YanRong LiAssociate Professor
■Researcher basic information
- College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering
- Graduate School of Science and Engineering(Master's Program) Major in Mechanical Systems Engineering
- Graduate School of Science and Engineerin(Doctoral Program) Major in Complex Systems Science
- Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Domain of Mechanical Systems Engineering
Research Areas
Educational Background
- Oct. 2009 - Sep. 2012, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Human and Engineered Environmental Studies
- Oct. 2007 - Sep. 2009, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Human and Engineered Environmental Studies
- Sep. 2006 - Sep. 2007, 大連理工大学, 大学院エネルギー動力学院 修士課程
- Sep. 2002 - Aug. 2006, Dalian University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering
Member History
- Feb. 2019 - Present, 基盤応用・廃炉技術専門部会 シミュレーションの信頼性分科会 委員, 日本原子力学会
- Apr. 2018 - Present, 日本流体力学会 年会 OS オーガナイザー, 日本流体力学会
- Apr. 2018 - Present, 茨城講演会実行委員, 日本機械学会
- Apr. 2024 - Mar. 2026, 第63期(令和6年度)と第64期(令和7年度)協議員, 日本伝熱学会
- Jun. 2021 - Mar. 2023, 第33・34期 代議員, 可視化情報学会
- Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2022, 関東支部商議員, 日本機械学会
- Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2019, 熱工学部門 広報委員会 委員, 日本機械学会
- May 2016 - Mar. 2017, 2016年10月号特集記事編集委員, 可視化情報学会誌
- Aug. 2015 - Oct. 2016, 実行委員会幹事, 可視化情報学会全国講演会(日立2016)
- Jan. 2015 - May 2016, 第5回(平成27年度)と第6回(平成28年度)実行委員, 日本原子力学会北関東支部
- Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016, 第53期(平成26年度)と第54期(平成27年度)協議員, 日本伝熱学会
- Aug. 2013 - Jul. 2014, Member of Local Organizing Committee, The 16th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV16)
■Research activity information
- Nov. 2017, Best Poster Award. The 13th International Student Conference at Ibaraki University, Thermo-physical Properties of Phase Change Latent Heat Storage Materials Mixed Fatty Acid
- Mar. 2017, 化学工学論文集優秀論文賞, 相変化蓄熱媒体の熱物性と水平密閉矩形容器内の自然対流熱伝達―脂肪酸―, 化学工学会
Official journal - Nov. 2013, Best Poster Award. The 9th International Student Conference at Ibaraki University, The Effect of Japanese Natural Plum Blossom and Cherry Blossom Color on Human Kansei
- Mar. 2013, Dean’s Award for Outstanding achievement, Doctoral Course, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Yanrong LI - Apr. 2012, 日本機械学会賞(論文), 高速度カメラと燐光感温粒子を用いた寿命法による温度速度計測,日本機械学会論文集 第75巻 第759号 B編 (2009-11), 日本機械学会
李艶栄、染矢聡、内田光則、石井慶子、富永馨、岡本孝司 - Dec. 2011, 中国人留学生研究奨励賞(第9回菅野昌義記念研究奨励賞), 日中科学技術交流協会
Yanrong LI - Jul. 2011, 第22期可視化情報学会(映像賞), Jet ejection from droplets near the Leidenfrost temperature, 一般社団法人 可視化情報学会
染矢聡、吉田智、岡本孝司、李艶栄、丹下学、MohammadMezbah Uddin - Mar. 2009, Director’s Award for Outstanding achievement, Master Course, Human and Engineered Environmental Studies, Human and Engineered Environmental Studies
Yanrong LI
- 〔Major achievements〕Effect of Inner Wall Cracking on the Cavitation Bubble Formation in the Mercury Spallation Target at J-PARC
Gen Ariyoshi; Koichi Saruta; Hiroyuki Kogawa; Masatoshi Futakawa; Kohki Maeno; Yanrong Li and Kihei TsuTsui, 20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20)
Proceeding of 20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20), 23 Aug. 2023, [Reviewed] - 〔Major achievements〕Time-response evaluation of TSP phosphor with pulse heating at low temperature
Keichi Obata; Satoshi Someya; Sou Yasuzawa and Yanrong Li, Corresponding, The 17th Asian Symposium on Visualization(ASV17)
Proceeding of The 17th Asian Symposium on Visualization(ASV17), 07 Jun. 2023, [Reviewed] - 〔Major achievements〕An evaluation method for risk of virus exposure by droplets with a focus on the sound environment
Sohei Tsujimura; Kohyoh Kitani; Yanrong Li, The 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-noise 2022)
Proceeding of The 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-noise 2022), 23 Aug. 2022, [Reviewed], [Invited] - 〔Major achievements〕A cryogenic temperature sensitive paint measurement using metal complex materials and phosphors ーpleliminary experimentsー
Sou Yasuzawa; Satoshi Someya; Yanrong Li; Shimpei Saito; Soumei Baba and Naoki Takada, Corresponding
Proceeding of The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 09 Aug. 2022, [Reviewed] - 〔Major achievements〕A cryogenic temperature sensitive paint measurement using metal complex materials and phosphors ーtemperature sensitivity of optical propertiesー
Yanrong Li; Sou Yasuzawa; Satoshi Someya; Shimpei Saito; Soumei Baba and Naoki Takada, Lead, The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing
Proceeding of The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 09 Aug. 2022, [Reviewed] - 〔Major achievements〕Evaluation of pressure distribution around small rotor blade in low oxygen partial pressure region using PSP
Kousei Ogawa; Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya and Terumi Inagaki, Corresponding
Proceeding of The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 08 Aug. 2022, [Reviewed] - 〔Major achievements〕Temperature dependence of temperature sensitive luminophores at cryogenic temperatures
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA; Sou YASUZAWA; Terumi INAGAKI; Shimpei SAITO; Soumei BABA and Naoki TAKADA, Lead
International Conference on Power Engineering (ICOPE-2021), Oct. 2021, [Reviewed] - 多段型潜熱蓄熱式熱交換システムの開発と評価ー蓄熱方向の影響ー
直江武揚,稲垣照美,李艶栄, Last
化学工学会第52回秋季大会, Sep. 2021 - 低温における燐光分子の発光特性
李艶栄,安澤聡,染矢聡,稲垣照美,齋藤慎平,馬場宗明,高田尚樹, Corresponding
第49回可視化情報シンポジウム, Sep. 2021 - 低温における燐光分子の発光寿命の温度依存性
安澤聡,染矢聡,李艶栄,稲垣照美,齋藤慎平,馬場宗明,高田尚樹, Corresponding
日本流体力学会 年会2021, Sep. 2021 - 音響共鳴管を用いた感圧塗料と感圧カプセルの周波数応答性評価
秋山魁星,村田篤,李艶栄,染矢聡,稲垣照美,齋藤慎平,馬場宗明,高田尚樹, Corresponding
2021茨城講演会, Aug. 2021 - 冷媒・冷凍機油混合溶液の物性評価
石川紀彰,李艶栄,党超鋲,堀本北斗,稲垣照美,染矢聡, Corresponding
2021茨城講演会, Aug. 2021 - 冷媒における冷凍機油混合液の溶解度測定
堀本北斗,李艶栄,党超鋲,石川紀彰,稲垣照美,染矢聡, Corresponding
2021茨城講演会, Aug. 2021 - 低温における燐光分子の発光スペクトルの温度依存性
安澤聡,染矢聡,李艶栄,稲垣照美, Corresponding
日本伝熱学会創立60周年記念 第58回日本伝熱シンポジウム, May 2021 - 微小流路内におけるスラグ流の可視化計測
石川紀彰; 大部葵; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美; 染矢聡, Corresponding
日本機械学会関東支部第27期総会・講演会, Mar. 2021 - 音圧変動に対する感圧塗料の周波数応答性評価
李艶栄; 中村優菜; 染矢聡; 稲垣照美, Lead
日本機械学会関東支部第27期総会・講演会, Mar. 2021 - PSP の低酸素分圧域における発光特性に関する研究
小川恒星; 染矢聡; 李艶栄,稲垣照美, Corresponding
日本機械学会関東支部第27期総会・講演会, Mar. 2021 - ペンダントドロップ法を用いた界面張力とその温度係数計測
堀本北斗; 橋本宏紀; 染矢聡; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美, Corresponding
日本機械学会関東支部第27期総会・講演会, Mar. 2021 - 多段型潜熱蓄熱式熱交換システムの開発と性能評価
長島駿介,関山雅裕,稲垣照美,李艶栄, Last
化学工学会 第51回秋季大会 (2020), Sep. 2020 - 多段型潜熱蓄熱式熱交換システムの開発と評価―温度場―
関山雅裕,長島駿介,李艶栄,稲垣照美, Last
化学工学会 第51回秋季大会 (2020), Sep. 2020 - 常磁性流体の熱物性評価
土田玄太,李艶栄,稲垣照美, Corresponding
化学工学会 第51回秋季大会 (2020), Sep. 2020 - 気液界面における伝熱・流動現象の赤外線サーモグラフィーとスペクトル解析
西田竹広,稲垣照美,李艶栄, Last
化学工学会 第51回秋季大会 (2020), Sep. 2020 - 多段型潜熱蓄熱式熱交換システムの開発と評価―蓄熱方向の影響―
直江武揚,李艶栄,稲垣照美, Last
化学工学会 第51回秋季大会 (2020), Sep. 2020 - 多段型潜熱蓄熱式熱交換システム向け新蓄熱物質の探索と熱物性評価
稲垣照美; 坂本飛鳥; 岩田拓巳; 李艶栄
Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya and Terumi Inagaki, Lead
The 15th International Student Conference in Ibaraki, Nov. 2019, [Reviewed] - Effect of magnetic field on heat transfer of natural convection in a horizontal open rectangular container of a magnetic fluid
Yanrong LI; Toshiya KUBOI and Terumi INAGAKI, Lead
International Conference on Power Engineering-2019, Oct. 2019, [Reviewed] - Findings of new heat storage materials and its evaluation of thermo-physical properties for developing a heat exchange system with multistage latent heat storage
Terumi Inagaki; Asuka Sakamoto; Takumi Iwata; Yanrong Li, In recent years, the gap of energy demand among seasons or between daytime and nighttime in Japan are steadily expanding, and technological development concerning effective use of energy is an urgent issue coupled with recent environmental problems. We focus on fatty acids (capric acid, lauric acid and myristic acid) and their mixture having unique phase change characteristics as a working fluid for a heat exchange system with multistage latent heat storage. These fatty acids as heat storage materials are easy to handle and less influenced on human body near ambient conditions. When the fatty acids mixed with a suitable mixing ratio are in the liquid phase state, the thermophysical properties (density, viscosity, melting and freezing points, supercooling character, effects of mixing ratio and so on) were identified in order to establish a new heat exchange system with multistage latent heat storage. As a result, thermophysical properties of the fatty acids and their mixture were evaluated quantitatively and were newly proposed as an appropriate heat transfer database., Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu, 2019 - Performance evaluation of a dual-stage latent heat exchanger packed with two latent heat storage materials for recovering low-grade thermal energy
Terumi Inagaki; Yu Iijima; Taku Hanyu; Yanrong Li, A heat exchange system with two heat storage containers filled with phase change materials having different melting points was experimentally investigated to develop a cascaded heat storage system that allows the use of low-level thermal energy in an ambient temperature range. Lauric and myristic acids, which are harmless to the human body, were used as heat storage materials. The heat transport mechanisms involved in the melting and the solidification processes were analyzed by means of visualization and heat transfer experiments., Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu, 20 Nov. 2018 - 低位熱エネルギー回収向け二段型潜熱蓄熱式熱交換器の性能評価
稲垣照美; 飯島友; 波入拓; 李艶栄
Varun Lochab; Andrew Yee; Yanrong Li; Minami Yoda; A. Terrence Conlisk; and Shaurya Prakash
SOLID-STATE SENSORS, ACTUATORS AND MICROSYSTEMS WORKSHOP HILTON HEAD, Jun. 2018, [Reviewed], [Invited] - 低位熱エネルギー回収向け相変化蓄熱式熱交換器の熱輸送機構ー融解・凝固プロセスの可視化-
稲垣照美; 飯島友; 堀邉将人; 李艶栄, 可視化情報学会
可視化情報学会論文集, Dec. 2017, [Reviewed] - マグネタイト/フェライト系磁性流体を作動流体とした開放型水平矩形容器内自然対流の鉛直磁場下における熱輸送機構-赤外線サーモグラフィによる自由界面温度場の可視化-
稲垣照美; 李艶栄; 時田貴成; 糸賀裕哉, 可視化情報学会
可視化情報学会論文集, May 2017, [Reviewed] - Thermophysical Properties of Magnetic Fluid and Heat Transfer by Natural Convection in a Horizontal Enclosed Retangular Container under a Vertical Magnetic Field
Terumi Inagaki; Yuya Itoga; Yanrong Li; Noriko Yamauchi, Thermophysical properties of magnetic fluid (solvent, water; nanoparticulates, Mn-Zn ferrite) were elucidated in order to examine their temperature dependency in both non-magnetic and vertical magnetic fields. Heat transfer by natural convection was also investigated in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container whose bottom plate was heated uniformly in both non-magnetic and vertical magnetic fields in order to estimate the heat transfer characteristics. The results showed that the heat transfer of magnetic fluid in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container increases with increasing magnetic flux density., SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN
KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, Mar. 2017 - Thermo-Physical Properties of Magnetic Fluid and Heat Transfer by Natural Convection around a Horizontal Enclosed Rectangular Container in a Vertical Magnetic Field
Terumi Inagaki; Yuya Itoga; Takanari Tokida; Yanrong Li, Thermo-physical properties of magnetic fluid (solvent: water, nanoparticulates: magnetite) were elucidated in order to examine their temperature dependency in both non-magnetic and vertical magnetic fields. The characteristics of heat transfer by natural convection were also investigated in non-magnetic and vertical magnetic fields in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container whose bottom plate was heated uniformly. The heat transfer of magnetic fluid in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container was found to decrease with increasing magnetic flux density, and this phenomenon was confirmed by thermal visualization using infrared thermography., SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN
KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, Jan. 2017 - 流体自励振動の流動特性と振動数決定機構に関する研究
李艶栄; 染矢聡; 岡本孝司; 稲垣照美,Flow-induced acoustic resonance in a piping system containing closed coaxial side-branches was investigated experimentally. Resonance characteristics of the piping system were examined by a microphone. The results revealed that the resonance frequencies of the shear layer instability were locked in corresponding to the natural frequencies of the side-branches. Phase-averaged velocity fields were obtained two-dimensionally in the junction of coaxial side-branches by dynamic particle image velocimetry (PIV), while the acoustic resonance was induced at the first and second hydrodynamic modes. The DPIV can acquire time-series velocity fluctuations, then, two-dimensional phase delay maps under resonance and off-resonance conditions in the junction of coaxial side-branches were obtained. Experimental results show that the proposed phase delay map method costs less experiment and computation time and achieves a better accuracy and repetition than the phase-locking technique. In addition, the phase delay map method can obtain phase difference under the different frequency components.
