10-20 at.%. The radial distribution function (RDF) indicates a change in the local atomic structure upon the addition of Pd. The QC phase is abruptly formed from the glassy structure above a certain temperature. The activation energy for nucleation is much larger than that for the precipitation of conventional intermetallic compounds. The QC growth is suddenly suppressed when their diameter reaches approximately 20 nm. The cooperative motion of icosahedral clusters as the precipitation mechanism was discussed. It was assumed that QC nucleus has a Zr-centered icosahedral medium-range order (MRO) as its core, and it grows by the aggregation of surrounding small icosahedral clusters. Noble metals might play a role of stabilizing the individual Zr-centered icosahedral MROs. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2017年06月, [査読有り] - Micro-portion image analysis of light elements in Fe?Cr based alloys by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry
Rie Shishido; Masahito Uchikoshi; Shigeo Sato; Hidekazu Todoroki; Shigeru Suzuki, The mechanical properties of high-alloyed steels are influenced by small amounts of light elements such as hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen, which are dissolved or precipitated. Thus, it is important to analyze the microscopic distribution of these light elements in the microstructure of steels. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is a powerful method for detecting the distribution of light elements in the microstructure of steels. In this study, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) was used to analyze the microscopic distribution of light elements, such as deuterium, carbon, and nitrogen in Fe-Cr based alloys which are typical high-alloys, as ToF-SIMS, provides high sensitivity and high spatial resolution. The studied Fe-Cr based alloys were a pure ferritic Fe-10%Cr alloy and a commercial duplex stainless steel consisting of the ferritic and austenitic phases. Both steels were electrochemically charged with deuterium. The results showed that charged deuterium more easily diffuses out of the ferritic Fe-10%Cr alloy in comparison with the duplex stainless steel, and small amounts of carbon and nitrogen were segregated at grain boundaries in Fe-10%Cr. It was also shown that deuterium, carbon, and nitrogen were heterogeneously distributed in the microstructure of the duplex stainless steel., IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN
ISIJ International, 2017年04月, [査読有り] - Quantitative evaluation of texture and dislocations during annealing after hot deformation in austenitic steel using neutron diffraction
Y. Tomota; S. Sato; M. Uchida; P. G. Xu; S. Harjo; W. Gong; T. Kawasaki, © 2017 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. Microstructural change during hot compressive deformation at 700 ºC followed by isothermal annealing for a Fe-32Ni austenitic alloy was monitored using in situ neutron diffraction. The evolution of deformation texture with 40% compression and its change to recrystallization texture during isothermal annealing were presented by inverse pole figures for the axial and radial directions. The change in dislocation density was tracked using the convolutional multiple whole profile fitting method. To obtain the fitting results with good accuracies, at least 60 s time-interval for slicing the event-mode recorded data was needed. The average dislocation density in 60 s after hot compression was determined to be 2.8 × 1014m-2, and it decreased with increasing of annealing time.
Materials Science Forum, 2017年01月01日 - Rapid measurement of texture of metals by time-of-flight neutron diffraction at iMATERIA and its applications
Yusuke Onuki; Akinori Hoshikawa; Shigeo Sato; Toru Ishigaki, The authors have developed the texture measurement system at iMATERIA, which is the neutron diffractometers built in Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at J-PARC, Japan. The high flux of the incident beam and Time-Of-Flight method enabled the complete texture measurement within several minutes in case of steels. Since the neutron beam can transmit most of the materials, the measured texture represents the state of whole exposed volume. The multi-histogram analysis also enables to determine phase fractions in a multiphase material as well as the texture of each phase., Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Materials Science Forum, 2017年, [査読有り] - 中性子・X線回折ラインプロファイル解析の最近の進歩
友田陽、佐藤成男、ステファヌス ハルヨ, Several methods on single-peak and multi-peaks line-profile analyses for neutron or X-ray diffraction are critically reviewed. Compared with deconvolutional methods like the classical Williamson-Hall method and the modified Warren-Averbach method combined with the modified Williamson-Hall plot, a recently developed convolutional multiple whole profile (CMWP) fitting method enables to provide the density, arrangement and character of dislocation and crystallite size reasonably. Elasto-plastic deformation behavior in austenite, ferrite, martensite and two-phase steels are studied using such profile analyses, revealing that flow stress is dependent not only on dislocation density but also its arrangement. In particular, in situ neutron diffraction with the CMWP analysis is powerful to monitor microstructural changes during deformation and/or heat treatment. For the evaluation of crystallite or grain size, diffraction, small angle scattering and Bragg edge imaging should be employed taking their applicable length scales into consideration., IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN
鉄と鋼, 2017年, [査読有り] - 圧延鋼板に対する中性子回折ラインプロファイル解析における散乱ベクトル方位の影響
塙健太、小貫祐介、轟秀和、齋藤洋一、鈴木茂、佐藤成男, 責任著者, アグネ技術センター
X線分析の進歩, 2017年, [査読有り] - Characterization of microscopic stresses in a polycrystalline Fe-Ga alloy with large elastic anisotropy
Yusuke Onuki; Ryuji Ukai; Shigeo Sato; Shun Fujieda; Kozo Shinoda; Kentaro Kajiwara; Masugu Sato; Shigeru Suzuki, Fe-Ga alloys show large magnetostriction, which strongly depends on crystal orientation. This phenomenon is considered to be associated to some degree with large elastic anisotropy in single crystals. In this study, white X-ray diffraction with micro-beam synchrotron radiation was used to evaluate the microscopic stresses evolved in a polycrystalline Fe-Ga alloy under tensile loading. In the analysis, the large elastic anisotropy of the Fe-Ga alloy was focused. The stress distribution in the alloy microstructure under tensile loading was estimated using a finite element method (FEM) simulation that considered the dependence of the elasticity on the crystal orientation. The crystal orientation of grains in the polycrystalline Fe-Ga alloy was measured using electron backscatter diffraction. The FEM simulation showed that the stress distribution in the microstructure depended on the crystal orientation. The X-ray diffraction stress analysis indicated that under tensile loading, the stresses in the alloy depended on the crystal orientation. This finding is similar to the results obtained from the FEM simulation, although the absolute values of the stresses may have reflected the effects of heterogeneous deformation on the stress distribution., Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Materials Science Forum, 2017年, [査読有り] - Small-angle X-ray Scattering Studies on Aging Precipitation of High-strength Soft-magnetic Stainless Steels
Kozue Satoh; Shigeo Sato; Masato Ohnuma; Tatsuya Naruse; Yonghwan Kim; Takashi Ebata; Shigeru Suzuki; Kazuaki Wagatsuma, We investigated the effect of alloying elements Ni, AI, and Mo on the mechanical properties of precipitation -hardened soft-magnetic stainless steels, whose aging condition and chemical composition were varied. Thermodynamic calculations suggested that the aging treatments led to precipitation of a beta-NiAI compound with B2 structure and Fe2Mo-type Laves phases. Although coarse precipitates, which are less effective for precipitation hardening, were observed in bright-field images obtained by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the B2-type precipitates were detected in TEM electron diffraction patterns. By changing the concentration of the alloying elements, the B2-type beta-NiAI precipitates were mainly responsible for the precipitation hardening, and the Vickers hardness was hardly affected by the Mo content. Small-angle X-ray scattering analysis was used to determine the size and number density of the fine P-NiAl precipitates, which contributed to the hardening. The high-density beta-NiAI precipitates grew to a few nano meters in radius after an adequate period of aging, suggesting that the beta-NiAI precipitates were responsible for the precipitation-hardening characteristics. On the other hand, the size of the precipitates was less affected by the amounts of Ni and Al, and the number density decreased with decreasing Ni and Al content. The improvement in hardness resulting from theil-NiAl precipitates had a linear relationship with the square root of the product of the precipitate size and number density., IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN
ISIJ INTERNATIONAL, 2017年, [査読有り] - マクロ・ミクロスケール集合組織測定を併用したAZ31マグネシウム合金の室温変形機構の検討
小貫祐介; 星川晃範; 佐藤成男; 石垣徹, The authors measured texture change during uniaxial tensile deformation of extruded bar of AZ31 magnesium alloy by time-of-flight neutron diffraction and EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction). Texture measurement by neutron diffraction revealed the transition of tensile axis distribution in overall gauge volume during the deformation. The concentration of the tensile axis initially observed at 〈213̄0〉. With increasing strain, the dominant peak appeared at 〈9 1 ̄10 0〉 and the initial peak weakened. It was also found that the total density of 〈hki0〉 decreased during the deformation. EBSD showed activations of {101̄1} compression twinning and following double twinning. The twinned region were oriented away from the 〈hki0〉 orientation group. The amount of twinning gradually increased with increasing strain. On the other hand, the deformation of the matrix was achieved by slip deformation, resulting in the formation of the peak at 〈9 1 ̄10 0〉. Based on the above results, it was concluded that the reason for poor ductility of magnesium alloys may not be a lack of 〈c+a〉 slip but twinning and deformation concentration inside of the twins.
軽金属, 2016年11月30日, [査読有り] - Rapid measurement scheme for texture in cubic metallic materials using time-of-flight neutron diffraction at iMATERIA
Yusuke Onuki; Akinori Hoshikawa; Shigeo Sato; Pingguang Xu; Toru Ishigaki; Yoichi Saito; Hidekazu Todoroki; Makoto Hayashi, A rapid texture measurement system has been developed on the time-of-flight neutron diffractometer iMATERIA (beamline BL20, MLF/J-PARC, Japan). Quantitative Rietveld texture analysis with a neutron beam exposure of several minutes without sample rotation was investigated using a duplex stainless steel, and the minimum number of diffraction spectra required for the analysis was determined experimentally. The rapid measurement scheme employs 132 spectra, and by this scheme the quantitative determination of volume fractions of texture components in ferrite and austenite cubic phases in a duplex stainless steel can be made in a short time. This quantitative and rapid measurement scheme is based on the salient features of iMATERIA as a powder diffractometer, i.e. a fairly high resolution in d spacing and numerous detectors covering a wide range of scattering angle., INT UNION CRYSTALLOGRAPHY
JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, 2016年10月, [査読有り] - Formation mechanism of toxic-element-free oxide layer on Ti-6Al-4V alloy in d.c. glow discharge plasma with pure oxygen gas
Kozue Satoh; Shigeo Sato; Kazuaki Wagatsuma, The purpose of this study is to elucidate the formation mechanism of a toxic-element-free oxide layer on a Ti-6Al-4V alloy by using d.c. glow discharge plasma in pure oxygen atmosphere, which has been found in our previous study. The surface treatment was conducted with monitoring emission spectra irradiated from the plasma to identify the excited species, which revealed that three kinds of excited oxygen species were primarily present there. Our investigation has reported that the oxygen plasma enabled toxic elements, such as Al and V, to be largely removed from the outermost surface of the alloy; in this case, this effect would be attributed to preferential sputtering caused by positively-charged plasma species such as O+ and O-2(+) which were accelerated toward the sample surface by hundreds of volts. To investigate the effect of the plasma condition on-characteristics of the resultant surface layer, this study characterized the oxide layers formed on the alloy under three different conditions by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Whereas a deficit in the toxic elements on the sample surface was observed regardless of the plasma conditions, there was a significant difference in the growth rate of the oxide layers. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, 2016年09月, [査読有り], [招待有り] - Line-Profile Analysis Combined with Texture Analysis for Characterizing Dislocation Distribution in Texture Components of Cold-Rolled Copper Sheets
Kozue Satoh; Shigeo Sato; Kenta Yamanaka; Shigeru Suzuki; Akihiko Chiba; Kazuaki Wagatsuma, We described a newly developed characterization technique that dislocation density could be individually determined for each texture component of plastically deformed metals by combining the line-profile analysis with the texture analysis by using X-ray diffraction. This method was applied to major texture components of cube, copper, and brass evolved in cold-rolled copper sheets. The Warren-Averbach procedure using two diffraction peaks was used for estimating the dislocation density. An increase in the dislocation density with the rolling reduction was evaluated for individual texture components. Although the individual texture components underwent the different slip paths, the dislocation densities in these texture components were almost comparable; however, the non-texture component was shown to have a higher dislocation density than the texture components. The recovery and recrystallization proceeded preferentially in the non-texture component., WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH
HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIALS AND PROCESSES, 2016年08月, [査読有り] - Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of biomedical Co-Cr-Mo alloy subjected to high-pressure torsion
Murat Isik; Mitsuo Niinomi; Ken Cho; Masaaki Nakai; Huihong Liu; Hakan Yilmazer; Zenji Horita; Shigeo Sato; Takayuki Narushima, The effects of severe plastic deformation through high-pressure torsion (HPT) on the microstructure and tensile properties of a biomedical Co-Cr-Mo (CCM) alloy were investigated. The microstructure was examined as a function of torsional rotation number, N and equivalent strain, epsilon(eq) in the HPT processing. Electron backscatter diffraction analysis (EBSD) shows that a strain-induced martensitic transformation occurs by the HPT processing. Grain diameter decreases with increasing epsilon(eq), and the HPT-processed alloy (CCMHPT)for epsilon(eq)=45 exhibits an average grain diameter of 47 nm, compared to 70 mu m for the CCM alloy before HPT processing. Blurred and wavy grain boundaries with low-angle of misorientation in the CCMHPT sample for epsilon(eq) <45 become better-defined grain boundaries with high-angle of misorientation after HPT processing for epsilon(eq)=45. Kernel average misorientation (KAM) maps from EBSD indicate that KAM inside grains increases with epsilon(eq) for epsilon(eq)<45, and then decreases for epsilon(eq)=45. The volume fraction of the epsilon (hcp) phase in the CCMHPT samples slightly increases at epsilon(eq)=9, and decreases at epsilon(eq)=45. In addition, the strength of the CCM samples increases at epsilon(eq)=9, and then decrease at epsilon(eq)=45. The decrease in the strength is attributed to the decrease in the volume fraction of e phase, annihilation of dislocations, and decrease in strain in the CCMHPT sample processed at epsilon(eq)=45 by HPT. () 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS, 2016年06月, [査読有り] - Discontinuous precipitates in age-hardening Cu-Ni-Si alloys
Satoshi Semboshi; Shigeo Sato; Akihiro Iwase; Takayuki Takasugi, The microstructural evolution and characterization of discontinuous precipitates in a Cu-4.3 Ni-2.2 Si (in at.%) alloy were studied, and compared with those of continuous precipitates in the same alloy. During prolonged aging, coarse cellular components containing fiber-shaped delta-Ni2Si and copper solid-solution phases nucleate and grow quickly but discontinuously at the grain boundaries, accompanied by the consumption of fine delta-Ni2Si particles formed by continuous precipitation. In terms of the crystal structure, all the precipitates are of the same type of orthorhombic delta-Ni2Si. However, in terms of the crystallographic features, the delta-Ni2Si discontinuous precipitates have micro-scale fibers that are aligned with the orientation relationship of (100)(delta)//(110)(Cu) and (013)delta//(1 (1) over bar1)(Cu), and with a preferential extending direction on the (111)(Cu), plane, which differs from the fine delta-Ni2Si continuous precipitates at the early stages of aging. The evolution of the discontinuous precipitates can be explained by the existing classical theories of phase transformation, as discussed by Hu et al. regarding the subsequence of the continuous precipitates. In this study, we also confirmed that the development of coarse delta-Ni2Si discontinuous precipitates of the cellular components leads to a serious drop in the strength in the later stages of aging. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC
MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, 2016年05月, [査読有り] - Investigation of elastic deformation mechanism in as-cast and annealed eutectic and hypoeutectic Zr–Cu–Al metallic glasses by multiscale strain analysis
Hiroshi Suzuki; Rui Yamada; Shinki Tsubaki; Muneyuki Imafuku; Shigeo Sato; Tetsu Watanuki; Akihiko Machida; Junji Saida, Elastic deformation behaviors of as-cast and annealed eutectic and hypoeutectic Zr-Cu-Al bulk metallic glasses (BMG) were investigated on a basis of different strain-scales, determined by X-ray scattering and the strain gauge. The microscopic strains determined by Direct-space method and Reciprocal-space method were compared with the macroscopic strain measured by the strain gauge, and the difference in the deformation mechanism between eutectic and hypoeutectic Zr-Cu-Al BMGs was investigated by their correlation. The eutectic Zr50Cu40Al10 BMG obtains more homogeneous microstructure by free-volume annihilation after annealing, improving a resistance to deformation but degrading ductility because of a decrease in the volume fraction of weakly-bonded regions with relatively high mobility. On the other hand, the as-cast hypoeutectic Zr60Cu30Al10 BMG originally has homogeneous microstructure but loses its structural and elastic homogeneities because of nanocluster formation after annealing. Such structural changes by annealing might develop unique mechanical properties showing no degradations of ductility and toughness for the structural-relaxed hypoeutectic Zr60Cu30Al10 BMGs., MDPI AG
Metals, 2016年01月, [査読有り] - X 線回折ラインプロファイル解析法による銅合金の応力緩和現象の組織因子解明
内田真弘、佐藤成男、森広行、伊藤優樹、牧一誠、佐藤こずえ、鈴木茂, 責任著者, アグネ技術センター
X線分析の進歩, 2016年, [査読有り] - Microscopic lattice strains and magnetic domain structure in magnetostrictive Fe based alloys
S. Suzuki; S. Asano; S. Fujieda; T. Kawamata; K. Shinoda; T. Ikeuchi; S. Tsubaki; M. Kumagai; M. Imafuku; Y. Onuki; S. Sato; T. Fukuda
Proceedings of 7th International Conference Magnetism and Metallurgy, 2016年, [査読有り] - X線回折ラインプロファイル解析によるCu-Mg合金における耐応力緩和特性に与えるミクロ組織因子の解明
伊藤美優、佐藤成男、伊藤優樹、森広行、牧一誠、鈴木茂, 責任著者, 日本伸銅協会
銅と銅合金, 2016年, [査読有り] - Grain Refinement Mechanism and Evolution of Dislocation Structure of Co-Cr-Mo Alloy Subjected to High-Pressure Torsion
Murat Isik; Mitsuo Niinomi; Huihong Liu; Ken Cho; Masaaki Nakai; Zenji Horita; Shigeo Sato; Takayuki Narushima; Hakan Yilmazer; Makoto Nagasako, Ultrafine-grained materials often possess superior mechanical properties owing to their small grain size. The high-pressure torsion (IIPT) process is a severe plastic deformation method used to induce ultra-large strain and produce ultrafine grains. In this study, the grain refinement mechanisms in the Co-28Cr-6Mo (CCM) alloy, evolution of dislocation density as a result of HPT and its effects on mechanical properties were investigated. The dislocation density and subgrain diameter were also calculated by X-ray line profile analysis. The microstructure of the CCM alloy subjected to HPT processing (CCMHPT) was evaluated as a function of torsional rotation number, N and equivalent strain, epsilon(eq). Strain-induced gamma ->epsilon transformation in neighboring ultrafine grains is observed in CCMHPT processed at epsilon(eq) = 2.25 and epsilon(eq) = 4.5. Low-angle crystal rotation around the [110] fcc direction occurs in different locations in the same elongated grain neighboring ultrafine grains, which suggests the formation of low-angle grain boundaries in CCMHPT processed at epsilon(eq) = 2.25 and epsilon(eq) = 4.5. Two possible grain refinement mechanisms are proposed. The maximum dislocation densities, which are 2.8 x 10(16) m(-2) in gamma phase and 3.8 x 10(16) m(-2) in epsilon phase, and maximum subgrain diameters, which are 21.2 nm in gamma phase and 36 nm in epsilon phase, are achieved in CCMHPT processed at epsilon(eq) = 9. IIPT processing causes a substantial increase in the tensile strength and hardness owing to the grain refinement and a significant increase in the volume fraction of epsilon phase and dislocation density., JAPAN INST METALS
MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 2016年, [査読有り] - Local stress development in polycrystalline Fe-17mol%Ga alloy under tensile loading - In situ measurement using synchrotron X-ray micro-beam
Yusuke Onuki; Shun Fujieda; Ryuji Ukai; Shigeo Sato; Masugu Sato; Kentaro Kajiwara; Shigeru Suzuki, The local stress state developed during the elastic deformation of polycrystalline Fe-17mol%Ga was measured by synchrotron white X-ray radiation, and the heterogeneity of the elastic deformation resulting from the pronounced elastic anisotropy of the Fe-Ga alloy system was examined. Tensile loading generated local stresses perpendicular to the tensile direction. The development of these stresses was discussed from the viewpoint of the interaction between grains having different elastic properties. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2015年12月, [査読有り] - Strengthening of biomedical Ni-free Co–Cr–Mo alloy by multipass ‘‘low-strain-per-pass” thermomechanical processing
Manami Mori; Kenta Yamanaka; Shigeo Sato; Shinki Tsubaki; Kozue Satoh; Masayoshi Kumagai; Muneyuki Imafuku; Takahisa Shobu; Akihiko Chiba, © 2015 Acta Materialia Inc. Further strengthening of biomedical Co-Cr-Mo alloys is desired, owing to the demand for improvements to their durability in applications such as artificial hip joints, spinal rods, bone plates, and screws. Here, we present a strategy - multipass "low-strain-per-pass" thermomechanical processing - for achieving high-strength biomedical Co-Cr-Mo alloys with sufficient ductility. The process primarily consists of multipass hot deformation, which involves repeated introduction of relatively small amounts of strain to the alloy at elevated temperatures. The concept was verified by performing hot rolling of a Co-28Cr-6Mo-0.13N (mass%) alloy and its strengthening mechanisms were examined. Strength increased monotonically with hot-rolling reduction, eventually reaching 1400 MPa in 0.2% proof stress, an exceptionally high value. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD) line-profile analysis revealed a drastic increase in the dislocation density with an increase in hot-rolling reduction and proposed that the significant strengthening was primarily driven by the increased dislocation density, while the contributions of grain refinement were minor. In addition, extra strengthening, which originates from contributions of planar defects (stacking faults/deformation twins), became apparent for greater hot-rolling reductions. The results obtained in this work help in reconsidering the existing strengthening strategy for the alloys, and thus, a novel feasible manufacturing route using conventional hot deformation processing, such as forging, rolling, swaging, and drawing, is realized. Statement of significance The results obtained in this work suggested a novel microstructural design concept/feasible manufacturing route of high-strength Co-Cr-Mo alloys using conventional hot deformation processing. The present strategy focuses on the strengthening due to the introduction of a high density of lattice defects rather than grain refinement using dynamic recrystallization (DRX). The hot-rolled samples obtained by our process exhibited exceptional strength, which is comparable to the highest strength reported for biomedical Co-Cr-Mo alloys. It was also found that the acceptable ductility can be obtained even in such highly distorted Co-Cr-Mo alloys. We described the strengthening mechanisms in detail; this will be helpful for further investigations or industrial realization of the proposed strategy.
