ホソヤ タカアキ
細谷 孝明講師
Takaaki HOSOYA



  • 工学部 物質科学工学科
  • 理工学研究科(博士前期課程) 量子線科学専攻
  • 理工学研究科(博士後期課程) 量子線科学専攻
  • 応用理工学野 物質科学工学領域


  • ナノテク・材料, 分析化学, 回折結晶学
  • ナノテク・材料, 有機機能材料, 結晶有機化学
  • エネルギー, 量子ビーム科学, 量子ビーム科学
  • 情報通信, ソフトウェア, ソフトウエア
  • ライフサイエンス, 生物有機化学, 結晶有機化学
  • ナノテク・材料, 構造有機化学、物理有機化学, 結晶有機化学


  • 結晶化学、中性子構造生物化学、結晶構造解析、固相反応、結晶相反応、有機光反応、水素移動反応機構、中性子回折、J-PARC、JRR-3、茨城県生命物質構造解析装置 (iBIX)


  • 2006年03月 博士(理学)(東京工業大学)
  • 2003年03月 修士(理学)(東京工業大学)


  • 2003年04月 - 2006年03月, 東京工業大学, 理工学研究科, 物質科学専攻


  • 2015年04月, 茨城大学, 工学部, 講師
  • 2008年04月 - 2015年03月, 茨城大学, 工学部, 助教
  • 2008年04月, 茨城大学, フロンティア応用原子科学研究センター
  • 2007年04月 - 2008年03月, 日本原子力研究開発機構, J-PARCセンター, 特定課題推進員
  • 2006年04月 - 2007年03月, 日本原子力研究開発機構, 量子ビーム応用研究部門, 特定課題推進員



  • 2007年01月, 平成18年度手島記念研究賞博士論文賞, Direct Observation of Deuterium Transfer in Crystalline State Reactions by Neutron Diffraction Analysis. (東工大院理工、博士論文), 財団法人 手島工業教育資金団
  • 2006年05月, BCSJ論文賞 (The Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2006 Vol. 79, May), 日本化学会
  • 2005年03月, 日本化学会第85回春季年会学生講演賞受賞, 単結晶中性子回折によるコバロキシム錯体の結晶相光異性化反応中の重水素移動の直接観察(口頭発表), 日本化学会
  • 2003年08月, Poster Award at International Meeting of the Asian Crystallographic Association (AsCA) 2003, Broome, Australia (2003), Deuterium Transfer Mechanism in Chiral Thioamide Formation by Neutron Diffraction Measurement using BIX-III Diffractometer (Poster Presentation), アジア結晶学連盟


  • Application of profile fitting method to neutron time-of-flight protein single crystal diffraction data collected at the iBIX
    Naomine Yano; Taro Yamada; Takaaki Hosoya; Takashi Ohhara; Ichiro Tanaka; Katsuhiro Kusaka, We developed and employed a profile fitting method for the peak integration of neutron time-of-flight diffraction data collected by the IBARAKI Biological Crystal Diffractometer (iBIX) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) for protein ribonuclease A and alpha-thrombin single crystals. In order to determine proper fitting functions, four asymmetric functions were evaluated using strong intensity peaks. A Gaussian convolved with two back-to-back exponentials was selected as the most suitable fitting function, and a profile fitting algorithm for the integration method was developed. The intensity and structure refinement data statistics of the profile fitting method were compared to those of the summation integration method. It was clearly demonstrated that the profile fitting method provides more accurate integrated intensities and model structures than the summation integration method at higher resolution shells. The integration component with the profile fitting method has already been implemented in the iBIX data processing software STARGazer and its user manual has been prepared., NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP
    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2016年12月, [査読有り]
  • Insights into the Proton Transfer Mechanism of a Bilin Reductase PcyA Following Neutron Crystallography
    Masaki Unno; Kumiko Ishikawa-Suto; Katsuhiro Kusaka; Taro Tamada; Yoshinori Hagiwara; Masakazu Sugishima; Kei Wada; Taro Yamada; Katsuaki Tomoyori; Takaaki Hosoya; Ichiro Tanaka; Nobuo Niimura; Ryota Kuroki; Koji Inaka; Makiko Ishihara; Keiichi Fukuyama, Phycocyanobilin, a light-harvesting and photoreceptor pigment in higher plants, algae, and cyanobacteria, is synthesized from biliverdin IX alpha (BV) by phycocyanobilin:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PcyA) via two steps of two-proton-coupled two-electron reduction. We determined the neutron structure of PcyA from cyanobacteria complexed with BV, revealing the exact location of the hydrogen atoms involved in catalysis. Notably, approximately half