, The Visualization Society of Japan
可視化情報, Oct. 2016, [Reviewed] - Visualization of CO2 sequestration via forming clathrate hydrate in sediments
Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya; Terumi Inagaki, CO2 clathrate hydrate can form in sediments in a seabed, resulting in an artificial impermeable overlaying bed. A large quantity of liquid CO2 can be sequestrated in the layer. In this study, successful observation of CO2 sequestration into model sediments using glass beads with clathrate hydrate was achieved. The stability and sealing properties of CO2 hydrate layer were experimentally investigated for environmental assessment., Begell House Inc.
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 2016, [Reviewed] - Thermo-Physical Properties of Phase-Change Latent Heat Storage Material Fatty Acid and Heat Transfer of Natural Convection in a Horizontal Enclosed Rectangular Container
Terumi Inagaki; Naoya Takeda; Masato Horibe; Yanrong Li, The thermo-physical properties of the phase-change latent heat storage material fatty acid were elucidated in order to examine its temperature dependency. Heat transfer by natural convection was also investigated in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container filled with fatty acid, which was heated at the lower surface and cooled at the upper surface. he heat transfer coefficient of the liquid phase was found to coincide well with the conventional heat-transfer correlation of natural convection heat transfer in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container by applying the values of thermo-physical properties obtained in the present work., SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN
KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, 2016, [Reviewed] - Erratum: The Flow Field of Undershot Cross-Flow Water Turbines Based on PIV Measurements and Numerical Analysis
Nishi Yasuyuki; Inagaki Terumi; Li Yanrong; Omiya Ryota; Hatano Kentaro, Errors have been found in Vol. 7 (2014) No. 4 (October-December) pp. 174-182., Turbomachinery Society of Japan, Korean Fluid Machinery Association, Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, IAHR
Internastional Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 2016, [Reviewed] - 相変化蓄熱媒体の熱物性と水平密閉矩形容器内の自然対流熱伝達―脂肪酸―
稲垣 照美; 武田 直也; 堀邉 将人; 李 艶栄, The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
化学工学論文集, 2016, [Reviewed] - Study on performance improvement of an axial flow hydraulic turbine with a collection device
Yasuyuki Nishi; Terumi Inagaki; Yanrong Li; Sou Hirama; Norio Kikuchi, The portable hydraulic turbine we previously developed for open channels comprises an axial flow runner with an appended collection device and a diffuser section. The output power of this hydraulic turbine was improved by catching and accelerating an open-channel water flow using the kinetic energy of the water. This study aimed to further improve the performance of the hydraulic turbine. Using numerical analysis, we examined the performances and flow fields of a single runner and a composite body consisting of the runner and collection device by varying the airfoil and number of blades. Consequently, the maximum values of input power coefficient of the Runner D composite body with two blades (which adopts the MEL031 airfoil and alters the blade angle) are equivalent to those of the composite body with two blades (MEL021 airfoil). We found that the Runner D composite body has the highest turbine efficiency and thus the largest power coefficient. Furthermore, the performance of the Runner D composite body calculated from the numerical analysis was verified experimentally in an open-channel water flow test., Turbomachinery Society of Japan
International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 01 Jan. 2016 - VISUALIZATION ON CO2 SEQUESTRATION VIA FORMING CLATHRATE HYDRATE IN SEDIMENTS
Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya and Terumi Inagaki, Begell House
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 2016, [Reviewed] - Unsteady Flow Analysis of an Axial Flow Hydraulic Turbine with Collection Devices Comprising a Different Number of Blades
Yasuyuki Nishi; Terumi Inagaki; Yanrong Li; Sou Hirama; Norio Kikuchi, We previously devised a new type of portable hydraulic turbine that uses the kinetic energy of an open-channel flow to improve output power by catching and accelerating the flow. The turbine contains an axial flow runner with an appended collection device and a diffuser section that is not axisymmetric. The objective of this study is to determine how interference between the collection device and the runner influences performance characteristics of the turbine. We investigated the performance characteristics of the turbine and flow field for different numbers of blades during both unsteady and steady flow. During an unsteady flow, the maximum values of power coefficients for three and two blades increased by approximately 8.8% and 21.4%, respectively, compared to those during a steady flow. For the three-blade runner, the power coefficient showed small fluctuations, but for the two-blade runner, the power coefficient showed large fluctuations. These fluctuations in the power coefficient are attributed to fluctuations in the loading coefficient, which were generated by interference between the runner and the diffuser section of the collection device., SCIENCE PRESS
JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE, Jun. 2015 - Analysis of aerodynamic sound noise generated by a large-scaled wind turbine and its physiological evaluation
Terumi Inagaki; Yanrong Li; Yasuyuki Nishi
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Apr. 2015 - Visualization study of flow-excited acoustic resonance in closed tandem side branches using high time-resolved particle image velocimetry
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA; Koji OKAMOTO; Terumi INAGAKI;; Yasuyuki NISHI, Flow-induced acoustic resonance in a piping system containing closed tandem side branches was investigated experimentally. Velocity perturbation was induced at the mouth of a cavity by using two pumps and a block. An unusual acoustic mode change from a higher to a lower mode was observed when the flow rate in the main pipe increased. This phenomenon was examined by high time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV). It was found that fluid flows at different points in the cavity have some phase differences between them and that they interact with each other. The relationship between the fluid flows was clarified and the phase difference between the acoustic pressure fluctuations at different points in the cavity was obtained. Using these data, the phase delays of oscillations at different points were two-dimensionally mapped. This two-dimensional phase map was helpful in clarifying the feedback mechanism of self-induced vibrations.