Acta Biomaterialia, 2015年12月, [査読有り] - Texture evolution and mechanical anisotropy of biomedical hot-rolled Co–Cr–Mo alloy
Manami Mori; Kenta Yamanaka; Shigeo Sato; Akihiko Chiba, Crystallographic textures and their effect on the mechanical anisotropy of a hot-rolled biomedical Co-Cr-Mo alloy were investigated. The hot-rolled Co-28Cr-6Mo-0.13N (mass%) alloy examined here exhibited a monotonic strength increment following hot-rolling reduction, eventually reaching a 0.2% proof stress of 1400 MPa while maintaining acceptable ductility (>10%). The dominant hot-rolling texture was a brass-type component, which is characterized by the alloy's peculiarly low stacking fault energy (SFE) even at hot rolling temperatures, although the minor peaks of the near copper component were also identified. However, because of the onset of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) during the hot rolling process, the texture intensity was relatively weak even after 90% hot rolling, although the grain refinement originating from the DRX was not significant (the "less active DRX" condition increased the strain accumulation during the process, resulting in high-strength samples). The weakened texture development resulted in negligible in-plane anisotropy for the hot-rolled specimen strength, when the specimens were tensile strained in the rolling direction (RD) and transverse direction (TD). The elongation-to-failure, however, exhibited a difference with respect to the tensile loading axis. It is suggested that the ductility anisotropy is closely related to a strain-induced gamma (fcc)->epsilon (hcp) martensitic transformation during tensile loading, resulting in a difference in the proportion of quasi-cleavage fracture surfaces. The obtained results will be helpful in the development of high-strength Co-Cr-Mo alloy plates and sheets, and have implications regarding plastic deformation and texture evolution during the hot rolling of non-conventional metallic materials with low SFE at elevated temperatures, where planar dislocation slips of Shockley partial dislocations and thermally activated process interplay. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
J. Mech. Behavior Biomed. Mater., 2015年11月, [査読有り] - Effect of dislocations on spinodal decomposition, precipitation, and age-hardening of Cu–Ti alloy
Shigeo Sato; Akifumi Hasegawa; Satoshi Semboshi; Kazuaki Wagatsuma, In age-hardenable Cu-Ti alloys, cold work before aging enhances their mechanical properties and shortens the aging time for obtaining the maximum hardness. In order to discuss hardening behaviors, microstructural evolutions such as dislocation rearrangements, progress of spinodal decomposition, and subsequent precipitation from the spinodal region during aging need to be analyzed precisely. Therefore, we employed a probing method combining the small-and the wide-angle X-ray scattering methods to characterize the precipitate size and the progress of spinodal decomposition, respectively. Sideband peaks appearing adjacent to Bragg reflection peaks in the X-ray diffraction patterns of a copper matrix were analyzed to estimate the development of compositional modulations of titanium accompanied by spinodal decomposition. The results of these analytical procedures revealed that the growth rates of the spinodal region and nanometer-scales precipitates in Cu-Ti alloys are less susceptible to dislocations introduced during cold working before aging, and that dislocations introduced during prior cold working annihilate in the initial aging stage. Consequently, overaging, which is mainly induced by dislocation annihilation, in a cold-worked Cu-Ti alloy occurs after a shorter aging time than in an unworked alloy., WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH
High Temperature Materials and Processes, 2015年04月, [査読有り] - Distribution and Anisotropy of Dislocations in Cold-drawn Pearlitic Steel Wires Analyzed Using Micro-beam X-ray Diffraction
Shigeo Sato; Takahisa Shobu; Kozue Satoh; Hiromi Ogawa; Kazuaki Wagatsuma; Masayoshi Kumagai; Muneyuki Imafuku; Hitoshi Tashiro; Shigeru Suzuki, To characterize the distribution and anisotropy of dislocations in cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires, X-ray diffraction line-profile analysis was performed using synchrotron radiation micro-beams. An analytical procedure for correcting the instrumental line broadening for highly directional micro-beams was developed using diffraction profiles of standard CeO2 powder. Although the CeO2 powder line profile includes line broadening due to its microstructural imperfections, the instrumental broadening can be obtained by estimating the effect of the microstructural imperfections on the line broadening. The plastic shear strain was generally more severe near the surface than the center of the wire, whereas the dislocation density distribution was almost constant from the center to the surface. On the other hand, the dislocation rearrangement, which evolves the dislocation cell structure, progressed closer to the surface. It was also revealed that a difference between the hardness in axial and transverse wire directions could be explained by anisotropic dislocation density. Line-profile analysis based on diffraction data at elevated temperatures was performed. Whereas the cementite recovery progressed at a constant rate, the ferrite phase recovery rate was temperature-dependent, suggesting that the ferrite phase recovery was less related to that of the cementite phase., IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN
ISIJ INTERNATIONAL, 2015年, [査読有り] - Residual Stress Analysis of Cold-drawn Pear lite Steel Wire Using White Synchrotron Radiation
Masayoshi Kumagai; Shigeo Sato; Shigeru Suzuki; Muneyuki Imafuku; Hitoshi Tashiro; Shin-ichi Ohya, Measurement of the residual stresses in cold-drawn pearlitic steel wire was conducted using an energy dispersive X-ray diffraction technique. The residual stresses of the ferrite and cementite phases were determined for different crystal orientations and large residual stresses were found to exist in the cold-drawn pearlitic steel wire. The residual stresses in the ferrite phase were compressive in the axial direction but nearly zero in the hoop and radial directions. In addition, the residual stresses of the reflection indices for the ferrite phase were similar to one another. For the cementite phase, while tensile residual stress existed in the axial direction, compressive residual stress existed in the hoop and radial directions. These stresses in the ferrite phase in the axial direction and cementite phase in all directions decreased along the radial positions. A residual stress state model was proposed on the basis of the aligned lamellar structure along the drawing direction; the model explains the effect of the lamellar direction on residual stress. Reanalysis of the wire sample using the proposed model provided residual strains and stresses in the lamellar direction that were different from the average values estimated using the simple stress analysis method., IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN
ISIJ INTERNATIONAL, 2015年, [査読有り] - Correlation between electroconductive and structural properties of proton conductive acceptor-doped barium zirconate
Donglin Han; Kozo Shinoda; Shigeo Sato; Masatoshi Majima; Tetsuya Uda, Various dopants were added to BaZrO3 and the conductivities, the proton concentrations, the site occupancy of the dopants and the change in lattice volume as a result of chemical expansion were investigated. Lanthanide group dopants occupied both the Ba and Zr sites, but the amount of these dopants in the Ba site was too limited to significantly influence the conductivity. The samples doped with Yb, Tm, Er, Y and Ho showed both high proton concentrations and high conductivities, together with a relatively large lattice expansion as a result of hydration. We therefore suggest that, in most instances, the proton concentration, proton conductivity and lattice change as a result of chemical expansion were all correlated in proton conductive acceptor-doped BaZrO3. However, Sc-doped BaZrO3 seemed to be different. Its proton concentration was high, but the conductivity and lattice change as a result of chemical expansion were relatively small. This indicates that the conductivity was strongly related to the lattice expansion resulting from hydration rather than simply the proton concentration., ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2015年, [査読有り] - Characterization of deformation behavior of individual grains in polycrystalline Cu-Al-Mn superelastic alloy using white X-ray microbeam diffraction
Eui Pyo Kwon; Shigeo Sato; Shun Fujieda; Kozo Shinoda; Ryosuke Kainuma; Kentaro Kajiwara; Masugu Sato; Shigeru Suzuki, MDPI AG
Metals, 2015年, [査読有り] - Microstructural characterization of Cu-added transformation induced plasticity steels
Y. Yasuda; E. Kwon; S. Sato; S. Fujieda; K. Shinoda; S. Suzuki
Proceedings of Asia Steel Interanational Conference 2015, 2015年, [査読有り] - Size distribution of precipitates in age-hardenable electromagnetic stainless steels determined using small angle X-ray scattering
K. Satoh; S. Sato; M. Ohnuma; T. Naruse; Y. Kim; T. Ebata; S. Suzuki; K. Wagatsuma
Proceedings of Asia Steel Interanational Conference 2015, 2015年, [査読有り] - Characterization of dislocations of cold-drawn pearlitic steels using synchrotron X-ray diffraction
S. Sato; K. Wagatsuma; K. Satoh; H. Ogawa; M. Kumagai; M. Imafuku; H. Tashiro; T. Shobu; S. Suzuki, 筆頭著者
Proceedings of Asia Steel Interanational Conference 2015, 2015年, [査読有り] - Characterization of Evolution of Microscopic Stress and Strain in High-Manganese Twinning-Induced Plasticity Steel
Shigeru Suzuki; Koji Hotta; Eui Pyo Kwon; Shun Fujieda; Kozo Shinoda; Masayoshi Kumagai; Kentaro Kajiwara; Masugu Sato; Shigeo Sato, Electron backscatter diffraction was used to observe the microstructure of an austenitic high-manganese twinning-induced plasticity steel and investigate the crystal orientation of grains in this steel. The results showed that mechanical twins are formed in a grain with a high Schmid factor during the tensile test. The orientation data obtained were used to estimate the anisotropic elasticity of the grains in the steel. The microscopic stress and strain evolved in the microstructure of the steel unloaded after plastic deformation were estimated using finite element method simulation in which the elastic anisotropy of the steel was taken into account. The simulation indicated that the evolution of microscopic stress and strain in the microstructure is considerably influenced by the crystal orientation of the grains. Furthermore, white X-ray diffraction with microbeam synchrotron radiation was used to characterize the evolution of microscopic stress and strain in the grains of the steel. The stress analysis during white X-ray diffraction indicated the formation of residual microscopic stress after tensile deformation, which was found to be distributed heterogeneously in the steel. It was also shown that the direction of the maximum principal stresses at different points in the microstructure under loading were mostly oriented along the tensile direction. These results are fairly consistent with the results obtained by the simulation, although absolute values of the real principal stresses may be influenced by the heterogeneously evolved strain and the several assumptions used in the simulation., IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN
ISIJ INTERNATIONAL, 2015年, [査読有り] - Microstructural evolution of precipitation-hardened β-type titanium alloy through high-pressure torsion
H. Yilmazer; M. Niinomi; K. Cho; M. Nakai; J. Hieda; S. Sato; Y. Todaka, In order to elucidate the microstructural refinement mechanism and the effect of secondary phase on the microstructural evolution of beta-type titanium alloy, severe plastic deformation was conducted on samples of a precipitation-hardened Ti-29Nb-13Ta-4.6Zr (TNTZ). Specifically, TNTZ that was precipitation-hardened through an aging treatment (TNTZAT) was subjected to high-pressure torsion (HPT) processing (TNTZ(AHPT)). The microstructure of TNTZ(AHPT), which has been evaluated as a function of the torsional rotation number, N, exhibits ultrafine elongated beta grains. The needle-like alpha precipitates in TNTZ(AT), which exhibit a diameter of approximately 12 nm, are homogeneously distributed within the beta grains. The dislocation density and subgrain diameter, estimated by X-ray line profile analysis, saturate at approximately 4.2 x 10(16) m(-2) and 12.2 nm, respectively, at N >= 10. The beta grains contain nanostructured subgrains having non-uniform morphologies surrounded by blurred and wavy boundaries. A saturated hardness distribution at approximately 450 HV indicates that microstructural homogeneity has been achieved at N >= 10. The alpha precipitates enhance the beta grain refinement and microstructural homogeneity is achieved in TNTZ(AHPT) at N >= 10, whereas this occurs at later stages (N > 20) in TNTZ which is solution-treated and therefore does not contain any alpha precipitates. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
Acta Materialia, 2014年11月, [査読有り] - Comparative study on the emission spectrometric determination of manganese using nitrogen-oxygen Okamoto-cavity microwave induced plasma and argon radio-frequency inductively-coupled plasma
Yuuki Arai; Shigeo Sato; Kazuaki Wagatsuma, Microwave-induced plasma optical emission spectrometry (MIP-OES) using Okamoto-cavity was investigated in the determination of manganese, in comparison with argon radio-frequency inductively-coupled plasma (ICP)-OES. An important point of this study is that, in the Okamoto-cavity MIP, the emission intensity of particular atomic emission lines is much elevated by adding oxygen of ca. 10% to the nitrogen matrix plasma gas. Intensity variations in emission lines of manganese atom as well as the ion and in a band head of nitrogen molecule were observed, when oxygen was added to the nitrogen plasma, indicating that the emission intensity of the atomic lines was drastically elevated while the intensities of the ionic lines and the nitrogen band head decreased in a similar manner. This observation can be explained by the fact that the nitrogen excited species, contributing to the transition of the band head, are consumed through collisions with oxygen molecules to cause their dissociation, and eventually manganese atoms in the nitrogen-oxygen plasma would be less ionized than in the pure nitrogen plasma, because the ionization of manganese is also caused by collisions with the nitrogen excited species. Optimization of the measuring parameters in the Okamoto-cavity MIP-OES was conducted for the determination of manganese; as a result, the Mn I 403.076-nm line was recommended as the analytical line in the nitrogen-oxygen mixed gas MIP, while the most intense ionic line, Mn II 257.065 nm, should be employed in the argon ICP. Their detection limits were of the same order, implying that the Okamoto-cavity MIP had as good analytical performance as the conventional ICP. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 2014年09月, [査読有り] - Microscopic Stress and Strain Evolved in a Twinning-Induced Plasticity Fe-Mn-C Steel
Shigeru Suzuki; Shigeo Sato; Kouji Hotta; Eui- Pyo Kwon; Shun Fujieda; Kozo Shinoda; Kentaro Kajiwara; Masugu Sato, 8019
Advanced Materials Research, 2014年08月, [査読有り] - Investigation of Precipitation Behavior in Age-Hardenable Cu-Ti Alloys by an Extraction-Based Approach
Satoshi Semboshi; Shigeo Sato; Mikio Ishikuro; Kazuaki Wagatsuma; Akihiro Iwase; Takayuki Takasugi, We investigated the precipitation processes in Cu-4 mol pct Ti alloy specimens aged at 723 K (450 A degrees C), by means of X-ray diffraction and chemical analyses of the precipitates extracted from the parent alloy specimens. Aging-induced precipitate particles of a spinodally decomposed disorder, alpha'; those of a metastable order, beta'-Cu4Ti; and those of a stable order, beta-Cu4Ti, were continuously formed in the aged specimens. The extraction of the precipitate particles from the aged specimens by submergence in a nitric solution allowed for not only the structural analyses of the constituent precipitate phases but also the quantitative evaluation of their chemical compositions and volume fractions. Early during the aging process, the supersaturated Cu solid solution decomposes spinodally in a continuous manner, and an unstable disorder, alpha', appears. Then, fine needle-shaped beta'-Cu4Ti particles, which have a Ti content of approximately 37.5 mol pct, form in the Cu matrix. During prolonged aging, coarse cellular components composed of the terminal Cu solid solution and stable beta-Cu4Ti particles which have a Ti content of 20.5 mol pct nucleate and grow, primarily in the grain boundaries, at the expense of the metastable beta'-Cu4Ti particles. The volume fraction of the beta'-Cu4Ti particles in the alloy reaches a maximum of approximately 1.7 pct after aging for 24 hours, while that of the beta-Cu4Ti particles increases steadily to more than 18 pct after 480 hours. The volume fraction of the fine beta'-Cu4Ti particles in the alloy specimens remained constant throughout the age-hardening, indicating that the hardening is primarily owing to the fine dispersion of the beta'-Cu4Ti particles and not because of the large volume fraction of coarse beta-Cu4Ti particles. (C) The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2014, SPRINGER
藤枝 俊; 鵜飼竜史; 小貫祐介; 佐藤成男; 今福宗之; 鈴木茂, 546
Pring-8産業新分野支援課題・一般課題(産業分野)実施報告書, 2014年04月, [査読有り] - Effect of cobalt addition on the deformation and recrystallization textures of polycrystalline IN713C nickel based superalloy
J. Y. Song; S. Sato; Y. Koizumi; A. Chiba, The aim of this study was to examine the effect of cobalt addition on the deformation and recrystallization behavior. The prepared material was Inconel 713C nickel base superalloy. In order to improve the deformability, the IN713C was modified by cobalt addition with 5 and 10wt%. Mechanical property was determined by room temperature tensile test with the strain rate of 10-3 s-1. The recrystallization was performed at 1473K for 300sec followed by oil quenching. The final microstructure becomes homogeneous through cobalt addition. Strength and work hardening rate were decreased during room temperature tensile test. By contrast, elongation was increased. Nucleation site was changed by cobalt addition. It was found that kinetics of recrystallization is dependent of the cobalt addition. The cobalt addition is attributed with ductility and recrystallization behavior and the latter is related to change of deformation behavior. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
Advanced Materials Research, 2014年, [査読有り] - Spatially-resolved spectral image of a microwave-induced plasma with Okamoto-cavity for nitridation of steel substrate
S. Sato; Y. Arai; K. Wagatsuma, 筆頭著者, When a nitrogen microwave-induced plasma produced with an Okamoto-cavity was employed as a source for the nitridation of steel samples, the characteristics of the plasma were investigated by analyzing a spatially-resolved emission image of nitrogen excited species obtained with a two-dimensionally imaging spectrograph. Our previous study had reported on an excellent performance of the Okamoto-cavity microwave-induced plasma (MIP), enabling a nitrided layer having a several-micrometer-thickness to form on an iron substrate, even if the treatment is completed within 1 min, which is superior to a conventional plasma nitriding using low-pressure glow discharges requiring a prolonged treatment time. In this paper, the reason for this is discussed based on a spectrometric investigation. The emission images of band heads of nitrogen molecule and nitrogen molecule ion extended toward the axial/radial directions of the plasma at larger microwave powers supplied to the MIP, thus elevating the number density of the excited species of nitrogen, which would activate any chemical reaction on the iron substrate. However, a drastic increase in the growth rate of the nitrided layer when increasing the microwave power from 600 to 700 W, which had been observed in our previous study, could not be explained only from such a variation in the excited species of nitrogen. This result is probably because the growth process is dominantly controlled by thermal diffusion of nitrogen atom after it enters into the iron substrate, where the substrate temperature is the most important parameter concerning the mobility in the iron lattice. Therefore, the Okamoto-cavity MIP could contribute to a thermal source through radiative heating as well as a source of nitrogen excited species, especially in the growth process of the nitrided layer., JAPAN SOC ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Anal. Sci., 2014年, [査読有り] - Nanostructure of β-type titanium alloys through severe plastic deformation
H. Yilmazer; M. Niinomi; K. Cho; M. Nakai; J. Hieda; S. Sato; Y. Todaka, A novel β-type titanium alloy Ti-29Nb-13Ta-4.6Zr (TNTZ) has been developed and extensively researched to achieve highly desirable mechanical properties such as a high strength while maintaining a low Young's modulus that is close to that of bone, as an alternative candidate for conventional titanium metallic biomaterials such as Ti-6Al-4V ELI. Therefore, strengthening by grain refinement and increasing dislocation density is expected to provide TNTZ high mechanical strength while keeping a low Young's modulus because they keep the original β phase. In this case, severe plastic deformation, such as high-pressure torsion (HPT) processing, is a potential treatment for obtaining these properties. Furthermore, HPT processing is effective for producing ultrafine-grained TNTZ having high dislocation density in single β structure. The obtained promising results, which are a tensile strength of around 1100 MPa and a Young's modulus of around 60 GPa, motivated that the above mentioned mechanical properties can be achieved by microstructural refinement through HPT processing However, the mechanism of microstructural refinement is unclear for TNTZ during HPT processing. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate microstructural changes of TNTZ through HPT processing by X-ray diffraction analysis and transmission electron microscopy. The microstructures of TNTZ subjected to cold rolling (TNTZCR) and HPT processing (TNTZHPT) comprised single β grains
however, the intense β {110} peak reveals that the preferred orientation is β {110} for TNTZHPT. While the microstructure of TNTZCR shows a comparatively high dislocation density (2.3 x 1016 m-2), HPT processing leads to a drastic accumulation of dislocations (5.3 x 1016 m-2 in dislocation density). Dislocations in the microstructures of TNTZHPT are well arranged for the cell wall and/or subgrain boundaries, with a stronger dipole character than random distribution. The dislocation density, arrangement parameter and crystallite diameter (around 11 nm) of TNTZHPT saturate from the center to the peripheral region of a coin shaped specimen at N = 20. Therefore, such a microstructural saturation in a specific strain inducing, N = 20, suggests a threshold for further investigation of β-type titanium alloys. Copyright. © 2014 VBRI press., VBRI Press
Advanced Materials Letters, 2014年, [査読有り] - Relationship between dislocations and residual stresses in cold-drawn pearlitic steel analyzed by energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction
Shigeo Sato; Kazuaki Wagatsuma; Shigeru Suzuki; Masayoshi Kumagai; Muneyuki Imafuku; Hitoshi Tashiro; Kentaro Kajiwara; Takahiasa Shobu, We analyzed the dislocation distribution of cold-drawn pearlitic-steel wire by using the line-profile analysis based on the energy dispersive X-ray diffraction (EDXD). Although this line-profile analysis requires a high resolution in reciprocal space, the resolution for EDXD is generally poor dire to the energy resolution of the detector. Our analysis demonstrated that the resolution in the reciprocal space can be maximized at small scattering angles. Using the line-profile analysis based on the EDXD, the microstructural parameters such as the crystallite size and the dislocation density of the ferrite phase in the pearlitic steel were successfully analyzed. In addition, the distribution of the residual stress of the ferrite phase of a pearlitic steel wire was also analyzed using the EDXD measurement. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC
MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, 2013年09月, [査読有り] - Microscopic residual stress evolution during deformation process of an Fe–Mn–Si–Cr shape memory alloy investigated using white X-ray microbeam diffraction
E.P. Kwon; S. Sato; S. Fujieda; K. Shinoda; K. Kajiwara; M. Sato; S. Suzuki, Microscopic residual stress evolution in different austenite (gamma) grains during shape memory process in an Fe-Mn-Si-Cr alloy was investigated using the white X-ray microbeam diffraction technique. The use of high-energy white X-ray microbeam with small beam size allowed us to measure the microscopic residual stress in coarse gamma grains with specific orientation. After tensile deformation large compressive residual stress was evolved in gamma grains due to the formation of stress-induced epsilon martensite, but upon recovery heating it almost disappeared as a result of reverse transformation of martensite. The magnitude of compressive residual stress was higher in grains with orientations close to < 144 > and < 233 > orientations than in a grain with near < 001 > orientation. Analysis of the microstructure of each grain using electron backscattering diffraction suggested that the difference in the magnitude of compressive residual stress could be attributed to different martensitic transformation characteristics in the grains. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2013年, [査読有り] - Emission spectrometric analysis using an Okamoto-cavity microwave-induced plasma with nitrogen-oxygen mixed gas
Y. Arai; S. Sato; K. Wagatsuma, Microwave-induced plasma optical emission spectrometry (MIP-OES) using Okamoto-cavity has a unique feature being suitable for in-situ analysis in steel-making industry. The Okamoto-cavity MIP can be directly loaded with organic solvents including sample solution as well as fine particles of a solid sample in the nitrogen-oxygen mixed gas plasma; furthermore, their emission intensities are much elevated by adding oxygen of up to 10% to the nitrogen matrix gas, thus contributing to better sensitivity in the MIP-OES. The reason for the intensity enhancement was investigated with a spectroscopic method that the spatial distribution of the emission intensity from the plasma was estimated with a two-dimensionally imaging spectrograph. Emission lines of chromium, which was the most important alloying element in steel materials, as well as band heads of nitrogen molecule were observed, indicating that the emission intensity of atomic chromium lines was drastically elevated whereas the intensities of ionic chromium lines and the nitrogen band heads were commonly reduced when oxygen gas was added to the nitrogen plasma. This result implies that the ionization of chromium, which dominantly occurs through collisions with nitrogen excited species, can be suppressed because the nitrogen excited species would be consumed through collisions with oxygen molecules to cause their dissociation. Optimization of the measuring parameters in the Okamoto-cavity MIP-OES was conducted to determine chromium contents with good precision, and finally the analytical performance in the MIP was compared with that in a conventional ICP-OES., IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN
ISIJ Int., 2013年, [査読有り] - Surface modification of Ti–6Al–4V alloy using an oxygen glow-discharge plasma to suppress the elution of toxic elements into physiological environment
K. Satoh; N. Ohtsu; S. Sato; K. Wagatsuma, We present the application of a plasma-oxidation technique for modifying a the corrosion resistance of a Ti-6Al-4V bio-implant material in a physiological environment. The corrosion resistance of a plasma-oxidized Ti-6Al-4V alloy sample was evaluated by immersing the sample in a lactic acid solution and determining the amounts of eluted elements in the immersion-test solution. The amounts of toxic elements, aluminum and vanadium, eluted from the plasma-oxidized sample were compared with those from the thermally oxidized sample to demonstrate the corrosion resistance of the plasma-oxidized surface to be greatly improved. To elucidate the reasons for this improvement in corrosion resistance, the oxide layers formed on the Ti-6Al-4V alloy were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, which revealed that Al and V oxides were enriched at the outermost surface of the thermally oxidized sample, whereas they were less segregated at the outermost surface of the plasma-oxidized sample. Based on the atomic fractions of elements at the outermost surface of the oxide layers after the immersion test, it was deduced that the elution occurred mainly at the outermost surface of the oxide layer. Therefore, it can be deduced that the characteristic surface composition of the plasma-oxidized sample, with reduced fractions of toxic elements, played an important role in suppressing the elution of toxic elements. © 2013.
Surf. Coat. Technol., 2013年, [査読有り] - Precise characterization of dislocations and cementite in pearlitic steels at different drawing strains using X-ray diffraction
Shigeo Sato; Kazuaki Wagatsuma; Mikio Ishikuro; Eui-Pyo Kwon; Hitoshi Tashiro; Shigeru Suzuki, The dislocation characteristics and subgrain size of cold-drawn pearlitic steels with different carbon compositions were analyzed using X-ray diffraction line profile analysis to determine the work-hardening mechanism, with particular focus on microstructural deformation resulting from the rotation of pearlitic colonies. Modified Williamson-Hall and modified Warren-Averbach methods, which use multiple diffraction profiles, were applied to evaluate the microstructural parameters of the ferrite phase. Although the dislocation density increased with an increase in the drawing strain, the subgrain size was almost constant up to a strain of about 0.7. It was also shown that the higher carbon composition in the pearlitic steels contributes to the refinement of subgrains of the ferrite phase and the accumulation of dislocations. Moreover, the single-line profile analysis was performed for the cementite powder, which was prepared by electrolytic extraction from the steel specimens. The thickness of the cementite lamellae decreased with increasing drawing strain, indicating that the decomposition of the cementite phase occurred at the low strain level of 0.7. On the basis of these microstructural parameters, the strengthening mechanism as a function of the strain level is discussed. © 2013 ISIJ.