of the BV bound to PcyA was BVH+, a state in which all four pyrrole nitrogen atoms were protonated. The protonation states of BV complemented the protonation of adjacent Asp105. The "axial" water molecule that interacts with the neutral pyrrole nitrogen of the A-ring was identified. His88 N delta was protonated to form a hydrogen bond with the lactam O atom of the BV A-ring. His88 and His74 were linked by hydrogen bonds via H3O+. These results imply that Asp105, His88, and the axial water molecule contribute to proton transfer during PcyA catalysis., AMER CHEMICAL SOC
  • In-situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of photochromic dibenzobarrelene derivative
    Shihomi Okabe; Takaaki Hosoya
    JPS Conf. Proc., 2015年, [査読有り]
  • Detector system of the SENJU single-crystal time-of-flight neutron diffractometer at J-PARC/MLF
    T. Kawasaki; T. Nakamura; K. Toh; T. Hosoya; K. Oikawa; T. Ohhara; R. Kiyanagi; M. Ebine; A. Birumachi; K. Sakasai; K. Soyama; M. Katagiri, J-PARC MLFで稼働中の単結晶中性子回折計SENJUには大面積の二次元波長シフトファイバ読み取り型シンチレータ検出器が37台導入され、その空間カバー率は30%にもなる。中性子検出効率は37~47%、γ線感度は1~5×10-6で、2-4×10-4cps/cm2の低いバックグランドで、120Gもの磁場耐性を持つ。企画(検出器・信号処理回路開発)、実験(性能試験)、議論、執筆の一部を担当, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
    Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. A, 2014年01月, [査読有り]
  • Hydrogen-bond network and pH sensitivity in human transthyretin
    T. Yokoyama; M. Mizuguchi; Y. Nabeshima; K. Kusaka; T. Yamada; T. Hosoya; T. Ohhara; K. Kurihara; I. Tanaka and N. Niimura, Transthyretin (TTR) is a tetrameric protein. TTR misfolding and aggregation are associated with human amyloid diseases. Dissociation of the TTR tetramer is believed to be the rate-limiting step in the amyloid fibril formation cascade. Low pH is known to promote dissociation into monomer and the formation of amyloid fibrils. In order to reveal the molecular mechanisms underlying pH sensitivity and structural stabilities of TTR, neutron diffraction studies were conducted using the IBARAKI Biological Crystal Diffractometer with the time-of-flight method. Crystals for the neutron diffraction experiments were grown up to 2.5 mm 3 for four months. The neutron crystal structure solved at 2.0 angstrom revealed the protonation states of His88 and the detailed hydrogen-bond network depending on the protonation states of His88. This hydrogen-bond network is involved in monomer-monomer and dimer-dimer interactions, suggesting that the double protonation of His88 by acidification breaks the hydrogen-bond network and causes the destabilization of the TTR tetramer. Structural comparison with the X-ray crystal structure at acidic pH identified the three amino acid residues responsible for the pH sensitivity of TTR. Our neutron model provides insights into the molecular stability related to amyloidosis., WILEY-BLACKWELL
    J.Synchrotron Rad., 2013年, [査読有り]
  • Evaluation of performance for IBARAKI biological crystal diffractometer iBIX with new detectors
    K. Kusaka; T. Hosoya; T. Yamada; K. Tomoyori; T. Ohhara; M. Katagiri; K. Kurihara; I. Tanaka and N. Niimura, J-PARC MLFで稼働中の単結晶中性子回折計iBIXに新たに高度化開発した新型検出器を16台導入し、既存検出器14台も部分的に高度化を行ったところ、全30台の検出器が50%以上の検出効率を達成し、飛躍的に測定効率が上がった。企画(装置開発、高度化研究)、実験(検出器導入、性能試験)、議論、執筆の一部を担当, WILEY-BLACKWELL
    J.Synchrotron Rad., 2013年, [査読有り]
  • Profile functions to reproduce Bragg reflection shapes observed by a time-of-flight single-crystal diffractometer installed at a coupled moderator pulsed neutron source in J-PARC
    K. Tomoyori; K. Kusaka; T. Yamada; T. Hosoya; T. Ohhara; K. Kurihara; I. Tanaka; M. Katagiri; N. Niimura, J-PARC MLFで稼働中の単結晶中性子回折計iBIXで測定されるBraggピークは、MLF結合型減速材による非対称な入射中性子パルスを反映して、非対称な形状となる。これらの非対称ピークにたいし複数のプロファイル関数を検討し、高度なフィッティングに成功した。企画、実験(サンプルデータの測定)、議論の一部を担当, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
    Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. A, 2013年, [査読有り]
  • Hydrogen-bond network and pH sensitivity in transthyretin: Neutron crystal structure of human transthyretin
    T. Yokoyama; M. Mizuguchi; Y. Nabeshima; K. Kusaka; T. Yamada; T. Hosoya; T. Ohhara; K. Kurihara; K. Tomoyori; I. Tanaka; N. Niimura, ヒトのアミロイドーシスに関連したヒトトランスサイレチンの中性子回折による結晶構造解析から、水素結合ネットワークとpH感受性を明らかにした。実験(装置調整、中性子回折測定)、議論の一部を担当, ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE
    J. Struct. Bio., 2012年, [査読有り]
  • A wavelength-shifting-fibre-based scintillator neutron detector implemented with the median point calculation method
    T. Nakamura; T. Kawasaki; T. Hosoya; K. Toh; M. Ebine; A. Birumachi; K. Sakasai; K. Soyama; M. Katagiri, 波長シフトファイバ読み出しのシンチレータ検出器において行っているコインシデンス処理・座標演算に、重心計算を用いたアルゴリズムを新規に開発し、64×64ピクセル(4-mmピッチ)のJ-PARC MLFの単結晶回折装置SENJUの検出器で試験したところ、分解能が2mmと大幅に改善した。企画(データ集積ソフトウェア・ハードウェア開発)、実験(性能試験)、議論の一部を担当, IOP PUBLISHING LTD
    Journal of Instrument, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Structure of Morpholinium Tribromoplumbate C4H8ONH2PbBr3 Studied Using Single- Crystal Neutron Diffraction
    T. Kawasaki1 M. Takahashi; T. Ohhara; I. Tanaka; K. Kusaka; T. Hosoya; T. Yamada; K. Kurihara, 鉛ハロゲン系 有機・無機複合化合物は有機部分と無機部分の組合せによって骨格構造の次元性が異なり、主にその光学的性質は無機部分によって議論されてきたが,中性子回折測定を行うことで,X線での観測が困難な有機部分の詳細な構造を解明し、電子状態や光学的性質との関係を調べた.企画,実験(中性子回折測定),議論,執筆の一部を担当, PHYSICAL SOC JAPAN
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 2012年, [査読有り]
  • A large-area two-dimensional scintillator detector with a wavelength-shifting fibre readout for a time-of-flight single-crystal neutron diffractometer
    T. Nakamura; T. Kawasaki; T. Hosoya; K. Toh; K. Oikawa; K. Sakasai; M. Ebine; A. Birumachi; K. Soyama; M. Katagiri, J-PARC MLFのSENJU回折計用に256×256 mm2の大面積、および4mmピクセルサイズの二次元シンチレータ中性子検出器の開発を行った。ZnS/10B2O3シンチレータで波長シフトファイバグリッドを挟み込み、その検出効率は1.6Åの中性子に対し40%である。また、γ線に対しては6×10-6の低感度で、SENJUの要求を満たす検出器となった。企画(データ集積ソフトウェア・ハードウェア開発)、実験(性能試験)、議論、執筆の一部を担当, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
    Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. A, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Strong Effect of Yb Filling Fraction on the Magnetic Ground State of the Filled Skutterudite YbFe4Sb12
    Takashi SAITO; Hideyuki SATO; Kenya TANAKA; Sho TATSUOKA; Makoto UEDA; Ryuji HIGASHINAKA; Takahiro NAMIKI; Yuji AOKI; Yoshihiro UTSUMI; Keitaro KUWAHARA; and Takaaki HOSOYA, YbFe4Sb12 single crystals with the Yb-site filling fraction close to 100% have been successfully synthesized by the Sb self-flux method under a pressure of 4 GPa. The grown single crystals do not exhibit ferromagnetic ordering down to the lowest temperature investigated, in contrast with the ferromagnetic transition reported for Yb-deficient single crystals grown at ambient pressure. The electronic specific heat coefficient of the present crystals is evidently smaller than those reported for Yb-deficient samples, indicating that the Fermi energy is located at the high-energy side of a peak in the electronic density of states dominated by the contribution of Fe-3d electrons. Therefore, the appearance of the ferromagnetic state in the Yb-deficient samples can be naively understood within the simple Stoner-type argument. Marked enhancement of the positive magnetoresistance was found in the temperature region where the spin-fluctuation scattering of conduction electrons dominates., PHYSICAL SOC JAPAN
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 2011年, [査読有り]
  • Neutron structure analysis using the IBARAKI biological crystal diffractometer (iBIX) at J-PARC