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Mar. 2015 - Visualization study of flow-excited acoustic resonance in closed tandem side branches using high time-resolved particle image velocimetry
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA; Koji OKAMOTO; Terumi INAGAKI; Yasuyuki NISHI
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Mar. 2015 - Thermo-Physical Properties and Natural Convection Heat Transfer of Carbon Nano-Tube Fluid
Shintaro Suzuki; Terumi Inagaki; Yanrong Li; Koshi Harada; Yukitaka Izawa; Noriko Yamauchi, Various thermo-physical properties of carbon nano-tube fluid (CNF, 1 wt%, 5 wt%) and their temperature dependency were elucidated the present research. Heat transfer by natural convection was also investigated in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container filled with CNF, which was heated at the lower surface and cooled at the upper surface. It was found that use of CNF decreased the heat transfer coeffcient owing to the suppression of buoyancy-induced convection., SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN
KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, Mar. 2015 - Thermo-Physical Property of Phase-Change Latent Heat Storage Material Sodium Sulfate Decahydrate and Heat Transfer of Natural Convection in a Horizontal Enclosed Rectangular Container
Terumi Inagaki; Hiroki Kashiwa; Yanrong Li, Thermo-physical properties of the phase-change latent heat storage material sodium sulfate decahydrate were elucidated in order to examine its temperature dependency. Heat transfer by natural convection was also investigated in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container filled with sodium sulfate decahydrate, which was heated at the lower surface and cooled at the upper surface. It was found that the heat transfer coefficient of the liquid phase coincides well with the conventional heat-transfer correlation of natural convection heat transfer in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container by applying the values of thermophysical properties obtained in the present work., SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN
KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, Mar. 2015 - Thermo-Physical Property of Magnetic Fluid and Heat Transfer by Natural Convection around a Horizontal Heated Thin Wire in a Magnetic Field
Terumi Inagaki; Yanrong Li; Noriko Yamauchi, The thermo-physical properties of magnetic fluid (solvent, water; nano-particulates, magnetite) were elucidated in order to examine its temperature dependency in the presence and absence of a magnetic field. Heat transfer by natural convection was also investigated around a horizontal thin wire, which was heated uniformly in the presence and absence of a magnetic field in order to estimate the heat transfer characteristics. Various thermal properties of the magnetic fluid and their temperature dependency were clarified in the present research. It was also found that the heat transfer coefficient coincides well with the conventional heat-transfer correlation of natural convection heat transfer around a horizontal heated thin wire by applying the values of thermo-physical properties obtained in the present measurement., SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN
KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, 2015, [Reviewed] - Heat Transfer by Turbulent Natural Convection in a Cubical Enclosed Rectangular Container Using LIF and LES
Terumi Inagaki; Tomoya Shinohara; Yanrong Li, Heat transfer by turbulent natural convection in a cubical enclosed rectangular container composed of heated and cooled side plates maintained at constant temperatures was studied using Particle Image Velocimetry (PTV), Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIE) and Large Eddy Simulation (I,ES). Water was chosen as the working fluid in order to achieve high Rayleigh number [low. The velocity field and temperature field in the container were experimentally visualized and analyzed by PIN and LIE, respectively, in order to examine the relationship between heat transfer and fluid flow Numerical simulation was conducted with [ES in order to validate the experimental results. The heat transfer coefficient obtained from the experimental results was found to be consistent with the heat transfer correlations proposed previously. Heat transfer coefficient and fluid flow obtained from the numerical simulation were found to coincide well with the experimental results., SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN
KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, 2015, [Reviewed] - Study on an Undershot Cross-Flow Water Turbine with Straight Blades
Yasuyuki Nishi; Terumi Inagaki; Yanrong Li; Kentaro Hatano, Small-scale hydroelectric power generation has recently attracted considerable attention. The authors previously proposed an undershot cross-flow water turbine with a very low head suitable for application to open channels. The water turbine was of a cross-flow type and could be used in open channels with the undershot method, remarkably simplifying its design by eliminating guide vanes and the casing. The water turbine was fitted with curved blades (such as the runners of a typical cross-flow water turbine) installed in tube channels. However, there was ambiguity as to how the blades' shape influenced the turbine's performance and flow field. To resolve this issue, the present study applies straight blades to an undershot cross-flow water turbine and examines the performance and flow field via experiments and numerical analyses. Results reveal that the output power and the turbine efficiency of the Straight Blades runner were greater than those of the Curved Blades runner regardless of the rotational speed. Compared with the Curved Blades runner, the output power and the turbine efficiency of the Straight Blades runner were improved by about 31.7% and about 67.1%, respectively., Hindawi Limited
International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2015 - 鉛直磁場下における磁性流体の熱物性と水平加熱細線周りの自然対流熱伝達
稲垣照美; 李艶栄; 山内紀子
化学工学論文集, 2015 - 左右両側壁面を加熱・冷却した正方密閉矩形容器内の乱流自然対流熱伝達 -LIFによる熱伝達率同定法と数値シミュレーションによる検証-
稲垣照美; 篠原智哉; 李艶栄
化学工学論文集, 2015 - Carbon-nanotube nanofluid thermophysical properties and heat transfer by natural convection
Yanrong Li; Shintarou Suzuki; Terumi Inagaki and Noriko Yamauchi, We measured the thermophysical properties of suspensions of carbon nanotubes in water as a type of nanofluid, and experimentally investigated their heat transfer characteristics in a horizontal, closed rectangular vessel. Using a previously constructed system for high-reliability measurement, we quantitatively determined their thermophysical properties and the temperature dependence of these properties. We also investigated the as yet unexplained mechanism of heat transport in carbon-nanotube nanofluids and their flow properties from a thermal perspective. The results indicated that these nanofluids are non-Newtonian fluids, whose high viscosity impedes convection and leads to a low heat transfer coefficient under natural convection, despite their high thermal conductivity., IOP PUBLISHING LTD
Proceedings of Power MEMS 2014, Nov. 2014 - The Flow Field of Undershot Cross-Flow Water Turbines Based on PIV Measurements and Numerical Analysis
Yasuyuki Nishi; Terumi Inagaki; Yanrong Li; Ryota Omiya and Kentaro Hatano, The ultimate objective of this study is to develop a water turbine appropriate for low-head open channels to effectively utilize the unused hydropower energy of rivers and agricultural waterways. The application of a cross-flow runner to open channels as an undershot water turbine has been considered and, to this end, a significant simplification was attained by removing the turbine casing. However, the flow field of an undershot cross-flow water turbine possesses free surfaces, and, as a result, the water depth around the runner changes with variation in the rotational speed such that the flow field itself is significantly altered. Thus, clear understanding of the flow fields observed with free surfaces to improve the performance of this turbine is necessary. In this study, the performance of this turbine and the flow field were evaluated through experiments and numerical analysis. The particle image velocimetry technique was used for flow measurements. The experimental results reflecting the performance of this turbine and the flow field were consistent with numerical analysis. In addition, the flow fields at the inlet and outlet regions at the first and second stages of this water turbine were clarified., Turbomachinery Society of Japan
International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, Oct. 2014 - Study on the Mechanism of Coagulation and Cooling of Phase-Change Latent Heat Storage Material Sodium Acetate Trihydrate in a Horizontal Rectangular Container
Terumi Inagaki; Toshihiro Isshiki; Yanrong Li, This study aims to elucidate the phenomena of the coagulation and cooling process of the phase-change thermal storage medium sodium acetate trihydrate. The three-dimensional coagulation and cooling process of pure sodium acetate trihydrate without additives during thermal storage in the liquid phase were visualized using an infrared camera and a video camera in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container and a horizontal rectangular container with a free surface. Image processing based on the acquired visualization data was carried out with a computer, and various physical quantities peculiar to the cooling process were elucidated experimentally. As a result, we clarified for the first time the relation between the degree of critical supercooling and the average cooling velocity. Moreover, the influence of the degree of critical supercooling on the coagulation process was clarified three-dimensionally and phenomenologically using a series of visual and thermal images., SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN
KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, Sep. 2014 - Research on the flow field of undershot cross-flow water turbines using experiments and numerical analysis
Yasuyuki Nishi; Terumi Inagaki; Yanrong Li; Ryota Omiya and Kentaro Hatano, The purpose of this research is to develop a water turbine appropriate for low-head open channels in order to effectively utilize the unused hydropower energy of rivers and agricultural waterways. The application of the cross-flow runner to open channels as an undershot water turbine has come under consideration and, to this end, a significant simplification was attained by removing the casings. However, the flow field of undershot cross-flow water turbines possesses free surfaces. This means that with the variation in the rotational speed, the water depth around the runner will change and flow field itself is significantly altered. Thus it is necessary to clearly understand the flow fields with free surfaces in order to improve the performance of this turbine. In this research, the performance of this turbine and the flow field were studied through experiments and numerical analysis. The experimental results on the performance of this turbine and the flow field were consistent with the numerical analysis. In addition, the inlet and outlet regions at the first and second stages of this water turbine were clarified., IOP PUBLISHING LTD
Proceedings of the 27th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (IAHR 2014), Sep. 2014 - Study on flow-induced acoustic resonance in symmetrically located side-branches using dynamic PIV technique
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA; Koji OKAMOTO; Terumi INAGAKI and Yasuyuki NISHI
Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, Jul. 2014 - Study on an Undershot Cross-Flow Water Turbine
Yasuyuki Nishi; Terumi Inagaki; Yanrong Li; Ryota Omiya and Junichiro Fukutomi, This study aims to develop a water turbine suitable for ultra-low heads in open channels, with the end goal being the effective utilization of unutilized hydroelectric energy in agricultural water channels. We performed tests by applying a cross-flow runner to an open channel as an undershot water turbine while attempting to simplify the structure and eliminate the casing. We experimentally investigated the flow fields and performance of water turbines in states where the flow rate was constant for the undershot cross-flow water turbine mentioned above. In addition, we compared existing undershot water turbines with our undershot cross-flow water turbine after attaching a bottom plate to the runner. From the results, we were able to clarify the following. Although the effective head for cross-flow runners with no bottom plate was lower than those found in existing runners equipped with a bottom plate, the power output is greater in the high rotational speed range because of the high turbine efficiency. Also, the runner with no bottom plate differed from runners that had a bottom plate in that no water was being wound up by the blades or retained between the blades, and the former received twice the flow due to the flow-through effect. As a result, the turbine efficiency was greater for runners with no bottom plate in the full rotational speed range compared with that found in runners that had a bottom plate., SCIENCE PRESS
Journal of Thermal Science, Jun. 2014 - Study on an Undershot Cross-Flow Water Turbine
Yasuyuki Nishi; Terumi Inagaki; Yanrong Li; Ryota Omiya and Junichiro Fukutomi
Journal of Thermal Science, Jun. 2014 - Visualization study on the flow field of an undershot cross-flow water turbine using PIV technique
Yanrong Li; Yasuyuki; Nishi; Terumi Inagaki and Kentaro Hatano
Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Jun. 2014, [Reviewed] - Study on the Flow Field of an Undershot Cross-flow Water Turbine
Yanrong Li; Yasuyuki Nishi; Terumi Inagaki; Kentarou Hatano, The purpose of this investigation is to research and develop a new type water turbine, which is appropriate for low-head open channel, in order to effectively utilize the unexploited hydropower energy of small river or agricultural waterway. The application of placing cross-flow runner into open channel as an undershot water turbine has been under consideration. As a result, a significant simplification was realized by removing the casings. However, flow field in the undershot cross-flow water turbine are complex movements with free surface. This means that the water depth around the runner changes with the variation in the rotation speed, and the flow field itself is complex and changing with time. Thus it is necessary to make clear the flow field around the water turbine with free surface, in order to improve the performance of this type turbine. In this research, the performance of the developed water turbine was determined and the flow field was visualized using particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique. The experimental results show that, the water depth between the outer and inner circumferences of the runner decreases as the rotation speed increases. In addition, the fixed-point velocities with different angles at the inlet and outlet regions of the first and second stages were extracted., TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD
INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED RESEARCH, 2014 - Thermo-Physical Properties of Magnetic Fluid and Its Natural Convection Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Enclosed Rectangular Container
Yanrong Li; Terumi Inagaki; Hikaru Saito; Masashi Abe, Thermo-physical properties of magnetic fluid were measured experimentally at various temperatures, in order to evaluate their temperature dependencies. Heat transfer by natural convection was also investigated in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container filled with the tested magnetic fluid. It was found that the heat transfer coefficient of the magnetic fluid keeps good agreement with the conventional heat-transfer correlation of natural convection heat transfer in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container by applying the values of thermo-physical properties obtained in the present work. Therefore, the measured thermo-physical properties are reliable and can be used as a thermo-physical database of the magnetic fluid., TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD
INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED RESEARCH, 2014 - Thermo-physical properties of phase change materials and those natural convection heat transfer in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container
Yanrong Li; Terumi Inagaki and Hiroki Kashiwa, Thermo-physical properties of three kinds of phase change materials (sodium acetate trihydrate, erythritol and sodium sulfate decahydrate) were measured experimentally at various temperatures, in order to evaluate those temperature dependencies. Heat transfer by natural convection was also investigated in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container filled with the tested phase change materials, which was heated at the lower surface and cooled at the upper surface. It was found that the heat transfer coefficient of the liquid phase keeps good agreement with the conventional heat-transfer correlation of natural convection heat transfer in a horizontal enclosed rectangular container by applying the values of thermo-physical properties obtained in the present work., TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD
Appl. Mech. Mats., 2014 - Thermo-physical properties of carbon nano tube fluid
Shintarou Suzuki; Terumi Inagaki; Koushi Harada; Yanrong Li and Noriko Yamauchi
Proceedings of the 9th International Student Conference at Ibaraki University, Nov. 2013, [Reviewed] - Characterization of periodic flow structure in a small-scale feedback fluidic oscillator under low-Reynolds-number water flow
Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya; Toru Koso; Shinichiro Aramaki; Koji Okamoto, Numerical simulation and experimentation using high time-resolved particle imaging velocimetry were conducted in order to clarify the flow characteristics in a small-scale feedback fluidic oscillator operated under low-Reynolds-number water flow. Flow oscillations were triggered by the Coanda effect and a periodically oscillating jet. Based on spectral analysis of the velocity fluctuations inside the oscillator body, the Strouhal number was not constant and the frequency was not linear with respect to the flow rate for the Reynolds number range from 238 to 714. The flow rate fluctuations of the feedback flows through the two feedback channels were determined quantitatively. By comparing the simulation and experimental results, the mechanism of the small-scale feedback fluidic oscillator was clarified by considering the time for a jet to oscillate from the center of the control region to either of the attachment walls and the time for a jet to oscillate from either of the attachment walls to the center of the control region separately. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCI LTD
FLOW MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION, Oct. 2013 - Heat Transfer by Turbulent Natural Convection in a Large Vertical Enclosed Rectangular Container
Terumi Inagaki; Ryoma Muto; Yanrong Li, Heat transfer and fluid flow by turbulent natural convection were studied in a vertical enclosed rectangular container having a high aspect ratio and composed of heated and cooled plates maintained at constant temperature. The working fluids were air for low Rayleigh numbers, and are water and silicone oil of 1 cSt for high Rayleigh number. The velocity field in a vertical enclosed rectangular container was visualized and analyzed by particle image velocimetry (PIV) in order to examine the relation between heat transfer and fluid flow. The experimental results were found to be well correlated with the heat transfer correlation proposed previously., SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN
KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, 2013 - Advanced Heat and Flow Visualization : Temperature Sensitive Particles
SOMEYA Satoshi; OKAMOTO Koji; OKURA Yasuhiro; FURUTANI Hirohide; UCHIDA Mitsunori; TERUNUMA Hayato; TOMINAGA Kaoru; OCHI Daisuke; ISHII Keiko; LI Yanrong, The instantaneous wall temperature was measured in an RCEM/engine cylinder, with or without the fire, by the phosphor thermometry. The measured wall temperature and its distribution had good correlation with a change of calculated gas temperature from the pressure.
