ミナト アツシ
湊 淳教授
Atsushi MINATO



  • 工学部
  • 理工学研究科(博士前期課程) 量子線科学専攻
  • 理工学研究科(博士後期課程) 量子線科学専攻
  • 地域未来共創学環(学部等連係課程)
  • 応用理工学野 数理・応用科学領域


  • ナノテク・材料, 応用物理一般, 応用物理
  • 情報通信, 感性情報学, 感性工学
  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学), 計測工学, 計測工学


  • CO2計測システムの開発と応用
  • 生体情報の計測と応用
  • 色,分光測定システムの開発と応用
  • Arduino,ルネサス,PSOC,RaspberryPi,mbedなどを使ったIoT,ネットワークセンシング技術
  • 可視光や超音波を利用した計測・通信技術の開発
  • 鉛直判定センサの開発と測量・防災分野への応用


  • 1994年01月 博士(工学)(東京大学)


  • 1988年, 東京大学, 工学系研究科, 物理工学専攻
  • 1984年03月, 京都大学理学部(地球物理)


  • 2011年04月, 茨城大学, 大学院理工学研究科, 教授
  • 1998年03月 - 2011年03月, 茨城大学, 大学院理工学研究科, 助教授
  • 1995年04月 - 1998年03月, 茨城大学工学部共通講座講師
  • 1988年04月 - 1995年03月, 国立環境研究所,研究員および主任研究員



  • 1992年, 第2回日経地球環境技術賞


  • Building Health Monitoring through Vibration and Inclination Measurements Using Two Techniques               
    Atsushi Minato, 筆頭著者
    International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, 2024年12月, [査読有り]
  • 異なる距離センサを用いた草高の計測手法の比較検討               
    湊淳; 大須賀祐樹; 小松﨑将一, 筆頭著者
    農業食糧工学会誌, 2022年01月, [査読有り]
    International Journal of Civil, Structural, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Research and Development, 2021年12月, [査読有り]
  • Portable Water Color Monitoring System Using Microcontroller for Phytoplankton Bloom Measurement in Japanese Lake               
    Ping WANG; Yuko Ishikawa; D.D.G.L.Dahanayaka; Atsushi Minato, 責任著者, Rapid assessment of algal blooms in lakes has been difficult due to lack of inexpensive and portable measurement systems and lack of spatial resolution from current freely available satellites. Here we demonstrate the capacity of a low-cost, portable water color monitoring system in assessing phytoplankton bloom in the Lake Senba, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. We developed two types of instruments, one is using three color LED and the other is using small spectroscopic module. The design of these systems and result of fundamental experiment is reported.
    International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, 2018年07月, [査読有り]
  • Mobile Radiation Measuring System using Small Linux box and GPS sensor               
    Nalin Warnajith; Nguyen Cao Thang; Sataru Ozawa; Atshushi Minato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    Int. J. Modern Engineering Research, 2015年, [査読有り]
  • Wireless sensor network system for inclination measurement using spirit level               
    G. Anne Nisha; Nalin Warnajith; Hiroshi Tsuchida; Atsushi Minato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    Int. J. Modern Engineering Research, 2015年, [査読有り]
  • Comparison of Three Chlorophyll-A Estimation Approaches Using Aster Data Acquired Over Sri Lankan Coastal Water Bodies               
    D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka; H. Tonooka; M.J.S. Wijeyaratne; A. Minato; S. Ozawa
    Malaysian J. Remote Sensing & GIS, 2015年, [査読有り]
  • Expansion of the Remote Sensing Research on water environments of Asia through KISSEL Server System               
    D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka; S.B. Quarmal; K.N.S. Warnajith; G. Dassanayake; H. Tonooka; A. Minato; S. Ozawa
    ICT for Development Working Paper Series, 2015年, [査読有り]
  • 形態素解析を用いた事故・リスクに関する記述の分析
    湊淳,鈴木慎吾,村上雄太郎,伊多波正徳,小澤哲, 筆頭著者, In this research, we applied morphological analysis to abstract the psychological information of writer. Chasen is a Japanese software for morphological analysis. Two types of texts are evaluated. (1) Explanation of the outline of well-known accident or trouble. (2) Author's impression about the accident or trouble. Frequencies of verb, adjective, adverb, Rentaishi, conjunction, particle, auxiliary verb and exclamation are compared in both texts. It was found that the frequency of adverb is higher in the author's impressions. The tf-idf of adverb was also examined. it was found that the tf-idfs of adverbs belong to two groups are significantly different., Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
    日本感性工学会論文誌, 2014年04月, [査読有り]
  • Modeling of Personal Thinking and Its Application to Studies of Group Thinking Over the Internet
    Satoru Ozawa; Atsushi Minato; Masanori Itaba; Shigeyuki Murayama; Sarkar Barbaq Quarmal, Author's mathematical model of thinking is modified so that the model covers the non-logical thinking as well as the logical thinking. A computer network system works as a secondary brain in the case of group thinking. It has been shown that the refined model has opened the way to studying group thinking over the Internet, where the non-logical factors sometimes play an important role in obtaining conclusion., IEEE
  • Spectral signatures identifying Instrumenton Spectroscopic Measurementtechnique for Water quality monitoring