    Ichiro Tanaka; Katsuhiro Kusaka; Takaaki Hosoya; Nobuo Niimura; Takashi Ohhara; Kazuo Kurihara; Taro Yamada; Yuuki Ohnishi; Katsuaki Tomoyori; Takeshi Yokoyama, The IBARAKI Biological Crystal Diffractometer (iBIX), a new diffractometer for protein crystallography at the next-generation neutron source at J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex), has been constructed and has been operational since December 2008. Preliminary structure analyses of organic crystals showed that iBIX has high performance even at 120 kW operation and the first full data set is being collected from a protein crystal., WILEY-BLACKWELL
    Acta Crystallographica Section D, 2010年, [査読有り]
  • DAQ-Middleware for MLF/J-PARC
    K. Nakayoshi; Y. Yasu; E. Inoue; H. Sendai; M. Tanaka; S. Satoh; S. Muto; J. Suzuki; T. Otomo; T. Nakatani; T. Ito; Y. Inamura; M. Yonemura; T. Hosoya; T. Uchida, We present the results of commissioning of DAQ-Middleware for the data acquisition (DAQ) sub-system with a first beam at Material and Life Science Facility (MLF) in Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). We also explain a DAQ system model of MLF neutron experiments, new functions of DAQ-Middleware and results of performance measurements. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 2010年, [査読有り]
  • Development of data processing software for a new TOF single crystal neutron diffractometer at J-PARC
    TakashiOhhara; Katsuhiro Kusaka; Takaaki Hosoya; Kazuo Kurihara; KatsuakiTomoyori; Nobuo Niimura; Ichiro Tanaka; Jiro Suzuki; Takeshi Nakatani; Toshiya Otomoc; Syungo Matsuoka; Kenichi Tomita; Yuichirou Nishimaki; Takumi Ajima; Susumu Ryufuku, We have developed new data processing software for a new time-of-flight (TOF) single crystal neutron diffractometer at the Materials and Life-science Facility (MLF) of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC); IBARAKI Biomolecular Crystal Diffractometer (iBIX). This software, named "STARGazer", makes a HKLF list from three-dimensional (x, y, TOF) raw data of the iBIX. The STARGazer has both a data processing part and a data visualization part. The former part is a main part to make a HKLF list. This part has fundamental data processing functions and additional functions, real-space indexing, refinement of detector positions simultaneously with an UB matrix, and finding overlapping Bragg reflections, to process diffraction data of bio-macromolecular crystal which has large unit cell volumes. The latter part displays the three-dimensional raw data with predicted positions of Bragg reflections to confirm how well an obtained UB matrix fits to the raw data. In the near future, a function to process overlapping Bragg reflections based on a profile fitting technique will be added to the STARGazer. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 2009年02月21日, [査読有り]
  • Overview of a New Biological Neutron Diffractometer (iBIX) in J-PARC
    I. Tanaka; K. Kusaka; K. Tomoyori; N. Niimura; T. Ohhara; K. Kurihara; T. Hosoya; T. Ozeki, Since 2004, Ibaraki Prefectural Government in Japan has started to construct a Time-of-Flight (TOF) neutron diffractometer for biological macromolecules for industrial use at J-PARC, near JRR-3 in JAEA. From 2008, Ibaraki University will operate this machine with the support of Ibaraki Prefecture in order for users to do experiments. The diffractometer is designed so that it can measure crystals the maximum cell dimension of which is up to around 160 angstrom. It is expected to measure more than 100 samples per year if they have 2 mm(3) in crystal volume. As a result, the efficiency will be more than 100 times higher