An oil flow and a gaseous flow in the cylinder were measured using a high speed camera, a single-pulsed UV laser and temperature sensitive phosphor particles. The temperature was calculated from the lifetime and the velocity was obtained from the phosphor particle images during a single decay. The temperature changes dependently on the crank angle agreed qualitatively with the gas temperature estimated from the pressure., The Visualization Society of Japan
Transactions of Visualization Society of Japan, 01 Apr. 2012 - Entrained droplets in underexpanded gas jet in water
Satoshi Someya; Mitsunori Uchida; Yanrong Li; Hiroyuki Ohshima; Koji Okamoto, A visualization study was performed to investigate the flow of an underexpanded nitrogen gas jet injected into water. The stagnation pressure was varied in the range 0.5-8.0 MPa. The gas jet length and expansion angle were obtained from time-averaged images captured using a high-speed camera. The gas jet length and expansion angle increased approximately linearly with increasing stagnation pressure. The entrainment velocity and the velocity of entrained water droplets in the gas jet were obtained by particle image velocimetry., SPRINGER
JOURNAL OF VISUALIZATION, Aug. 2011 - Lifetime-based phosphor thermometry of an optical engine using a high-speed CMOS camera
Satoshi Someya; Mitsunori Uchida; Kaoru Tominaga; Hayato Terunuma; Yanrong Li; Koji Okamoto, The surface temperature inside an optical engine was measured both with and without heating the intake gas. The temperature distribution was measured by lifetime-based phosphor thermometry using 10 time-sequential images during a single decay recorded by a non-intensified high-speed complementary metal oxide semiconductor camera and by accounting for the pixel-to-pixel variation in the nonlinearity of the sensor. Consequently, the system was simple and compact. One goal of this research is to use a single camera to measure the temperature field because it is easy to use such a system in practical experiments. The shot-to-shot standard deviation of the decay constant for uniform temperature conditions was 0.17-0.33% at 80-160 degrees C and it varied +/- 0.15% with position, indicating that the pixel nonlinearity is highly nonuniform. The present measurement method had a measurement error of -2.25 to 1.15 degrees C and it exhibited a similar level of shot-to-shot fluctuations (+/- 0.42-2.34 degrees C). This technique was used to measure the temperature in an optical engine and it gave reasonable temperature maps. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya; Koji Okamoto, Flow-induced acoustic resonance in a piping system containing closed tandem side-branches was investigated experimentally in this study. Velocity perturbation was induced at the mouth of the cavity using two pumps and a block. An uncommon acoustic mode change, from a higher mode to a lower mode, was observed when the flow rate in the main pipe increased. This phenomenon was examined by high-time-resolved Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The instantaneous velocity field in a cross section was visualized two-dimensionally using PIV technique, simultaneously with the pressure measurement at multi-points around the cavity by microphones. The fluid flows at different points in the cavity interact, with some phase differences between them, and the relation between the fluid flows was clarified. The phase difference of the acoustic pressure fluctuation at different points around the cavity was also obtained. Consequently, phase delays of oscillation at different points were obtained two-dimensionally. 2-D phase map was helpful to discuss the feedback mechanism of the self-induced vibration. This is the first research which can obtain this kind contour map using the time sequential instantaneous velocity fields for closed tandem side-branches system which has long side-branches (LID >> 1) and high inflow velocity at high resonant frequency., AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR ENGINEERING 2010, VOL 3, 2011 - Combined two-dimensional velocity and temperature measurements of natural convection using a high-speed camera and temperature-sensitive particles
Satoshi Someya; Yanrong Li; Keiko Ishii; Koji Okamoto, This paper proposes a combined method for two-dimensional temperature and velocity measurements in liquid and gas flows using temperature-sensitive particles (TSPs), a pulsed ultraviolet laser, and a high-speed camera. TSPs respond to temperature changes in the flow and can also serve as tracers for the velocity field. The luminescence from the TSPs was recorded at 15,000 frames per second as sequential images for a lifetime-based temperature analysis. These images were also used for the particle image velocimetry calculations. The temperature field was estimated using several images, based on the lifetime method. The decay curves for various temperature conditions fit well to exponential functions, and from these the decay constants at each temperature were obtained. The proposed technique was applied to measure the temperature and velocity fields in natural convection driven by a Marangoni force and buoyancy in a rectangular tank. The accuracy of the temperature measurement of the proposed technique was +/- 0.35-0.40A degrees C., SPRINGER
EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS, Jan. 2011 - Visualization study on flow-induced acoustic resonance in piping system with closed coaxial side-branches
Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya and Koji Okamoto
Young Engineers and Scientists Symposium 2011, Alternative Energies – A Global Perspective (YESS2011), Jan. 2011, [Reviewed] - Experimental investigation of a flow-induced oscillating cylinder with two degrees-of-freedom
Satoshi Someya; Joji Kuwabara; YanRong Li; Koji Okamoto, The phenomenon of flow-induced vibration of bluff bodies has been studied extensively. The vast majority of these studies have concentrated solely on one degree-of-freedom oscillation in the inline or cross-flow directions. Herein, experiments were carried out with a cylinder in a water channel with two degrees-of-freedom. The cylinder was cantilever mounted with a low natural frequency (typically 65 Hz) in the inline and cross-flow directions. The Reynolds number fell in the range 1.17 x 10(3) < Re < 2.6 x 10(4). The oscillating frequency of the cylinder and the surrounding flow were measured simultaneously using high temporal resolution particle image velocimetry (Ply), which is non-intrusive with respect to the flow and has high spatial and temporal resolutions. The vibration of the cylinder was found to be anisotropic. There was a discrepancy between the vibration frequencies in the inline and cross-flow directions, the difference being a function of reduced velocity. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, Dec. 2010 - A combined measurement method of temperature and velocity using a luminescent lifetime
Satoshi Someya; Koji Okamoto and Yanrong Li
47th Annual Technical Meeting of Society of Engineering Science, Oct. 2010, [Reviewed] - Visualization study of flow-induced acoustic resonance in symmetrically located side branches using dynamic PIV
Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya and Koji Okamoto
The 3rd International Conference on Jets, Wakes, and Separated Flows (ICJWSF-3), Sep. 2010, [Reviewed] - Combined measurement of temperature and velocity distribution of fluid flow
Satoshi Someya; Yanrong Li; Kaoru Tominaga; Manabu Tange and Koji Okamoto, This paper proposes a combined method for two-dimensional temperature and velocity measurement using temperature sensitive particles (TSPs), a pulsed ultraviolet laser, and a high-speed camera. TSPs respond to temperature changes in a flow and can also serve as tracers for the velocity field. The luminescence from the TSPs was recorded at 15,000 frames per second as sequential images for a lifetime-based temperature analysis. These images were also used for the particle image velocimetry calculations. The temperature field was estimated using six images, based on the lifetime method. The decay curves for various temperature conditions fit well to exponential functions, and from these the decay constants at each temperature were obtained. The proposed technique was applied to measure the temperature and velocity fields in natural convection driven by a Marangoni force and buoyancy in a rectangular tank. The accuracy of the temperature measurement of the proposed technique was ±0.35∼0. 40°C. © 2010 by ASME.
The 14th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-14), Aug. 2010 - Combined velocity and temperature measurement of natural convection using temperature sensitive particles
Satoshi Someya; Kaoru Tominaga; Yanrong Li and Koji Okamoto
International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Jul. 2010, [Reviewed] - An entrained droplet by an underexpanded gas jet into water
Satoshi Someya; Yanrong Li and Koji Okamoto
International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Jul. 2010, [Reviewed] - An entrained droplet by an underexpanded gas jet into water
Satoshi Someya; Mitsunori Uchida; Yanrong Li and Koji Okamoto
The 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV-14), Jun. 2010, [Reviewed] - Lifetime-based phosphor thermometry of an optical engine
Satoshi Someya; Mitsunori Uchida; Yanrong Li and Koji Okamoto
The 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV-14), Jun. 2010, [Reviewed] - Combined measurement of velocity and temperature in a double convective flow
Satoshi Someya; Yanrong Li and Koji Okamoto
The 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV-14), Jun. 2010, [Reviewed] - Combined two-dimensional velocity and temperature measurements using a high-speed camera and luminescent particles
S. Someya; D. Ochi; Y. Li; K. Tominaga; K. Ishii; K. Okamoto, This paper proposes a combined method for two-dimensional temperature and velocity measurements using temperature sensitive particles (TSParticles), a pulsed ultraviolet (UV) laser and a single high-speed camera. TSParticles were synthesized using ion-exchange particles and Eu(TTA) luminescent dye. The size and material of the particles for synthesizing TSParticles are selectable. TSParticles respond to temperature changes in a flow and can also serve as tracers for the velocity field. TSParticles were seeded into a heated water flow in a complex-shaped channel constructed of MEXFLON resin, which has a refractive index exactly equal to that of water. Particle images of flow beyond the structure can be recorded without any distortion. The TSParticles were excited by the UV pulsed laser and the luminescence from the TSParticles were recorded at 40,000 frames per second as sequential images for a lifetime-based temperature analysis. Another advantage of our approach is that high time-resolved PIV can be carried out without a high-frequency laser. The recorded images were also used for the particle image velocimetry (PIV) calculation., SPRINGER
APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, Apr. 2010 - Jet ejection from droplets near the Leidenfrost temperature
Satoshi Someya; Satoshi Yoshida; Koji Okamoto; Yan Rong Li; Manabu Tange; Mohammad Mezbah Uddin, Droplets impinging on a hot surface that is near the Leidenfrost temperature were experimentally investigated. Ejection of jets from the top of the droplet was observed during the transient interaction between the droplet and a hot wall. We term this phenomenon jet ejection from droplets. When the bottom of the droplet initially impacts the hot surface, a jet is to be ejected from the top of the droplet. The jet ejection occurred only at low impact velocities and around the wetting limit temperature. It was not observed when droplets were dropped from large heights or when the surface was at a high temperature. © The Visualization Society of Japan 2009.