ISIJ International, 2013年, [査読有り] - Extraction of precipitates from age-hardenable Cu–Ti alloys
S. Semboshi; M. Ishikuro; S. Sato; K. Wagatsuma; T. Takasugi, An extraction procedure has been developed to separate the precipitates, namely, metastable fine alpha-Cu4Ti with a tetragonal structure and stable coarse beta-Cu4Ti with an orthorhombic structure, from an age-hardenable Cu-Ti alloys. When the alloy was submerged in a 7.0 M nitric acid solution at 273 K, only the Cu solid solution matrix was dissolved chemically, and both precipitates were left as insoluble residue. Subsequent structural and chemical-compositional analyses of the insoluble residue and filtrate determined the mass fraction and composition of the precipitates and matrix with high accuracy. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC
Mater. Charact., 2013年, [査読有り] - Evaluation of compressive deformation behavior of Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 bulk metallic glass containing ZrC particles by synchrotron X-ray diffraction
H. Suzuki; J. Saida; T. Shobu; J. Katsuyama; H. Kato; M. Imafuku and S. Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, The compressive deformation mechanism of a Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 bulk metallic glass containing 10 vol.% ZrC (ZrC-BMG) has been clarified based on the residual stresses in the compressed specimens. The deformation behavior can be classified into four stages through local plastic deformation around ZrC particles until macroscopic fracture when the ZrC particles break. It was suggested that the plasticity and strength of the ZrC-BMG depend on the compressive strength of the ZrC particles and the stress partitioning into both phases. (C) 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
Scr. Mater., 2012年, [査読有り] - Surface-nitriding treatment of steels using microwave-induced nitrogen plasma at atmospheric pressure
Shigeo Sato; Yuuki Arai; Noboru Yamashita; Atsushi Kojyo; Kenji Kodama; Naofumi Ohtsu; Yukio Okamoto; Kazuaki Wagatsuma, 筆頭著者, A rapid surface-nitriding system using microwave-induced nitrogen plasma at atmospheric pressure was developed for modifying iron and steel surfaces. Since the conventional plasma nitriding technique requires a low-pressure atmosphere in the treatment chamber, the population of excited nitrogen molecules in the plasma is limited. Accordingly, several hours are required for nitriding treatment. By contrast, the developed nitriding system can use atmospheric-pressure plasma through application of the Okamoto cavity for excitation of nitrogen plasma. The high population of excited nitrogen molecules induced by the atmospheric-pressure plasma allowed the formation of a nitriding layer that was several micrometers thick within 1 min and produced an expanded austenite iron phase with a high nitrogen concentration close to the solubility limit on the iron substrate. In addition, the nitriding treatment on high-chromium steel was performed by introducing a reducing gas such as NH3 and H-2 into the treatment chamber. While the nitriding reaction did not proceed in a simple N-2 atmosphere due to surface oxidation, the surface reduction induced by the NH3 or H-2 gas promoted the nitriding reaction at the surface. These nitriding phenomena characteristics of the atmospheric-pressure plasma are discussed in this paper based on the effects of the specimen temperature and plasma atmosphere on the thickness, the chemical states, and the nitride compounds of the nitrided layer as investigated by X-ray diffraction, glow-discharge optical emission spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
Appl. Surf. Sci., 2012年, [査読有り] - Enhancement of athermal martensitic transformation in Ti–10V–2Fe–3Al alloy due to high-speed hot deformation
T. Akanuma; H. Matsumoto; S. Sato; A. Chiba; I. Inagaki; Y. Shirai; T. Maeda, This work examines the origin of the athermal alpha" martensitic transformation in Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al alloys arising from high-speed hot deformation on the basis of chemical thermodynamics and the change in stored energy introduced by deformation. The value of the martensitic transformation starting temperature (M-s) is strongly affected by various microstructural factors. This work reveals that a high accumulation of dislocation density, greater than 10(15) m(-2), arising from high-speed deformation, resulted in an enhancement of athermal alpha" martensitic transformations. (C) 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
Scr. Mater., 2012年, [査読有り] - Microstructures and mechanical properties of biomedical Co-29Cr-6Mo-0.14N alloys processed by hot rolling
M. Mori; K. Yamanaka; S. Sato; K. Wagatsuma; A. Chiba, The effect of hot rolling on the microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of biomedical Co-29Cr-6Mo-0.14N (mass pct) alloys has been investigated. The alloy strength increases with increasing hot-rolling reduction; the specimen hot rolled to 92.8 pct (equivalent strain of 3.04) exhibits a yield stress as high as 1100 MPa, which is twice that of the conventionally prepared specimens, with no significant loss in ductility. The grain size hardly changed after hot rolling to 60.0 pct, whereas a specimen hot rolled to 92.8 pct has finer grains. The hot-rolled specimens exhibit deformed microstructures with many deformation twins and dislocation boundaries. The accumulated strain increases monotonically with increasing hot-rolling reduction, although short annealing occurs on each hot-rolling pass. The strengthening mechanism in the hot-rolled Co-29Cr-6Mo-0.14N alloys is discussed by considering the dislocation and grain refinement strengthening., SPRINGER
Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2012年, [査読有り] - Effect of excitation states of nitrogen on the surface nitridation of iron and steel in d.c. glow discharge plasma
Shigeo Sato; Hirokazu Hirai; Sawa Araki; Kazuaki Wagatsuma, The plasma nitriding phenomena that occur on the surfaces of iron and steel were investigated. In particular, the correlation between the kinds of nitrogen radicals and the surface nitriding reaction was investigated using a glow-discharge apparatus. To control the excitation of nitrogen radicals, noble gas mixtures were used for the plasma gas. The highly populated metastables of noble gases selectively produce excited nitrogen molecules (N(2)*) or nitrogen molecule ions (N(2)(+)). The optical emission spectra suggested that the formation of N(2)*-rich or N(2)(+)-rich plasma was successfully controlled by introducing different kinds of noble gases. Auger electron spectroscopy and XPS were used to characterize the depth profile of the elements and chemical species on the nitrided surface. The nitride layer formed by a N(2)(+)-rich plasma had a much higher nitrogen concentration than that by a N(2)*-rich plasma, likely due to the larger chemical activity of the N(2)(+) species as well as the N(2)(+) sputtering bombardment to the cathode surface. The strong reactivity of the N(2)(+) species was also confirmed from the chemical shift of N 1s spectra for iron nitrides. An iron nitride formed by the N(2)(+)-rich plasma has higher stoichiometric quantity of nitrogen than that formed by the N(2)*-rich plasma. Besides the effect of nitrogen radicals on surface nitridation, the contribution of the chromium in steel to the nitriding reaction was also examined. This chromium can promote a nitriding reaction at the surface, which results in an increase in the nitrogen concentration and the formation of nitride with high nitrogen coordination. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., WILEY-BLACKWELL
SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS, 2011年06月, [査読有り] - Change in local environment upon quasicrystallization of Zr-Cu glassy alloys by addition of Pd and Pt
Saida Junji; Sanada Takashi; Sato Shigeo; Imafuku Muneyuki; Ohnuma Masato; Ohkubo Tadakatsu; Hono Kazuhiro; Matsubara Eiichiro
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 2011年05月04日, [査読有り] - Effect of excitation states of nitrogen on the surface nitridation of steels
S. Sato; H. Hirai; S. Araki; K. Wagatsuma, 筆頭著者
Advances in Applied Surface Engineering, 2011年 - Effect of excitation states of nitrogen on the surface nitridation of iron and steel in d.c. glow discharge plasma
S. Sato; H. Hirai; S. Araki; K. Wagatsuma, 筆頭著者, The plasma nitriding phenomena that occur on the surfaces of iron and steel were investigated. In particular, the correlation between the kinds of nitrogen radicals and the surface nitriding reaction was investigated using a glow-discharge apparatus. To control the excitation of nitrogen radicals, noble gas mixtures were used for the plasma gas. The highly populated metastables of noble gases selectively produce excited nitrogen molecules (N2) or nitrogen molecule ions (N2+). The optical emission spectra suggested that the formation of N2-rich or N2 +-rich plasma was successfully controlled by introducing different kinds of noble gases. Auger electron spectroscopy and XPS were used to characterize the depth profile of the elements and chemical species on the nitrided surface. The nitride layer formed by a N2+-rich plasma had a much higher nitrogen concentration than that by a N 2-rich plasma, likely due to the larger chemical activity of the N2+ species as well as the N2+ sputtering bombardment to the cathode surface. The strong reactivity of the N2+ species was also confirmed from the chemical shift of N 1s spectra for iron nitrides. An iron nitride formed by the N2 +-rich plasma has higher stoichiometric quantity of nitrogen than that formed by the N2-rich plasma. Besides the effect of nitrogen radicals on surface nitridation, the contribution of the chromium in steel to the nitriding reaction was also examined. This chromium can promote a nitriding reaction at the surface, which results in an increase in the nitrogen concentration and the formation of nitride with high nitrogen coordination. © 2010 John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd.
Surf. Interface Anal., 2011年, [査読有り] - Evolution of texture and dislocation distributions in high-ductile austenitic steel
S. Sato; T. Yoshimura; Y. Takahashi; N. Yamada; K. Wagatsuma; S. Suzuki, 筆頭著者, Selected paper from DXC 2010 proceedings, J C P D S-INT CENTRE DIFFRACTION DATA
Powder Diffraction J., 2011年, [査読有り] - Microstructural characterization of high-manganese austenitic steels with different stacking fault energies
S. Sato; E. P. Kwon; M. Imafuku; K. Wagatsuma; S. Suzuki, 筆頭著者, Microstructures of tensile-deformed high-manganese austenitic steels exhibiting twinning-induced plasticity were analyzed by electron backscatter diffraction pattern observation and X-ray diffraction measurement to examine the influence of differences in their stacking fault energies on twinning activity during deformation. The steel specimen with the low stacking fault energy of 15 mJ/m(2) had a microstructure with a high population of mechanical twins than the steel specimen with the high stacking fault energy (25 mJ/m(2)). The < 111 > and < 100 > fibers developed along the tensile axis, and mechanical twinning occurred preferentially in the < 111 > fiber. The Schmid factors for slip and twinning deformations can explain the origin of higher twinning activity in the < 111 > fiber. However, the high stacking fault energy suppresses the twinning activity even in the < 111 > fiber. A line profile analysis based on the X-ray diffraction data revealed the relationship between the characteristics of the deformed microstructures and the stacking fault energies of the steel specimens. Although the variation in dislocation density with the tensile deformation is not affected by the stacking fault energies, the effect of the stacking fault energies on the crystallite size refinement becomes significant with a decrease in the stacking fault energies. Moreover, the stacking fault probability, which was estimated from a peak-shift analysis of the 111 and 200 diffractions, was high for the specimen with low stacking fault energy. Regardless of the difference in the stacking fault energies of the steel specimens, the refined crystallite size has a certain correlation with the stacking fault probability, indicating that whether the deformation-induced crystallite-size refinement occurs depends directly on the stacking fault probability rather than on the stacking fault energies in the present steel specimens. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC
Mater. Charact., 2011年, [査読有り] - Atomic structure of nanoscale quasicrystal-forming Zr–noble metal binary metallic glasses
J. Saida; K. Itoh; T. Sanada; S. Sato; M. Imafuku; M. Ohnuma; A. Inoue, We report the results of the local structural evaluation and mechanism of QC formation in the Zr(70)Pd(30) and Zr(80)Pt(20) glassy alloys. Voronoi analysis indicates the difference of local environment between two alloys. The perfect icosahedron frequently exists around Zr atom and major polyhedra have prism-like structure around Pd in Zr(70)Pd(30). In contrast, icosahedral-like distorted polyhedra formation is favorable around Pt as well as Zr in Zr(80)Pt(20). It is therefore, concluded that the quasicrystallization originates from the medium-range order based on the Zr-centered perfect icosahedron and the Pd-centered prism-like ones remain during the QC phase formation in Zr(70)Pd(30). Icosahedral-like local structure around Zr and Pt might contribute together to the nucleation of QC phase in Zr(80)Pt(20). This feature with a different mechanism of QC formation in the two alloys may correlate to the difference of solute concentration and the structure of stable crystalline phase after the decomposition of QC phase. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
J. Alloys and Compounds, 2011年, [査読有り] - Characteristic microstructure of polycrystalline Fe-Mn-C alloys deformed by tensile test
S. Suzuki; T. Yoshimura; E. P. Kwon; S. Fujieda; K. Shinoda; S. Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, Some Fe-based alloys containing Mn exhibit characteristic plastic deformation modes such as twin induced plasticity (TWIP) and transformation induced plasticity (TRIP). In this study, microstructural changes induced by a tensile test in polycrystalline Fe-25% Mn-0.6% C alloys exhibiting TWIP were characterized. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and two-dimensional (2D) X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements using synchrotron radiation were carried out to characterize the microstructure and crystallographic orientation of the polycrystalline alloy samples. The samples were deformed by 10%, 30%, and 60% in a tensile test. The EBSD results showed that deformation twins appeared to form preferentially in grains with large Schmid factors for twinning, and these had an orientation of nearly < 011 > - < 111 > parallel to the tensile direction. In addition to twinning, plastic deformation by dislocation slip was also observed in the interior of grains and near grain boundaries. In the polycrystalline sample, the heterogeneous strain by twinning and dislocation slip evolved overall with tensile strain. The 2D-XRD results also indicated that dislocation slip as well as twinning occurs in tensile deformed samples, and the contribution of twinning and dislocation slip in grains depends on tensile strain. Therefore, multiple plastic deformation modes consisting of different deformation twins and dislocation slips are attributed to large elongation in Fe-Mn-C alloys. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of ICM11, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
Procedia Engineering, 2011年, [査読有り] - Characterization of aging properties and precipitation of copper base alloys
S. Sato; K. Wagatsuma; M. Isshiki; H. Tashiro; S. Suzuki, 筆頭著者, This article describes recent progresses in the microstructural characterization of precipitates in several copper base alloys and the mechanical and electrical properties of the alloys. To improve the strength and electrical conductivity of Cu-Ti and Cu-Ni-Si alloys, the effects of composition and cold-work treatment prior to aging treatment on these properties are examined. The properties of the alloys are found to be improved by precipitation during aging. The small-angle X-ray scattering method and X-ray absorption fine structure analysis are used for characterizing the precipitates formed. Our results show that there is an optimum size of precipitates for obtaining high strength, although the electrical conductivity monotonically increases with aging time. We also show that cold rolling after solution treatment is effective in increasing the strength and electrical conductivity of the alloys. We discuss the precipitation mechanism in the cold-rolled alloys on the basis of the experimental results., WALTER DE GRUYTER & CO
High Temp. Mater. Processes, 2010年, [査読有り] - Atomic-scale characterization of elastic deformation of Zr-based metallic glass under tensile stress
Shigeo Sato; Hiroshi Suzuki; Takahisa Shobu; Muneyuki Imafuku; Yoshinori Tsuchiya; Kazuaki Wagatsuma; Hidemi Kato; Albertus Deny Setyawan and Junji Saida, 筆頭著者, In-situ observation of elastic deformation behaviors of Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 bulk metallic glass under tensile stress was carried out using the high-energy X-ray scattering method. Two analytical procedures the reciprocal-space method and direct-space method were applied. The reciprocal-space method, used for the estimation of an apparent atomic spacing, can evaluate the strain in the range of several nanometers. We found that this method yields a large Young's modulus (115 GPa) and a small Poisson's ratio (0.32), as compared to the macroscopic values of 101 GPa and 0.38, respectively. Thus, the macroscopic deformation is larger than the microscopic deformation characterized by the X-ray scattering method. This feature indicates the possibility of inhomogeneous regions with weakly bonded structures existing locally in the glassy structure and acting as significant deformation sites in the elastic stage. The direct-space method suggests that the Zr-Zr nearest pair has a higher sensitivity to an applied stress than the Zr-Cu pair. Moreover, both the nearest pairs in the first shell (r < 0.4 nm) exhibit a slight distortion, as compared with the deformation observed in the second or higher coordination shell (r > 0.4 nm). We explain this deformability gap with the hypothesis that the free volume in the first coordination shell assists the glide of atoms. This results in a larger strain in the second or higher coordination shell than in the first shell. [doi: 10.2320/matertrans.M2010052], JAPAN INST METALS
Mater. Trans., 2010年, [査読有り] - Depth Resolved and Elemental Selective XRF and XAS in Surface Layer of Annealed Fe-Cr Alloys
K. Shinoda; S. Sato; S. Suzuki; H. Toyokawa; H. Tanida; T. Uruga, Cr in Fe-Cr alloys often forms some different phase of oxides during annealing at high temperatures. The phases of Cr oxides are determined depending on the annealing condition such as temperature and oxygen partial pressure. In this study, depth-resolved X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) of Fe and Cr were carried out using a two-dimensional pixel array detector with geometrical arrangement of the grazing exit in detection of fluorescence X-ray emitted from the sample surface, in order to characterize the depth-directional distribution of the elements in the surface layers of Fe-Cr alloys annealed under low oxygen partial pressure. In addition, depth-resolved X-ray absorption spectra will also be able to be obtained by measuring the incident X-ray energetic dependencies of the fluorescence intensity. These techniques facilitate non-destructive measurement of the elemental distribution and the phase of metal or oxides in depth direction. The experiments were performed at the BL01B1 of SPring-8 synchrotron radiation facility. The results showed that Cr was enriched and covered on the surface of the alloys during annealing and formed as Cr2O3 or FeCr2O4. The phase and thickness of formed oxides depended on the alloy composition and the annealing conditions., Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2010年, [査読有り] - Depth Resolved XRF and XAS for Enrichment and Oxidation of Mn on Surface of Annealed Fe-Mn Alloys
K. Shinoda; S. Sato; S. Suzuki; H. Toyokawa; H. Tanida; M. Takagaki; Y. Terada and T. Uruga, Alloying elements added to steel for improving surface properties such as corrosion resistance are often enriched to the surface of the alloys during annealing at high temperatures. Their behavior depends on difference in their chemical characters and the condition of annealing. In this study, nondestructive depth-resolved analysis of amount distribution and chemical state of alloying element by using X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) technique in combination with X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) in order to characterize the enrichment and oxidation of manganese on the surface layers of an Fe-Mn alloy annealed under low oxygen partial pressure. The experiments were carried out using a two-dimensional detector with geometrical arrangement of grazing exit in detection of fluorescence X-ray emitted from sample surface. The results showed that manganese was enriched to surface layers of the Fe-Mn alloys during annealing at high temperatures and formed as manganese oxide. The preferential oxidation of manganese by annealing under low oxygen partial pressure is considered the driving force for their enrichment on the alloy surface. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications., Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2010年, [査読有り] - Characterization of aging behavior of precipitates and dislocations in copper-based alloys
S. Sato; Y. Takahashi; K. Wagatsuma; S. Suzuki, 筆頭著者, Selected paper from DXC 2009 proceedings
Powder Diffraction J., 2010年, [査読有り] - Nondestructive depth resolved analysis by using grazing exit fluorescence-yield X-ray absorption spectroscopy
K.Shinoda; S.Sato; S.Suzuki; T.Uruga; H.Tanida; H.Toyokawa; Y.Terada; Y.Takagaki, 表面分析研究会
J. Surf. Anal., 2009年, [査読有り] - Reduction of titanium oxide in the presence of nickel by nonequilibrium hydrogen gas
H. Sekimoto; T. Uda; Y. Nose; S. Sato; H. Kakiuchi; Y. Awakura, We investigated the reduction of TiO(2) in the presence of Ni by nonequilibrium hydrogen gas, including low-temperature hydrogen plasma at 800 degrees C and supercooled monatomic hydrogen at 1000 degrees C. TiO(2) was reduced to TiO(2)O(3), which is not in equilibrium phase, by low-temperature hydrogen plasma. The results of x-ray diffraction and energy dispersive x-ray analysis in experiments at 1000 degrees C indicate that the thermodynamical reduction potential of supercooled monatomic hydrogen is almost the same as atmospheric hydrogen gas. However, the wide Ti(3)O(5) layer formed only in the case of the reduction at 1000 degrees C by supercooled monatomic hydrogen. With these experimental facts. we speculate that the reduction mechanism by nonequilibrium hydrogen consists of two steps; the releasing energy process and the relaxation process. We can explain the difference of reduction products by nonequilibrium hydrogen gas oil the assumption of the rate of the relaxation process between 800 and 1000 degrees C., MATERIALS RESEARCH SOC
J. Mater. Res., 2009年, [査読有り] - Surface analysis of nitride layers formed on Fe-based alloys through plasma nitride process
S. Sato; K. Omori; S. Araki; Y. Takahashi; K. Wagatsuma, 筆頭著者, Nitriding phenomena that occur on the surfaces of pure Fe and Fe-Cr alloy (16 wt% Cr) samples were investigated. An Ar + N(2) mixture-gas glow-discharge plasma was used so that surface nitriding could occur on a clean surface etched by Ar(+) ion sputtering. In addition, the metal substrates were kept at a low temperature to suppress the diffusion of nitrogen. These plasmanitriding conditions enabled us to characterize the surface reaction between nitrogen radicals and the metal substrates. The emission characteristics of the band heads of the nitrogen molecule ion (N(2)(+)) and nitrogen molecule from the glow-discharge plasma suggest that the active nitrogen molecule is probably the major nitriding reactant. AES and angle-resolved XPS were used to characterize the thickness of the nitride layer and the concentration of elements and chemical species in the nitride layer. The thickness of the nitride layer did not depend on the metal substrate type. An oxide layer with a thickness of a few nanometers was formed on the top of the nitride layer during the nitriding process. The oxide layer consisted of several species of N(x)-Fe(y)-O, NO(+), and NO(2)(-). In the Fe-Cr alloy sample, these oxide species could be reduced because chromium is preferentially nitrided. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD
Surf. Interface Anal., 2009年, [査読有り] - Evaluation of the local environment for nanoscale quasicrystal formation in Zr80Pt20 glassy alloy using Voronoi analysis
J. Saida; K. Itoh; S. Sato; M. Imafuku; T. Sanada; A. Inoue, The local atomic structure of nano-quasicrystal-forming Zr80Pt20 binary glassy alloy was investigated by reverse Monte Carlo modeling based on the results of x-ray diffraction. A prepeak at Q similar to 17 nm(-1) originating from the unique bonding between the Pt-Pt pair is observed in the structure factor. Voronoi analysis indicates that an icosahedral-like polyhedron is formed around Pt. It is also found that icosahedral-like polyhedra exist around Zr; however, the fraction of perfect icosahedra is considerably lower than that in the nano-quasicrystal-forming Zr70Pd30 glassy alloy. A difference in the local environment between the two binary quasicrystal-forming glassy alloys is suggested., IOP PUBLISHING LTD
Phys. Condens. Matter, 2009年, [査読有り] - Small-angle X-ray scattering characterization of precipitates in Cu-Ti alloys
S. Sato; Y. Takahashi; T. Sanada; K. Wagatsuma; S. Suzuki, 筆頭著者, In order to understand the aging characteristics of Cu-Ti alloys, extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements were performed for characterizing changes in the local structure around titanium and the precipitate size in the Cu-Ti alloys by aging at approximately 720 K after solution treatment. Cu-1.3, 2.6, and 4.5 at.% Ti alloys were prepared using high-purity base metals. The amount of titanium dissolved in the copper matrix during aging was estimated from the electrical resistivity of the alloys. The aging characteristics showed that the precipitation rate of Cu-Ti intermetaillic compounds in the copper matrix increased with increasing bulk titanium amount. The local structures of titanium in precipitates, presumably Cu(4)Ti, are indistinguishable in the present alloys by EXAFS analysis because of the similarity of EXAFS functions for a Cu(4)Ti intermetallic compound and a substitutional solid solution in copper. However, the EXAFS analysis revealed that the atomic distance of a Cu-Ti pair was significantly smaller than that estimated from the atomic radii of copper and titanium, implying that there is a strong atomic correlation in the pair. SAXS measurements were carried out for analyzing the growth behavior of precipitates in alloys during aging. The SAXS results revealed that a small amount of precipitates was formed in Cu-1.3 at.% Ti in the initial aging stage, whereas precipitates with approximately 2 nm radius were formed in Cu-2.6 and 4.5 at.% Ti alloys. By aging up to 2000 s, the precipitates in Cu-1.3, 2.6 and 4.5 at.% Ti alloys grew to approximately 3.5 nm in radius. These aging characteristics were discussed on the basis of the number density of precipitates calculated from the size of precipitates and the amount of super-saturated titanium in the copper matrix. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
J. Alloys Compds., 2009年, [査読有り] - Analysis of plasma-nitriding layers on Fe-based alloy samples
S. Sato; K. Ohmori; Y. Takahashi; S. Araki, 筆頭著者
Proceedings of Asia Steel International Conference 2009, 2009年 - X-ray analysis of precipitates formed in copper-base alloys
S. Sato; Y. Takahashi; T. Sanada; K. Shinoda; K. Wagatsuma; S. Suzuki, 筆頭著者
Advances in X-ray analysis, 2009年, [査読有り] - SAXS and XAFS Characterization of Nano-Scale Precipitates in Copper-Base Alloys
Y. Takahashi; T. Sanada; S. Sato; T. Okajima; K. Shinoda; S. Suzuki, Analyses of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) were performed for characterizing precipitates formed in a, Cu-Ni-Si alloy without and with a, small amount of Fe, the strength and electrical conductivity of which were improved by aging process. These alloy samples were aged at 720 K after a solution treatment. The SAXS profiles of the samples were measured to investigate the size of precipitates. The results of SAXS measurements showed that nanometer-size precipitates formed in the alloy samples during isothermal aging. The precipitates in the Cu-alloy sample without Fe appeared to be coarsened in a multi-modal size distribution by the aging process. In contrast, the precipitates with homogeneous size were formed for the Cu-alloy sample with Fe. The environmental structure of Ni and Fe of these alloys evaluated by EXAFS measurements revealed that the precipitates of these alloys have the structure of δ-Ni2Si, and Fe substitutes Ni in δ-Ni2Si. It is presumed that the precipitates of homogeneous size in the Fe-added Cu alloy were formed because highly dispersed Fe atoms serve as nucleation sites of Ni2Si. © 2008 The Surface Science Society of Japan.