    S. H. P. K. Lakesh; D. D. G. L. Dahanayaka; Hideyuki Tonooka; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa, Spectral measurement is an important technology for measuring algal-chlorophyll in surface water. This paper provides a possibility of spectral signatures in the visible and near infrared, associated with experiments could be conduct to use proposed devise for outdoors in water environments. The overall objective of this study was to use development of micro controller basedSpectrometer for findingpossible spectral regions in which chlorophyll-a (Chl-a)could be identified so as to assist the assessment and monitoring of water quality spectrometric method. The main target is to develop very low cost effective with mobility and to get current data by accessing remotely. This study based on the application of linear regression analysis between the meanreflectance values (proposed Micro controlled visible Spectrometer-MVSM-C10988MA-01) across thespectrum and the concentrations of chlorophyll-a (ug/L) acquiredsimultaneously in situ measurement on the same day and time in the IbarakiUniversity Test Pond inJapan., TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD
    D. D. G. L. Dahanayaka; H. Tonooka; M. J. S. Wijeyaratne; A. Minato; S. Ozawa, The suitability of a handheld spectrometer and ASTER satellite data for monitoring Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan was tested in July 2010 to December 2013. ASTER based Chl-a retrieval algorithms were developed support with in-situ Chl-a, MODIS OC3 Chl-a and Kakemaoki and Koshin automated water quality monitoring stations Chl-a. ASTER VNIR band ratio were regressively analyzed with the corrected MODIS Chl-a and automated station values obtained for each ASTER date on a day by day basis. The regression equation of the ASTER band ratio (B1/B2), with highest correlation was used to generate high-resolution Chl-a distribution maps. Significant correlation between the ratio of the reflectance peak at 705 nm and the Chl-a absorption at 678 nm and the in-situ Chl-a content was observed and these reflectance ratios were used to establish spectrometric Chl-a estimation algorithms. Proposed algorithms can be successfully adopted to determine localized environmental effects in the Lake., IEEE
  • Monitoring and predicting eutrophication of Sri Lankan inland waters using ASTER satellite data
    D. D. G. L. Dahanayaka; M. J. S. Wijeyaratne; H. Tonooka; A. Minato; S. Ozawa; B. D. C. Perera, This study focused on determining the past changes and predicting the future trends in eutrophication of the Bolgoda North lake, Sri Lanka using in situ Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) measurements and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflectance Radiometer (ASTER) satellite data. This Lake is located in a mixed land use area with industries, some agricultural lands, middle income and high income housing, tourist hotels and low income housing. From March to October 2013, water samples from five sampling sites were collected once a month parallel to ASTER overpass and Chl-a, nitrate and phosphate contents of each sample were measured using standard laboratory methods. Cloud-free ASTER scenes over the lake during the 2000-2013 periods were acquired for Chl-a estimation and trend analysis. All ASTER images were atmospherically corrected using FLAASH software and in-situ Chl-a data were regressed with atmospherically corrected three ASTER VNIR band ratios of the same date. The regression equation of the band ratio and Chl-a content with the highest correlation, which was the green/red band ratio was used to develop algorithm for generation of 15-m resolution Chl-a distribution maps. According to the ASTER based Chl-a distribution maps it was evident that eutrophication of this lake has gradually increased from 2008-2011. Results also indicated that there had been significantly high eutrophic conditions throughout the year 2013 in several regions, especially in water stagnant areas and adjacent to freshwater outlets. Field observations showed that this lake is receiving various discharges from factories. Unplanned urbanization and inadequacy of proper facilities in the nearby industries for waste management have resulted in the eutrophication of the water body. If the present trends of waste disposal and unplanned urbanization continue, enormous environmental problems would be resulted in future. Results of the present study showed that information from satellite remote sensing can play a useful role in the development of time series Chl-a distribution maps. Such information is important for the future predictions, development and management of this area as well as in the conservation of this water body., SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING
  • Development of Portable CO2 monitoring System