Journal of Visualization, Feb. 2010 - An experimental investigation of flow-induced acoustic resonance and flow field in a closed side branch system using a high time-resolved PIV technique
Yan Rong Li; Satoshi Someya; Koji Okamoto, Systems with closed side branches are liable to an excitation of sound known as cavity tone. It may occur in pipe branches leading to safety valves or to boiler relief valves. The outbreak mechanism of the cavity tone has been ascertained by phase-averaged pressure measurements in previous research, while the relation between sound propagation and the flow field is still unclear due to the difficulty of detecting the instantaneous velocity field. It is possible to detect the two-dimensional instantaneous velocity field using high time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV). In this study, flow-induced acoustic resonance in a piping system containing closed side branches was investigated experimentally. A high time-resolved PIV technique was used to measure the gas flow in a cavity. Airflow containing oil mist as tracer particles was measured using a high-frequency pulse laser and a high-speed camera. The present investigation on the coaxial closed side branches is the first rudimentary study to visualize the fluid flow two-dimensionally in a cross-section using high time-resolved PIV, and to measure the pressure at the downstream side opening of the cavity by microphone. The fluid flows at different points in the cavity interact, with some phase differences between them, and the relation between the fluid flows was clarified., SPRINGER
JOURNAL OF VISUALIZATION, Feb. 2010 - Visualization of surface temperature by the lifetime-based phosphor thermometry using a high-speed camera
Satoshi Someya; Mitsunori Uchida; Keiko Ishii; Kaoru Tominaga; Yanrong Li and Koji Okamoto, A surface temperature inside an optical engine with or without heating the intake gas was measured using the phosphor thermometry (PT) in view of a combined measurement of the velocity and temperature map. The temperature distribution was measured by the PT using only 3 or 10 images, which were recorded by the non-intensi- fied high-speed CMOS camera, by taking into account the local pixel nonlinearity. The temporal standard deviation of the decay constant was 0.17-0.33% and it changed 0.15% by the position, indicating that the nonuniformity of the pixel nonlinearity was large. With the local calibration, the spatial fluctuation of the measured temperature was 0.10-0.53°C. This technique was applied to temperature measurement in the optical engine, resulting in reasonable temperature maps. © 2010 by Begell House, Inc.
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 2010 - Cavity-tone at steam pipes in BWR application
Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya and Koji Okamoto
3rd Joint International Symposium on Nuclear Science and Technology “Global Sustainability and Nuclear Engineering, Education and Research” (UT-SJTU), Jan. 2010, [Reviewed] - A visualizatio study of flow-induced vibration in tandem branches system using PIV technique
Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya; Koji Okamoto, A visualization study of flow-induced vibration in the tandem branches system has been carried out using a high time-resolved PIV (Particle Imaging Velocimetry) technique. The main objective of this study is to visualize the fluid flow two-dimensionally in the first and second branch cross sections using the PIV technique. The time-averaged velocity of the flow field, horizontal component of the detected velocity vector fluctuations, and dominant frequencies of those velocity fluctuations by FFT-analysis at different points as well as the pressure distributions at the side and end of the cavity are presented. © 2010 by Begell House, Inc., Begell House Inc.
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 2010 - 十字分岐管におけるキャビティートーン発生時の流動場計測
李艶栄; 染矢聡; 岡本孝司
日本機械学会論文集 (B編), 2010, [Reviewed] - Visualization of surface temperature by the lifetimebased phosphor thermometry using a high-speed camera
Satoshi Someya; Mitsunori Uchida; Keiko Ishii; Kaoru Tominaga; Yanrong Li; Koji Okamoto, A surface temperature inside an optical engine with or without heating the intake gas was measured using the phosphor thermometry (PT) in view of a combined measurement of the velocity and temperature map. The temperature distribution was measured by the PT using only 3 or 10 images, which were recorded by the non-intensi- fied high-speed CMOS camera, by taking into account the local pixel nonlinearity. The temporal standard deviation of the decay constant was 0.17-0.33% and it changed 0.15% by the position, indicating that the nonuniformity of the pixel nonlinearity was large. With the local calibration, the spatial fluctuation of the measured temperature was 0.10-0.53°C. This technique was applied to temperature measurement in the optical engine, resulting in reasonable temperature maps. © 2010 by Begell House, Inc.
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 2010 - 高速度カメラを用いた燐光寿命法による可視化エンジン内壁面温度分布計測
染矢聡; 内田光則; 大倉康裕; 李艶栄; 岡本孝司, The surface temperature inside an optical engine both with and without heating the intake gas was measured. The temperature distribution was measured by a lifetime based phosphor thermometry using only three or 10 images recorded using a non-intensified high-speed CMOS camera by accounting for the pixel-to-pixel variation in the nonlinearity of the sensor. The luminescence from the phosphor was recorded at 40000 frames per second. A decay of luminescent intensity was represented by a mono-exponential function. The decay curves at various temperature conditions were fitted well to a quadric function, from which the decay constant at each temperature was obtained. The shot-to-shot standard deviation of the decay constant at uniform temperature conditions was 0.17〜0.33% and it varied ±0.15% with position, indicating that the pixel nonlinearity has a high nonuniformity. This technique was used to measure the temperature in an optical engine and it gave reasonable temperature maps., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
日本機械学会論文集 (B編), 2010, [Reviewed] - Study on the underexpanded gas jet into water
Someya Satoshi; Uchida Mitsunori; Uchibori Akihiro; Ohshima Hiroyuki; Li Yanrong; Okamoto Koji, <p>When a heat exchanger in a Fast Breeder Reactor cracks, a sodium-water reaction occurs. Highly pressurized water or steam escapes into the surrounding liquid sodium from the crack. The release of steam into the liquid sodium media is a two-phase flow with an underexpansion. Several studies have examined only the underexpansion of the gas-gas phase. However, there are few reports on the underexpansion of the gas-liquid phase. In this study quantitative measurement was carried out for the purpose of revealing the flow with the underexpanded nitrogen gas jet injected into water. The gas jet distance L and the expansion angle θ were then obtained from averaged images of a high speed camera. L and θ increased approximately linearly with increasing pressure. The entrainment velocity and the velocity of entrained water droplets into the gas jet were obtained by PIV.</p>
Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, 01 Nov. 2009 - Lifetime based temperature and velocity measurement using high-speed camera and temperature sensitive particles
Satoshi Someya; Mitsunori Uchida; Kaoru Tominaga; Keiko Ishii; Yanrong Li and Koji Okamoto, A simultaneous measurement technique of velocity and temperature distribution in a fluid flow was developed. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) was combined with a lifetime based scalar measurement technique. A measurement method based on the luminescent lifetime is appropriate for detecting the transient temperature field. Developed method needs a high speed camera, a laser (one excitation wave length) and temperature sensitive particles (TSParticles). The luminescence from TSParticles doped with EuTTA was detected by the high speed camera, which was not equipped with any image intensifier, at 15 000 frames per second. Imaging at the high frame rate has a possibility to carry out PIV with a wide dynamic range. A decay of luminescent intensity was detected in detail. The decay curves at various temperature conditions were fitted well to exponential functions, from which the decay constant at each temperature was obtained. The proposed technique was applied to measure the temperature and the velocity field in a natural convection driven by Marangoni force and by buoyancy in a rectangular tank. The accuracy of the temperature measurement of the proposed technique was ±0.4°C., Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov. 2009 - Study on the Flow around a Flying Fish Fin in Ground Effect
Satoshi SOMEYA,Satoshi YOSHIDA,Yanrong LI,Koji OKAMOTO, It is known that flying fish perform long-range flight in the air in order to escape from predators such as tuna and swordfish. During the unsteady flight, ground effect enables the flying fish execute to flight for the maximum range and longest time. In this study, it was investigated a basic characteristic of the flow around the flying fish fin in ground effect, in order to understand the flying fish gliding performance quantitatively. The streamwise velocity profiles around the airfoil model were measured by a high time-resolved PIV (particle image velocimetry) in an open loop wind tunnel. A moving ground essential to generate the ground effect was supplied using a rotating disk. Two plates were put in tandem as the test wing model of a pectoral fin and a ventral fin of the flying fish. It was found that decreasing the height of the airfoil model caused a larger difference between the velocity in the suction surface side and that in the pressure surface side of the pectoral fin model., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers B, Oct. 2009 - Visualization investigation of acoustic and flow-induced vibration in main stream lines using a high-time-resolved PIV technique
Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya and Koji Okamoto