than that of the present high performance diffractometer, BIX-4 in JRR-3 reactor in JAEA. To realize this performance, a coupled moderator (intense neutrons, but broad pulse in time resolution) was selected. In addition, two important and key items should be developed: a new detector with high spatial resolution (less than I mm) and a special program to de-convolute overlapped Bragg reflections on the raw data. The detector uses ZnS:Ag(6)/LiF scintillator with wavelength-shift-fiber (WLSF) system. The program has been designed using a complicated kind of profile-fitting method. The current status of these developments as well as the diffractometer constructions is reported. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 2009年02月21日, [査読有り]
  • Development of a new detector and DAQ systems for iBIX
    Takaaki Hosoya; Tatsuya Nakamura; Masaki Katagiri; Atsushi Birumachi; Masumi Ebine; Kazuhiko Soyama, A new photon-counting 2D detector and time-of-flight (TOF) data-acquisition (DAQ) electronics were developed as a system for iBIX diffractometer in J-PARC. The detector system is composed of two ceramic ZnS/(10)B(2)O(3) scintillator sheets, 256 x 2 wavelength-shifting (WLS) fibers, eight 64 ch multi-anode photomultipliers (PMT), a high-speed 512-channel amplifier and discriminator, and a 512-channel encoder module with FPGA for time and position determination. The scintillator sheets have high detection efficiency, 30% and 45% at 1.8 (A) over bar for 0.2 and 0.3 mm in thickness, respectively. The WLS fibers (0.5-mm square type) are arranged along X and Y directions with gaps of 0.02 mm; therefore the size of one pixel is 0.52 mm. The PMT have 17% of quantum efficiency for the light from WLS fibers. The detective region (133 x 133 mm(2)) has more than 66% in the front face of the detector. The amplifier and discriminator module has 300 MHz of frequency band, fixed gain (60), and 20-300 mV of discriminator level. The encoder module has many coincidence modes including various pattern-matching methods and a centroid-computation method. The pulse-pair resolution is 4-5 mu s. For the DAQ module, we can use both of histogram and event modes for measurement. The recording rate is 5 x 10(5) events/s for the event mode. Maximum number of the time-channel bins is 4096 for the histogram mode. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
  • Current status of Ibaraki biological crystal diffractometer iBIX -Several examples of the measurement-               
    J. Phys. Conf., 2009年
  • The Implementation of the Software Framework in J-PARC/MLF               
    T. Nakatani; Y. Inamura; T. Ito; S. Harjo; R. Kajimoto; M. Arai; T. Ohhara; H. Nakagawa; JAEA, Tokai; Ibaraki, Japa; T. Aoyagi; T. Otomo; J. Suzuki; T. Morishima; S. Muto; R. Kadono; S. Torii; Y. Yasu; T. Hosoya; M. Yonemura
    Proceedings of ICALEPCS2009, 2009年, [査読有り]
  • 新型生体高分子回折計iBIXの概要と化学・生命科学にもたらす新展開               
    田中伊知朗; 日下勝弘; 友寄克亮; 新村信雄; 大原高志; 栗原和男; 細谷孝明; 尾関智二
    日本結晶学会誌, 2008年
  • 単結晶中性子回折を用いた結晶相反応の直接観察               
    大原高志; 細谷孝明; 大橋裕二
    日本結晶学会誌, 2008年
  • Neutron Diffraction Analysis of the Deuterium Transfer in the Photoinduced 4-1 Isomerization of a 4-Cyanobutyl Cobaloxime Complex               
    Takaaki Hosoya; Hidehiro Uekusa; Yuji Ohashi; Takashi Ohhara; Ryota Kuroki
    The Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2006年, [査読有り]
  • Direct Observation of Deuterium Transfer in Crystalline-State Chiral Thiolactam Formation by Neutron Diffraction Analysis               
    Takaaki Hosoya; Hidehiro Uekusa; Yuji Ohashi; Takashi Ohhara; Ichiro Tanaka; Nobuo Niimura
    Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2006年, [査読有り]