    Chilin Liu; Thammita A. S. Anuruddha; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa, Recently, the concern for global environmental issues has risen all over the world. The increment in concentration of the heat-trapping greenhouse gases that causes global warming in earth's atmosphere became a serious problem. The level of the sea rises by melting glaciers when global-warming advances it. Forecasting the changes of carbon dioxide concentration is a major issue to maintain the stability of the Earth and its species. The measurement of carbon dioxide is also important for agriculture and local industrialization. The density of carbon dioxide varies depending on the environment. The development of a low cost device that detects carbon dioxide density is discusses in this paper. We developed some measurement systems of carbon dioxide for various purpose., TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD
  • Development of inexpensive multi-parameter sensors based network system for water environment monitoring               
    S.H.P.K.Lakesh; D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka; G. Anne Nisha; N. Warnajith; H. Tonooka; A. Minato; S. Ozawa
    Int. J. of Environmental Sciences, 2014年, [査読有り]
  • Chlorophyll monitoring of selected Asian water bodies using modified band-ratio approaches with satellite data               
    DDGL Dahanayaka; Hideyuki Tonooka; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa
    Proc. of International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013 (ISRS 2013), 2013年05月15日
    D. D. G. L. Dahanayaka; H. Tonooka; A. Minato; S. Ozawa, This study provides the capability of mapping, monitoring distribution and changes of regional mangroves using remote sensing data. The study area located in Mekong delta, Vietnam. Landsat ETM+ and digital elevation model (DEM) were used to enhance the discrimination between mangrove and non-mangrove forests and MAD technique was used to assess the changes in the mangrove cover in study area. Results showed that information from satellite remote sensing can play a useful role in determining the changes in land area and mangrove cover in Mekong Delta, especially mangrove forests has been significantly reduced in Tra Vinh province during 2000-2005., IEEE
  • Study of Decision Making Process Using Psychology-Oriented Artificial Society Model, Part 2: Analysis of Decision Making Process in Bangladesh Regarding the Acceptance of Nuclear Power Plants               
    Sarkar Barbaq Quarmal; M. Khaled Kamal; Shanjida Afroj; Nalin Warnajith; Md. Ruhul Amin; Masanori Itaba; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa
    International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research, 2013年01月, [査読有り]
  • Computer Analysis of Photographic Data of Sri Lankan Early Brahmi Inscriptions               
    Nalin Warnajith; Dammi Bandara; Sarkar Barbaq Quarmal; Masanori Itaba; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa
    International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Engineering, 2013年01月, [査読有り]
  • 防災のための気泡管の画像を用いた傾斜計測装置の開発               
    土木学会論文集G(環境),地球環境研究論文集, 2013年, [査読有り]
  • Two decadal trends of surface chlorophyll-a concentrations in tropical lagoon environments in Sri Lanka using satellite and in-situ data               
    D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka; H. Tonooka; M.J.S. Wijeyaratne; A. Minato; S. Ozawa
    Asian J. Geoinformatics, 2013年, [査読有り]
  • Retrieval of chlorophyll-a using satellite and ground spectral data in Japanese and Sri Lankan water bodies
    D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka; H. Tonooka; J. Wijeyaratne; A. Minato; S. Ozawa
    Proc. of SPIE, 2012年11月21日
  • Formation of Knowledge Sharing System for Asia-Pacific Countries by Using Modern Information Techniques               
    Nalin Warnajith; Sarkar Barbaq Quarmal; Masanori Itaba; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa
    International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research, 2012年11月, [査読有り]
  • Prototype of E-Learning Management System for secondary school in Sri Lanka
    Nalin Warnajith; Gamunu Dassanayake; D. D G L Dahanayaka; Hideyuki Tonooka; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa; Meepagalage Piyath Malaka Perera, With the advancement of Information communication Technology in Sri Lanka, teachers should take advantage to upgrade their teaching techniques. Because, E-learning techniques are getting very popular in Sri Lanka. Students should be allowed to learn anytime, anywhere and at their own place. Teachers should be able to keep collection attractive questions and course materials online. Teachers who are from different schools should be able to share resources and exchange ideas through the Internet. The motivation for this research is to solve the problems of shortage of online resources for students under the condition of high student-teacher ratio in Sri Lanka. In order to solve this problem, our research group developed a prototype system called KISSEL. The Knowledge Integration Servers System for E-Learning (KISSEL) is a knowledge sharing platform for E-learning and sustainability sciences which is focused mainly on Asian-Pacific countries. Our system is mainly for school teachers and school children in Asian Pacific countries. © 2012 IEEE.