13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-13), Sep. 2009, [Reviewed] - Study on flow-induced acoustic resonance in a branched pipe
Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya and Koji Okamoto
2nd Joint International Symposium on Nuclear Science and Technology “Global Sustainability and Nuclear Engineering Education, Education and Research”, Mar. 2009, [Reviewed] - Combined measurement of velocity and temperature distributions in oil based on the luminescent lifetimes of seeded particles
Satoshi Someya; Satoshi Yoshida; Yanrong Li; Koji Okamoto, The velocity field and temperature distribution in a fluid flow were measured simultaneously based on luminescence. PIV is useful for velocity measurement, and a measurement method based on the luminescent lifetime is appropriate for detecting the transient temperature field. However, there have been few reports on thermometry in the fluid flow by luminescence, whereas several studies have investigated surface temperature measurement. The europium complex (EuTTA) has been commonly used in temperature-sensitive 'paints' for several years and consequently has been examined in several papers. In the present study, particles doped with EuTTA, called temperature-sensitive particles (TSParticles), were prepared. The optical properties of the TSParticles were investigated. A TSParticle was found to be suitable for use with an optical sensor because its lifetime is very sensitive to temperature changes. The lifetime of the TSParticle was approximately 600 mu s at 20 degrees C in water and the intensity was also large enough to be detected by a CCD camera without any image intensifier, at an exposure time of less than 60 mu s. It was found that TSParticles could also be used for velocity measurement by means of the PIV technique. The temperature field was measured based on the decay ratio of the TSParticle images, and the velocity distribution in the same plane was also evaluated from these images by PIV. A demonstration was carried out in a thermal stratified silicone oil bath. The velocity and the transient temperature distribution of the oil flow were successfully measured. The spatial resolution of the temperature measurement in the demonstration was 60 mu m. The uncertainty of the temperature was 0.35 degrees C. The spatial resolution and the uncertainty of velocity measurement were 0.6 mm and 20 mu m s(-1), respectively., IOP PUBLISHING LTD
MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Feb. 2009 - 高速度カメラと燐光感温粒子を用いた寿命法による温度速度計測
染矢聡; 内田光則; 石井慶子; 富永馨; 李艶栄; 岡本孝司
日本機械学会論文集 (B編), 2009, [Reviewed] - 水中に噴出する高圧ガスの不足膨張噴流に関する研究
染矢聡; 内田光則; 内堀昭寛; 大島宏之; 李艶栄; 岡本孝司, When a heat exchanger in a Fast Breeder Reactor cracks, a sodium-water reaction occurs. Highly pressurized water or steam escapes into the surrounding liquid sodium from the crack. The release of steam into the liquid sodium media is a two-phase flow with an underexpansion. Several studies have examined only the underexpansion of the gas-gas phase. However, there are few reports on the underexpansion of the gas-liquid phase. In this study quantitative measurement was carried out for the purpose of revealing the flow with the underexpanded nitrogen gas jet injected into water. The gas jet distance L and the expansion angle θ were then obtained from averaged images of a high speed camera. L and θ increased approximately linearly with increasing pressure. The entrainment velocity and the velocity of entrained water droplets into the gas jet were obtained by PIV., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
日本機械学会論文集 (B編), 2009, [Reviewed] - 感温粒子を用いた温度速度分布同時計測
染矢聡; 倉健太郎; 李艶栄; 岡本孝司, The velocity field and temperature distribution in a fluid flow were measured simultaneously based on luminescence. PIV is useful for velocity measurement, and a measurement method based on the luminescent lifetime is appropriate for detecting the transient temperature field. In the present study, particles doped with EuTTA, called temperature sensitive particles (TSParticles), were prepared. The optical properties of the TSParticles were investigated. TSParticle was found to be suitable for use with an optical sensor because its lifetime is very sensitive to temperature changes. The lifetime of the TSParticle was approximately 600μs at 20℃ in water and the intensity was also large enough to be detected by a CCD camera without any image intensifier, at an exposure time of less than 60μs. It was found that TSParticles could also be used for velocity measurement by means of the PIV technique. The temperature field was measured based on the decay ratio of the TSParticle images, and the velocity distribution in the same plane was also evaluated from these images by PIV. A demonstration was carried out in a thermal stratified silicone oil bath. The velocity and the transient temperature distribution of the oil flow were successfully measured., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
日本機械学会論文集 (B編), 2009, [Reviewed] - Experimental investigation on cavity tone
Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya and Koji Okamoto
SJTU (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) - UT Joint Workshop on Nuclear Engineering 2008, Mar. 2008, [Reviewed]
- Temperature Dependence of Thermographic Phosphors at Cryogenic Temperatures
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA; Sou YASUZAWA; Terumi INAGAKI; Shimpei SAITO; Soumei BABA; Naoki TAKADA
19th International Symposium on Flow Visualization ISFV 19, Sep. 2021, [Reviewed]
Lead - Study on Thermo-Physical Properties of Several Fatty Acids and Their Mixture for a Multi Stage Heat Exchange System
Takumi Iwata; Asuka Sakamoto; Yanrong Li; Terumi Inagaki
The 15th International Student Conference in Ibaraki, Nov. 2019 - The Effect of Prandtl Number on Thermal Flow of Natural Convection in a Horizontal Vessel with Free Surface
Shingo FUJIWARA; Terumi INAGAKI; Yanrong LI
The 15th International Student Conference in Ibaraki, Nov. 2019 - Natural Convection Heat Transfer of Magnetic Ionic Liquid in a Horizontal Enclosed Rectangular Container under Vertical Magnetic Field
Ryosuke Nagai; Yanrong Li; Terumi Inagaki
The 15th International Student Conference in Ibaraki, Nov. 2019 - Temperature and velocity field measurements in a microchannel
Mizuki NAITO; Yanrong LI; Terumi INAGAKI
The 15th International Student Conference in Ibaraki, Nov. 2019 - Unsteady Heat Fluctuation of Natural Convection in an Open Rectangular Container
Iori Okazaki; Terumi Inagaki; Yanrong Li
The 15th International Student Conference in Ibaraki, Nov. 2019 - Thermo-physical Properties of Phase Change Latent Heat Storage Materials Mixed Fatty Acid
Asuka SAKAMOTO; Yu IJIMA; Yanrong LI and Terumi INAGAKI
The 14th International Student Conference in Ibaraki, Dec. 2018 - Observations of the initial stages of colloidal band formation
Yanrong LI; Yoshiyuki TAGAWA; Andrew YEE; Minami YODA
70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov. 2017, [Reviewed]
Lead - Thermo-physical Properties of Phase Change Latent Heat Storage Materials Mixed Fatty Acid
Asuka SAKAMOTO; Yu IJIMA; Yanrong LI and Terumi INAGAKI
The 13th International Student Conference in Ibaraki, Nov. 2017 - Analysis of Free Surface Flow Patterns of Undershot Cross-Flow Water Turbines
Yuichiro Yahagi; Yasuyuki Nishi; Terumi Inagaki; Yanrong Li; Kentaro Hatano and Takashi Okazaki
The 13th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery, Sep. 2015 - CO2 sequestration under an artificial impermeable layer with clathrate hydrate in sediments
Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya; Tao Yu
The 9th Intnl. Sympo. on Measurement Tech. for Multiphase Flow, Sep. 2015 - Optimization design of a latent heat storing heat exchanger utilization low temperature exhaust heat
Yanrong Li; Terumi Inagaki; Hiroki Kashiwa; Naoya Takeda
The 9th Intnl. Sympo. on Measurement Tech. for Multiphase Flow, Sep. 2015 - ホタルとペーパークラフト風車による地域環境形成のための啓蒙活動と教育教材の開発
稲垣照美; 五島裕; 遠藤進; 樫村英紀; 小川悟; 西康行; 李艶栄
平成25年度 茨城大学社会連携事業会支援事業 戦略的地域連携プロジェクト報告書, Jun. 2014 - 茨城県北部地域における放射能汚染の地理的動態調査と環境影響評価
稲垣照美; 松村邦仁; 李艶栄
平成25年度 茨城大学復興支援プロジェクト調査報告書, May 2014 - 下掛け式クロスフロー水車回りの流れ場の可視化計測
李艶栄; 西泰行; 稲垣照美
2013年度 ライフサポート科学教育研究センター報告書(茨城大学重点研究「人の暮らしを豊かにするライフサポート科学の創成」), Mar. 2014 - The effect of Japanese natural plum blossom and cherry bolssom color on human kansei
Hunko SHIRATO; Terumi INAGAKI; Yanrong LI
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference at Ibaraki University, Dec. 2013 - (6)高速度カメラと燐光感温粒子を用いた寿命法による温度速度計測(論文,日本機械学会賞〔2011年度(平成23年度)審査経過報告〕)
染矢 聡; 内田 光則; 石井 慶子; 富永 馨; 李 艶栄; 岡本 孝司
日本機械学會誌, 05 May 2012 - 先端可視化: Temperature Sensitive Particles
染矢聡; 岡本孝司; 大倉康裕; 古谷博秀; 内田光則; 照沼勇人; 富永馨; 越智大輔; 石井慶子; 李艶栄
可視化情報学会誌 特集記事, Apr. 2012 - Experimental Study on Cavity Flow under High Reynolds Number
Yosuke TOKUMITSU; Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA; and Koji OKAMOTO
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV11), Jul. 2011 - Instantaneous measurement of a wall temperature in the combustion chamber
Satoshi SOMEYA; K. Tominaga; H. Furutani; Yanrong LI and Koji OKAMOTO
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV11), Jul. 2011 - 1010 Visualization Study of Cavity Tone in Coaxial Side Branches using Dynamic PIV
LI Yanrong; SOMEYA Satoshi; OKAMOTO Koji
Fluids engineering conference ..., 29 Oct. 2010 - W103 Combined Phosphor Thermometry and Velocimetry of Fluid Flow
Someya Satoshi; Okamoto Koji; Terunuma Hayato; Tominaga Kaoru; Li Yanrong
Fluids engineering conference ..., 29 Oct. 2010 - Error analysis of temperature and velocity calculation by TSParticle method
染矢聡; LI Yanrong; 岡本孝司
可視化情報学会誌, 15 Oct. 2010 - Self-induced vibration of in-line cylinders with 2DOF
染矢聡; 堀田周作; LI Yanrong; 岡本孝司
可視化情報学会誌, 15 Oct. 2010 - 2D temperature and velocity measurement using TSP in an optical engine
染矢聡; 内田光則; 大倉康裕; 富永馨; LI Yanrong; 岡本孝司
可視化情報学会誌, 01 Jul. 2010 - Lifetime based surface temperature measurement in an optical engine using a high-speed camera
Satoshi Someya; Satoshi Someya; Mitsunori Uchida; Yasuhiro Okura; Yanrong Li; Koji Okamoto
Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, 01 Jul. 2010 - Measurement on the effect of sound wave in upper plenum of boiling water reactor
Satoshi SOMEYA; Kosuke KUMAGAI; Yanrong LI; Manabu TANGE and Koji OKAMOTO
Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV-14), Program and Abstract Book (ISBN: 978-89-964504), Jun. 2010 - Measurement of unsteady flow in hydro turbine
Satoshi SOMEYA; Nobuhiko FUKUDA; Yanrong LI and Koji OKAMOTO
Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV-14), Program and Abstract Book (ISBN: 978-89-964504), Jun. 2010 - Acoustic analysis of flow-induced acoustic resonance vibration in a steam dome of boiling water reactor
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA and Koji OKAMOTO
Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV-14), Program and Abstract Book (ISBN: 978-89-964504), Jun. 2010 - PIV measurements of acoustic flow-induced vibration in a rectangular channel with Co-axial side branches
Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya; Koji Okamoto
Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, 01 Mar. 2010 - B122 The surfactant effect on the growth rate of TBAF semiclathrate hydrate
Fukuda Nobuhiko; Yamada Keisuke; Li Yanrong; Someya Satoshi; Okamoto Koji
Procee[d]ings of Thermal Engineering Conference, 06 Nov. 2009 - A Visualization Study of Flow-induced Vibration in Tandem Branches System using PIV Technique
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA and Koji OKAMOTO
Proceedings of the 7th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing (PSFVIP-7), Nov. 2009 - Temperature and velocity measurement using temperature sensitive particles
Satoshi Someya; Kentaro Kura; Yanrong Li; Koji Okamoto
Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, 01 Oct. 2009 - E105 PIV measurements of acoustic and flow-induced vibration in main stream lines
LI Yanrong; SOMEYA Satoshi; OKAMOTO Koji
National Symposium on Power and Energy Systems, 28 Jun. 2009 - Flow-induced Acoustic Resonance Measurement in Branched Coaxial Pipes Using Recursive Cross-Correlation PIV
LI Yanrong; SOMEYA Satoshi; OKAMOTO Koji
日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM), 06 Mar. 2009 - A Visualization Study of Flow-induced Acoustic Resonance in a Branched Pipe
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA and Koji OKAMOTO
Proceedings of the Sixth Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-6), Nov. 2008 - 変形燃料ピンバンドル内熱流動評価手法に関する研究 2:水実験のための温度測定法の開発
染矢聡; 岡本孝司; 大島宏之; 吉田智; LI Yanrong
日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM), 21 Aug. 2008 - 変形燃料ピンバンドル内熱流動評価手法に関する研究 1:ピンバンドル内側の速度場計測
越智大輔; 染矢聡; 岡本孝司; 大島宏之; LI Yanrong; 吉田智
日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM), 21 Aug. 2008
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 低温・極低温で利用可能な高耐久TSPセンサ
染矢聡; 李艶栄; 鄭柱龍
第52回可視化情報シンポジウム, 19 Jul. 2024, 一般社団法人 可視化情報学会
20240719, 20240721 - 低酸素濃度領域における小型回転機翼表面上の感圧塗料圧力応答性評価
李艶栄; 小幡啓地; 染矢聡; 稲垣照美
第52回可視化情報シンポジウム, 19 Jul. 2024, 一般社団法人 可視化情報学会
20240719, 20240721 - 無機感温塗料を⽤いた⽔の強制対流沸騰熱伝達の⾼速可視化
齋藤慎平; 渡辺紘大; 馬場宗明; 高田尚樹; 李艶栄; 染矢聡
第61回⽇本伝熱シンポジウム, 31 May 2024, 公益社団法⼈ ⽇本伝熱学会
20240529, 20240531 - ⼀端が開放された⽔平円筒容器内に発⽣する乱流⾃然対流の⾚外線計測とスペクトル解析
坂本翔; 手塚大紀; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美
第61回⽇本伝熱シンポジウム, 29 May 2024, 公益社団法⼈ ⽇本伝熱学会
20240529, 20240531 - ⾃由界⾯に発⽣する密度差・表⾯張⼒差対流の⾚外線計測とスペクトル解析
齋藤謙太; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
第61回⽇本伝熱シンポジウム, 29 May 2024, 公益社団法⼈ ⽇本伝熱学会
20240529, 20240531 - Effect of Inner Wall Penetration on the Flow Field in Double-Walled Structure Channel
Koki MAENO; Gen ARIYOSHI; Koichi SARUTA; Atsushi MURATA; Hiroyuki KOGAWA; Yanrong LI; Kihei TSUTSUI; and Masatoshi FUTAKAWA
International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researchers 2023 (IWAEM’23), 25 Nov. 2023, The Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics (JSEM)
20231124, 20231125 - 無機TSPを用いた水の強制対流沸騰中における伝熱面の高速度可視化計測
日本機械学会 熱工学コンファレンス2023, 15 Oct. 2023, (一社)日本機械学会
20231014, 20231015 - 一端が開放された水平円筒容器内に発生する乱流自然対流の赤外線計測とスペクトル解析
日本機械学会 熱工学コンファレンス2023, 15 Oct. 2023, (一社)日本機械学会
20231014, 20231015 - 発話時の音環境に着目した飛沫粒子数の予測モデルの検討
辻村壮平; 木谷恒陽; 李艶栄
日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, 28 Sep. 2023, 日本音響学会
20230926, 20230928 - 自由界面に発生する密度差・表面張力差対流の赤外線計測とスペクトル解析
化学工学会第54回秋季大会, 11 Sep. 2023, https://www4.scej.org/meeting/54f/index.html
20230911, 20230913 - 自由界面を有する高アスペクト比密度差対流の熱輸送現象について
化学工学会第54回秋季大会, 11 Sep. 2023, https://www4.scej.org/meeting/54f/index.html
20230911, 20230913 - 相変化蓄熱材PCMの凝固・融解特性の可視化計測
化学工学会第54回秋季大会, 11 Sep. 2023, https://www4.scej.org/meeting/54f/index.html
20230911, 20230913 - Effect of Inner Wall Cracking on the Cavitation Bubble Formation in the Mercury Spallation Target at J-PARC
Gen Ariyoshi; Koichi Saruta; Hiroyuki Kogawa; Masatoshi Futakawa; Kohki Maeno; Yanrong Li and Kihei TsuTsui
20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20), 23 Aug. 2023
20230820, 20230825 - 二重壁構造を有する水銀標的内流れ場に対する内壁損傷の影響
日本機械学会 2023年茨城講演会, 18 Aug. 2023
20230818, 20230818 - Time-response evaluation of TSP phosphor with pulse heating at low temperature
Keichi Obata; Satoshi Someya; Sou Yasuzawa and Yanrong Li
The 17th Asian Symposium on Visualization(ASV17), 07 Jun. 2023
20230605, 20230609 - 自由界面を有する水平円筒容器内自然対流の輸送現象
望月陽仁; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
第60回 日本伝熱シンポジウム, 26 May 2023, 公益社団法人 日本伝熱学会
20230525, 20230527 - PCM 固液共存状態下における非定常な凝固・融解現象の解明
加瀬雄琉; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
第60回 日本伝熱シンポジウム, 26 May 2023, 公益社団法人 日本伝熱学会
20230525, 20230527 - Hele-Shaw cellを用いた液滴凝固過程の可視化研究
第56回空気調和・冷凍連合講演会, 27 Mar. 2023, 日本機械学会(幹事学会),空気調和・衛生工学会,日本冷凍空調学会
20230327, 20230328 - 無機感温塗料を用いた水の強制対流沸騰中における伝熱面温度分布計測
日本機械学会 関東支部 第29期総会・講演会, 16 Mar. 2023, (一社)日本機械学会
20230316, 20230317 - 感圧カプセルの低酸素濃度領域における圧力応答性評価
日本機械学会 関東支部 第29期総会・講演会, 16 Mar. 2023, (一社)日本機械学会
20230316, 20230317 - Effect of Inner Wall Cracking on the Mercury Flow Induced Vibration
Kohki MAENO; Gen ARIYOSHI; Kihei TSUTSUI; Koichi SARUTA; Hiroyuki KOGAWA; Yanrong LI; and Masatoshi FUTAKAWA
International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researchers 2022 (IWAEM’22), 26 Nov. 2022, The Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics
20221125, 20221126 - Study on Optical Sound Measurement for the In-Situ Diagnostic System Under High Radiation Environments
Atsushi MURATA; Koichi SARUTA; Takashi WAKUI; Yanrong LI; Kihei TSUTSUI; and Masatoshi FUTAKAWA
International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researchers 2022 (IWAEM’22), 25 Nov. 2022, The Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics
20221125, 20221126 - Hele-Shaw cellを用いた液滴凝固過程の可視化研究
日本機械学会 第100期 流体工学部門 講演会, 13 Nov. 2022, (一社)日本機械学会
20221112, 20221113 - 発話時の騒音レベルの違いが飛沫感染リスクに及ぼす影響
窪前海斗; 木谷恒陽; 李艶栄; 辻村壮平
公益社団法人 日本騒音制御工学会 2022年秋季研究発表会, 09 Nov. 2022, (一社)日本機械学会
20221109, 20221110 - 低温・低輻射の表面温度分布の非定常可視化計測
日本機械学会 熱工学コンファレンス2022, 08 Oct. 2022, (一社)日本機械学会
20221008, 20221009 - 膜厚・組成の異なる無機蛍光体感温膜の時空間応答性
日本流体力学会 年会2022, 28 Sep. 2022, 日本流体力学会
20220927, 20220929 - 核破砕中性子源水銀標的の耐久性向上に向けた研究開発
日本原子力学会2022年秋の大会, 08 Sep. 2022, 一般社団法人日本原子力学会
20220907, 20220909 - An evaluation method for risk of virus exposure by droplets with a focus on the sound environment
Sohei Tsujimura; Kohyoh Kitani; Yanrong Li
The 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-noise 2022), 08 Aug. 2022, [Invited]
20220821, 20220824 - LDVを用いた空間音場測定による高放射線環境下での機器異常診断技術の開発
日本機械学会 2022年茨城講演会, 19 Aug. 2022
20220819, 20220819 - A cryogenic temperature sensitive paint measurement using metal complex materials and phosphors ~pleliminary experiments~
Sou Yasuzawa; Satoshi Someya; Yanrong Li; Shimpei Saito; Soumei Baba and Naoki Takada
The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 08 Aug. 2022
20220807, 20220810 - A cryogenic temperature sensitive paint measurement using metal complex materials and phosphors ~temperature sensitivity of optical properties ~
Yanrong Li; Sou Yasuzawa; Satoshi Someya; Shimpei Saito; Soumei Baba and Naoki Takada
The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 08 Aug. 2022
20220807, 20220810 - Evaluation of pressure distribution around small rotor blade in low oxygen partial pressure region using PSP
Kousei Ogawa; Yanrong Li; Satoshi Someya and Terumi Inagaki
The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 08 Aug. 2022
20220807, 20220810 - 周期加熱に対する無機・有機感温塗料の応答時間遅れの評価
第59回 日本伝熱シンポジウム, 19 May 2022
20220518, 20220520 - The effect of small aperture on fluid pressure fluctuation
The Program for 17th International Students Conference in Ibaraki, 11 Dec. 2021
20211211, 20211212 - Temperature Dependence of Temperature Sensitive Luminophores at Cryogenic Temperatures
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA; Sou YASUZAWA; Terumi INAGAKI; Shimpei SAITO; Soumei BABA; Naoki TAKADA
International Conference on Power Engineering ICOPE-2021, Oct. 2021, https://www.jsme.or.jp/pes/ICOPE-2021/
20211017, 20211021 - 多段型潜熱蓄熱式熱交換システムの開発と評価ー蓄熱方向の影響ー
化学工学会第52回秋季大会, Sep. 2021, http://www3.scej.org/meeting/52f/index.html
20210922, 20210924 - 低位熱エネルギー回収向け三段型潜熱蓄熱式熱交換器の構築と性能評価
化学工学会第52回秋季大会, Sep. 2021, http://www3.scej.org/meeting/52f/index.html
20210922, 20210924 - 低温における燐光分子の発光寿命の温度依存性
日本流体力学会 年会2021, Sep. 2021, https://www2.nagare.or.jp/nenkai2021/
20210921, 20210923 - Temperature Dependence of Thermographic Phosphors at Cryogenic Temperatures
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA; Sou YASUZAWA; Terumi INAGAKI; Shimpei SAITO; Soumei BABA; Naoki TAKADA
19th International Symposium on Flow Visualization ISFV 19, Sep. 2021, https://isfv2020.sjtu.edu.cn/
20210914, 20210916 - 低温における燐光分子の発光特性
第49回可視化情報シンポジウム, Sep. 2021, http://www.vsj.jp/symp2021/
20210909, 20210911 - 印象派絵画の感性評価へ向けた多次元スペク,トル解析
JSKE 第23回日本感性工学会大会, Sep. 2021
20210902, 20210904 - 音響共鳴管を用いた感圧塗料と感圧カプセルの周波数応答性評価
2021茨城講演会, 19 Aug. 2021, https://www.jsme.or.jp/conference/ibarakiconf21/index.html
20210819, 20210819 - 冷媒・冷凍機油混合溶液の物性評価
2021茨城講演会, 19 Aug. 2021, https://www.jsme.or.jp/conference/ibarakiconf21/index.html
20210819, 20210819 - 冷媒における冷凍機油混合液の溶解度測定
2021茨城講演会, 19 Aug. 2021, https://www.jsme.or.jp/conference/ibarakiconf21/index.html
20210819, 20210819 - 低温における燐光分子の発光スペクトルの温度依存性