  • Absolute asymmetric photocyclization of isopropylbenzophenone derivatives using a cocrystal approach involving single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation
    H Koshima; H Kawanishi; M Nagano; HT Yu; M Shiro; T Hosoya; H Uekusa; Y Ohashi, Absolute asymmetric photocyclization of isopropylbenzophenone derivatives was achieved by means of a cocrystal approach. Three chiral salt crystals formed by carboxylic acid derivatives with achiral amines could be prepared by spontaneous crystallization. In the M-crystal of 4-(2,5-diisopropylbenzoyl)benzoic acid with 2,4-dichlorobenzylamine, a twofold helical arrangement occurs in a counterclockwise direction to generate the crystal chirality. Conversely, the clockwise helix exists alone in the P-crystal. Irradiation of the M-crystal at > 290 nm caused highly enantioselective Norrish type II cyclization to give the (R,R)-cyclopentenol, (R)-cyclobutenol, and (R)-hydrol in a 6:3:1 molar ratio, resulting in successful absolute asymmetric synthesis, while irradiation at around 350 nm afforded the (R,R)-cyclopentenol as the sole product. The reaction proceeded via single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation, and therefore the reaction path producing the (R,R)cyclopentenol could be traced by X-ray crystallographic analysis before and after irradiation., AMER CHEMICAL SOC
    JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2005年05月, [査読有り]
  • Deuterium Migration Mechanism in Chiral Thiolactam Formation by Neutron Diffraction Analysis
    Takaaki Hosoya; Hidehiro Uekusa; Yuji Ohashi; Takashi Ohhara; Hiroyuki Kimura and Yukio Noda, The single-crystal neutron diffraction revealed that in the process of photo-induced beta-thiolactam formation from N,N-dibenzyl-1-cyclohexenecarbothioamide a deuterium atom bonded to the benzyl carbon atom is transferred to the intramolecular cyclohexene carbon to occupy the equatorial position of the produced cyclohexyl ring., CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN
    Chemistry Letters, 2003年, [査読有り]
  • Crysalline-State Photoisomerization of α,β-Unsaturated Thioamide Analyzed by X-rays
    Takaaki Hosoya; Takashi Ohhara; Hidehiro Uekusa; Yuji Ohashi, When a crystal of N,N-dibenzyl-1-cyclohexenecarbothioamide was exposed to UV light at 263 K, the cell dimensions were gradually changed with retention of the single crystal form. Since the crystal gradually decomposed after 330 h, the irradiation was stopped and the structure was analyzed by X-rays. The thioamide molecule was converted by 65.0% to the thiolactam molecule. The thioamide and thiolactam molecules were observed as a disordered structure in the crystal. The disordered structure clearly indicates that the hydrogen atom of one of the benzyl groups is extracted by one of the olefin carbon atoms of the cyclohexenyl group and that the benzyl carbon atom makes a bond with another olefin carbon to form a thiolactam ring. The mechanism of the ring formation and the chirality of the produced thiolactam are well explained from the reaction cavity., CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN
    The Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2002年, [査読有り]


  • 連載講座「中性子回折の基礎と応用」(応用28)茨城県生命物質構造解析装置(iBIX)による水素・水和水の構造研究/産業利用
    田中伊知朗; 日下勝弘; 細谷孝明; 他15名
    RADIOISOTOPES, 2011年02月, [査読有り]
  • 茨城県生命物質構造解析装置(iBIX)による水素・水和水の構造研究/産業利用
    細谷 孝明; 大原 高志
    RADIOISOTOPES, 2011年, [査読有り], [招待有り]
  • 連載講座「中性子回折の基礎と応用」(応用10)化学における単結晶中性子構造解析
    細谷 孝明; 大原 高志
    RADIOISOTOPES, 2010年04月28日, [査読有り], [招待有り]
  • 供用を開始したJ-PARCの新しい生物用中性子回折装置(iBIX)
  • 波長シフトファイバを用いた高検出効率、高位置分解能型2次元シンチレータ中性子検出器の開発研究-J-PARC/MLF 生命物質構造解析装置「iBIX」のためのコンパクト型検出器の開発-