e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech., 2008年, [査読有り] - Nano quasicrystal formation and local atomic structure in Zr-Pd and Zr-Pt binary metallic glasses
J. Saida; T. Sanada; S. Sato; M. Imafuku; C. Li; A. Inoue, Formation of the nanoscale icosahedral quasicrystalline phase (I-phase) in the melt-spun Zr(70)Pd(30) and Zr(80)Pt(20) binary metallic glasses were reported. Local atomic structure in the glassy and quasicrystal (QC)-formed states were also analyzed by XRD and EXAFS measurements in order to investigate the formation mechanism of QC phase. The distorted icosahedral-like local structure can be identified around Zr atom in the Zr(70)Pd(30) metallic glass. In the QC formation process, a change of local environment around Zr is detected, in which the approximately one Zr atom substitutes for one Pd atom. In contrast, since the local environment around Pt atom is remaining during the QC precipitation, it is suggested that the stable icosahedral local structure is mainly formed around a center Pt atom in the glassy state in Zr(80)Pt(20). We also found that the local environment around Zr atom significantly changes during the quasicrystallization in the alloy. These results differ from those in the Zr(70)Pd(30) metallic glass., OLDENBOURG VERLAG
Z. Kristallogr., 2008年, [査読有り] - Characterization of surface oxide layers formed on Fe–Al alloys by annealing under different atmospheres
S. Suzuki; T. Yamamoto; K. Shinoda; S. Sato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, XPS and SIMS were used for characterizing the surface oxide layers formed on Fe - Al alloys during annealing under atmospheres with different partial pressures of oxygen, which were controlled by H2O/H-2 ratios in the gas. The XPS results showed that an aluminum oxide (Al2O3) layer was formed on the surfaces of samples annealed at a high temperature under a low partial pressure of oxygen, while such a layer was not formed on the surfaces of samples annealed under a high partial pressure of oxygen. SIMS depth profiles showed that the surfaces of samples annealed at high temperatures under a low partial pressure of oxygen were covered with a thin Al2O3 layer of approximately 50 nm thickness. It was also shown that oxygen penetrated the samples annealed under a high partial pressure of oxygen, and the depth profile of oxygen was correlated with that of aluminum. This indicates that internal oxidation of aluminum occurs in the samples annealed under a high partial pressure of oxygen. Grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD) was also employed for analyzing the structure of the Al2O3 layer formed on the surface of samples annealed under a low partial pressure of oxygen. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., WILEY-BLACKWELL
Surf. Interface Anal., 2008年, [査読有り] - Analysis of thermal parameters and factors acting on thermal conduction of low-k films
S. Sato; T. Okamura; J. Ye, 筆頭著者, The thermal properties of a silicon oxide-based low-k film and a thermally oxidized silicon film were investigated using the 3-omega and laser thermo-reflectance (LTR) methods. Thermal conductivity and effusivity were successfully estimated by the 3-omega and LTR methods, respectively. It was confirmed that the combination of thermal effusivity and conductivity can successfully provide the heat capacity and thermal diffusivity of the films. The thermal parameters thus obtained suggested that the lower thermal conductivity of the examined low-k film comes mainly from a rather low level of thermal diffusivity. Based on an analysis of the X-ray diffraction profiles of the films, it was found that the low thermal diffusivity of the low-k film could be attributed to the discontinuity of the network structure of their clusters. The heat resistance at the interface between the film and Si substrate was also evaluated. We found that the low-k film exhibited, interestingly, negative interfacial heat resistance, although interfacial heat resistance should have a positive value in general. In order to determine the origin of the negative interfacial heat resistance, the interface state of the films was analyzed in detail on the basis of X-ray reflectivity (XRR) measurements. The XRR results showed clearly that a thin, high-density layer was present at the interface of the low-k films. This high-density layer presumably promoted heat flow to the substrate, resulting in the apparent negative interfacial heat resistance. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD
Surf. Interface Anal., 2008年, [査読有り] - Analysis of SiO2 films on Si substrate by GD-OES depth profiling and GIXR measurements
S. Suzuki; S. Sato; K. Kakita
J. Surf. Anal., 2008年, [査読有り] - Laser thermoreflectance measurement for evaluating heat capacity and interface heat resistance of low-k films
J. Ye; T. Okamura; S. Sato, A novel technique that combines laser thermoreflectance measurement with the 3-omega method is proposed for evaluating the heat capacity of low-k films and the heat resistance at the interface between the low-k film and Si substrate. It was demonstrated that the heat capacity of thin films and the heat resistance at the interface can be determined by obtaining the heat effusivity of the film from laser thermoreflectance measurements, the total heat resistance obtained with the 3-omega method, and film density and thickness found from x-ray reflectivity measurements. The heat capacity of SiOC films was determined to be C-p(SOC)=1.1 kJ/kgK with interface heat resistance of R-int(SiOC)=-2.37x10(-8)m(2)k/W, while the heat capacity of Th-ox films was determined to be Cp(Th-ox)=0.61 kJ/kgK with Rint(Th-ox)=+1.74x10(-8) m(2)k/W. A DSC heat capacity measurement confirmed the reliability of the evaluated C-p data. XRR and TEM examinations revealed that the negative interface heat resistance exhibited by the SiOC films is deeply relative to a high density layer at the interface between the film and Si substrate; and the positive interface heat resistance displayed by the Th-ox films stemmed from atomic defects at the interface between the film and Si substrate. The measured negative interface heat resistance is an apparent value, which does not mean a real negative interface heat resistance physically existing at the interface, but the easiness for heat to flow from the film to the substrate., MATERIALS RESEARCH SOC
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 2008年, [査読有り] - Water splitting property of Gd1-xBixVO4 powder photocatalysts and their thin film photoelecrodes
H. Kishida; Y. Imagawam; T. Yamaguchi; S. Sato; H. Arakawa, New water splitting solid solution photocatalysts with the composition of Gd1-xBixVO4 (x = 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0) were synthesized by a solid-state reaction. Gd0.3Bi0.7VO4 was found as novel photocatalyst with both O-2 evolution from aqueous solution of sacrificial reagent AgNO3 under visible-light irradiation (lambda > 420nm) and H-2 evolution from aqueous solution of sacrificial reagent CH3OH under near visible-light irradiation (lambda > 380nm). The obtained solid solutions such as GdVO4, Gd0.7Bi0.3VO4, Gd0.5Bi0.5VO4, and Gd0.3Bi0.7VO4 crystallized in zircon-tetragonal crystal structures, while Gd0.05Bi0.95VO4 and BiVO4 crystallized in scheelite-monoclinic structures. The diffuse reflectance spectra of the solid solutions shift monotonically to a long wavelength as the ratio of Bi ions to Gd ions increases in the solid solution. The structure and water splitting activity were discussed in relation to the solid solution compositions and photophysical properties. Furthermore, new thin film photoelectrodes of Gd0.7Bi0.3VO4 and BiVO4 for solar hydrogen production were prepared by metal organic decomposition (MOD) method and polymerized complex (PC) method. The photoelectrodes were characterized by using Grazing Incidence X-ray Analysis (GIXA), SEM, cyclic voltammetry (CV) and IPCE measurement. Finally, solar energy conversion efficiency for water splitting (STH efficiency) was measured. Best STH efficiencies of BiVO4 and Gd0.3Bi0.7VO4 thin film photoelectrodes were 0.05% at the applied potential of 0.9 V and 0.025% at the applied potential of 0.5 V vs NHE, respectively., SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING
Proceedings of SPIE, 2008年, [査読有り] - Characterization of Surface Oxide Films Formed on Iron-Aluminum Alloys by Annealing under Different Atmospheres.
Shigeru Suzuki; Takamichi Yamamoto; Shigeo Sato; Kozo Shinoda
12th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, 2007年09月09日, [査読有り] - Correlation between local structure and stability of supercooled liquid state in Zr-based metallic glasses
J. Saida; M. Imafuku; S. Sato; T. Sanada; E. Matsubara; A. Inoue, The correlation between the local structure and stability of supercooled liquid state is investigated in the Zr-70(Ni, Cu)(30) binary and Zr70Al10(Ni, Cu)20 (numbers indicate at.%) ternary metallic glasses. The Zr70Ni30 binary amorphous alloy with a low stability of supercooled liquid state has a tetragonal Zr2Ni-like local structure around Ni atom. Meanwhile, the Zr70Cu30 binary metallic glass has a different local structure of tetragonal Zr2Cu, where we suggest the icosahedral local structure by the quasicrystallization behavior in addition of a very small amount of noble metals. The effect of Al addition on the local structure in the Zr-Ni alloy is also examined. We have investigated that the dominant local structure changes in the icosahedral-like structure from the tetragonal Zr2Ni-like local structure by the Al substitution with Ni accompanying with the significant stabilization of supercooled liquid state. It is concluded that the formation of icosahedral local structure contributes to the enhancement of stability of supercooled liquid state in the Zr-based alloys. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2007年, [査読有り] - Effect of Al on the local structure and stability of Zr-based metallic glasses
J. Saida; T. Sanada; S. Sato; M. Imafuku; E. Matsubara; A. Inoue, The effect of At addition on the local structure and the thermal stability in the Zr-Ni-based metallic glass is investigated. It is well known that At is a very effective element on the enhancement of glass-forming ability (GFA), i.e., stability of supercooled liquid state in the alloy system. We have found that the dominant local structure is icosahedral-like in the Zr(70)AI(10)Ni(20) metallic glass and the tetragonal Zr2Ni-like local in the Zr70Ni30 amorphous alloy. It is concluded that the change in the dominant local structure contributes to the enhancement of the stability of supercooled liquid state in the alloy. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
J. Alloys. Compds., 2007年, [査読有り] - Local Structure Study in Zr-Based Metallic Glasses
J. Saida; T. Sanada; S. Sato; M. Imafuku; E. Matsubara; A. Inoue, The local structure in the glassy state is investigated in the Zr80Pt20 and Zr70Cu30 binary and Zr70Al10Ni20 ternary alloys in correlation with the quasicrystalline (QC) phase forniation. The Zr80Pt20 alloy has a high QC-forming ability. It is easily formed in the as-quenched state with a considerably low cooling rate or by annealing the glassy alloy. The radial distribution function (RDF) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) analysis clearly indicate the existence of icosahedral local structure around Pt atom. The Zr70Cu30 binary and Zr70Al10Ni20 ternary metallic glasses have a QC-forming ability by the addition of a very small amount of noble metals such as Pd. We can also investigate the icosahedral local structure in these alloys. These results are realized that the icosahedral local structure can be applied as a dominant local atomic configuration in the supercooled liquid and/or glassy states in the QC-forming metallic glasses., JAPAN INST METALS
Mater. Trans., 2007年, [査読有り] - Local structure characterization in quasicrystal-forming Zr80Pt20 binary amorphous alloy
J. Saida; T. Sanada; S. Sato; M. Imafuku; A. Inoue, The local structure of melt-spun Zr80Pt20 alloy was investigated in the amorphous and icosahedral quasicrystal (QC)-formed states by x-ray diffraction and extended x-ray absorption fine structure measurements. While the local environment around the Zr atom in the amorphous state is considerably different from that in the QC-formed state, it remains during the quasicrystallization around the Pt atom. It is suggested that the stable icosahedral local structure is mainly formed in the center of the Pt atom in the amorphous state., AMER INST PHYSICS
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2007年, [査読有り] - Local structure in quasicrystal-forming Zr-based metallic glasses correlated with a stability of the supercooled liquid state
J. Saida; M. Imafuku; S. Sato; E. Matsubara; A. Inoue, Nanoquasicrystallization and the local structure of several Zr-based metallic glasses were investigated in correlation with a stability of the supercooled liquid state. Single icosahedral quasicrystalline phase (1-phase) formation is confirmed in the Zr70Al10Ni20 ternary and Zr70Cu30 binary metallic glasses with a high stability of the supercooled liquid state by the addition of a small amount of a noble metal such as 0.5-1 at.% Pd or An. Since the local structure does not change by nanoquasicrystallization as well as by the addition of 1 at.% Pd in the Zr70Al10Ni20 ternary metallic glass on the basis of an extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) study, we propose an icosahedral local structure in the quasicrystal-forming metallic glasses. No I-phase formation is observed in the Zr70Ni30 binary alloy by the addition of I at.% Pd or An, in which the stability of the supercooled liquid state is lower than those in the Zr70Cu30, Zr65Al7.5Cu27.5 and Zr70Al10Ni20 alloys. Since the tetragonal ZrNi-like local structure is identified in the Zr70Ni30 amorphous alloy, it is concluded that a strong correlation exists between the stability of the supercooled liquid state and the icosahedral local structure in the glassy state in Zr-based metallic glasses. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2007年, [査読有り] - SAXS and XAFS characterization of Precipitates in a High-Performance Cu-Ni-Si Alloy
Y. Takahashi; T. Sanada; S. Sato; T. Okajima; K. Shinoda; S. Suzuki, Analyses of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) were performed for characterizing precipitates formed in a Cu-3.1 at %Ni-1.4 at%Si alloy. the strength and electrical conductivity of which were improved by aging. SAXS profiles and XAFS spectra of samples aged at 720 K for different periods of time after a solution treatment were measured. SAXS profiles of samples, which were aged after the solution treatment and Subsequently cold rolled, were also measured to investigate the effect of dislocations on precipitation. The results of SAXS measurements showed that nanometer-size precipitates formed in the alloy samples during isothermal aging at 720 K. The precipitates in the samples without cold rolling were coarsened in a single modal size distribution with increasing aging time. In contrast, the precipitates formed in the cold-rolled samples appeared to be coarsened in a multi-modal size distribution with increasing aging time. This aging characteristic of the cold-rolled samples is presumably attributable to their good electrical conductivity. The results of XAFS measurements at the Ni K-edge showed that nickel was Substituted for copper in the face-centered cubic (fee) copper matrix and that the local structure around nickel was changed by isothermal aging. With increasing aging time, extended X-ray absorption line structure (EXAFS) functions at the Ni K-edge of the samples were found to be changed, which implies that nickel atoms were precipitated as nickel-silicon Clusters or intermediate compounds in the fee copper matrix. In addition, X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra at the Ni K-edge indicated that the electronic Structure of nickel in the samples was influenced by silicon during aging., JAPAN INST METALS
Mater. Trans., 2007年, [査読有り] - Bidirectional thermal expansion measurement for evaluating Poisson’s ratio of thin films
J. Ye; S. Shimizu; S. Sato; N. Kojima; J. Noro, An original and practical method is demonstrated for determining Poisson's ratio of thin films by detecting thermal expansion in two directions perpendicular to each other. In the direction within the film, the temperature gradient of the biaxial thermal stress Delta sigma(f)/Delta T was obtained by substrate curvature measurements; in the direction perpendicular to the film, the temperature gradient of the whole thermal expansion strain Delta d/d Delta T along the film thickness d was measured by x-ray reflectivity. It was found that Poisson's ratio of thin films with a thickness of several hundred nanometers can be determined from Delta sigma(f)/Delta T, Delta d/d Delta T, reduced modulus E-r of the film, and from the thermal expansion coefficient alpha(s) of the substrate. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics., AMER INST PHYSICS
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2006年 - Thermal expansion coefficients of nano-clustering silica (NCS) films measured by X-ray reflectivity and substrate curvature methods
T. Suzuki; I. Sugiura; S. Sato; T. Nakamura
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2005年, [査読有り] - Comparative study of local structure in Zr70Al10Ni20 and quasi-crystal-forming Zr70Al9Ni20Pd1 metallic glasses
J. Saida; M. Imafuku; S. Sato; T. Sanada; E. Matsubara; A. Inoue, The local structure of Zr70Al9Ni20Pd1 metallic glass, in which a nano-icosahedral quasi-crystalline phase (I-phase) is formed in the primary stage of crystallization, has been examined and compared with that of Zr70Al10Ni20, the supercooled liquid state of which has a high stability. Since the local environments around the Zr and Ni atoms do not change drastically by the addition of 1 at.% Pd to Zr70Al10Ni20, as evidenced by radial distribution function (RDF) and extended x-ray absorption. ne structure (EXAFS) studies, we deduce that the icosahedral phase formed in the Zr70Al9Ni20Pd1 metallic glass has a local structure similar to that in Zr70Al10Ni20. Although a very slight rearrangement of Zr-Zr atomic pairs occurs during quasi-crystallization, the I-phase formation is achieved without disturbing the dominant local structure in the glassy state of the Zr70Al9Ni20Pd1. An icosahedral local structure is proposed for Zr-Al-Ni metallic glass system as well as for primary quasi-crystal (QC)-forming Zr-based metallic glasses., TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
Philos. Mag. Lett., 2005年, [査読有り] - Local structures of Zr-based metallic glasses in terms of quasicrystal formation and stability of Supercooled liquid state
J. Saida; M. Imafuku; S. Sato; E. Matsubara; A. Inoue, Nanoquasicrystallization and local structure of Zr-based metallic glasses were investigated. The nano icosahedral. quasicrystalline phase (QC) is formed in the Zr70Al10Ni20 ternary and Zr70Cu30 binary metallic glasses with a high stability of supercooled liquid state by addition of a small amount of noble metal. The QC formation proceeds without the significant change of local structure. We can propose the icosahedral local structure in these QC-forming metallic glasses. We also investigate the correlation between the QC formation and stability of supercooled liquid state., TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD
J. Metastable Nanocryst. Mater., 2005年, [査読有り] - Change in environmental structure around Al in Zr60Ni25Al15 metallic glass upon crystallization studied by nuclear magnetic resonance
M. Imafuku; K. Saito; K. Kanehashi; J. Saida; S. Sato; A. Inoue, In order to investigate the structural evolution around Al, pulse NMR experiments were carried out oil Al-27 in the Zr60Ni25Al15 metallic glass and the related crystalline compound, Zr6NiAl2. Different chemical shift peaks were observed around 2750 and 3000 ppm in the as-quenched Zr60Ni25Al15 and crystalline compound, Zr6NiAl2, respectively. Considering that the capped triangular prism of Zr9Al3 is formed around Al in the Zr6NiAl2 crystal, chemical correlation pairs of Al-Zr and/or Al-Al are fairly faint while that of Al-Ni may be dominant instead in the as-quenched state. These results suggest all inhomogenous chemical bonding nature in the Zr60Ni25Al15 metallic glass. The resonant peaks around 3000 ppm, which were distinctive in the Zr6NiAl2 crystal, appeared and became stronger upon crystallization through the relaxed state. Thus, drastic change in the local atomic configuration around Al was confirmed so as to form the unlike chemical correlation pairs of Al-Zr upon crystallization. The high glass-forming ability of the Zr60Ni25Al15 metallic glass should be attributed to the difficulties of significant atomic redistribution of the constituents around Al. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
J. Non-cryst. Solids, 2005年, [査読有り] - Effect of Al on Local Structure of Zr-Ni and Zr-Cu Metallic Glasses
S. Sato; T. Sanada; M. Imafuku; J. Saida; E. Matsubara; A. Inoue, 筆頭著者, In order to investigate the role of Al on the thermal stability of supercooled liquid state, the local structures of Zr70M30 and Zr70M20Al10 (M = Ni, Cu) metallic glasses have been studied by the X-ray diffraction and EXAFS measurements. It is found that the different effect of Al substitution on the local structures around Cu and Ni elements is exhibited. No characteristic change is observed in the local structure in the Zr-Cu metallic glass by Al substitution, whereas a drastic change in the environment around Ni atom can be confirmed in the Zr-Ni metallic glass. That is, the coordination number of Zr around Ni decreases significantly by substitution of Al in the Zr-Ni metallic glass. This would be caused by the preferential correlation between Al and Zr. This result suggests that Al plays a dominant role on the formation of novel local structure with a decomposition of the tetragonal Zr, Ni-like local environment in the Zr-Ni binary alloy. We conclude that the novel local structure contributes to the stability of the supercooled liquid state in the Zr-Al-Ni metallic glass., JAPAN INST METALS
Mater. Trans., 2005年, [査読有り] - In-situ observation of solution/electrode interfaces with energy dispersive X-ray reflectometry method
S. Sato; E. Matsubara; M. Saito; Y. Waseda
Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Japan, 2003年, [査読有り] - Calculation of electron-induced X-ray intensities under grazing exit conditions
K. Tsuji; K. Tetsuoka; F. Delalieux; S. Sato, Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) under grazing-exit conditions allows us to perform microscopic surface analysis, thin-film analysis and particle analysis. To evaluate the thickness and density of thin-films, it is necessary to calculate X-ray intensities as a function of the exit angle. In this paper, we propose a procedure to calculate X-ray intensities as a function of grazing-exit angle. Monte Carlo simulation is used to determine the depth distribution of the electron-induced X-ray production and a multilayer model is applied to include the grazing emission process. The exit angle resolved curves, calculated for Ni thin films, were compared with experimental curves. A good agreement between the experimental plots and the calculated curves indicates that the proposed computational approach can be applied successfully to the calculation of EPMA intensities. Appling this calculation, the lateral resolution of EPMA was also evaluated at different take-off angles. It was suggested that the lateral resolution would be improved under grazing-exit conditions. [DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2003.111], The Surface Science Society of Japan
e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech., 2003年, [査読有り] - Structural study of Fe90-xNb10Bx (x = 10, 20 and 30) glassy alloys
M. Imafuku; S. Sato; E. Matsubara; A. Inoue, The local atomic structures of Fe90-xNb10Rx (x = 10, 20 and 30) glassy alloys have been investigated by anomalous X-ray scattering measurements. A trigonal prism-like chemical short range ordered (CSRO) structure of (Fe,Nb)(6)B was found in Fe60Nb10B30 and Fe70Nb10B20 alloys exhibiting a large supercooled liquid region defined by the temperature interval, AT, between the glass transition temperature, T. and the crystallization temperature, T-x, (DeltaT(x) = 67 and 53 K, respectively), whereas this kind of local structure was not identified for Fe80Nb10B10 having no glass transition. The variation in thermal stability of the Fe-Nb-B alloys originates in a difference in the stability of the local atomic structures with particular compositions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2002年, [査読有り] - Development of in-house fast X-ray diffraction apparatus and its application to the Supercooled liquid Pd40Ni10Cu30P20 alloy
Shigeo Sato; Tsuyoshi Nishi; Eiichiro Matsubara; Muneyuki Imafuku; Nobuyuki Nishiyama; Yoshio Waseda; Akihisa Inoue, 筆頭著者, A fast X-ray diffraction apparatus has been developed for obtaining the local structures of bulk metallic glasses at the supercooled liquid state by applying the Debye Scherrer camera geometry in combination with a curved position sensitive proportional counter. This arrangement makes it possible to eliminate the time loss due to angular motion of a counter and to do a very short time X-ray measurement when using the conventional in-house X-ray source. The usefulness of this new apparatus was confirmed by obtaining the radial distribution functions of silicon powder and SiO2 glass sample within one hundred seconds. Then, the short-range ordering structure of the supercooled liquid Pd40Ni10Cu30P20 alloy was observed as a function of time at 583 K. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved., IOP PUBLISHING LTD
Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater., 2002年, [査読有り] - Structural Variation of Fe-Nb-B Metallic Glasses during Crystallization Process
M. Imafuku; S. Sato; H. Koshiba; E. Matsubara; A. Inoue, The crystallization process of the nanocrystal-forming Zr-Cu-Pd-Al metallic glasses prepared at different liquid temperatures, as measured by differential scanning calorimetry, depends on the respective liquid state. The short-range order of Zr-Pd pair, as quenched-in nuclei, is existent in the glasses. The formation of the short-range order (Zr, Pd) rich domains is due to the strong attractive interaction between Zr and Pd.