日本伝熱学会創立60周年記念 第58回日本伝熱シンポジウム, May 2021, https://htsj-conf.org/symp2021/
20210525, 20210527 - 多段型潜熱蓄熱式熱交換システムの開発と性能評価
化学工学会 第51回秋季大会 (2020), Sep. 2020, http://www3.scej.org/meeting/51f/index.html
20200924, 20200926 - 多段型潜熱蓄熱式熱交換システムの開発と評価―蓄熱方向の影響―
化学工学会 第51回秋季大会 (2020), Sep. 2020, http://www3.scej.org/meeting/51f/index.html
20200924, 20200926 - 多段型潜熱蓄熱式熱交換システムの開発と評価―温度場―
化学工学会 第51回秋季大会 (2020), Sep. 2020, http://www3.scej.org/meeting/51f/index.html
20200924, 20200926 - 常磁性流体の熱物性評価
化学工学会 第51回秋季大会 (2020), Sep. 2020, http://www3.scej.org/meeting/51f/index.html
20200924, 20200926 - 気液界面における伝熱・流動現象の赤外線サーモグラフィーとスペクトル解析
化学工学会 第51回秋季大会 (2020), Sep. 2020, http://www3.scej.org/meeting/51f/index.html
20200924, 20200926 - 多段型潜熱蓄熱式熱交換器システム向け新蓄熱物質の探索と熱物性評価
第57回日本伝熱シンポジウム, Jun. 2020, https://htsj-conf.org/symp2020/program/index.html
20200603, 20200605 - 微小流路内におけるスラグ流の可視化計測
石川紀彰; 大部葵; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美; 染矢聡
日本機械学会関東支部第27期総会・講演会, Oct. 2020, https://www.jsme.or.jp/conference/ktconf21/index.html
20200310, 20200311 - 音圧変動に対する感圧塗料の周波数応答性評価
李艶栄; 中村優菜; 染矢聡; 稲垣照美
日本機械学会関東支部第27期総会・講演会, Oct. 2020, https://www.jsme.or.jp/conference/ktconf21/index.html
20200310, 20200311 - PSP の低酸素分圧域における発光特性に関する研究
小川恒星; 染矢聡; 李艶栄,稲垣照美
日本機械学会関東支部第27期総会・講演会, Oct. 2020, https://www.jsme.or.jp/conference/ktconf21/index.html
20200310, 20200311 - ペンダントドロップ法を用いた界面張力とその温度係数計測
堀本北斗; 橋本宏紀; 染矢聡; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美
日本機械学会関東支部第27期総会・講演会, Oct. 2020, https://www.jsme.or.jp/conference/ktconf21/index.html
20200310, 20200311 - 赤外線透過樹脂フィルムの光学物性評価
藤原信吾; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美
日本機械学会 2018年度茨城講演会, 22 Aug. 2018 - 微小流路内における温度場・速度場計測
内藤瑞貴; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美; 染矢聡
日本機械学会 2018年度茨城講演会, 22 Aug. 2018 - 相変化蓄熱型熱交換器の開発と性能評価
草野瑞生; 波入拓; 坂本飛鳥; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
日本機械学会 2018年度茨城講演会, 22 Aug. 2018 - ミスト噴射を伴う鉛直向流型熱交換器の試作と性能評価
弓削文哉; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美
日本機械学会 2018年度茨城講演会, 22 Aug. 2018 - 流体騒音の数値シミュレーション
森下玄基; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美
日本機械学会 2018年度茨城講演会, 22 Aug. 2018 - 多段型相変化蓄熱式熱交換システム向け蓄熱材(脂肪酸)の熱物性
坂本飛鳥; 飯島友; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美
日本機械学会 2017年度茨城講演会, 29 Aug. 2017 - 相変化蓄熱式熱交換器の特性評価
飯島友; 波入拓; 坂本飛鳥; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
日本機械学会 2017年度茨城講演会, 29 Aug. 2017 - 噴霧型熱交換器の開発・性能評価
窪井俊哉; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
日本機械学会 2017年度茨城講演会, 29 Aug. 2017 - マイクロ流路における二相流の流動特性評価
高橋健斗; 西部周平; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美
日本機械学会 2017年度茨城講演会, 29 Aug. 2017 - 多段型相変化蓄熱熱交換システム向け蓄熱材の熱物性
坂本飛鳥; 飯島友; 堀邉将人; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
第54回日本伝熱シンポジウム, May 2017 - 低位熱エネルギー回収向け多段型相変化蓄熱型熱交換器システムの性能評価
波入拓; 堀邉将人; 飯島友; 稲垣照美; 李艶; 栄
第54回日本伝熱シンポジウム, May 2017 - 海底下地下におけるハイドレートバリア層の可視化
李艶栄; 染矢聡; 稲垣照美
可視化情報全国講演会(日立2016), Oct. 2016, 可視化情報学会 - 磁場作用下における磁性流体の熱物性と矩形容器内の自然対流熱伝達の可視化
時田貴成; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
可視化情報全国講演会(日立2016), Oct. 2016 - 相変化蓄熱型熱交換器内の熱輸送機構の解明
堀邉将人; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄; 飯島友
可視化情報全国講演会(日立2016), Oct. 2016 - 量子ドットを用いた熱流体可視化計測
玉田泰庸; 李艶栄; 曹旭発; 稲垣照美; 染矢聡
可視化情報全国講演会(日立2016), Oct. 2016 - 翼周りに誘起される流体騒音の数値シミュレーション
久保田健太; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
可視化情報全国講演会(日立2016), Oct. 2016 - 茨城県北部地域における放射能汚染の地理的動態調査と環境影響評価
木下裕陽; 神村悠斗; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
日本機械学会2016年度茨城講演会, Aug. 2016 - 翼周りに誘起される流体騒音の数値シミュレーション
久保田健太; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
日本機械学会2016年度茨城講演会, Aug. 2016 - 低位熱エネルギー回収向け多段型相変化蓄熱熱交換システムの開発と熱輸送機構の解明
飯島友; 武田直也; 堀邉将人; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
第53回日本伝熱シンポジウム, May 2016 - 鉛直磁場下における磁性流体の熱物性と水平密閉矩形容器内の自然対流熱伝達
糸賀裕哉; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄; 阿部将史
第53回日本伝熱シンポジウム, May 2016 - 等熱流束で加熱された垂直平板上自然対流における乱流域の熱輸送機構に関する研究
稲垣照美; 李艶栄; 原田滉士
第53回日本伝熱シンポジウム, May 2016 - 茨城県北部地域における放射能汚染の地理的動態調査と環境影響評価
木下裕陽; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
日本原子力学会北関東支部若手研究者発表会, Apr. 2016 - 衝突損失低減に着目した下掛け式クロスフロー水車の高性能化
岡﨑貴司; 西泰行; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄; 谷萩雄一朗; 秦野健太郎
日本機械学会第93期流体工学部門講演会, Nov. 2015, 日本機械学会 - 高度化手法による下掛け式クロスフロー水車の自由表面流れの解明
谷萩雄一朗; 西泰行; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄; 秦野健太郎; 岡﨑貴司
日本機械学会第93期流体工学部門講演会, Nov. 2015, 日本機械学会 - 直線羽根を用いた下掛け式クロスフロー水車の性能に及ぼす羽根角度の影響
岡﨑貴司; 西泰行; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄; 谷萩雄一朗; 秦野健太郎
日本機械学会 2015年度茨城講演会, Aug. 2015, 日本機械学会 - 相変化蓄熱物質の熱物性と水平密閉矩形容器内の自然対流熱伝達
堀邉将人; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄; 武田直也
日本機械学会2015年度茨城講演会, Aug. 2015 - 水平矩形加熱面上に誘起される出発プルームの挙動に関する研究
玉田泰庸; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美
日本機械学会2015年度茨城講演会, Aug. 2015 - 鉛直磁場下における磁性流体の熱物性と自然対流熱伝達
時田貴成; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
日本機械学会2015年度茨城講演会, Aug. 2015 - 排熱活用を想定した相変化蓄熱物質(ミリスチン酸)の熱物性値測定
堀邉将人; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美
日本原子力学会 北関東支部 若手研究者発表会, Apr. 2015, 日本原子力学会 北関東支部 - PIV法による加熱平板上に発生する自然対流熱現象の速度場計測
玉田泰庸; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美
日本原子力学会 北関東支部 若手研究者発表会, Apr. 2015, 日本原子力学会 北関東支部 - PIV計測と数値解析による下掛け式クロスフロー水車の流れ場
秦野健太郎; 西泰行; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄; 近江谷亮太
第92期 日本機械学会流体工学部門 講演会, 25 Oct. 2014, 日本機械学会流体工学部門 - 集水装置を有する軸流水車の非定常流れ解析
平間壮; 大久保薫; 西泰行; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄; 菊池伯夫
日本機械学会 2014年度茨城講演会, 05 Sep. 2014, 日本機械学会 関東支部茨城ブロック - 下掛け式クロスフロー水車の性能と流れ場に及ぼす羽根枚数の影響
秦野健太郎; 西泰行; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄; 谷萩雄一朗
日本機械学会 2014年度茨城講演会, 05 Sep. 2014, 日本機械学会 関東支部茨城ブロック - 等熱流束加熱された垂直平板に沿って発達する遷移および乱流自然対流の熱輸送機構
原田滉士; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美
日本機械学会 2014年度茨城講演会, 05 Sep. 2014, 日本機械学会 関東支部茨城ブロック - LESとLIF法による鉛直密閉矩形容器内自然対流の熱流動と伝熱特性の解明
篠原智哉; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄; 真嶋想
日本機械学会 2014年度茨城講演会, 05 Sep. 2014, 日本機械学会 関東支部茨城ブロック - 磁場下における磁性流体の熱物性と水平矩形容器内における対流熱伝達
阿部将史; 斎藤光; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
日本機械学会 2014年度茨城講演会, 05 Sep. 2014, 日本機械学会 関東支部茨城ブロック - 自然の色彩と人の感性に関する研究
白土淳子; 稲垣照美; 李艶栄
第9回日本感性工学会春季大会, 23 Mar. 2014, 日本感性工学会 - PIVによる下掛け式クロスフロー水車周りの流れ場計測
秦野健太郎; 西泰行; 李艶栄; 稲垣照美; 近江谷亮太; 福富純一郎
第70回タ-ボ機械協会講演会, 13 Sep. 2013, 一般社団法人 ターボ機械協会 - 非磁場下における磁性流体の熱物性と水平密閉矩形容器内の 自然対流熱伝達
Terumi Inagaki; Yanrong LI; Tomohiro Sato
第50回日本伝熱シンポジウム, 29 May 2013, 日本伝熱学会 - 非磁場下における磁性流体の熱物性と水平密閉矩形容器内の,自然対流熱伝達
Terumi Inagaki; Yanrong LI; Tomohiro Sato
第50回日本伝熱シンポジウム, 29 May 2013, 日本伝熱学会 - 蛍光体を用いたエンジン筒内2次元温度と速度の同時計測
染矢聡; 大倉康裕; 古谷博秀; 石井慶子; 李艶栄; 岡本孝司
自動車技術会シンポジウム(No.09-11)「多様なニーズに対応する計測・診断技術」, 17 Jan. 2012, 自動車技術会 計測・診断部門委員会 - TSParticle法の温度速度算出誤差
染矢聡; 李艶栄; 岡本孝司
可視化情報学会全国講演会(鹿児島2010), 08 Oct. 2010, (社)可視化情報学会(The Visualization Society of Japan) - 流れ方向においた2本の2自由度円柱による自励振動現象
染矢聡; 堀田周作; 李艶栄; 岡本孝司
可視化情報学会全国講演会(鹿児島2010), 08 Oct. 2010, (社)可視化情報学会(The Visualization Society of Japan) - 蛍光体を用いた可視化エンジン内二次元温度速度同時計測
染矢聡; 内田光則; 大倉康裕; 富永馨; 李艶栄; 岡本孝司
第38回可視化情報シンポジウム, 20 Jul. 2010, 社団法人 可視化情報学会 - Visualization of Flow-Induced Acoustic Resonance Vibration in Closed Tandem Branches Piping System
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA; Koji OKAMOTO
Tsinghua Week at Todai for Nuclear Engineering, 13 May 2010, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo - A Visualization Study on Flow-Induced Acoustic Resonance in Piping System with Closed Tandem Side Branches
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA; Koji OKAMOTO
The Second Anniversary Symposium of GoNERI's Foundation, 26 Nov. 2009, Global COE on Nuclear Education and Research Initiative - 寿命法を用いたエンジン内壁温度計測
染矢聡; 内田光則; 富永馨; 石井慶子; 李艶栄
Proceedings of the 5th Interdisciplinary Forum on Molecular Imaging, 10 Nov. 2009, 宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA) 研究開発本部 流体グループ・風洞技術 開発センター - セミクラスレートハイドレート結晶成長に与える添加剤の影響
福田叙彦; 山田圭祐; 李艶栄; 染矢聡; 岡本孝司
日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2009, 07 Nov. 2009, 日本機械学会 熱工学部門 - PIV measurements of acoustic and flow-induced vibration in main stream lines
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA and Koji OKAMOTO
The 14th Symposium of Power and Energy System Division of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 29 Jun. 2009, 日本機械学会動力エネルギーシステム部門 - Flow-induced Acoustic Resonance Measurement in Branched Coaxial Pipes Using Recursive Cross-Correlation PIV
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA and Koji OKAMOTO
2009 Spring-Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 25 Mar. 2009, 日本原子力学会 - 変形燃料ピンバンドル内熱流動評価手法に関する研究2: 水実験のための温度測定法の開発
染矢聡; 岡本孝司; 大島宏之; 吉田智; 李艶栄
日本原子力学会2008年秋の大会, 06 Sep. 2008, 日本原子力学会 - 変形燃料ピンバンドル内熱流動評価手法に関する研究1:ピンバンドル内側の速度場計測
越智大輔; 染矢聡; 李艶栄; 吉田智; 岡本孝司; 大島宏之
日本原子力学会2008年秋の大会, Sep. 2008, 日本原子力学会 - A Visualization study of Flow-induced Acoustic Resonance in a Branched Pipe
Yanrong LI; Satoshi SOMEYA; Koji OKAMOTO and Satoshi YOSHIDA
2008 Fall-Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Sep. 2008, Atomic Energy Society of Japan
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茨城大学 - Apr. 2015 - Present
茨城大学 - Apr. 2013 - Present
茨城大学 - Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2022
茨城大学 - Apr. 2020 - Aug. 2021
茨城大学 - Apr. 2016 - Aug. 2016
Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- Development of visualization method of pressure distribution on a fin rotating at a slow-speed
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Jul. 2020 - Mar. 2022 - 3-D shape measurement of liquid film and gas bubble of slug flow in microchannels with axial plane optical microscopy
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Ibaraki University
Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2021 - Research and development of a new quantitative flow visualization technique for micro-scale flow field based on quantum dots
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Ibaraki University
Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2018 - Study on thermal transport mechanism of phase change thermal storage exchange system
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Ibaraki University
Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2018