    中村龍也、片桐政樹、細谷孝明、美留町厚、海老根守澄、曽山和彦、Erik Schooneveld、Nigel Rhodes
    JAEA-Research, 2008年
  • Hydrogen migration mechanism in crystalline-state photoisomerization by analyzed neutron diffraction
    Yuji Ohashi; Takaaki Hosoya; Takashi Ohhara
    Crystallography Reviews, 2006年04月01日, [査読有り]
  • Direct Observation of the Hydrogen Transfer in the Solid-State Organic Photoreaction by Neutron Diffraction Method
    Takaaki Hosoya; H. Uekusa; Y. Ohashi; T. Ohhara; I. Tanaka; N. Niimura
    JAERI-Review, Progress Report on Neutron Scattering Research, 2005年
  • Direct Observation of Deuterium Transfer in Crystalline-State Photoisomerization of 4-Cyanobutyl Cobaloxime Complex by Neutron Diffraction Analysis
    Takaaki Hosoya; H. Uekusa; Y. Ohashi; T. Ohhara; R. Kuroki
    JAERI-Review, Progress Report on Neutron Scattering Research, 2005年
  • Deuterium Migration Mechanism in Chiral Thiolactam Formation by Neutron Diffraction Analysis
    Takaaki Hosoya; T. Hosoya; H. Uekusa; Y. Ohashi; T. Ohhara; I. Tanaka; N. Niimura
    JAERI-Review, Progress Report on Neutron Scattering Research, 2004年


  • 橋頭二置換ジベンゾバレレン誘導体の結晶相フォトクロミズムと相転移挙動               
    日本結晶学会 平成28年度年会, 2016年11月17日
  • ジベンゾバレレン誘導体の結晶相ジ-π-メタン転位反応:単結晶X線回折による直接観察               
    日本結晶学会 平成28年度年会, 2016年11月17日
  • 橋頭二置換ジベンゾバレレン誘導体の結晶相フォトクロミズムと相転移挙動               
    2015年度量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ<第7回MLFシンポジウム/第33回PFシンポジウム>, 2016年03月15日
  • ジベンゾバレレン誘導体の結晶相ジ-π-メタン転位反応-単結晶X線回折による直接観察-               
    2015年度量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ<第7回MLFシンポジウム/第33回PFシンポジウム>, 2016年03月15日
  • 中性子回折に向けた巨大結晶を用いたジベンゾバレレンの結晶相フォトクロミズムにおける水素移動の直接観察               
    2015年度量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ<第7回MLFシンポジウム/第33回PFシンポジウム>, 2016年03月15日
  • 橋頭二置換ジベンゾバレレン誘導体の結晶相フォトクロミズム:X線回折による直接観察と中性子回折に向けて               
    日本結晶学会 平成27年度年会, 2015年10月17日
  • iBIX – a Powerful Single-Crystal Neutron Diffractometer for Chemical and Biological Crystallography               
    Takaaki Hosoya; Katsuhiro Kusaka; Taro Yamada; Takashi Ohhara; Naomine Yano; Masaki Katagiri; Ichiro Tanaka
    22nd International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS2015), 2015年07月12日
  • Difference in photochromic behaviors of the bridgehead-disubstituted dibenzobarrelenes in crystalline state: in-situ X-ray structure analyses               
    Shihomi Okabe; Takaaki Hosoya
    22nd International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS2015), 2015年07月12日
  • 橋頭二置換ジベンゾバレレン誘導体の結晶相フォトクロミズムにおける橋頭部およびエチレン架橋部の置換基の影響               
    第3回物構研サイエンスフェスタ<第6回MLFシンポジウム/第32回PFシンポジウム>, 2015年03月17日
  • In-situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of photochromic dibenzobarrelene derivative               
    Shihomi Okabe; Takaaki Hosoya
    The 2nd International Symposium on Science at J-PARC, 2014年07月14日
  • 橋頭二置換ジベンゾバレレンの結晶相光反応:単結晶X線回折によるビラジカル中間体のその場観察               
    第2回物構研サイエンスフェスタ<第5回MLFシンポジウム/第31回PFシンポジウム>, 2014年03月18日
  • ジベンゾバレレン誘導体のフォトクロミズムのX線回折によるその場観察               
    平成25年度 日本結晶学会年会, 2013年10月12日
  • Significant Upgrades of 2-Dimension Scintillator Detector System for J-PARC/MLF iBIX diffractometer               
    Takaaki Hosoya; Tatsuya Nakamura; Masaki Katagiri; Masumi Ebine; Atsuhi Birumachi; Katsuhiro Kusaka; Kazuhiko Soyama
    ICNS2013 (International Conference on Neutron Scattering), 2013年07月
  • 茨城県生命物質構造解析装置iBIXの検出器高度化               
    平成24年度 日本結晶学会年会, 2012年10月26日
  • シンチレータ検出器用データ収集モジュールおよび制御ソフトウェア開発               
    第四回 J-PARC/MLFシンポジウム, 2012年10月10日, J-PARCセンター(JAEA/KEK)、日本原子力研究開発機構、高エネルギー加速器研究機構 物質構造科学研究所、総合科学研究機構(CROSS)、茨城県
  • 茨城県生命物質構造解析装置iBIXの検出器高機能化開発               