Scr. Mater., 2001年05月18日 - In-house anomalous X-ray scattering analysis for the amorphous Zr60Al15Ni25 alloy
S. Sato; M. Imafuku; E. Matsubara; A. Inoue; Y. Waseda, 筆頭著者, In-house anomalous X-ray scattering (AXS) analysis coupled with white radiation produced from a rotating anode X-ray generator and a solid state detector has been tested by obtaining the environmental structure around Zr in the amorphous Zr60Al15Ni25 alloy. The AXS measurement with the conventional X-ray source was successfully carried out with a newly constructed system by enhancing the intensity of incident X-rays. The present AXS data for Zr in the amorphous Zr60Al15Ni25 alloy was found to agree well with the previous results obtained by monochromatic X-rays produced from a synchrotron radiation source., JAPAN INST METALS
Mater. Trans., 2001年, [査読有り] - Structural study of Amorphous Fe70M10B20 (M = Zr, Nb and Cr) alloys by X-ray diffraction
E. Matsubara; S. Sato; M. Imafuku; T. Nakamura; H. Koshiba; A. Inoue; Y. Waseda, The local atomic structures in the amorphous Fe70Zr10B20, Fe70Nb10B20 and Fe70Cr10B20 alloys with different DeltaT(x) were studied by the ordinary X-ray diffraction, anomalous X-ray scattering (AXS) measurements and EXAFS analyses. The essential features of the atomic structures resemble in these amorphous alloys. Only the difference in the local atomic structure is a distorted shape ;of the triangular prism due to the size difference between Fe and M. From the correspondence of the size difference with DeltaT(x) and the study of the crystallization process by the DSC measurements and the X-ray diffraction method, we conclude that the difference of their thermal stability is closely related with the difficulty of rearrangements of the prisms during crystallization. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2001年, [査読有り] - Environmental structural studies in amorphous and quasicrystalline Zr70Al6Ni10Pt14 Alloys
E. Matsubara; M. Sakurai; T. Nakamura; M. Imafuku; S. Sato; J. Saida and A. Inoue, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
Scr. Mater., 2001年, [査読有り] - Structural variation of Fe-Nb-B metallic glasses during crystallization process
M. Imafuku; S. Sato; H. Koshiba; E. Matsubara; A. Inoue, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
Scr. Mater., 2001年, [査読有り] - Local atomic structure of Fe-Co-Ln-B (Ln = Sm, Tb or Dy) amorphous alloys with supercooled liquid region
M. Imafuku; K. Yaoita; S. Sato; W. Zhang; A. Inoue; Y. Waseda, The local ordering structures of Fe70Co10B20 and Fe(67)Co(10)Ln(3)B(20) (Ln = Sm, Tb or Dy) alloys have been studied by X-ray diffraction. The analyses of interference functions and radial distribution functions revealed that the local atomic ordering becomes weaker and the coordination number of transition metals around Fe decreases while that of transition metals around B remains almost unchanged by the addition of Ln element to Fe-Co-B alloy. These results indicate that the amorphous phase consists of (Fe Co)-B-based rigid local structure units and the Ln atom is inserted between them. The unique structure may cause the appearance of supercooled liquid region with the difficulty of re-arrangement of atoms during annealing. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2001年, [査読有り] - Structural study of Fe-based glassy alloys with a large supercooled liquid region
M. Imafuku; S. Sato; T. Nakamura; H. Koshiba; E. Matsubara; A. Inoue
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 2001年, [査読有り] - In-situ X-ray observation of local structural change during crystallization
T. Nishi; K. Uematsu; S. Sato; E. Matsubara; A. Inoue; Y. Waseda, An X-ray apparatus for in-situ observation of a scattering intensity of supercooled liquid at an elevated temperature as a function of annealing time has been developed in combination with an in-house X-ray source and a curved position sensitive proportional counter (PSPC). By adopting the Debye-Scherrer camera geometry, a quantitative intensity profile of a silica glass of 2 mm diameter was obtained for 10 s and similarly that of a Pd40Ni10Cu30P20 amorphous wire of 0.2 mm diameter for 100 s. A change of local atomic structures during annealing in supercooled Pd40Ni10Cu30P20 liquid has been determined., JAPAN INST METALS
The Fourth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), 2001年 - Anomalous x-ray scattering study of amorphous Fe70M10B20 (M=Zr, Nb, Cr) alloys
E. Matsubara; S. Sato; M. Imafuku; T. Nakamura; H. Koshiba; A. Inoue; Y. Waseda, 6695
Materials Transactions, JIM, 2000年06月, [査読有り] - In-situ observation of structural evolution of Zr60Al15Ni25 bulk metallic glass in the supercooled liquid region
S. Sato; E. Matsubara; S. Tanaka; M. Kimura; M. Imafuku; T. Zhang and A. Inoue, 筆頭著者, In-situ observation of a structural change in a particular alloy of Zr60Al15Ni25 supercooled liquid has been carried out by a devised x-ray apparatus adopting the geometry of the Debye-Scherrer camera with an imaging plate instead of an x-ray film usually used. A drastic change of coordination numbers in the nearest neighbor region has been noted in a certain annealing time that corresponds to the exothermic reaction in the isothermal differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). In contrast, the coordination numbers and atomic distances show little change even for a long annealing time at 693 K just below the glass transition temperature (T-g). Furthermore, the structural parameters of the Zr60Al15Ni25 supercooled liquid were found independent upon annealing temperature., FREUND PUBLISHING HOUSE LTD
High Temp. Mater. Processes, 2000年, [査読有り] - Crystallization behavior of amorphous Fe90-XNb10BX (X = 10 and 30) Alloys
M. Imafuku; S. Sato; H. Koshiba; E. Matsubara; A. Inoue, The phase transformation of Fe90-XNb10BX (X = 10 and 30) amorphous alloys by annealing was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction. The Fe60Nb10B30 alloy exhibits a large supercooled liquid region (i.e. the difference between the glass transition temperature (T-g) and the onset of crystallization temperature (T-x)), DeltaT(x) (=T-x - T-g) of 67 K, whereas the Fe80Nb10B10 amorphous alloy transforms directly into crystalline phases. New metastable crystalline phases were found during the crystallization process of these alloys. In the crystallization process of the Fe80Nb10B10 alloy, the structure of the primary precipitation phase is alpha -Mn type, which transforms into alpha -Fe phase at a higher temperature. In case of Fe60Nb10B30 alloy, another metastable phase, Fe23B6-type structure, is formed corresponding to the first exothermic peak in the DSC curve. Although the metastable phases in the two alloys are completely different, the dissociated phases of alpha -Fe, Fe3B and Fe2B are formed in both alloys after the final stage of crystallization. The local atomic ordering structure in the alpha -Mn type is similar to that in an amorphous state of the Fe80Nb10Br10 alloy On the ether hand, the formation of the Fe23B6-type structure requires a significant change in the geometrical rearrangements with relatively long-range ordering of the Fe60Nb10B30 alloy, which may be attributed to the high stability of the supercooled liquid., JAPAN INST METALS
Mater. Trans., JIM, 2000年, [査読有り] - Application of energy dipersive grazing incidence X-ray reflectometry method to structural analysis of liquid/liquid and liquid/solid interfaces
Shigeo Sato; Takuo Imanaga; Eiichiro Matsubara; Masatoshi Saito and Yoshio Waseda, 筆頭著者, The usefulness and validity of energy dispersive grazing incidence X-ray reflectometry (ED-GIXR) have been demonstrated for characterizing the liquid/liquid and liquid/solid interfaces. The present method appears to hold promise in reducing difficulty of conventional angular dispersive method due to absorption with an upper half liquid layer by enabling the use of high energy white X-ray radiation and obtaining much higher reflected intensity. An apparatus newly built for the exclusive use of the ED-GIXR is described with some selected examples of X-ray reflectivity profiles of solution/mercury and solution/electrode interfaces., JAPAN INST METALS
Mater. Trans., JIM, 2000年, [査読有り] - Structural study of thin amorphous SiO2 and Si3N4 films by the grazing incidence X-Ray scattering (GIXS) method
Shigeo Sato; Ryoji Kakiuchi; Masato Yoshiya; Eiichiro Matsubara; Masatoshi Saito; Yoshio Waseda and Shinji Takayama, 筆頭著者, A method has been presented for determining a local atomic structure in an amorphous thin film of sub-micron thickness grown on a substrate by the grazing incidence x-ray scattering (GIXS) method. The capability of this method was demonstrated by analyzing amorphous SiO2 and Si3N4 films 200 and 70 nm thick, respectively. A network structure in the amorphous SiO2 film consists of SiO4 tetrahedra connecting each other by oxygen atoms at their vertices. This resembles that in a bulk amorphous SiO2. The local ordering unit structure in the amorphous Si3N4 film was found to be a SiN4 tetrahedron. A significant feature in the present amorphous Si3N4 film is the presence of two types of Si-Si pairs in the near neighbor region while only one type is present in the alpha-Si3N4 crystal. This indicates that a part of the network structure formed by the SiN4 tetrahedra is quite different from that in its crystalline state. According to the coordination number of 3.8 for Si-N pairs, some nitrogen vacancies are quite likely involved in the film. Such nitrogen vacancies, then, are responsible for the modified network structure in the present amorphous Si3N4 film., WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH
High Temp. Mater. Processes, 1999年, [査読有り] - Effect of lanthanide element on glass-forming ability and local atomic structure of Fe-Co-(Ln)-B amorphous alloys
M. Imafuku; K. Yaoita; S. Sato; W. Zhang; A. Inoue, The glass-forming ability and the local ordering structures of Fe70Co10B20 and Fe(67)Co(10)Ln(3)B(20) (Ln = Sm, Tb or Dy) alloys have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), density measurement and X-ray diffraction method. The supercooled liquid region, defined by the temperature interval Delta T-x between glass transition temperature T-g and onset crystallization temperature T-x, appears and is extended by the addition of lanthanide element in Fe-Co-B systems. Delta T-x (Delta T-x = T-x - T-g) is 32 K for Fe67Co10Sm3B20, 36 K for Fe67Co10Tb3B20 and 38 K for Fe67Co10Dy3B20. The packing fraction, defined by the ratio of total volume of atoms to the volume of a cell, increases by a few percent in these alloys. The least-squares refining analysis for interference functions as well as the usual radial distribution function analysis shows that the coordination number of transition metals around Fe decreases by the addition of the lanthanide element whereas the change in the coordination number of transition metals around B is not clearly observed within the experimental uncertainty. The lanthanide element is considered to play an important role in forming a dense packing structure so as to rearrange the network of local ordering units of (Fe, Co)-B in these alloys., JAPAN INST METALS
Mater. Trans., JIM, 1999年, [査読有り] - Structural evolution of Zr60Al15Ni25 bulk metallic glass in supercooled liquid region
Shigeo Sato; Ei-ichiro Matsubara; Sinji Tanaka; Muneyuki Imafuku; Yoshio Waseda; Tao Zhang and Akihisa Inoue, 筆頭著者, Atomic structures of a bulk metallic glass Zr60Al15Ni25 at some elevated temperatures in the supercooled liquid region as a function of annealing time have been studied by x-ray diffraction. A fast xray measurement apparatus adopting the geometry of the Debye-Scherrer camera in combination with an imaging plate has been exclusively built for these in-situ measurements. A whole diffraction profile of very good counting statistics is obtained for a shorter time (congruent to 300s). In the measurements at 693K below the glass transition temperature (T-g), the atomic structure shows little change even for a long annealing time. In contrary, it shows a faster change in the supercooled liquid towards an atomic structure expected from the crystalline phase. A couple of structural features have been noted in the supercooled liquid. About 7% increase in the total coordination number around Zr and an increase in a fraction of Al around Zr in accompanied with a decrease in a fraction of Ni have been observed., JAPAN INST METALS
Proc. Int. Conf. Solid-Solid Phase Transformations ’99, 1999年 - Fast X-ray measurement system for structural study in Zr60Al15Ni25 supercooled liquid
S. Sato; E. Matsubara; Y. Waseda; T. Zhang; A. Inoue, 筆頭著者, A fast x-ray measurement system adopting the geometry of the Debye-Scherrer camera in combination with an imaging plate has been developed for the structural study of supercooled liquid. We carried out the anomalous x-ray scattering (AXS) measurement as well as the ordinary x-ray diffraction measurement with this system in Zr60Al15Ni25 supercooled liquid at 720K above the glass transition temperature (693K). A whole diffraction profile of very good counting statistics that even fits to the AXS analyses is obtained for a very short time (congruent to 600s). The analyses of scattering data observed in the Zr60Al15Ni25 supercooled liquid for various annealing times in this system provide us information on a change of local atomic structures in the liquid state., MATERIALS RESEARCH SOC
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 1999年, [査読有り] - Evaluation of anisotropic lattice strain of Co9Fe/Cu superlattice by grazing incidence X-ray scattering method
S. Sato; M. Saito; E. Matsubara; Y. Waseda; K. Inomata, 筆頭著者, Two different X-ray scattering experiments of theta-2 theta X-ray scattering and grazing incidence X-ray scattering (GLXS) geometries have been done for evaluating the lattice strain anisotropically formed in the Co9Fe/Cu superlattices. The magnitude of lattice strain along Cu [001] and [110] directions which are parallel to the surface was estimated using GIXS geometry. The results confirm that the lattice strain along both directions increases with decreasing Cu thickness and its degree changes with a variation in orientation. On the other hand, the magnitude of lattice strain along two directions of Cu [110] (parallel to the surface) and Cu [1 (1) over bar 0] (perpendicular to the surface) is found to differ from each other by comparing the lattice strain estimated from the measurements for equivalent Cu 220 reflections. The present results clearly suggest that the lattice strain formed in the Co9Fe/Cu superlattices depends upon the lattice orientation., JAPAN INST METALS
Mater. Trans., JIM, 1998年, [査読有り] - Structural characterization of surfaces and interfaces of materials by applying X-ray total external reflection phenomena
M. Saito; S. Sato; Y. Waseda, An in-house grazing incidence x-ray scattering (GIXS) apparatus has been newly developed for characterizing the surface structure at a microscopic level. Using this apparatus, surface diffraction profiles from the oxidized SUS304 stainless steel were measured in the vicinity of the critical angle.with the GEXS geometry. The depth profile was discussed from the integrated intensities of both oxidized phase and stainless steel bulk. An in-house grazing x-ray reflection apparatus (GXR) has also been newly built for studying the liquid surface, and the Liquid/solid and liquid/liquid interfaces. This system was tested by measuring x-ray reflectivity profiles from free surface of mercury and the water/mercury interface. In addition, a new method has been proposed for determining the atomic number density of a near-surface element in materials using grazing x-ray reflection and anomalous dispersion effect. The essential equations for analyzing the measured reflection data were given and the capability of this anomalous grazing x-ray reflection (AGXR) method was well-confirmed by obtaining the atomic number densities of near surface elements with some selected examples of ZrO2-Y2O3 crystal and the passivated stainless steel., WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH
High Temp. Mater. Processes, 1998年, [査読有り] - GIXS/AES study of metal oxide films deposited on Si substrates
S Suzuki; T Kosada; S Sato; M Saito; E Matsubara; Y Waseda, JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD
ECASIA 97: 7TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON APPLICATIONS OF SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS, 1997年, [査読有り] - GIXS/AES Study of Polycrystalline Titanium and Titanium Oxide Films Sputtered on Si Substrate
S. Suzuki; T. Kosaka; S. Sato; M. Saito; E. Matsubara; Y. Waseda, Grazing incidence X-ray scattering (GIXS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) have been used for characterizing thin polycrystalline titanium and titanium oxide films sputtered on silicon wafers. The critical angle in X-ray reflection curves indicates that the density of sputtered TiOx/Si is higher than the titanium bulk value. The values of thickness of these thin Films estimated from a comparison with calculated reflection curves were in good agreement with those obtained by a surface thickness profiler. Diffraction patterns in both GIXS and Seemann-Bohlin geometries show that Ti/Si and TiOx/Si, which are identified as Ti and Ti2O3, respectively, are oriented to the c-axis. The compositional homogeneity through the films of Ti/Si and TiOx/Si has been recognized by the AES depth profiles., AKADEMIE VERLAG GMBH
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 1997年, [査読有り] - Evaluation of Ni/Mn multilayer samples with glancing-incidence and take-off X-ray fluorescence analysis
S. Sato; K. Tsuji; K. Hirokawa, 筆頭著者, A Glancing-Incidence and Take-off X-Ray Fluorescence (GIT-XRF) apparatus with which both incident angle of primary X-ray and take-off angle of fluorescent X-rays can be controlled has been newly developed for characterizing surfaces and interfaces. Using this apparatus, Ni/Mn multilayer samples were evaluated obtaining Take-off-Angle-Dependent X-Ray Fluorescence (TAD-XRF) curves at arbitrary incident angles of primary X-ray. In particular, we could obtain information on the near surface by measuring TAD-XRF curves at the incident angle less than the critical angle of total reflection for primary X-rays., SPRINGER VERLAG
Appl. Phys. A, 1996年, [査読有り] - Development of new in-house grazing X-ray reflection system for analyzing liquid surface and interface