    2012 International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, ITHET 2012, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Development of coastal water body database on KISSEL server
    D. D G L Dahanayaka; Hideyuki Tonooka; M. J S Wijeyaratne; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa, Monitoring of coastal water bodies in all the relevant aspects was highly important for the sustainable use of those. To achieve this all the research findings should be easy access and presenting those in a user friendly manner will be more advantage. In Sri Lanka, there was not fully or never developed database on research findings especially on coastal water bodies. Thus we developed a Sri Lankan coastal water body database (CWBDS) on KISSEL server system which can be benefitted all the interest communities including general public. Presently it include water quality data over two decades of lagoons and estuaries and in near future it will update with support from universities and research organizations including research on biodiversity, fisheries, land use, socio economics, topography, water circulation, pollution etc. © 2012 IEEE.
    2012 International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, ITHET 2012, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • The planning, implementation and economics of the Knowledge Integration Server System for E-Learning (KISSEL)
    Gamunu Dassanayake; Nalin Warnajith; D. D G L Dahanayaka; Hideyuki Tonooka; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa; Meepagalage Piyath Malaka Perera, E-learning is about bringing education to people instead of bringing people to education. It involves the delivery of contents, courses and training via electronic media such as the Internet and intranet. E-Learning provides just-in-time training delivery as well as flexible access to lifelong learning. It can help organizations re-train their staff and motivate individuals to upgrade their skills with less disruption to work and family life. The Knowledge Integration Servers System for E-Learning (KISSEL) is a knowledge sharing platform for E-learning and sustainability sciences which is focused mainly on Asian-Pacific Countries. It is a kind of open source program to build and setup communities. The KISSEL online courseware management system was developed by the research group of the Ibaraki University, Japan. KISSEL can provide E-learning and information technology base training through its virtual platform. It is a student-centered E-learning environment that satisfies the learning-on-demand need of working with IT professionals, and reduces the learning time by assembling customized courses on demand to meet specific individual needs. The first server under this KISSEL project was established in Bandaranayke College, Gampaha, Sri Lanka in the year 2009. © 2012 IEEE.
    2012 International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, ITHET 2012, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Sound Communication System of LED Using Maximum Length Sequence
    A. Minato; J. LIU; F. GUO; M. ITABA; and S. OZAWA, 筆頭著者, We are developing sound communication system. Modulated LED light is transformed to electromagnetic wave and received by AM radio. Our previous modulation technique has small peaks at AM frequency region. The small peaks cause trouble when multiple sound sources are used with different AM frequencies. We propose new modulation techniques having no small peaks. Power spectrum and sound quality are compared between our modulation techniques., The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan
    J. Light & Vis. Env., 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Study of Decision Making Process using Psychology-Oriented Artificial Society Model               
    S. B. Quarmal; M. Itaba; A. Minato; S. Ozawa
    Canadian Journal on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Monitoring Land Use Changes and their Impacts on the Productivity of Negombo Estuary Sri Lanka Using Time Series Satellite Data               
    D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka; H. Tonooka; M.J.S. Wijeyaratne; A. Minato; S. Ozawa
    Asian Fisheries Science, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Creation of precise alphabet fonts of early Brahmi script from photographic data of ancient SriLankan inscriptions               
    Dammi Bandara; Nalin Warnajith; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa
    Canadian Journal on Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Water quality monitoring in tropical estuarine waters using satellite remote sensing data – case studies from Sri Lanka               
    D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka; H. Tonooka; M.J.S. Wijeyaratne; K.N.S. Warnajith; A. Minato; S. Ozawa
    Proc. of the 7th International Student Conference at Ibaraki University (ISCIU7), 2011年12月
  • Change detection in the channel segment of Negombo estuary, Sri Lanka using time series satellite data and its possible impacts on estuarine productivity               
    Dahanayaka; D.D.G.L; H. Tonooka; M.J.S. Wijeyaratne; A. Minato; S. Ozawa
    Proc. of the 9th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, 2011年04月
    D. D. G. L. Dahanayaka; H. Tonooka; M. J. S. Wijeyaratne; A. Minato; S. Ozawa, In order to estimate chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a) for tropical coastal estuarine environments using satellite optical sensor, observations were conducted from 1987 to 2009 in Negombo estuary, Sri Lanka, with support with available in-situ measurements. Landsat band ratios were regressively analyzed with available in-situ Chl-a data. This relationship was used for correcting MODIS OC3 Chl-a values, and then ASTER band ratios were regressively analyzed with the corrected MODIS values. The regression equations obtained for ASTER and Landsat were used to develop algorithms for generation of 15m and 30m resolution Chl-a distribution maps, respectively, in Negombo estuary using atmospherically-corrected time-series imageries. The results indicate that some parts of the estuary have increased eutrophication conditions during 1987-2009., IEEE