    第四回 J-PARC/MLFシンポジウム, 2012年10月10日, J-PARCセンター(JAEA/KEK)、日本原子力研究開発機構、高エネルギー加速器研究機構 物質構造科学研究所、総合科学研究機構(CROSS)、茨城県
  • シンチレータ検出器用データ収集モジュールおよび制御ソフトウェア開発               
    細谷孝明; 中村龍也; 海老根守澄; 美留町厚; 曽山和彦; 中谷健; 伊藤崇芳; 川崎卓郎; 片桐政樹; 仲吉一男; 千代浩司; 安芳次
    日本中性子科学会年会, 2010年12月
  • 茨城県生命物質構造解析装置iBIXの検出器高機能化開発               
    細谷孝明; 中村龍也; 海老根守澄; 美留町厚; 曽山和彦; 片桐政樹; 日下勝弘; 山田太郎; 友寄克亮; 横山武司; 大西裕季; 新村信雄; 田中伊知朗; 大原高志; 栗原和男
    日本中性子科学会年会, 2010年12月
  • 新規二次元中性子検出器・データ集積システム: 開発とiBIXでの測定               
    細谷孝明; 中村龍也; 片桐政樹; 曽山和彦; 海老根守澄; 美留町厚; 日下勝弘; 新村信雄; 田中伊知朗; 大原高志; 栗原和男
    中性子構造生物研究会, 2010年01月
  • 新規二次元中性子検出器・データ集積システム: 開発とiBIXでの測定               
    細谷孝明; 中村龍也; 片桐政樹; 曽山和彦; 海老根守澄; 美留町厚; 日下勝弘; 新村信雄; 田中伊知朗; 大原高志; 栗原和男
    日本中性子科学会年会, 2009年12月
  • 単結晶中性子回折計iBIXの測定制御ソフトウェア開発               
    細谷孝明; 日下勝弘; 大原高志; 安芳次; 仲吉一男; 千代浩司; 伊藤崇芳; 中谷健; 栗原和男; 新村信雄; 田中伊知朗
    日本中性子科学会年会, 2009年12月
  • Development of a New Photon-Counting 2D Detector and Data-Acquisition Systems for iBIX in J-PARC MLF               
    Takaaki HOSOYA; Tatsuya NAKAMURA; Masaki KATAGIRI; Atsushi BIRUMACHI; Masumi EBINE; Kazuhiko SOYAMA
    International Conference of Neutron Scattering 2009, 2009年05月
  • 単結晶中性子回折計iBIXの測定制御ソフトウェア開発               
    DAQミドルウェアワークショップ2009, 2009年03月
  • 高速・高分解能の新規2次元中性子 検出器開発~iBIXにおける現状報告               
    タンパク質結晶育成研究会, 2009年03月
  • 高速・高分解能の新規2次元中性子検出器開発~iBIXにおける現状報告               
    タンパク質結晶育成研究会, 2009年03月
  • 単結晶パルス中性子回折計iBIXを用いた回折データ測定と検出器およびデータ集積システムの開発               
    結晶化学研究会, 2008年12月
  • iBIX用新規二次元検出器とデータ集積システムの開発               
    日本中性子科学会 第8回年会, 2008年11月
  • Development of a New Photon-Counting 2D Detector and Data-Acquisition Systems for iBIX in J-PARC               
    Takaaki HOSOYA; Tatsuya NAKAMURA; Masaki KATAGIRI; Atsushi BIRUMACHI; Masumi EBINE; Kazuhiko SOYAMA
    Congress and General Assembly of International Union of Crystallography, 2008年08月
  • Development of a new detector and DAQ systems for iBIX               
    Takaaki Hosoyaa; Tatsuya Nakamura; Masaki Katagiri; Atsushi Birumachi; Masumi Ebine; Kazuhiko Soyama
    International Syposium on Pulsed Neutron and Muon Sciences 2008, 2008年03月
  • J-PARCにおける新しい単結晶中性子回折計iBIXの二次元検出器システム開発               
    日本結晶学会 平成19年度年会, 2007年12月01日
  • J-PARCの新しい飛行時間型単結晶中性子回折計iBIXの二次元検出器システム開発               
    日本中性子科学会第7回年会, 2007年11月
  • Current Status of IBARAKI Biological Crystal Diffractometer in J-PARC: General View               
    Takaaki Hosoy
    International Conference of Neutron and X-ray Scattering 2007, 2007年
  • Direct observation of deuterium transfer in crystalline-state photoisomerization of a delta-cyanobutyl cobaloxime comblex: A single crystal neutron diffraction analysis               
    Takaaki HOSOYA; Hidehiro UEKUSA; Yuji OHASHI; Takashi OHHARA; Ryota KUROKI
    International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 2005 (Pacifichem2005), 2005年12月15日
  • Neutron Diffraction Analysis of Photoisomerization of δ-Cyanobutyl Cobaloxime               
    Takaaki HOSOYA; Hidehiro UEKUSA; Yuji OHASHI; Takashi OHHARA; Ryota KUROKI
    20th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr2005), 2005年08月
    HOSOYA Takaaki; UEKUSA Hidehiro; OZEKI Tomoji; OHASHI Yuji; OHHARA Takashi; TANAKA Ichiro; NIIMURA Nobuo
    Asian Crystallographic Association Meeting 2004 (AsCA2004), 2004年06月
    HOSOYA Takaaki; UEKUSA Hidehiro; OHASHI Yuji; OHHARA Takashi; TANAKA Ichiro; NIIMURA Nobuo
    Asian Crystallographic Association Meeting 2003 (AsCA2003), 2003年08月
    Takaaki HOSOYA; Hidehiro UEKUSA; Yuji OHASHI; Takashi OHHARA; Hiroyuki KIMURA; Yukio NODA
    19th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr2002), 2002年08月


  • 2008年 - 2013年03月, 日本中性子科学会
  • 2001年, 日本結晶学会