S. Sato; M. Saito; E. Matsubara; Y. Waseda, 筆頭著者, An in-house grazing X-ray reflection (GXR) apparatus has been newly built for studying the liquid surface, and the liquid-solid and liquid-liquid interfaces. This apparatus consists of a high flux rotating anode X-ray generator, pairs of slits for incident and diffracted beams, a channel-cut Ge 440 crystal monochromator and a double-axis diffractometer. This system was tested by measuring X-ray reflectivity profiles from free surface of water or mercury, and the water-mercury interface., JAPAN INST METALS
Mater. Trans., JIM, 1996年, [査読有り] - Glancing-incidence and glancing-takeoff X-ray fluorescence analysis of a Mn ultrathin film on an Au layer
K. Tsuji; S. Sato; K. Hirokawa, We have developed a new analytical method, the glancing-incidence and glancing-takeoff X-ray fluorescence (GIT-XRF) method. By using this method, X-ray fluorescence can be measured al various incident and takeoff angles, and the experimental results are compared with the calculated curves. As a result, we tan obtain information such as the thickness and density of thin films. Compared with the total reflection X-ray fluorescence method, the advantages of the GIT-XRF method are that it allows a surface-sensitive analysis and a detailed thin-film analysis. In this paper, we will show how the CIT-XRF method is useful for thin-film analysis of Mn-Au double layers., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA LAUSANNE
Thin Solid Films, 1996年, [査読有り] - X-ray fluorescence analysis of thin films at glancing-incident and -takeoff angles
K. Tsuji; S. Sato; K. Hirokawa
Advances in X-Ray Chemical Analysis, JAPAN, 1995年 - Depth profiling using the glancing-incidence and glancing-takeoff x-ray fluorescence method
K. Tsuji; S. Sato; K. Hirokawa, We have developed a new analytical method, which we call the glancing-incidence and glancing-takeoff x-ray fluorescence (GIT-XRF) method. In this method, a fluorescent x ray is measured at various combinations of incident and takeoff angles. A nondestructive depth profiling is possible by using this GIT-XRF method, because the effective observation depth is changed by both the incident and takeoff angles. Here, we introduce the idea of depth profiling using the GIT-XRF method, and then we apply this method to an Au-Si interface reaction. (C) 1995 American Institute of Physics., AMER INST PHYSICS
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 1995年, [査読有り] - Surface-sensitive x-ray fluorescence analysis at glancing incident and takeoff angles
K. Tsuji; S. Sato; K. Hirokawa
J. Appl. Phys., 1994年 - Characterization of Au thin film by glancing-incidence and –takeoff X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
K. Tsuji; S. Sato; K. Hirokawa, We have developed an experimental apparatus for a glancing-incidence and -takeoff X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (GIT-XRF) to analyze thin films and material surfaces. In this method, the fluorescent X-rays from the thin film ace measured at various incident and takeoff angles, and the thin film is cross-checked. Therefore, the GIT-XRF method allows for detailed characterization of the thin film., JAPAN SOC APPLIED PHYSICS
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 1994年, [査読有り]
- 銅合金の特性におよぼすミクロ組織因子とそれに対するX線解析
金属, 2023年01月01日, [招待有り]
筆頭著者 - 量子ビームを用いたミクロ組織解析法の開発とそれに基づく力学特性や組織形成の理解
ふぇらむ, 2021年07月, [査読有り], [招待有り] - Additive Manufacturingにより作製したTi-6Al-4V合金の量子ビーム組織解析
山中謙太; 森真奈美; 森真奈美; 小貫祐介; 菖蒲敬久; 佐藤成男; 千葉晶彦
塑性加工連合講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2021年 - 生体用Co-Cr-Mo合金の耐食性に及ぼす加工熱処理の影響
森真奈美; 山中謙太; KARITIKA Ika; ANWAR Moch. Syaiful; 佐藤成男; 千葉晶彦
塑性加工春季講演会講演論文集, 2019年 - 量子ビームを用いた転位キャラクタリゼーションに基づく材料強度特性の理解
佐藤成男; 黒田あす美; 林桃希; 小貫祐介; ステファヌス ハルヨ; 友田陽; 鈴木茂
量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web), 2018年 - 電子ビームおよびレーザービーム積層造形により作製したTi-6Al-4V合金の転位密度評価
山中謙太; 黒田あす美; 伊藤美優; 森真奈美; 菖蒲敬久; 佐藤成男; 千葉晶彦
粉体粉末冶金協会講演大会(Web), 2018年 - Rietveld-texture解析とラインプロファイル解析を用いたCo-Cr合金の疲労変形組織の評価
中川真惟子; 小貫祐介; 山中謙太; 森真奈美; 千葉晶彦; 佐藤成男
X線分析討論会講演要旨集, 2018年 - 電子ビーム積層造形を用いて作製したTi-6Al-4V合金の引張変形における高エネルギーX線回折ラインプロファイル解析
山中謙太; 黒田あす美; 伊藤美優; 佐藤成男; 森真奈美; 菖蒲敬久; 千葉晶彦
日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM), 2018年 - 高エネルギーX線回折ラインプロファイル解析法によるTi合金の引張変形中転位増殖観察
黒田あす美; 山中謙太; 森真奈美; 伊藤美優; 菖蒲敬久; 佐藤成男; 千葉晶彦
X線分析討論会講演要旨集, 2017年 - X線・中性子回折ラインプロファイル解析,リートベルト解析の組織解析への展開
佐藤成男; 小貫祐介; 加藤翔太; 荻巣靖之; 轟秀和; 齋藤洋一; 森真奈美; 山中謙太; 鈴木茂
材料とプロセス(CD-ROM), 2016年 - 高密度格子欠陥組織を有する生体用Co-Cr-Mo合金の引張変形におけるひずみ誘起マルテンサイト変態挙動
森真奈美; 山中謙太; 佐藤成男; 椿真貴; 佐藤こずえ; 熊谷正芳; 今福宗行; 菖蒲敬久; 千葉晶彦
日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM), 2016年 - 中性子回折ラインプロファイルによる二相ステンレス鋼の不均一転位組織形成解析
加藤倫彬; 佐藤成男; 友田陽; HARJO Stefanus; 齋藤洋一; 轟秀和; 佐藤こずえ; 鈴木茂
材料とプロセス(CD-ROM), 2016年 - 中性子回折ラインプロファイル解析によるオーステナイト系およびフェライト系ステンレス鋼の転位増殖・配列挙動の解析
黒田あす美; 加藤倫彬; 友田陽; ステファヌス ハルヨ; 齋藤洋一; 轟秀和; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
材料とプロセス(CD-ROM), 2016年 - SUS310鋼の引張変形及びその後の焼鈍に伴う転位密度変化の中性子回折プロファイルCMWP解析による同定
友田陽; 佐藤成男; GONG W; HARJO S; 川崎卓郎
材料とプロセス(CD-ROM), 2015年09月01日 - オーステナイト系・フェライト系ステンレス鋼のミクロ組織における弾塑性挙動の特徴
黒田あす美; 加藤倫彬; 友田陽; HARJO Stefanus; 熊谷正芳; 齋藤洋一; 轟秀和; 鈴木茂; 佐藤こずえ; 佐藤成男
材料とプロセス(CD-ROM), 2015年 - 放射光X線・中性子回折によるラインプロファイル解析
佐藤成男; HARJO Stefanus; 熊谷正芳; 齋藤洋一; 田代均; 友田陽; 菖蒲敬久; 今福宗行; 轟秀和; 鈴木茂
X線材料強度に関する討論会講演論文集, 2015年 - 抽出分離法を利用した時効析出型Cu-Ti合金の組織解析
千星 聡; 石黒三岐雄; 佐藤成男; 岩瀬彰宏; 高杉隆幸
日本学術振興会 合金状態図第172委員会 第30回研究会報告書, 2015年 - Fe‐33Ni合金における高温変形中の転位密度と集合組織その場中性子回折測定
友田陽; 佐藤成男; 内田真弘; XU P G; GONG W; 川崎卓郎; HARJO S
材料とプロセス(CD-ROM), 2014年09月01日 - 高密度転位組織を有する生体用Co-29Cr-6Mo合金の室温変形挙動
森真奈美; 山中謙太; 佐藤成男; 椿真貴; 熊谷正芳; 今福宗行; 佐藤こずえ; 千葉晶彦
日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM), 2014年 - 白色X線微小ビームによる多結晶双晶誘起塑性合金の不均一応力の解析
鈴木茂; 堀田孝治; 藤枝俊; Kwon Eui-Pyo; 篠田弘造; 佐藤成男; 梶原堅太郎; 佐藤眞直
Spring-8重点産業促進課題一般課題(産業分野)実施報告書, 2013年08月 - Static Recrystallization behavior of Co-Ni-Cr-Mo superalloy after cold rolling and subsequent heat treatment
T. Otomo; S. Kurosu; Y. Li; H. Matsumoto; S. Sato; Y. Koizumi; K. Wagatsuma; A. Chiba
Proceedings of TMS 140th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2011年 - X線異常小角散乱法による合金中のナノ析出物解析
分光研究, 2008年
筆頭著者 - Local atomic structures in amorphous and quasicrystalline Zr70Ni10Pt30 and Zr80Pt20 alloys by the anomalous X-ray Scattering method
E. Matsubara; T. Nakamura; M. Sakurai; M. Imafuku; S. Sato; J. Saida; A. Inoue
Proc. MRS Symp. 2000 Fall Meeting on Supercooled Liquid Bulk Glassy and Nanocrystalline State of Alloys,644, pp. L1.1.1-L1.1.12, 2001年, [査読有り] - Fast X-ray Measurement System for Structural Study in ZrAluNi Supercooled Liquid
S. Sato; E. Matsubara; Y. Waseda; T. Zhang; A. Inoue
Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 1999年12月01日, [査読有り] - 非晶質‐結晶型相変態における局所構造解析と新しい回折手法の開発 (文部省S)
松原英一郎; 佐藤成男; 小柴寿人; 今福宗行; 井上明久; 早稲田嘉夫; 木村正雄
材料組織制御をめざした相変態の微視的機構の解明 平成10年度, 1999年 - non
Eiichiro Matsubara; Shigeo Sato; Hisato Koshiba; Muneyuki Imafuku; Akihisa Inoue; Yoshio Waseda
non, 1999年 - <記事>組成評価研究分野 (1997.1-1997.12)(研究活動報告)
早稲田 嘉夫; 井上 博文; 鈴木 茂; 齋藤 正敏; 篠田 弘造; 佐藤 成男; 津 宇一; 宇田 哲也; Darjaa T; 新貝 剛史; 洞口 武夫; 野口 敬員; 石山 理; 今永 拓男; 斉藤 孝明; Park Chang Yong; Tongamp William; Chul Kang Shin
東北大学素材工学研究所彙報, 1998年03月27日 - <記事>組成評価研究分野 (1998.1-1998.12) (研究活動報告)
早稲田 嘉夫; 井上 博文; 齋藤 正敏; 柴田 浩幸; 篠田 弘造; 佐藤 成男; 津 宇一; 宇田 哲也; Darjaa T; 野口 敬員; 石山 理; 今永 拓男; 斉藤 孝明; 鈴木 淳; 武山 昭徳; 宮下 正己; Park Chang Yong; Kang Shin Chul; Mitev Pavlin Dakev
東北大学素材工学研究所彙報, 1998年 - <記事>組成評価研究分野 (1996. 1-1996. 12) (研究活動報告)
早稲田 嘉夫; 井上 博文; 鈴木 茂; 齋藤 正敏; 岡部 徹; 小坂 知己; 篠田 弘造; 佐藤 成男; 津 宇一; 宇田 哲也; 前田 吉彦; Darjaa T; 新貝 剛史; 洞口 武夫; 野口 敬員; 表 和彦; Park Chang Yong; Djohari Akskadi; Tongamp William
東北大学素材工学研究所彙報, 1997年03月28日 - New in-house grazing incident X-ray scattering (GIXS) apparatus for studying liquid surface and interface
S. Sato; M. Saito; E. Matsubara; Y. Waseda
Sci. Rep. RITU, 1996年
筆頭著者 - 組成評価研究分野 (1995. 1-1995. 12)(研究活動報告)
早稲田 嘉夫; 井上 博文; 鈴木 茂; 杉山 和正; 齋藤 正敏; 岡部 徹; 小坂 知己; 篠田 弘造; 佐藤 成男; 前田 吉彦; 新貝 剛史; 洞口 武夫; 表 和彦; Darjaa T; Shinohara A. H; Witne John Y; Maragau Guli
東北大学素材工学研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Institute for Advanced Materials Processing, Tohoku University, 1995年12月01日
- 析出強化型アルミニウム合金における冷延に伴う転位増殖の時効条件依存性
鈴木建人; Pramote Thirathipviwa; 松本克史; 佐藤成男
軽金属学会講演大会第147回秋期大会, 2024年11月09日
20241108, 20241110 - Al-Mg系合金における転位密度と転位運動の変形モード依存性
小竹巧真; 鈴木建人; Pramote Thirathipviwa; 松本克史; 佐藤成男
軽金属学会講演大会第147回秋期大会, 2024年11月09日
20241108, 20241110 - 冷延鉄鋼に対する TOF 型中性子回折における観察方位点が及ぼす極点図解析への影響
武位祐我; 小貫祐介; 田中孝明; 髙城重宏; 佐藤成男
第60回X線分析討論会, 2024年10月31日
20241031, 20241101 - 銅合金の冷延-焼鈍の繰り返しに伴う延性変化に及ぼすミクロ組織因子の解析
楊箸航大; 佐藤成男; 松島蓮; 原春子; 溝内正樹; 伊藤稔
第60回X線分析討論会, 2024年10月31日
20241031, 20241101 - 銅合金の非等方冷延組織における転位形成の異方性解析
大後直樹; 松野下裕貴; 末廣健一郎; 森広行; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
第60回X線分析討論会, 2024年10月31日
20241031, 20241101 - 銅合金の熱処理に伴う転位パラメータ変化の合金元素依存性
村上翔渉; 澤橋康太; 松野下裕貴; 伊藤優樹; 末廣健一郎; 森広行; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
第60回X線分析討論会, 2024年10月31日
20241031, 20241101 - 圧延加工における板厚方向の GN/SS 転位分布の解析
前島悠人; Pramote Thirathipviwa; 松本克史; 佐藤成男
第60回X線分析討論会, 2024年10月31日
20241031, 20241101 - 高温圧縮変形中の周期的な加工硬化ー軟化現象に対するミクロ組織連続観察
下村愛翔; 小貫祐介; 柄澤誠一; 河野龍星; 大平拓実; 三田昌明; 伊東正登; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
第60回X線分析討論会, 2024年10月31日
20241031, 20241101 - アルカリ珪酸塩ガラスの局所構造から見る熱伝導メカニズム
大橋遼; 池田一貴; 飯島賢; 西剛史; 佐藤成男
第60回X線分析討論会, 2024年10月31日
20241031, 20241101 - その場中性子回折による高温圧縮変形中の転位増殖および集合組織発達の観察
河野龍星; 柄澤誠一; 下村愛翔; 小貫祐介; 大平拓実; 三田昌明; 伊東正登; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
日本銅学会第64回講演大会, 2024年10月20日
20241019, 20241020 - 銅合金の高温引張/圧縮変形における力学特性変化のメカニズム
柄澤誠一; 小貫祐介; 河野龍星; 下村愛翔; 大平拓実; 三田昌明; 伊東正登; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
日本銅学会第64回講演大会, 2024年10月20日
20241019, 20241020 - 固溶型銅合金の合金組成による応力緩和特性変化のメカニズム
澤橋康太; 松野下裕貴; 伊藤優樹; 末廣健一郎; 森広行; 永野隆敏; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
日本銅学会第64回講演大会, 2024年10月20日
20241019, 20241020 - 希薄銅合金における異方的ミクロ組織、下部組織および内部応力の関連性
鈴木茂; 丹野健徳; 千葉雅樹; 松野下裕貴; 末廣健一郎; 伊藤優樹; 森広行; 佐藤成男
日本銅学会第64回講演大会, 2024年10月19日
20241019, 20241020 - 表面における変態誘起再結晶を用いたパーメンジュール合金の{100}集合組織制御
佐藤 李行; 武位 祐我; 富田 俊郎; 星川 晃範; 渡辺 将仁; 江幡 貴司; 鈴木 茂; 佐藤成男
日本鉄鋼協会第188回秋季講演大会, 2024年09月19日
20240918, 20240920 - 電子ビーム積層造形で作製した Alloy 718 合金のその場中性子回折を用いた組織・塑性変形解析
山中 謙太; 森 真奈美; 小貫 祐介; 佐藤 成男
日本金属学会秋期講演(第175回)大会, 2024年09月19日
20240918, 20240920 - 電子ビーム積層造形を用いて作製した Ti-6Al-4V 合金の組織と力学特性に及ぼす造形条件の影響
森 真奈美; 山中 謙太; 小貫 祐介; 佐藤 成男
日本金属学会秋期講演(第175回)大会, 2024年09月19日
20240918, 20240920 - その場中性子回折を用いた引張/圧縮変形中の転位増殖観察
柄澤 誠一; 小貫 祐介; 河野 龍星; 下村 愛斗; 大平 拓実; 三田 昌行; 伊東 正登; 鈴木 茂; 佐藤成男
日本鉄鋼協会第188回秋季講演大会, 2024年09月18日
20240918, 20240920 - 多成分系鉄合金における残留応力と微細組織の解析
鈴木 茂; 打越 雅仁; 佐藤 裕之; 今宿 晋; 佐藤 成男; 田中 俊一郎
日本鉄鋼協会第188回秋季講演大会, 2024年09月18日
20240918, 20240920 - オーステナイト結晶粒の微細化による Ms の変化の機構Ⅲ
富田 俊郎; 佐藤成男
日本鉄鋼協会第188回秋季講演大会, 2024年09月18日
20240918, 20240920 - 高温圧縮変形に伴う転位増殖の変形温度及びひずみ速度の影響
河野 龍星; 小貫 祐介; 柄澤 誠一; 下村 愛翔; 大平 拓実; 三田 昌明; 伊東 正登; 鈴木 茂; 佐藤 成男
日本金属学会秋期講演(第175回)大会, 2024年09月18日
20240918, 20240920 - Cu-Ni-Al 合金圧延材の強度に及ぼす低温焼鈍条件の影響
西村 侑真; 金野 泰幸; 佐藤 成男; 千星 聡
日本金属学会秋期講演(第175回)大会, 2024年09月18日
20240918, 20240920 - Microstructure evolution during hot deformation of newly developed 30Nb5Ta30Ti15V20Zr high entropy alloy
Pramote Thirathipviwa; Makoto Hasegawa; Yusuki Onuki; Shigeo Sato
20th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM20), 2024年07月04日
20240630, 20240706 - Analysis of texture and dislocation evolution of pure copper by in situ neutron diffraction and crystal plasticity modeling
Masato Ito; Yusuke Onuki; Takumi Odaira; Masaaki Mita; Shigeo Sato; Shigeru Suzuki
20th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM20), 2024年07月03日
20240630, 20240706 - Variant selection by double Burgers orientation relation in hexagonal metals and its effects on transformation textures
Toshiro Tomida; Sven Voge; Savage Dan; Amy Fluke; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato
20th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM20), 2024年07月05日
20240629, 20240706 - 高温変形中の転位増殖と転位運動に対する合金元素の作用
柄澤誠一; 馬場可奈; 小貫祐介; 大平拓実; 三田昌明; 伊東正登; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
日本鉄鋼協会第187回春季講演大会, 2024年03月15日
20240313, 20240315 - オーステナイト結晶粒の微細化によるMsの変化の機構II
富田俊郎; 佐藤成男
日本鉄鋼協会第187回春季講演大会, 2024年03月13日
20240313, 20240315 - その場中性子回折を用いた加工誘起 γ→ε マルテンサイト変態と応力分配挙動の評価
山中 謙太; 森 真奈美; 吉田 和男; 小貫 祐介; 佐藤 成男; 千葉 晶彦
日本金属学会春期講演(第174回)大会, 2024年03月15日
20240312, 20240315 - Al-Mg-Si 系合金中の析出物が転位増殖/運動に及ぼす影響
鈴木 建人; Pramote Thirathipviwat; 越能 悠貴; 松本 克史; 佐藤 成男
日本金属学会春期講演(第174回)大会, 2024年03月12日
20240312, 20240315 - 中性子、X線、電子線から見た金属中の転位運動、転位増殖
CIQuS研究会「マルチプローブ、マルチスケールで見る金属材料の破壊メカニズム」, 2024年03月08日, [招待有り]
20240308, 20240308 - Neutron diffraction microstructural and deformation analysis of additively manufactured alloys
Kenta Yamanaka; Manami Mori; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato; Akihiko Chiba
TMS2024 153rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2024年03月06日
20240303, 20240307 - Effect of solid solute elements on dislocation motion in Cu-Zn alloys during high temperature deformation
Seiichi Karasawa; Kana Baba; Yusuke Onuki; Yuma Nagaoka; Masato Ito; Shigeru Suzuki; Shigeo Sato
8th International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University (ISQBS2023), 2023年11月29日
20231128, 20231130 - Relationship between alloying elements and dislocation mobility on stress relaxation in solid solution copper alloys
K. Baba; K. Mizusawa; S. Takeda; I. Shimomura; T. Nagano; Y. Ito; H. Matsunaga; H. Matsunoshita; H. Mori; K. Maki; S. Suzuki; S. Sato
8th International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University (ISQBS2023), 2023年11月29日
20231128, 20231130 - In-situ neutron diffraction study on microstructure and texture evolution of 1%C-doped CoCrFeNi during annealing
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Makoto Hasegawa; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato
日本金属学会 第2回 結晶性材料の結晶配向評価および結晶方位解析技術研究会, 2023年11月29日
20231128, 20231129 - 純銅の高温変形における集合組織および下部組織発達
小貫祐介; 柄澤誠一; 馬場可奈; 佐藤成男; 鈴木茂; 大平拓実; 長岡佑磨; 伊東正登
日本金属学会 第2回 結晶性材料の結晶配向評価および結晶方位解析技術研究会, 2023年11月29日
20231128, 20231129 - パルス中性子によるZr-2.5%Nb のα→β→α繰り返し変態中の集合組織変化とその機構:Double Burgers Orientation Relation
富田俊郎; Sven Vogel; Dan Savage; Amy Fluke; 佐藤成男
日本金属学会 第2回 結晶性材料の結晶配向評価および結晶方位解析技術研究会, 2023年11月28日
20231128, 20231129 - Cu-Ni-Al合金における加工軟化および低温時効硬化
日本銅学会第63回講演大会, 2023年11月04日, 日本銅学会
20231103, 20231104 - 高温変形中のCu-Zn合金における転位運動に対する固溶原子の作用
柄澤 誠一、馬場 可奈、小貫 祐介、長岡 佑磨、伊東 正登、鈴木茂、佐藤成男
日本銅学会第63回講演大会, 2023年11月03日, 日本銅学会
20231103, 20231104 - 固溶型銅合金の耐応力緩和特性に対する転位の量と易動度の影響
日本銅学会第63回講演大会, 2023年11月03日, 日本銅学会
20231103, 20231104 - 純銅の高温圧縮変形に伴う集合組織と転位形成に対する中性子回折観察
河野龍星; 長岡佑磨; 伊東正登; 小貫祐介; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
第59回X線分析討論会, 2023年10月21日, X線分析研究懇談会
20231021, 20231022 - 中性子回折によるパーメンジュール合金の高温相変態解析
佐藤李行; 河原幸汰; 富田俊郎; 星川晃範; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
第59回X線分析討論会, 2023年10月21日, X線分析研究懇談会
20231021, 20231022 - 固溶型銅合金の応力緩和特性に作用する転位タイプの影響
澤橋康太; 馬場可奈; 伊藤優樹; 松永裕隆; 松野下裕貴; 森広行; 牧一誠; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
第59回X線分析討論会, 2023年10月21日, X線分析研究懇談会
20231021, 20231022 - 中性子回折を用いた晶出物を含む Al 合金における変形中のミクロ組織解析
小竹巧真; 鈴木健人; Pramote Thirathipviwat; 松本克史; 越能悠貴; 佐藤成男
第59回X線分析討論会, 2023年10月21日, X線分析研究懇談会
20231021, 20231022 - オーステナイト結晶粒の微細化によるMsの変化の機構と集合組織の影響
日本鉄鋼協会第186回秋季講演大会, 2023年09月21日, 日本鉄鋼協会
20230920, 20230922 - 金属材料の応力緩和現象に対する転位の作用
日本鉄鋼協会第186回秋季講演大会, 2023年09月21日, 日本鉄鋼協会
20230920, 20230922 - 機能性鉄合金板の異方的な物性の評価
日本鉄鋼協会第186回秋季講演大会, 2023年09月20日, 日本鉄鋼協会
20230920, 20230922 - Precipitation and recrystallization behavior of 1 %C-doped CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy during isochronal annealing
Pramote Thirathipviwat、長谷川 誠、小貫 祐介、佐藤 成男
日本金属学会秋期講演(第173回)大会, 2023年09月21日
20230919, 20230922 - レーザー積層造形で作製した Ti-6Al-4V 合金のその場中性子回折を用いた組織・塑性変形解析
森 真奈美、山中 謙太、小貫 祐介、佐藤 成男、F. Rézaï-Aria、千葉 晶彦
日本金属学会秋期講演(第173回)大会, 2023年09月20日
20230919, 20230922 - 純銅の高温圧縮変形に対する中性子回折を用いたミクロ組織形成観察
馬場 可奈、小貫 祐介、長岡 佑磨、伊東 正登、鈴木 茂、佐藤 成男
日本金属学会秋期講演(第173回)大会, 2023年09月19日
20230919, 20230922 - 高温変形中の Cu-Zn 合金における集合組織形成
柄澤 誠一、馬場 可奈、小貫 祐介、長岡 佑磨 、伊東 正登、鈴木 茂、佐藤 成男
日本金属学会秋期講演(第173回)大会, 2023年09月19日
20230919, 20230922 - 強加工銅合金の固溶合金による GN/SS 転位増殖への影響
大後 直樹、飯原 智美、髙野 こずえ、伊藤 優樹、松野下 裕貴、牧 一誠、森 広行、鈴木 茂、佐藤 成男
日本金属学会秋期講演(第173回)大会, 2023年09月19日
20230919, 20230922 - Al-Fe-Mn 系合金の晶出物による転位増殖および集合組織への影響
鈴木 建人、野沢 星雅、Pramote Thirathipviwat、越能 悠貴、松本 克史、佐藤 成男
日本金属学会秋期講演(第173回)大会, 2023年09月19日
20230919, 20230922 - A mechanism of austenite grain size dependency of Ms by stored elastic energy in neighbor parent grains and influence of crystallographic texture
Toshiro Tomida; Shigeo Sato
THERMEC‘2023 – International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of advanced Materials, 2023年07月06日, [招待有り]
20230702, 20230707 - In-situ heating neutron diffraction study on changes of microstructure, dislocation density and crystallographic texture in 1 %C-doped CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Yusuke Onuki; Makoto Hasegawa; Shigeo Sato
THERMEC‘2023 – International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of advanced Materials, 2023年07月05日, [招待有り]
20230702, 20230707 - Characterization of structure changes in stress-induced martensitic transformation and shape memory properties of Fe-Mn-Si alloys
Shigeru Suzuki; Yuta Uemura; Kozo Shinoda; Shigeo Sato
CSI XLIII (43rd CSI) & ASLIBS2023, 2023年06月28日
20230626, 20230630 - Effect of alloying elements on dislocation evolution in highly deformed copper alloys
Naoki Daigo; Tomomi Iihara; Kozue Takano; Yuki Ito; Kazunari Maki; Shigeru Suzuki; Shigeo Sato
CSI XLIII (43rd CSI) & ASLIBS2023, 2023年06月28日
20230626, 20230630 - Observation of dislocation evolution in Cu-Zn alloys during high-temperature deformation by using neutron diffraction
Seiichi Karasawa; Kana Baba; Yusuke Onuki; Yuma Nagaoka; Masato Ito; Shigeru Suzuki; Shigeo Sato
CSI XLIII (43rd CSI) & ASLIBS2023, 2023年06月28日
20230626, 20230630 - Variations in stress relaxation of kinds of alloying elements in,solid-solution copper alloys
Kana Baba; Kazuhiro Mizusawa; Kozue Takano; Tomomi Iihara; Yuki Ito; Kazunari Maki; Shigeru Suzuki; Shigeo Sato
CSI XLIII (43rd CSI) & ASLIBS2023, 2023年06月28日
20230626, 20230630 - Fe-Mn-Si-0.6%C鋼のα-ɤ-α繰り返し変態の集合組織変化とバリアント選択則
富田俊郎、梅村和希、佐藤成男、小貫祐介、 田中泰明、藤原知哉、 諏訪嘉宏、 河野佳織
日本鉄鋼協会第185回春季講演大会, 2023年03月09日, 日本鉄鋼協会
20230308, 20230310 - 中性子回折およびEBSDによる純鉄98%圧延板の結晶方位別転位密度評価
日本鉄鋼協会第185回春季講演大会, 2023年03月09日, 日本鉄鋼協会
20230308, 20230310 - 機械的振動に応答する機能性鉄合金の特性の評価
日本鉄鋼協会第185回春季講演大会, 2023年03月09日, 日本鉄鋼協会
20230308, 20230310 - 熱間溝ロール圧延加工とN添加を組み合わせた準安定ハイエントロピー合金の高強度化
山中謙太、森真奈美、吉田和男、小貫祐介、佐藤成男、千葉 晶彦
日本金属学会春期講演(第172回)大会, 2023年03月10日
20230307, 20230310 - 機能性多結晶銅合金圧延板に残留する応力の評価
日本金属学会春期講演(第172回)大会, 2023年03月09日
20230307, 20230310 - Cu-Zn合金における高温変形中の転位と合金元素の相互作用
日本金属学会春期講演(第172回)大会, 2023年03月07日
20230307, 20230310 - 固溶型銅合金の合金元素種による耐応力緩和特性変化のメカニズム
日本金属学会春期講演(第172回)大会, 2023年03月07日
20230307, 20230310 - Ba3-y(Y1-xZrx)4O9+2x-y (x=0-0.4, y=0-0.33)の構造およびイオン伝導特性の評価
橋本 篤典、植野 雄大、畑田 直行、豊浦 和明、佐藤 成男、宇田 哲也
第48回 固体イオニクス討論会, 2022年12月08日
20221206, 20221208 - A contribution of large dislocation accumulation to large work strengthening in FeNiCoCrMn high entropy alloy
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Yusuke Onuki; Makoto Hasegawa; Shigeo Sato