  • 蓄積型コンテンツ配信サービスの感性工学的評価
    谷口 英宣,湊 淳,小澤 哲,加藤 幸司,斎藤 伸雄,刈谷 素彦,山田 徹,高地 宗寿, Analog broadcast will be terminated in July, 2011. Storage-based content distribution is in the spotlight before the boom in digital broadcasting. In 2002, we carried out the research, "Development of satellite based on-demand content distribution systems and verification of effectiveness" which was sponsored by the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA). In this paper, the storage-based content distribution service is evaluated from four viewpoints, interest, taste, selection and satisfaction. As the result of the evaluation, most of all generations had interested in this service. The selection of contents is almost the same as one of existing broadcasting. In addition, it was found that the restriction of viewer by IC card and the operability of remote controller were important for the storage-based content distribution service., Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
    日本感性工学会論文誌, 2011年, [査読有り]
    H. TANIGUCHI; A. MINATO; S. OZAWA; K. KATO; N. SAITO; M. KARIYA; T. YAMADA and M. KOCHI, Analog broadcast was terminated in July, 2011. Storage-based content distribution service is in the spotlight before the boom in digital broadcasting. We carried out the research, " Development of satellite based on-demand content distribution systems and verification of effectiveness" which was sponsored by the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA). In this paper, the storage-based content distribution service is evaluated from three viewpoints, taste, affinity and selection. As the results of the evaluation, the selection of contents and viewing time is almost as same as one of the existing broadcasting. It was found that the operability of remote controller were important for the storage-based content distribution service. In addition, it was found that the restriction of viewer by a chip card was strongly needed. © 2011 IEEE.
    Int. Conf. on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering (ICBAKE), 2011年, [査読有り]
  • How to give support to E-Learning System for students by the application of portable machines as mobile terminals               
    V Patu; E. T Ualesi; A Ualesi; K N S Warnajith; D G L Dahanayaka; A Minato; H. Noguchi; S Ozawa
    Journal of Interactive Learning Research JILR, 2011年, [査読有り]
  • Spatial Distribution of Sea grass species and associated fauna in the Lagoon Environment: Case study in Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka               
    D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka; M.J.S. Wijeyaratne; G. Dassanayake; K.N.S. Warnajith; H. Tonooka; A. Minato; S. Ozawa
    Proc. of the 6th International Student Conference at Ibaraki University (ISCIU6), 2010年11月
  • Role of Science, Scientist and ICT for Sustainable development of Human Society               
    S. Ozawa; G. Dassanayake; V. Patu; S. Barbaq Quarmal; H. Tonooka; H. Noguchi; M. Itaba; A. Minato
    Journal for Social Sciences- Sri Lanka, 2010年, [査読有り]
  • Teachers experience as e-learning students based on a case study conducted within the National University of Samoa               
    V Patu; H Salanoa; E. T Ualesi; A Ualesi; K N S Warnajith; D G L Dahanayaka; A Minato; H. Noguchi; S Ozawa
    Journal of Pacific Studies JPacS, 2010年, [査読有り]
  • 物理教育のための超音波を利用したマイクロコンピュータによる速度計測               
    電気学会論文誌C, 2009年12月, [査読有り]
  • 垂直判定センサの開発と写真測量への応用
    郭福会,湊淳,Ravindra Jayasekara,桑原祐史,小澤哲,土田寛, 土木学会
    (社)土木学会 情報利用技術論文集, 2009年10月, [査読有り]
  • Storage method of printed circuit boards images for inspection using motion image format
    Akihiro Masaya; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa, As a way to store still images of a printed circuit board, retaining the high quality of the original images and at the same time providing a high compression ratio, we propose a new storage method that converts a series of still images into a dynamic image format. In this method, the bitmap file of the original images of a printed circuit board is converted into an audio video interleave (AVI) format. A number of enlarged shot images of the same point on the printed circuit board are collected to generate many similar images. Therefore, the original still image file can be treated as a frame image of successive dynamic images. This study evaluated the compression ratio and quality of the compressed images by conducting a compression experiment with the image files of a printed circuit board. To evaluate image quality, we compared differences between the original image and converted images at the same point and determined the average values and variation of the differences. The results of the image file compression experiment showed that while block noise occurred in the JPEG format conversion process, it was rarely found with this proposed AVI format conversion method. When the images in the AVI format files were compared with those in JPEG format files, the results confirmed that in terms of image quality the AVI files are equivalent to JPEG (Quality 100) and are superior to JPEG (Quality 50) files. In terms of compression, the AVI files have an approximately ten times higher compression ratio than JPEG (Quality 100) files and are equivalent to JPEG (Quality 50) files.
    Journal of Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging, 2009年01月, [査読有り]
  • Velocity measurement by microcomputer using supersonic wave for physics education
    Fuhui Guo; Atsushi Minato; Masanori Itaba; Satoru Ozawa, In this paper, we propose a velocity measurement method using period of supersonic wave for physics education. We separate a transmitter and a receiver in this method. The transmitter is put on the movement body and transmits the supersonic wave of 40kHz continuously. The receiver converts the supersonic wave into a digital square wave. A microcomputer with two timer counters is used in this method. The timer counters count the square wave and the system clock. The period of supersonic wave is calculated by these values of counters and the velocity measurement of the movement body becomes possible by the Doppler effects. We examine the characteristic and the effectiveness of this method by fundamental experiment., Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 2009年, [査読有り]
  • On natural disasters in the Asia Pacific Region               
    S. Ozawa; G. Dassanayake; V. Patu; H. Tonooka; H. Noguchi; M. Itaba; A. Minato; K. Karunathilake
    Journal for Social Sciences- Sri Lanka, 2009年, [査読有り]
  • プリント回路板の外観検査画像の動画像フォーマットを用いた保存方法に関する提案               
    エレクトロニクス実装学会誌, 2009年01月, [査読有り]
  • Improvement of Graduate Education Using High definition Video Course Material,               
    Dassanayake G; Patu V; Minato A; Fernando S; Wijewickrama S; Fuse M; Noguchi H; Ozawa S
    International Journal of Learning,, 2008年
  • Computer Experiments on Collisions of Linear and Nonlinear Waves with Defects in Two-Dimensional Square Lattice with Nearest Neighbor and Next Nearest Neighbor Interactions
    Yoshioka; Itaba; Komuro; Minato; Ozawa and Hiki, A molecular dynamics computer simulation has been carried Out for a two-dimensional (2D) Square lattice Model crystal. Anharmonic central forces LIP to the third order are considered for the nearest neighbor and next nearest neighbor interatomic interactions. Pulse input displacements ire applied simultaneously to all of the edge atoms at one end of the model crystal, and displacements. velocities. and energies of all atoms in the crystal are calculated as a function of time. Two types of wave are seen in the crystal depending on the excitation conditions. When the input pulse is small, the wave has characteristics of "phonon". When the input pulse is large. it has characteristics of "soliton". A slit-shaped or linear array of defect atoms is placed at the center of the crystal. The waves are scattered by the defect atoms, The dependences of the scattering on the mass of the defect atoms, the interatomic interaction parameters, and the size Of the opening of the slit are studied. The experimental results are represented in 2D colored maps., JAPAN SOC APPLIED PHYSICS
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2008年, [査読有り]