International Conference and Exhibition on Science, Technology, and Engineering of Materials (ISTEM-2022), 2022年11月30日, [招待有り]
20221129, 20221202 - Fe-Mn-Si-0.6%C 鋼のα→γ→α 繰り返し変態の集合組織変化とバリアント選択則
富田俊郎; 小貫祐介; 梅村和希; 田中泰明,藤原知哉,諏訪嘉宏,河野佳織; 佐藤成男
日本金属学会 第1回 結晶性材料の結晶配向評価および結晶方位解析技術研究会, 2022年11月26日
20221125, 20221126 - SUS304 ステンレス鋼のγ→ε→α’加工誘起マルテンサイト変態におけるバリアント選択
小貫祐介; 佐藤成男
日本金属学会 第1回 結晶性材料の結晶配向評価および結晶方位解析技術研究会, 2022年11月26日
20221125, 20221126 - 固溶型銅合金の低温焼鈍による転位タイプの変化とそれに伴う耐応力緩和特性
水澤和大; 高野こずえ,飯原智美,伊藤優樹,松永裕隆,牧一誠; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
日本金属学会 第1回 結晶性材料の結晶配向評価および結晶方位解析技術研究会, 2022年11月26日
20221125, 20221126 - Al-Mg 合金の転位増殖及び集合組織発達に対するMg 濃度及び結晶粒径の影響
野沢星雅; 古澤萌; 小貫祐介; 松本克史; 佐藤成男
日本金属学会 第1回 結晶性材料の結晶配向評価および結晶方位解析技術研究会, 2022年11月25日
20221125, 20221126 - Microstructure study of hot compressed Nb30Ta5Ti30V15Zr20 high entropy alloy
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato; Makoto Hasegawa
日本金属学会 第1回 結晶性材料の結晶配向評価および結晶方位解析技術研究会, 2022年11月25日
20221125, 20221126 - 中性子散乱光学系の窓材に適したTi-6Al-4V合金のミクロ組織
鈴木建人; Pramote Thirathipviwat; 張朔源; 有馬寛; 岩瀬裕希; 阿部淳; 佐藤成男
第58回X線分析討論会, 2022年11月10日
20221110, 20221111 - 中性子回折を用いた純銅の高温圧縮変形時に伴うミクロ組織形成の観察
馬場可奈; 小貫祐介; 長岡佑磨; 伊東正登; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
第58回X線分析討論会, 2022年11月10日
20221110, 20221111 - 純銅とCu-Zn合金の引張変形中の転位増殖過程の観察
柄澤誠一; 馬場可奈; 小貫祐介; 長岡佑磨; 伊東正登; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
第58回X線分析討論会, 2022年11月10日
20221110, 20221111 - 強加工銅合金における合金元素によるGN/SS転位増殖への作用
大後直樹; 飯原智美; 髙野こずえ; 伊藤優樹; 牧一誠; 鈴木茂; 佐藤成男
第58回X線分析討論会, 2022年11月10日
20221110, 20221111 - 中性子回折を用いた低合金TRIP鋼の熱処理中における組織形成過程の観察
河原幸汰; 梅村和希; 小貫祐介; 星川晃範; 富田俊郎; 佐藤成男
第58回X線分析討論会, 2022年11月10日
20221110, 20221111 - 金属材料の熱処理に伴うGN転位とSS転位の回復挙動
日本鉄鋼協会シンポジウム(学術部会横断)「鉄鋼材料特性改善に資する評価・分析・解析の進歩」, 2022年10月28日, 日本鉄鋼協会, [招待有り]
20221028, 20221028 - Neutron metallurgy by using iMATERIA: Time-Of-Flight type 9owder diffraction instrument
Yusuke Onuki; Toshiro Tomida; Shigeo Sato
3-day International Conference on Materials Science, 2022年10月27日
20221026, 20221028 - 固溶型銅合金の耐応力緩和特性に対するSS 転位およびGN 転位の作用
日本銅学会第62回講演大会, 2022年10月15日, 日本銅学会
20221015, 20221016 - 複相強化型Cu-Ti 合金薄板材の作製
日本銅学会第62回講演大会, 2022年10月15日, 日本銅学会
20221015, 20221016 - 中性子回折による銅の変形集合組織評価と結晶塑性モデルの検討
日本機械学会 M&M 2022 材料力学カンファレンス, 2022年09月26日, (一社)日本機械学会
20220926, 20220928 - 中性子回折を用いた高温の転位密度測定および転位密度に立脚した変形抵抗式の評価
日本機械学会 M&M 2022 材料力学カンファレンス, 2022年09月26日, (一社)日本機械学会
20220926, 20220928 - 金属材料の高温変形における転位形成と力学特性との関係
日本鉄鋼協会第184回秋季講演大会, 2022年09月22日, 日本鉄鋼協会
20220921, 20220923 - 機能性多結晶鉄合金における残留応力の評価
日本金属学会秋期講演(第171回)大会, 2022年09月22日
20220920, 20220923 - TOF 型中性子回折による Fe-Si-Mn-C 鋼における恒温保持中の微細組織形成と炭素分配挙動のその場観察
小貫祐介、藤原知哉、諏訪嘉宏 、 田中泰明、河野佳織、富田 俊郎 、佐藤成男
日本金属学会秋期講演(第171回)大会, 2022年09月22日
20220920, 20220923 - Al-Mg 合金の延性に対する集合組織と転位増殖の影響
日本金属学会秋期講演(第171回)大会, 2022年09月20日
20220920, 20220923 - In-situ neutron diffraction study of dislocation density evolution during tensile deformation in Al-Mg alloy
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Sega Nozawa; Moe Furusawa; Yuseuke Onuki; Makoto Hasegawa; Katsushi Matsumoto; Shigeo Sato
The 18th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys (ICAA18), 2022年09月05日
20220904, 20220908 - 中性子回折を利用した純鉄98%圧延板の結晶方位別転密度評価
金属第62回 鉄鋼第65回 中国四国支部講演大会, 2022年08月23日, 日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部
20220823, 20220824 - Ba3Y4O9のBa欠損・Zr置換による化学的安定性・電気伝導特性への影響
第16回固体イオニクスセミナー, 2022年08月08日
20220807, 20220808 - An investigation of dislocation density and work strengthening in CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Yusuke Onuki; Junhee Han; Shigeo Sato
3rd International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering, 2022年04月21日
20220418, 20220422 - 固溶型銅合金の耐応力緩和特性の結晶粒径依存性に対する転位密度の作用
日本金属学会2022年春期(第170回)講演大会, 2022年03月22日
20220315, 20220322 - Al-Mg合金のMg濃度及び結晶粒径によるGN/SS転位増殖への作用
日本金属学会2022年春期(第170回)講演大会, 2022年03月22日
20220315, 20220322 - Work strengthening and dislocation density in cold-swaged FeNiCoCrMn high entropy alloy
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato
日本金属学会2022年春期(第170回)講演大会, 2022年03月16日
20220315, 20220322 - 中性子回折を用いた炭化物強化マルテンサイト鋼の硬化メカニズムの解析
山中謙太; 森真奈美; 吉田和男; 佐藤成男; 千葉晶彦
日本金属学会2022年春期(第170回)講演大会, 2022年03月16日
20220315, 20220322 - 低合金TRIP鋼の二相域保持温度によるベイナイト変態の組織形成に及ぼす影響
日本鉄鋼協会第183回春季講演大会, 2022年03月16日
20220315, 20220317 - 中性子回折を利用した低合金TRIP鋼のベイナイト変態中のオーステナイト相やセメンタイト相の形成過程観察
日本鉄鋼協会第183回春季講演大会, 2022年03月16日
20220315, 20220317 - A Mechanism of Austenite Grain Size Dependency of Ms by Stored Elastic Energy in Neighbor Parent Grains
Toshiro Tomida; Shigeo Sato
16th International Conference on Martensitic Transformation (ICOMAT 2022), 2022年03月16日
20220314, 20220317 - Simultaneous Enhancement of Hardness and Corrosion Resistance in Carbide-reinforced Martensitic Steels
Kenta Yamanaka; Haruka Shima; Manami Mori; Kazuo Yoshida; Yusuke Onuki; Shigeo Sato; Akihiko Chiba
TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2022年02月27日
20220227, 20220303 - 中性子回折を利用した鉄鋼材料ミクロ組織解析の近況
日本鉄鋼協会シンポジウム「製品品質保証のためのプロセス改善に有用な実用的分析・評価・解析」, 2022年01月22日, 日本鉄鋼協会
20220122, 20220122 - In-situ中性子回折とex-situ EBSDによる低合金TRIP鋼の ベイナイト変態メカニズムの解析
第21回日本中性子科学会年会, 2021年12月02日
20211201, 20211203 - 荷重変形中のその場中性子回折測定によるAl合金のミクロ組織発達過程観察
第21回日本中性子科学会年会, 2021年12月02日
20211201, 20211203 - X線回折とEBSDそれぞれの転位解析を活かした材料特性発現機構の解明
日本鉄鋼協会シンポジウム「材料とプロセス制御に向けた分析・解析の話題」, 2021年11月22日
20211122, 20211122 - 荷重変形中のその場中性子回折測定による Al 合金のミクロ組織発達過程観察
第57回X線分析討論会, 2021年11月05日
20211105, 20211106 - 銅と銅合金の圧延集合組織発達に及ぼす種々の因子の数値的検討
日本銅学会 第61回講演大会, 2021年10月24日
20211023, 20211024 - 銅合金に残留する三次元的応力の評価
日本銅学会 第61回講演大会, 2021年10月24日
20211023, 20211024 - 中性子回折による銅と銅合金の引張変形中の集合組織その場観察
日本銅学会 第61回講演大会, 2021年10月23日
20211023, 20211024 - 固溶強化型銅合金の低温焼鈍条件による転位パラメータの変化と応力緩和特性への作用
日本銅学会 第61回講演大会, 2021年10月23日
20211023, 20211024 - 中性子回折を用いた低合金TRIP鋼のMn,Si量に依存したベイナイト変態による組織形成過程の観察
第4回金属・無機・有機材料の結晶方位解析と応用技術研究会, 2021年10月15日
20211014, 20211015 - Tiの集合組織記憶機構の解析
富田俊郎、Sven C. Vogel、小貫祐介、佐藤成男
第4回金属・無機・有機材料の結晶方位解析と応用技術研究会, 2021年10月15日
20211014, 20211015 - 弾性異方性の大きい鉄合金における微小ひずみの評価
日本金属学会2021年秋期(第169回)講演大会, 2021年09月16日
20210914, 20210917 - Lattice strain and solid solution hardening in FeNiCoCrMn high entropy alloy and its sub-alloys
Pramote Thirathipviwat; Shigeo Sato; Junhee Han
日本鉄鋼協会第181回春季講演大会, 2021年03月18日
20210317, 20210319 - 中性子回折を用いた低合金TRIP鋼の合金組成に依存した組織形成の観察
日本鉄鋼協会第181回春季講演大会, 2021年03月17日
20210317, 20210319 - CoCrFeMnNi系準安定ハイエントロピー合金の組織と塑性変形挙動に及ぼすN添加の影響
日本金属学会2021年春期(第168回)講演大会, 2021年03月19日
20210316, 20210319 - Simultaneous control of texture, microstructure, and shape by hot deformation for magnesium alloy AZX612
Y. Onuki; K. Masaoka; S. Sato
The 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 2021年03月04日
20210301, 20210304 - Study of texture memory in Ti by time-of-flight neutron diffraction and texture prediction via harmonic method
T. Tomida; Y. Onuki; S. C. Vogel; S. Sato
The 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 2021年03月04日
20210301, 20210304 - Variant selection in phase transformation and its influence on texture and martensite starting temperature in steel
T. Tomida; S. Sato
The 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 2021年03月04日
20210301, 20210304 - Round robin for neutron texture analysis
S. C. Vogel; Y. Onuki; S. Sato; H.-G Brokmeier; W. Gan; W. Kockelmann; C. Scheffzuek; T. Tomida
The 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 2021年03月04日
20210301, 20210304 - Texture evolution in aluminum and Al-3%Mg alloy subjected to shear deformation and subsequent annealing
Y. Takayama; Y. Xu; T. Yoshida; H. Tanaka; Y. Onuki; S. Sato
The 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 2021年03月03日
20210301, 20210304 - In-situ observation of deformation texture evolution in copper alloys by neutron diffraction
M. Ito; Y. Onuki; K. Takano; H. Matsunaga; S. Sato; S. Suzuki
The 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 2021年03月03日
20210301, 20210304 - Compositional complexity dependence of microstructure evolution and solid solution hardening in FeNiCoCrMn high entropy alloy system
P. Thirathipviwat; J. Han; Y. Onuki; A. Hoshikawa; S. Sato
The 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 2021年03月02日
20210301, 20210304 - Elucidation of grain-size effect on dislocation-strengthening factor by using X-ray diffraction and EBSD
K. Nakagawa; M. Hayashi; Y. Onuki; S. Suzuki; S. Sato
The 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 2021年03月01日
20210301, 20210304 - In situ neutron diffraction study of kinetics of phase transformation in austempering process in low-alloyed TRIP steels
K. Umemura; Y. Onuki; T. Hirano; T. Tomida; A. Hoshikawa; S. Sato
The 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 2021年03月01日
20210301, 20210304 - Interplay between phase transformation and dislocation evolution in iron-based shape memory alloys
S. Sato; K. Hanawa; Y. Onuki; Y. Uemura; A. Hoshikawa; H. Otsuka; Y. Chiba; S. Suzuki
The 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 2021年03月01日
20210301, 20210304 - Grain growth in soft magnetic ferritic stainless steels under compressive stresses at high temperatures
S. Suzuki; Y. Onuki; M. Uchida; S. Sato; T. Naruse; M. Watanabe; T. Sato; T. Ebata
The 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 2021年03月01日
20210301, 20210304 - Microstructure and texture development in AZX612 magnesium alloy during tensile deformation at elevated temperatures
K. Masaoka; Y. Onuki; S. Sato
The 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 2021年03月01日
20210301, 20210304 - Microstructural and texture characterization of additively manufactured commercially pure titanium
K. Yamanaka; M. Mori; H. Matsumoto; S. Sato; A. Chiba
The 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 2021年03月01日
20210301, 20210304 - Co-Cr-Mo合金の疲労破壊を誘起するミクロ組織現象の追跡
日本中性子科学会 第20回年会, 2020年11月09日
20201109, 20201111 - 銅合金の転位増殖に及ぼす塑性変形モードの影響
日本銅学会第60回記念講演大会, 2020年10月24日
20201024, 20201025 - 加工誘起マルテンサイトと焼入れの強度特性および転位組織の比較
日本鉄鋼協会第180回秋季講演大会, 2020年09月16日
20200916, 20200918 - 固溶元素による転位運動や加工硬化への影響 ~ラインプロファル解析に基づく考察~
日本鉄鋼協会第180回秋季講演大会, 2020年09月16日
20200916, 20200918 - 転位強化に及ぼす転位ひずみ場の影響
中川康太、高野こずえ、松永裕隆、森広行、小貫祐介、鈴木茂、佐藤 成男
日本金属学会第167回秋期講演大会, 2020年09月16日
20200915, 20200918 - 難燃性マグネシウム合金AZX612の高温変形におけるその場集合組織観察
正岡佳純、小貫祐介、佐藤 成男
日本金属学会第167回秋期講演大会, 2020年09月15日
20200915, 20200918 - 積層欠陥エネルギーの異なるCu-Zn合金の加工硬化挙動と転位組織の相関性
日本金属学会第166回春期講演大会, 2020年03月19日 - Bailey-Hirschの式における転位強化係数に対する結晶粒径の影響
日本鉄鋼協会第179回春季講演大会, 2020年03月18日 - 低合金TRIP鋼のベイナイト変態挙動におよぼすオーステナイト化温度の影響
日本鉄鋼協会シンポジウム「鉄鋼材料解析に資する分析の進歩」, 2020年02月07日 - 銅合金の合金元素種による転位増殖と転位運動
日本鉄鋼協会シンポジウム「鉄鋼材料解析に資する分析の進歩」, 2020年02月07日 - 鉄系形状記憶合金での擬弾性の中性子回折を用いた現象観察
第16回茨城地区分析技術交流会, 2019年11月29日 - 低合金TRIP鋼のベイナイト変態域における中性子回折を用いた相変態解析
第16回茨城地区分析技術交流会, 2019年11月29日 - 二相ステンレス鋼の475℃脆化と加工硬化中の転位挙動
第16回茨城地区分析技術交流会, 2019年11月29日 - 引張変形に伴うミクロ組織変化と転位組織の関係
第16回茨城地区分析技術交流会, 2019年11月29日 - Mgにおける結晶子微細化の結晶方位依存性を考慮したWilliamson-Hall法の補正法検討
第16回茨城地区分析技術交流会, 2019年11月29日 - 中性子回折による低合金TRIP鋼の熱処理に伴う動的な組織変化のその場観察
第16回茨城地区分析技術交流会, 2019年11月29日 - 中性子回折を用いたCo-Cr-Mo合金の窒素添加による疲労寿命改善メカニズム解明
第16回茨城地区分析技術交流会, 2019年11月29日 - 中性子回折に基づく二相ステンレス鋼の粒,相応力と転位増殖の関係解明
第55回X線分析討論会, 2019年10月30日 - 六方晶金属の非等方的な結晶子微細化に対するWilliamson-Hall法の補正法検討
第55回X線分析討論会, 2019年10月30日 - 中性子回折組織解析を用いたCo-Cr-Mo合金の窒素添加による疲労寿命改善メカニズム解明
第55回X線分析討論会, 2019年10月30日 - X線回折ラインプロファイル解析に基づく金属材料の加工硬化挙動の定量的解釈
第55回X線分析討論会, 2019年10月30日 - 合金元素種によるGN/SS転位増殖への作用
日本銅学会第59回講演大会, 2019年10月20日 - Cu-Zn合金の転位挙動と加工硬化に及ぼす固溶亜鉛量の影響
日本銅学会第59回講演大会, 2019年10月20日 - 低合金TRIP鋼のベイナイト変態で生じる相分率変化および炭素拡散現象の中性子回折を用いた観察
日本鉄鋼協会第178回秋季講演大会, 2019年09月12日 - 低合金TRIP鋼の相変態および炭素拡散現象に及ぼすベイナイト変態温度の影響
日本鉄鋼協会第178回秋季講演大会, 2019年09月12日 - 加工硬化に及ぼす転位間相互作用や転位性格の影響
日本鉄鋼協会第178回秋季講演大会, 2019年09月12日 - 0.6%C鋼におけるベイナイト変態中の準安定オーステナイトの振る舞い
日本鉄鋼協会第178回秋季講演大会, 2019年09月11日 - 中性子回折を用いた0.4C-TRIP型ベイニティックフェライト鋼のオーステンパー処理中の組織形成挙動の解析
日本鉄鋼協会第178回秋季講演大会, 2019年09月11日 - 中性子回折を用いた高耐食性炭化物強化マルテンサイト鋼の組織最適化
日本鉄鋼協会第178回秋季講演大会, 2019年09月11日 - Fe-Mn基合金の弾性異方性と集合組織
第3回金属・無機・有機材料の結晶方位解析と応用技術研究会, 2019年08月30日 - 鉄鋼のFCC-HCPマルテンサイト変態に伴うミクロひずみ形成過程の評価
第3回金属・無機・有機材料の結晶方位解析と応用技術研究会, 2019年08月30日 - 鉄鋼の集合組織および相分率に対するRietveld-texture解析の等方性温度因子の影響
日本鉄鋼協会第177回春季講演大会, 2019年03月21日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - X線回折とEBSDそれぞれから求められる転位の特徴
日本鉄鋼協会第177回春季講演大会, 2019年03月21日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 積層欠陥エネルギーおよび固溶元素の差異が与える転位配列への影響
日本鉄鋼協会第177回春季講演大会, 2019年03月21日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - X線回折ラインプロファイルと電子顕微鏡それぞれから見える転位の特徴
日本鉄鋼協会第177回春季講演大会, 2019年03月20日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 中性子回折による動的な組織形成のその場観察―秒単位の時分割実現に向けて―
日本鉄鋼協会第177回春季講演大会, 2019年03月20日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 鉄系形状記憶合金の形状回復に作用する相変態と転位増殖過程
日本鉄鋼協会シンポジウム「最先端解析技術を用いた金属材料の特性解析と制御」, 2019年02月15日, 日本鉄鋼協会評価・分析・解析部会 - 鉄鋼の高温から中温への冷却における相変態及び炭素拡散現象に対する中性子回折による観測
第54回X線分析討論会, 2018年10月25日, X線分析懇談会 - 転位と集合組織の相関性解明を志向したその場中性子回折測定条件の検討
第54回X線分析討論会, 2018年10月25日, X線分析懇談会 - 中性子回折法を用いた鉄系形状記憶合金の形状回復効果に対するミクロ組織の影響の解明
第54回X線分析討論会, 2018年10月25日, X線分析懇談会 - 二相ステンレス鋼の組成により変化するミクロ組織と強度特性との相関性
第54回X線分析討論会, 2018年10月25日, X線分析懇談会 - 中性子回折を用いたMg加工硬化挙動に対するミクロ組織観察
第54回X線分析討論会, 2018年10月25日, X線分析懇談会 - 転位組織形成の変遷が与える加工硬化特性への影響
第54回X線分析討論会, 2018年10月25日, X線分析懇談会 - X線回折法と電子後方散乱回折法それぞれより解析される銅合金の転位の特徴
第54回X線分析討論会, 2018年10月25日, X線分析懇談会 - Rietveld-texture解析とラインプロファイル解析を用いたCo-Cr合金の疲労変形組織の評価
第54回X線分析討論会, 2018年10月25日, X線分析懇談会 - Microstructural characterization of fatigued stainless steels with different strain-hardening behavior by using EBSD and X-ray diffraction line-profile analysis
M. Moshtaghi、佐藤成男
日本鉄鋼協会第176回秋季講演大会, 2018年09月20日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 動的な微細組織変化追跡のためのその場中性子回折測定システムの構築
日本鉄鋼協会第176回秋季講演大会, 2018年09月19日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - Texture development accompanying strain-induced martensitic transformation in cold-rolling of Co-Cr alloys
日本鉄鋼協会第176回秋季講演大会, 2018年09月19日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - その場中性子回折測定によるMgおよびMg合金の室温変形メカニズムの検討
第2回金属・無機・有機材料の結晶方位解析と応用技術研究会, 2018年08月31日, 軽金属学会 - 鉄系形状記憶合金の特性と構造変化
第2回金属・無機・有機材料の結晶方位解析と応用技術研究会, 2018年08月31日, 軽金属学会 - 低積層欠陥エネルギーを持つCoCr合金の圧延に伴う転位増殖とマルテンサイト変態の関係
第2回金属・無機・有機材料の結晶方位解析と応用技術研究会, 2018年08月30日, 軽金属学会 - Macroscopic deformation mechanisms of AZ31 magnesium alloy studied by neutron diffraction texture measurement and VPSC simulation
Y. Onuki; A. Hoshikawa; S. Sato; T. Ishigaki
THERMEC'2018, 2018年07月17日 - ラインプロファイル解析におけるX線回折ピークの考え方
ステンレス鋼の特性と転位挙動自主フォーラム講演会, 2018年05月11日, 日本鉄鋼協会, [招待有り] - フェライト鋼およびオーステナイト鋼における転位間相互作用と加工硬化の関係
日本鉄鋼協会第175回春季講演大会, 2018年03月20日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - ミクロ組織解析に基づく二相ステンレス鋼の強度特性の解明
日本鉄鋼協会第175回春季講演大会, 2018年03月20日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 中性子回折測定による鉄鋼の加熱・冷却におけるミクロ組織変化のその場観察
日本鉄鋼協会第175回春季講演大会, 2018年03月20日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 中性子回折法を用いた集合組織と転位パラメーターの同時測定手法の検討
日本鉄鋼協会第175回春季講演大会, 2018年03月20日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - Study on anisotropic properties in USW bonded Mg alloy
Amir Badamian、岩本知広、佐藤成男、星勇太
日本金属学会2018年春期(第162回)講演大会, 2018年03月19日, 日本金属学会 - 電子ビーム積層造形を用いて作製したTi-6Al-4V合金の引張変形における高エネルギーX線回折ラインプロファイル解析
日本金属学会2018年春期(第162回)講演大会, 2018年03月19日, 日本金属学会 - Fe-Mn基エリンバー合金の微細組織や構造の解析
日本金属学会2018年春期(第162回)講演大会, 2018年03月19日, 日本金属学会 - 中性子回折計iMATERIAを用いた集合組織と相分率のその場測定環境の構築
日本鉄鋼協会第175回春季講演大会, 2018年03月19日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - ラインプロファイル解析から求められる転位パラメーターと強度の関係
佐藤成男、黒田あす美、林桃希、熊谷正芳、轟秀和、ステファヌス ハルヨ、友田 陽、鈴木茂、佐藤こずえ、鈴木茂
日本鉄鋼協会第175回春季講演大会, 2018年03月19日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - チタンの電子ビーム積層造形における組織形成
日本鉄鋼協会第175回春季講演大会, 2018年03月19日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 銅合金の延性に及ぼす転位の特徴
日本鉄鋼協会第175回春季講演大会, 2018年03月19日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 中性子回折によるCo-Cr合金の疲労組織解析
日本金属学会2018年春期(第162回)講演大会, 2018年03月19日, 日本金属学会 - 量子ビームを用いた転位キャラクタリゼーションに基づく材料強度特性の理解
佐藤成男、林桃希、黒田あす美、小貫祐介、ステファヌス ハルヨ、友田陽、鈴木茂
2017年度量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ, 2018年03月03日, 高エネルギー加速器研究機構・物質構造科学研究所,J-PARCセンター,総合科学研究機構 (CROSS) ,PF-ユーザアソシエーション (PF-UA) ,J-PARC MLF利用者懇談会 - 様々な量子ビーム解析の視点に基づく銅合金ミクロ組織と強度特性メカニズムの解析
日本鉄鋼協会シンポジウム「最先端解析技術を用いた金属材料の特性解析と制御」, 2018年02月09日, 日本鉄鋼協会評価・分析・解析部会 - オーステナイト系およびフェライト系ステンレス鋼の加工硬化に作用する転位の特徴
日本鉄鋼協会シンポジウム「最先端解析技術を用いた金属材料の特性解析と制御」, 2018年02月09日, 日本鉄鋼協会評価・分析・解析部会 - TOF型中性子回折による短時間・高精度の集合組織・相分率同時測定手法の開発
日本学術振興会 製鋼第19委員会, 2018年01月31日, 日本学術振興会 - 中性子を利用した多結晶材料の集合組織解析
日本材料学会関東支部「材料研究に使える中性子回折- J-PARCの有効利用を目指して-」, 2017年12月07日, 日本材料学会 - TOF型パルス中性子回折を用いた金属ミクロ組織解析
第26回 素材工学研究懇談会「金属プロセスと素材の最近研究開発動向」, 2017年11月22日, 日本銅学会 - 高温変形によるフェライト系機能性Fe-Cr 基合金の集合組織変化
第16回 日本金属学会東北支部研究発表大会, 2017年11月22日, 日本金属学会 - 銅合金の伸び特性とミクロ組織の関係
日本銅学会第57回講演大会, 2017年11月18日, 日本銅学会 - Effect of strain-induced martensitic transformation on texture evolution in cold-rolled Co-Cr alloys
S. Sato; M. Nakagawa; Y. Onuki; K. Yamanaka; M. Mori; A. Hoshikawa; T. Ishigaki; A. Chiba
18th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM18), 2017年11月07日 - Texture changes of electromagnetic ferritic stainless steels by compressive deformation at high temperatures
Y. Onuki; S. Sato; M. Uchida; T. Naruse; Y. Kim; T. Ebata; S. Suzuki
18th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM18), 2017年11月07日 - Variant selection mechanisms and quantitative prediction of transformation textures in steel
T. Tomida; Y. Onuki; S. Sato
18th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM18), 2017年11月07日 - Development and verification of simultaneous measurement system for texture and phase fraction by time-of-flight neutron diffraction at iMATERIA
Y. Onuki; A. Hoshikawa; S. Sato; S. Nishino; T. Ishigaki; T. Tomida
18th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM18), 2017年11月06日 - X線回折法による二相ステンレスの強度と伸びに影響を及ぼすミクロ組織の解析
第53回X線分析討論会, 2017年10月26日, X線分析懇談会 - X線回折法を用いたミクロひずみ解析に基づく加工硬化の予測
第53回X線分析討論会, 2017年10月26日, X線分析懇談会 - 高エネルギーX線回折ラインプロファイル解析法によるTi合金の引張変形中転位増殖観察
黒田あす美、山中謙太、 森真奈美、伊藤美優、菖蒲敬、佐藤成男、千葉晶彦
第53回X線分析討論会, 2017年10月26日, X線分析懇談会 - X線回折法による銅合金の引張変形に伴うミクロ組織変化の追跡
第53回X線分析討論会, 2017年10月26日, X線分析懇談会 - 鉄鋼の急冷に伴う相変態現象その場中性子回折測定法の開発
第53回X線分析討論会, 2017年10月26日, X線分析懇談会 - 中性子回折装置iMATERIAを用いたラミネート型リチウムイオン二次電池のマルチスケール構造解析
第53回X線分析討論会, 2017年10月26日, X線分析懇談会 - 中性子回折による集合組織・相分率測定~マクロな視点からミクロ組織を捉える~
日本鉄鋼協会第174回秋季講演大会, 2017年09月07日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - Microstructural study of ambient fatigued 316L stainless steels at constant mean stress by using XRD line profile analysis
M. Moshtaghi、加藤倫彬、佐藤成男
日本鉄鋼協会第174回秋季講演大会, 2017年09月07日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 中性子回折を利用した高温その場集合組織測定システムの構築
軽金属学会 第2回「アルミニウムの再結晶集合組織形成モデル化研究部会」, 2017年09月07日, 軽金属学会 - 集合組織と相分率の迅速測定技術の開発
平成29年度J-PARC MLF産業利用報告会, 2017年07月20日, J-PARCセンター - 電子ビーム積層造形を用いて作製したTi-6Al-4V合金のX線・中性子回折を用いた組織解析
日本金属学会2017年春期講演大会, 2017年03月17日, 日本金属学会 - 冷延鋼板における残留ひずみと転位密度の結晶方位分布
日本鉄鋼協会第173回春季講演大会, 2017年03月16日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 「鉄鋼のミクロ組織要素と特性の量子線解析」研究会への新たな展開
日本鉄鋼協会第173回春季講演大会, 2017年03月16日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - マルチスケール方位分布解析による底面集合組織を持つAZ31マグネシウム合金の塑性変形機構の検討