  • Proposal of disaster management and recovery solutions (DMRS) for future natural disasters               
    J. Munasinghe; D. Dharmathilaka; S. Fernando; G. Dassanayake; V. Patu; W. Herath; H. Tonooka; A. Minato; S. Ozawa
    Proc. of the 3rd International Student Conference at Ibaraki University (ISCIU3), 2007年10月
  • A New Lighting Communication System for Audio Signal with White LED
    S. LIU; A. Minato; S. Ozawa; M. Nakagawa, 責任著者, Light Emitting Diode (LED) is expected as the lighting source of next generation because they are long life, small size, and low power consumption, etc. In previous paper, we proposed a simple visible-light transmission system for sound using white LED. However, the flicker of light is sensed if the transmitted sound signal has the low frequency component. In this study, we propose improved modulation technique to overcome the flicker. LED can transmit audio signal while it is used for lighting source. We verified that it is possible to communicate with the received luminous flux of 1.1×10-5 lm without flicker. We also evaluated the effects of interference by plural LEDs., The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan
    J. Light & Vis. Env., 2007年08月, [査読有り]
  • 理系基礎教育の充実に向けての試みⅡ-茨城大学における「1変数微分積分」授業の標準化-
    榊原暢久,五十嵐浩,栗原和美,曽我日出夫,千葉康生,藤間昌一,藤原高徳,湊淳, 公益社団法人日本数学教育学会
    日本数学教育学会高専・大学部会論文誌, 2007年08月, [査読有り]
  • パターンマッチングによる顔画像の自動追跡法の開発と不登校児童カウンセリングへの応用
    知念正紀,小野昌彦,湊淳,小澤哲, We are developing a technique to monitor information during the training for non-attendant student. We found the forward-bent of patient can be a parameter indicating the mental condition of client. The training was recorded by a digital video-camera. After the training, the forward-bent was measured manually from recorded pictures. In this paper, we reports the application of pattern matching technique to measure the forward-bent. As result of preliminary experiment, it was found that the downward distance calculated by the matching technique and the distance obtained manually are mutually related. In addition, frequency analysis is enabled by this technique. We examined possibility to grasp strain state of mind by frequency analysis, for example, stiff movement by strain of mind, and to be relaxed by change of frequency distribution. We developed a DV camera system in this analysis, but Video capture from a DV camera and conversion work to huge number of still image is necessary. We plan the camera interface connection such as IEE1394or USB2.0 protocol to a PC directly and an image transfer to memory improves efficiency., The Society of Life Support Engineering
    ライフサポート, 2007年03月, [査読有り]
  • LEDと光電池を使用した時間計測実験装置の開発
    岡野道也,山崎弘道,湊淳,小澤哲, 加速度運動などの理解のためには,法則から導かれる理論的な予測と実験結果を比較することは非常に重要である。このためには,生徒にとって理解しやすい方法で,簡単に測定を行うことが不可欠である。そこでLEDと光電池をセンサーとし,PCとソフトからなるシンプルな装置を使い,簡単な操作で時間測定ができる装置を開発した。これまで演習問題を解くだけであった「運動の法則」などの事象が,実験前に結果を予測し,測定値が予測値とほぼ一致することで,法則などが正しいことを実験を通して確認することができるようになった。, 日本物理教育学会