日本金属学会2017年春期講演大会, 2017年03月16日, 日本金属学会 - マルテンサイト変態と転位による強化機構の同時解析を指向した中性子回折法の確立
日本鉄鋼協会第173回春季講演大会, 2017年03月15日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 中性子線回折による相分率・集合組織同時測定
日本鉄鋼協会第173回春季講演大会, 2017年03月15日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - Co合金における加工に伴うマルテンサイト相発達と転位増殖の強度への影響
日本金属学会2017年春期講演大会, 2017年03月15日, 日本金属学会 - 銅合金における耐応力緩和特性と転位組織の関係
日本金属学会2017年春期講演大会, 2017年03月15日, 日本金属学会 - 銅合金の応力緩和現象に影響する転位の特徴
シンポジウム「金属およびその関連材料に対する量子線解析」, 2017年02月10日, 日本鉄鋼協会評価・分析・解析部会 - X線回折法を用いたCu合金の応力緩和に伴うミクロ現象の追跡
東北大学金属材料研究所共同利用ワークショップ「3GeV高輝度放射光SLiT-Jと産学協創」, 2016年12月13日, 東北大学金属材料研究所 - 中性子回折法を用いた二相ステンレス鋼の転位増殖その場観察
加藤倫彬、佐藤成男、友田陽、Stefanus Harjo、齋藤洋一、轟秀和。佐藤こずえ、鈴木茂
東北大学金属材料研究所共同利用ワークショップ「3GeV高輝度放射光SLiT-Jと産学協創」, 2016年12月13日, 東北大学金属材料研究所 - 固溶強化型銅合金の応力緩和現象に影響を与えるミクロ組織因子解明
日本銅学会第56回講演大会, 2016年10月30日, 日本銅学会 - TOF型中性子回折計iMATERIAにおける集合組織測定-X線、電子線を用いた手法との協奏ー
第52回X線分析討論会, 2016年10月28日, X線分析懇談会 - X線回折法によるCu-Sn合金の転位組織解析
第52回X線分析討論会, 2016年10月26日, X線分析懇談会 - ステンレス鋼の引張荷重その場中性子回折測定による転位増殖解析
黒田あす美、加藤倫彬、友田陽、ステファヌス ハルヨ、轟秀和、齋藤洋一、鈴木茂、佐藤成男
第52回X線分析討論会, 2016年10月26日, X線分析懇談会 - 中性子回折を用いたCo合金のマルテンサイト変態に伴う組織形成の解析
第52回X線分析討論会, 2016年10月26日, X線分析懇談会 - 中性子回折ラインプロファイル解析を用いた二相ステンレス鋼の冷間圧延に伴う組織形成異方性の解析
第52回X線分析討論会, 2016年10月26日, X線分析懇談会 - リートベルト解析とラインプロファイル解析を併用したCo合金の強化機構の解釈
第52回X線分析討論会, 2016年10月26日, X線分析懇談会 - フェライト系ステンレス鋼の熱間加工による〈100〉集合組織形成とそのメカニズム
第13回ヤングメタラジスト研究会, 2016年10月21日, 日本金属学会 - 二相ステンレス鋼のフェライト・オーステナイト相の加工硬化挙動
加藤倫彬、佐藤成男、友田陽、Stefanus Harjo、齋藤洋一、轟秀和、佐藤こずえ、鈴木茂
第13回ヤングメタラジスト研究会, 2016年10月21日, 日本金属学会 - 二相ステンレス鋼の変形に伴う転位増殖の特徴
2016年度匠ユーザーミーティング, 2016年10月20日, J-PARC - TOF型中性子回折を用いた相分率・集合組織同時定量測定
日本金属学会2016年秋期講演大会, 2016年09月23日, 日本金属学会 - 熱間変形による電磁ステンレス鋼の集合組織制御
日本鉄鋼協会大172回秋期講演大会, 2016年09月22日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 中性子回折ラインプロファイル解析によるオーステナイト系およびフェライト系ステンレス鋼の転位増殖・配列挙動の解析
黒田あす美、加藤倫彬、友田陽、ステファヌス ハルヨ、齋藤洋一、轟秀和、鈴木茂、佐藤成男
日本鉄鋼協会大172回秋期講演大会, 2016年09月22日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 抽出分離法を利用した時効析出型銅合金の定量的組織解析
日本鉄鋼協会大172回秋期講演大会, 2016年09月22日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - Hexagonal close-packed metals studied by combination of time-of-flight neutron texture analysis and EBSD techniques
Yusuke Onuki; Akinori Hoshikawa; Shigeo Sato; Toru Ishigaki; S. Nishino; Y. Morii; Y. Ishii
XXV International Materials Research Congress 2016, 2016年08月16日, MRS - 量子ビームによる金属組織解析の進歩
鉄鋼リサーチセンター談話会, 2016年07月27日, 九州大学鉄鋼リサーチセンター, [招待有り] - iMATERIAによる集合組織と残留オーステナイトの迅速測定技術
平成28年度J-PARC/MLF産業利用報告会, 2016年07月22日, J-PARC センター,(一財)総合科学研究機構 中性子科学センター (CROSS東海),茨城県,中性子産業利用推進協議会 - TOF型中性子回折による金属材料の集合組織・相分率同時測定-精度の検証と応用例
日本鉄鋼協会シンポジウム「物質・材料の高機能化に向けたプロセスの制御と評価」, 2016年07月04日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - Rapid measurement of texture of metals by time-of-flight neutron diffraction at iMATERIA and its applications
Yusuke Onuki; Akinori Hoshikawa; Shigeo Sato; Toru Ishigaki
THERMEC’2016, 2016年05月31日 - Quantitative microstructural analysis for age-hardenable Cu-based alloys using extraction technique
Satoshi Semboshi; Shigeo Sato; Akihiro Iwase
THERMEC’2016, 2016年05月30日 - 鉄鋼中の弾性ひずみや塑性ひずみの評価
日本学術振興会 製鋼第19委員会, 2016年05月30日, 日本学術振興会 - X線・中性子回折ラインプロファイル解析、リートベルト解析の組織解析への展開
日本鉄鋼協会第171回春季講演大会, 2016年03月24日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 中性子回折ラインプロファイルによる二相ステンレス鋼の不均一転位組織形成解析
加藤倫彬、佐藤成男、友田陽、Stefanus Harjo、齋藤洋一、轟秀和、佐藤こずえ、鈴木茂
日本鉄鋼協会第171回春季講演大会, 2016年03月24日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - AZ31マグネシウム合金押出丸棒の単軸引張変形における集合組織変化と塑性変形メカニズム
日本金属学会2016年春季(第158回)大会, 2016年03月24日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 二相ステンレス鋼の475℃脆化のミクロ組織特徴解明に向けた中性子ラインプロファイル解析
佐藤こずえ、佐藤成男、加藤倫彬、友田陽、Stefanus Harjo、轟秀和、齋藤洋一、我妻和明、鈴木茂
日本鉄鋼協会大171回春季講演大会, 2016年03月23日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - iMATERIA における高速集合組織測定とその応用
日本鉄鋼協会第171回春季講演大会, 2016年03月23日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 銅合金の応力緩和に伴う微細組織変化解析への取り組み
シンポジウム「量子ビームを用いた組織解析の新たな取り組み、そして今後の研究展望」, 2016年02月10日, 日本鉄鋼協会評価・分析・解析部会 - 中性子回折ラインプロファイル解析によるステンレス鋼への適用と課題
シンポジウム「量子ビームを用いた組織解析の新たな取り組み、そして今後の研究展望」, 2016年02月10日, 日本鉄鋼協会評価・分析・解析部会 - 集合組織に対する転位の不均一形成
佐藤成男、加藤倫彬、黒田あす美、友田陽、ステファヌス ハルヨ、齋藤洋一、轟秀和、佐藤こずえ、鈴木茂
茨城県中性子利用促進研究会 平成27年度集合組織分科会,「中性子による周桑組織研究の現状と展望-iMATERIAにおける集合組織解析への展開-」, 2015年12月15日 - 二相ステンレス鋼における加工硬化中の転位挙動
東北大学金属材料研究所ワークショップ「金属材料の高度利用、省資源化、及び循環利用に資する分析・解析技術」, 2015年12月08日, 東北大学金属材料研究所 - 銅合金の合金元素による応力緩和現象への影響と考察
東北大学金属材料研究所ワークショップ「金属材料の高度利用、省資源化、及び循環利用に資する分析・解析技術」, 2015年12月08日, 東北大学金属材料研究所 - Fe-Si合金における変形に伴う転位形成の中性子回折解析
平野衛、友田陽、ステファヌス ハルヨ、佐藤成男
東北大学金属材料研究所ワークショップ「金属材料の高度利用、省資源化、及び循環利用に資する分析・解析技術」, 2015年12月08日, 東北大学金属材料研究所 - EBSDおよび残留応力測定による二相ステンレス鋼における不均一塑性変形の解析
東北大学金属材料研究所ワークショップ「金属材料の高度利用、省資源化、及び循環利用に資する分析・解析技術」, 2015年12月07日, 東北大学金属材料研究所 - 量子ビーム回折におけるラインプロファイル解析の現状と課題
東北大学金属材料研究所ワークショップ「金属材料の高度利用、省資源化、及び循環利用に資する分析・解析技術」, 2015年12月07日, 東北大学金属材料研究所 - 放射光X線、中性子回折によるラインプロファイル解析
佐藤成男、友田陽、ステファヌス ハルヨ、菖蒲敬久、熊谷正芳、今福宗行、齋藤洋一、轟秀和、田代均、鈴木茂
第52回 X線材料強度に関する討論会, 2015年12月04日, [招待有り] - X線回折法によるCu-Mg系合金の応力緩和現象に伴う回復の追跡
日本銅学会第55回講演大会, 2015年11月03日, 日本銅学会 - 銅合金の荷重・昇温下における転位回復現象のX線回折キャラクタリゼーション
第51回X線分析討論会, 2015年10月29日, X線分析研究懇談会 - iMATERIAにおけるTime-Of-Flight型中性子回折を利用した迅速バルク集合組織測定手法
第5回 結晶と組織の配向制御による材料高性能化研究会, 2015年10月09日, 日本金属学会 - Microstructural characterization of Cu-added transformation induced plasticity steels
Y. Yasuda; E. Kwon; S. Sato; S. Fujieda; K. Shinoda; S. Suzuki
Asia Steel International Conference 2015, 2015年10月08日, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan - Size distribution of precipitates in age-hardenable electromagnetic stainless steels determined using small angle X-ray scattering
K. Satoh; S. Sato; M. Ohnuma; T. Naruse; Y. Kim; T. Ebata; S. Suzuki; K. Wagatsuma
Asia Steel International Conference 2015, 2015年10月08日, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan - Characterization of dislocations of cold-drawn pearlitic steels using synchrotron X-ray diffraction
S. Sato; K. Wagatsuma; K. Satoh; H. Ogawa; M. Kumagai; M. Imafuku; H. Tashiro; T. Shobu; S. Suzuki
Asia Steel International Conference 2015, 2015年10月08日, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan - Quantitative evaluation of dislocations during deformation and annealing for austenitic steels using CMWP fitting method for neutron diffraction profiles
Y. Tomota; S. Sato; S. Harjo; P.G. Xu; W. Gong; T. Kawasaki
MECASENS 2015, 2015年10月02日 - SUS310鋼の引張変形及びその後の焼鈍に伴う転位密度変化の中性子回折プロファイルCMWP解析による同定
日本鉄鋼協会大170回秋期講演大会, 2015年09月18日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - オーステナイト系・フェライト系ステンレス鋼のミクロ組織における弾塑性挙動の特徴
黒田あす美、加藤倫彬、友田陽、Stefanus Harjo、熊谷正芳、齋藤洋一、轟秀和、鈴木茂、佐藤こずえ、佐藤成男
日本鉄鋼協会大170回秋期講演大会, 2015年09月18日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 産業利用を目指した分析・解析・評価技術の展望
日本金属学会秋期(第157回)講演大会, 2015年09月17日, 日本金属学会 - iMATERIAにおけるTime-Of-Flight型中性子回折による集合組織測定
日本鉄鋼協会大170回秋期講演大会, 2015年09月17日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 量子ビームを用いたラインプロファイル解析の鉄鋼材への適用
佐藤成男、黒田あす美、加藤倫彬、平野衛、友田陽、S. Harjo、菖蒲敬久、城鮎美、今福宗行、熊谷正芳、鈴木茂、我妻和明、佐藤こずえ、轟秀和、齋藤 洋一、田代均
日本鉄鋼協会大170回秋期講演大会, 2015年09月16日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - X線と中性子線を用いたラインプロファイル解析 -それぞれの特徴と解析事例-
材料の組織と特性部会 第1回若手フォーラム, 2015年07月23日, 日本鉄鋼協会, [招待有り] - Ti-6Al-4V合金の生体適合性向上へ向けた酸素グロー放電プラズマ表面改質技術の開発
日本鉄鋼協会第169回春期講演大会, 2015年03月19日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 二相系ステンレス鋼における転位の相分配の特徴
日本鉄鋼協会第169回春期講演大会, 2015年03月19日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 白色X線を用いた伸線加工したパーライト鋼の残留応力測定
日本鉄鋼協会第169回春期講演大会, 2015年03月19日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 2相ステンレス鋼におけるフェライト/オーステナイト相への転位形成
加藤 倫彬、齋藤 洋一、轟 秀和、鈴木 茂、佐藤 成男
日本鉄鋼協会第169回春期講演大会, 2015年03月19日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 合金元素による応力緩和現象の効果とそのメカニズムの考察
日本鉄鋼協会第169回春期講演大会, 2015年03月19日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - Fe-Si合金のSi量が与える転位キャラクターへの影響の考察 ~中性子回折ラインプロファイル解析からのアプローチ~
平野衛; 佐藤成男; Stefanus Harjo; 友田陽
日本鉄鋼協会フォーラム主催シンポジウム 「回折・散乱現象を利用した主催微細構造解析の進展」, 2015年02月06日, 日本鉄鋼協会評価・分析・解析部会 - Fe-Si合金のSi量が与える転位キャラクターへの影響の考察,~中性子回折ラインプロファイル解析からのアプローチ~
平野衛、佐藤成男、Stefanus Harjo、友田陽
日本鉄鋼協会フォーラム主催シンポジウム,「回折・散乱現象を利用した主催微細構造解析の進展」, 2015年02月06日, 日本鉄鋼協会評価・分析・解析部会 - 放射光を用いた転位キャラクター解析 ~伸線加工材の転位不均一性、異方性解析への取り組み~
ワークショップ「3GeV中型高輝度放射光(SLiT-J)の実現に向けて」, 2014年12月16日, 東北大学金属材料研究所 - 銅圧延板における集合組織成分による転位密度分布とその回復挙動
日本銅学会第54回講演大会, 2014年11月09日, 日本銅学会 - 極点測定-ラインプロファイル解析ハイブリッドによる集合組織評価
第50回X線分析討論会, 2014年10月30日, 本分析化学会X線分析研究懇談会 - Strengthening Mechanism of Biomedical Co-Cr-Mo Alloy Prepared by Thermomechanical Processing
Manami Mori; Kenta Yamanaka; Kozue Satoh; Shigeo Sato; Shinki Tsubaki; Masayoshi Kumagai; Muneyuki Imafuku; Akihiko Chiba
Materials Science & Technology 2014 (MS&T14), 2014年10月15日, TMS - Strengthening Mechanism of Biomedical Co-Cr-Mo Alloy Prepared,by Thermomechanical Processing
Manami Mori; Kenta Yamanaka; Kozue Satoh; Shigeo Sato; Shinki Tsubaki; Masayoshi Kumagai; Muneyuki Imafuku; Akihiko Chiba
Materials Science & Technology 2014 (MS&T14), 2014年10月15日, TMS - 放射光と中性子を利用したラインプロファイル解析
平成26年度金属組織研究会, 2014年10月08日, 一般財団法人 総合科学研究機構 東海事業センター - CMWP解析を用いたオーステナイトの高温変形と回復・再結晶挙動の考察
平成26年度金属組織研究会, 2014年10月08日, 一般財団法人 総合科学研究機構 東海事業センター - 高強度転位組織を有する生体用Co-29Cr-6Mo合金の室温変化挙動
日本金属学会第155回秋期講演大会, 2014年09月25日, 日本金属学会 - X線小角散乱法による時効硬化型電磁ステンレス鋼の析出挙動解析
日本鉄鋼協会第168回秋期講演大会, 2014年09月24日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - Fe-33Ni合金における高温変形中の転位密度と集合組織その場中性子回折測定
友田陽、佐藤成男、内田真弘、徐平光、川崎卓郎、Harjo Stefanus
日本鉄鋼協会第168回秋期講演大会, 2014年09月24日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 高温X線回折ラインプロファイル法による伸線加工パーライト鋼の転位回復の追跡
日本鉄鋼協会第168回秋期講演大会, 2014年09月24日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 電解抽出分析法による伸線加工パーライト鋼のセメンタイト分解挙動の解析
日本鉄鋼協会第168回秋期講演大会, 2014年09月24日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - Characterization of anisotropy of dislocation characteristics of cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires
S. Sato; K. Wagatsuma; K. Satoh; H. Ogawa; M. Kumagai; M. Imafuku; T. Shobu; H. Tashiro; S. Suzuki
17th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM17), 2014年08月26日 - Changes of dislocation distribution in different texture components during recovery and recrystallization of old-rolled Cu sheets
K. Satoh; S. Sato; S. Suzuki; K. Wagatsuma
17th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM17), 2014年08月25日 - 放射光X線回折を利用した鉄鋼材料のラインプロファイル解析
第167回日本鉄鋼協会春季講演大会, 2014年03月23日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - X線散乱・分光分析による伸線加工パーライト鋼のセメンタイト分解現象解析
第167回日本鉄鋼協会春季講演大会, 2014年03月22日, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 放射光を利用したXRDラインプロファイル解析 ~伸線加工パーライト鋼の転位キャラクター解析への応用~
SPring-8 金属材料評価研究会(第9回)-金属組織と加工・変形現象の解析-, 2014年02月14日, [招待有り] - X線回折におけるラインブロードニングを用いた金属ミクロ組織解析
シンポジウム「放射光を用いたナノ・ミクロの表面・バルク解析」, 2014年01月27日, 日本鉄鋼協会 評価・分析・解析部会 - Local strain analysis of metallic glasses under tensile loading
K.Shimizu; S.Tsubaki; M.Imafuku; J.Saida; S.Sato; T.Shobu
第23回日本MRS年次大会, 2013年12月 - 析出強化型Cu-Ti合金における時効熱処理に伴うミクロ構造因子変化
日本銅学会第53回講演大会, 2013年11月10日, 日本銅学会 - Zr基金属ガラスの変形における空間的階層性
第57回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会, 2013年11月 - X線回折法による伸線加工パーライト鋼の組織解析
日本学術振興会 製鋼第19委員会, 2013年10月29日, 日本学術振興会 - 鉄鋼のプラズマ窒化反応における窒素励起状態の効果
第166回日本鉄鋼協会秋季講演大会, 2013年09月, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 鋼材料のイオン窒化源としてのOkamoto-cavityマイクロ波誘導プラズマ
第166回日本鉄鋼協会秋季講演大会, 2013年09月, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 双晶変形を示すオーステナイト鋼における白色X線を用いた応力解析
日本金属学会2013年秋季大会, 2013年09月, 日本金属学会 - 酸素グロー放電プラズマ表面処理によるTi-6Al-4V合金の生体安全性の向上
日本金属学会2013年秋季大会, 2013年09月, 日本金属学会 - Line-profile analysis based on energy dispersive X-ray diffraction using high-energy white X-rays
Shigeo Sato; Kazuaki Wagatsuma; Shigeru Suzuki; Masayoshi Kumagai; Muneyuki Imafuku; Hitoshi Tashiro; Kentaro Kajiwara; Takahisa Shobu
The 15th International Conference on Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods (TXRF2013), and the 49th Annual Conference on X-Ray Chemical Analysis, 2013年09月 - Structural and chemical state characterization of oxidation layer on the steels by grazing exit FY-XAS technique
K. Shinoda; S. Sato; S. Suzuki; H. Toyokawa; T. Uruga
The 15th International Conference on Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods (TXRF2013), and the 49th Annual Conference on X-Ray Chemical Analysis, 2013年09月 - Influence of analytical parameters to the quantitative value of calcium phosphate precipitate on titanium by X-ray fluorescence analysis using fundamental parameter method
K. Satoh; S. Sato; K. Wagatsuma
The 15th International Conference on Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods (TXRF2013), and the 49th Annual Conference on X-Ray Chemical Analysis, 2013年09月 - Dislocation characteristics and phase stresses in deformed pearlitic steels determined by X-ray diffraction line-profile analysis
Shigeo Sato; Kazuaki Wagatsuma; Shigeru Suzuki; Masayoshi Kumagai; Muneyuki Imafuku; Hitoshi Tashiro; Kentaro Kajiwara; Takahisa Shobu
The 8th Pacific Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM-8), 2013年08月, [招待有り] - ラウエ回折による多結晶合金のミクロひずみ解析
佐藤成男、Eui-Pyo Kwon、藤枝俊、篠田弘造、我妻和明、梶原堅太郎、佐藤眞直、鈴木茂
東北放射光構想ワークショップ, 2013年07月26日, 東北大学金属材料研究所 - X線回折ラインプロファイルを利用した結晶ひずみ解析 ~ラインプロファイル解析の基礎と鉄鋼組織解析への応用~
関西分析研究会 平成25年度第1回例会, 2013年07月10日, [招待有り] - Cu-Ti希薄合金における時効析出挙動の抽出分離法による解析
日本金属学会2013年春季大会, 2013年03月 - 酸素プラズマ表面処理によるTi-6Al-4V合金の生体安全性の向上
日本金属学会2013年春季大会, 2013年03月, 日本金属学会 - 高エネルギー白色X線を利用したエネルギー分散型X線回折法による伸線加工パーライト鋼内部の転位と残留応力分布解析
第165回日本鉄鋼協会春季講演大会, 2013年03月, 日本鉄鋼協会 - Microstructure evaluation of biomedical β-type titanium alloys through high-pressure torsion by X-ray diffraction line profile analysis
日本金属学会2013年春季大会, 2013年03月, 日本金属学会 - 窒素-酸素混合ガスマイクロ波誘導プラズマを用いた発光分光分析
製鋼第19委員会製鋼計測化学研究会第60回会議, 2013年01月17日, 日本学術振興会 - X線分析法による銅合金の微細構造解析
東北大学-DOWA 若手研究者交流会, 2012年12月07日, 東北大学 - Nitridation technique of steel materials by using nitrogen high power microwave-induced plasma
K. Wagatsuma; Y. Arai; S. Sato
ISAMAT2012 (The international symposium for advanced materials and analytical techniques 2012), 2012年11月20日, [招待有り] - 抽出分離法を利用したCu-Ti合金中時効析出物の構造・組成解析
銅及び銅合金技術研究会第52回講演大会, 2012年11月04日, 日本銅学会 - エネルギー分散型X線回折を組み合わせたラウエ回折測定による合金組織のイメージングと粒内・粒間応 力分布解析
佐藤成男、E.P. Kwon、藤枝俊、篠田弘造、我妻和明、梶原堅太郎、佐藤眞直、鈴木茂
第48回X線分析討論会, 2012年11月 - Rapid nitriding treatment using microwave-induced nitrogen plasma at atmospheric pressure
Shigeo Sato; Yuuki Arai; Noboru Yamashita; Atsushi Kojyo; Kenji Kodama; Naofumi Ohtsu; Yukio Okamoto; Kazuaki Wagatsuma
RATEC2012 (Recent Advance in Analytical Techniques in Steelmaking Industry), 2012年11月, [招待有り] - Phase stress analysis of TRIP assisted multiphase steels by X-ray diffraction method
T. Kikuchi; M. Imafuku; M. Kumagai; E. P. Kwon; S. Suzuki; S. Sato; S. Ohya
RATEC2012 (Recent Advance in Analytical Techniques in Steelmaking Industry), 2012年11月 - 実験室系および放射光を利用したX線回折ラインプロファイル解析による合金中の転位キャラクタリゼーションへの取り組み
第168回X線材料強度部門委員会, 2012年10月26日, [招待有り] - Evolution of stress distribution accompanied by transformation induced plastic deformation in Fe-0.2C-1.5Mn-1.5Si steel
T. Kikuchi; M. Imafuku; M. Kumagai; S. Ohya; E.P. Kwon; S. Suzuki; S. Sato
9th International Conference on Residual Stresses, 2012年10月 - 時効硬化型Cu-Ti合金中の析出物の抽出分離
日本金属学会2012年秋季(第151回)大会, 2012年09月, 日本金属学会 - Investigation of residual stress evolution during shape memory behavior in Fe-Mn-Si-Cr alloy by white X-ray microbeam diffraction
Eui-Pyo Kwon、藤枝俊、篠田弘造、鈴木茂、佐藤成男、梶原堅太郎、佐藤眞直
日本鉄鋼協会第164回秋季講演大会, 2012年09月, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 白色X線マイクロビームを用いた伸線加工パーライト鋼の相応力解析
日本鉄鋼協会第164回秋季講演大会, 2012年09月, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 伸線加工パーライト鋼の転位形成と組織微細化に与える炭素量の効果
日本鉄鋼協会第164回秋季講演大会, 2012年09月, 日本鉄鋼協会 - Two-dimensional estimiation of Okamoto-cavity Microwave Induced Plasma for optimizing the measureing conditions for the emission spectrometric analysis
Y. Arai; S. Sato; K. Wagatsuma
AsiaSteel 2012, 2012年09月, [招待有り] - Local-strain evolution and crystal rotation of shape memory alloy characterized by Laue method combined with energy dispersive X-ray diffraction
S. Sato; E.P. Kwon; S. Fujieda; K. Shinoda; R. Kainuma; K. Wagatsuma; K. Kajiwara; M. Sato; S. Suzuki
Materials Science and Engineering, 2012年09月 - Spectrometric study on nitrization of a steel surface by Okamoto-cavity microwave induced plasma
Y. Arai; S. Sato; K. Wagatsuma
2012APWC, 2012年08月, [招待有り] - Okamoto-Cavity microwave induced plasma using nitrogen-oxygen gas mixtures as an excitation source in atomic emission spectrometry
K. Wagatsuma; Y. Arai; S.Sato; Y. Okamoto
Analytix-2012, 2012年03月, [招待有り] - X線吸収分光を利用した鉄鋼材料関連物質の局所構造・化学状態評価
篠田 弘造、鈴木茂、佐藤 成男、宇留賀朋哉、豊川秀訓、本間徹生
日本鉄鋼協会第163回春季講演大会, 2012年03月, 日本鉄鋼協会, [招待有り] - 双晶誘起塑性を伴う高Mnオーステナイト鋼の変形に伴うミクロ組織変化
佐藤成男、我妻和明、Eui-Pyo Kwon、鈴木茂
日本鉄鋼協会第163回春季講演大会, 2012年03月, 日本鉄鋼協会 - Characterization of microscopic strain and stress in polycrystalline material using white X-ray microbeam diffraction
Eui-Pyo Kwon、鈴木茂、藤枝俊、篠田弘造、佐藤成男
日本鉄鋼協会第163回春季講演大会, 2012年03月, 日本鉄鋼協会 - 合金の熱処理に伴う時効析出と回復現象 ~ SAXS、XAFS、XRDを利用した微細構造解析 ~
シンポジウム「材料の微細構造解析に向けた取り組み、そして今後の研究展望」, 2012年01月20日, 日本鉄鋼協会 評価・分析・解析部会
- 高飽和磁束密度を持つ軟磁性鉄鋼創製のための結晶方位制御の基盤学理
2024年04月 - 2028年03月 - 第一原理計算に基づく固溶型銅合金における転位の増殖/易動度の予測と力学特性メカニズムの解明
2024年04月 - 2026年03月 - 機能性鉄合金の強制・減衰運動応答性の多面的解析による振動制御指針
2022年04月 - 2026年03月 - 転位誘起応力緩和のメカニズム理解とそれに基づく耐応力緩和特性向上を指向したミクロ組織制御
2022年04月 - 2024年03月 - 軽量高導電性ファイバー強化型複相材料の創製のための基盤学理
2022年04月 - 2023年03月 - 固溶型銅合金における合金元素の転位諸特性への作用の解明
2020年04月 - 2022年03月 - 固溶型銅合金における合金元素の転位諸特性への作用の解
2020年04月 - 2022年03月 - 不均質非アフィン局所歪みの導入による金属ガラスの緩和状態制御と高靱性化
2018年04月 - 2022年03月 - 中性子回折・鉄鋼組織形成シミュレーターによる組織解析法の革新
2017年04月 - 2020年03月 - 弾性異方性の大きい鉄合金における微小複合ひずみの解明
2017年04月 - 2020年03月 - 鉄鋼のミクロ組織要素と特性の量子線解析
2017年03月 - 2020年02月 - ナノ析出と集合組織の制御による新規鉄芯材料の創製
2016年04月 - 2019年03月 - 【NEDO】革新型蓄電池実用化促進基盤技術開発
2016年04月 - 2019年03月 - 銅合金の応力緩和予測を指向した組織解析法の確立とそれに基づくに耐応力緩和特性の向上
2016年04月 - 2018年03月 - 量子ビーム回折法を用いた鉄鋼の熱間加工プロセスにおける転位キャラクターの動的変化解析
2015年04月 - 2017年03月 - 耐熱高電導銅合金における添加元素による応力緩和特性向上メカニズムの解析とそれに基づく材料開発
2014年04月 - 2016年03月 - 局所不均質構造金属ガラスの応力状態と変形および動的構造遷移機構
2012年04月 - 2015年03月 - 特異なせん断変形を示す鉄合金の不均一歪の解析と力学特性の制御
2012年04月 - 2015年03月 - 材料の強度特性・破壊予測を目指した放射光X線によるミクロ組織イメージング法の構築
2012年04月 - 2015年03月 - 微細構造解析に基づく析出強化型銅合金における溶質元素のキャラクタリゼーション
2012年04月 - 2014年03月 - 回折現象を利用したミクロ組織因子定量化法の開発とそれによる材料強度特性の評価
2012年04月 - 2014年03月 - 合金中のナノ欠陥定量解析システムを目指した新たなX線散乱測定システムの構築
2010年04月 - 2012年03月 - 析出強化型Cu合金の内部構造に関するX線を用いた定量解析法の確立
2009年04月 - 2011年03月
- 第5回量子ビーム材料解析セミナー「量子ビームを利用した金属材料の転位解析」
東北大学金属材料研究所 先端放射光利用材料研究センター, 茨城大学 フロンティア応用原子科学研究センター, (一財)総合科学研究機構(CROSS), 茨城県中性子利用研究会, 学際領域展開ハブ形成プログラム『人文科学と材料科学が紡ぐ新知創造学際ハブ』, 2024年03月28日 - 2024年03月29日 - 第4回量子ビーム材料解析セミナー「量子ビームメタラジーを指向した測定と解析」
主 催:,東北大学金属材料研究所 先端放射光利用材料研究センター,東北大学金属材料研究所 中性子物質材料研究センター,茨城大学フロンティア応用原子科学研究センター,日本鉄鋼協会学術部門,材料の組織と特性部会「材料特性の各種要因の解析と設計」自主フォーラム,共 催:,茨城県中性子利用研究会,中性子産業利用推進協議会,協 賛:,SPring-8ユーザー協同体残留応力と材料強度研究会,JAEAマテリアル先端リサーチインフラ, オンライン, 2023年01月18日 - 2023年01月18日 - 量子ビーム材料解析セミナー「量子ビームを利用した金属材料微細組織の先端解析」
茨城大学 フロンティア応用原子科学研究センター,東北大学金属材料研究所 先端放射光利用材料研究センター,日本鉄鋼協会学術部門, 2021年08月23日 - 2021年08月23日 - The 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (2021)
2021年03月01日 - 2021年03月04日