    物理教育, 2007年03月, [査読有り]
  • グラフィックス・コンピュータ・シミュレーションを活用した社内教育及びセールスエンジニアのためのEラーニングコンテンツの開発
    石崎英司,湊淳,小澤哲, 吸着塔内での吸着ガスの挙動(Gas Adsorption Dynamics)をコンピュータ・シミュレーションの手法を用いて定式化し,その計算結果をPCディスプレイ上に表現することにより,ガス吸着過程を視覚的に学習できる吸着シミュレーターの開発を行った。ここでは,入力ボックスから種々のパラメーターを入力することにより,吸着条件を簡単に変化させることができる。吸着塔内部の複雑な吸着の様子をPCディスプレイ上にダイナミックにグラフィック表示させることにより,複雑なガス吸着過程を支配する基本的要因を容易に理解することが可能になった。この吸着シミュレーターは,社内教育用資料として,またセールスエンジニアリングの分野において,有効に利用されうることが分かった。吸着シミュレーターを使った学習システムは学習者の力量に応じて最適の学習プログラムを学習者ごとに設定できるという利点がある。その結果この自由な学習過程を通じて,学習者は自ずと吸着現象・吸着技術に興味を持つようになる。この教育システムは自律的で継続的な学習を支援できるという意味で有意義である。またセールスエンジニアリングの分野においてこの学習システムを使えば,顧客のエンジニア自身が吸着条件を変更し,それによる吸着塔内部の変化を視覚的に確認できるために,セールスエンジニアはより説得力のあるプロポーザルを作成できることが分かった。, CIEC
    コンピュータ&エデュケーション, 2006年12月, [査読有り]
  • エントロピー概念を用いたエネルギー環境教育の実践
    綿引 隆文; 湊 淳; 小澤 哲, 高校の物理の授業の中に,エントロピーを定性的に,または半定量的に導入して,エネルギー環境教育を実践してきたその内容を報告する。合わせて約20年前の生徒の感想から最近のものまで紹介する。, 日本物理教育学会
    物理教育, 2006年06月, [査読有り]
  • PWM変調とAM受信で構成された簡易可視光通信システム
    湊淳,伊多波正徳,小澤哲 ,中川正雄, 筆頭著者, 可視光による音声の伝送方法を提案する.パルス幅変調された音声と数百kHzの矩形波の論理積で光源を変調する.光検出器の信号を, 電磁波としてAMラジオに送り信号の復調を行う.LEDを用いて2mの距離で受信が可能なことを確認した., 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会
    電子情報通信学会誌,, 2005年12月, [査読有り]
  • 実験・観察と説明用教具を組み合わせた波の干渉の指導
    関口隆司,湊淳,小澤哲,岡野道也, 高校「物理I」の波動の単元では,波の性質,音と音波,光と光波について学ぶが,これらの学習の中で柱となるのが干渉である。教科書等の干渉の仕組みを説明する図は,ある瞬間だけを表現しており,納得しない生徒が多かった。そこで,時間とともにどのように干渉するのか,動的に示す説明用教具を製作した。また,新たに開発した大型クインケ管や実験映像を用いて,実際に音や波の干渉を体験させ,その上で説明用教具で干渉の仕組みを説明することにより,生徒の理解を確かなものにすることができた。, 日本物理教育学会
    物理教育, 2005年12月, [査読有り]
  • ワンチップマイコンを用いた台車搭載型速度計の開発とこれをもちいた「運動量の保存」学習の導入
    関口隆司,湊淳,小澤哲, 運動量保存は,力学的エネルギー保存と並んで,自然を探求する上で極めて重要な役割を果たす法則である。大学入試問題で頻出されるのも,その重要性からであろう。そこで,運動量の学習の導入の段階で,直衝突において運動量が保存することを演示実験で示し,運動量の重要性を生徒に納得させる授業を考えた。授業は,問題提起と実験を組み合わせて展開するものとし,また,実験が効率よく行え,訴求力のあるものとなるよう,台車搭載型の速度計をワンチップマイコンを用いて開発した。, 日本物理教育学会
    物理教育, 2005年09月
  • 高等学校物理教科書に見られる質量概念の取り扱いと問題点
    綿引隆文,湊淳,小澤哲, 質量が慣性の大小を表すということを,旧教育課程時代の物理IBと新教育課程の物理Iの教科書が,どのように取り扱っているかを調べた。全体的に,物理Iになって改善傾向が見られるが,依然,問題点も残っている。その実態を報告する。, 日本物理教育学会
    物理教育, 2005年09月, [査読有り]
  • 高等学校物理「運動量の保存」の指導における画像解析手法の応用
    関口隆司,湊淳,小澤哲, 高等学校の力学の分野で学ぶ「運動量」,「運動量の保存」は,ベクトルとしての取り扱いが必要であるため,指導が難しい。実験を交えて講義を進めることができれば,指導の難しさを改善できるが,講義の合間という限られた時間内に,解析に耐える実験を行うことは困難であった。そこで,2つのエアーパックが平面内で分裂する運動を映像化し,これをコンピュータを用いて画像解析して,運動量の保存を検証しながら展開する授業を開発した。シミュレーションではなく実際の運動そのものを提示し,提示した映像から位置データを求めるなど,提示と測定と処理をリンクさせたため,生徒が興味・関心を持って授業に参加するようになった。ベクトルの演算についても,コンピュータの画面上でベクトルを動的に取り扱うことにより,生徒が容易に理解するようになった。また,自作したエアーパックと滑走台を使って,極めて摩擦が少ない状態での分裂運動を映像にしたため,十分な精度で運動量の保存を検証することができる。これにより,運動量の保存を納得とともに理解させることができるようになった。, CIEC
    コンピュータ&エデュケーション, 2005年06月
  • 質量概念の授業実践と概念の形成過程についての考察
    綿引 隆文; 湊 淳; 小澤 哲, 質量概念の形成のために,一連の授業のプログラムを組んで実践してきた。いくつかの現場で改良しながら実践してきたが,生徒の反応は良好である。2003年度のあるクラスの授業と生徒の反応を中心に追いながら,概念形成の過程と望ましい授業のあり方について考える。, 日本物理教育学会
    物理教育, 2005年06月
  • Academia and industry collaboration in the field of sales engineering
    E Ishizaki; A Minato; S Ozawa, Academia and industry collaborations have been carried out in the field of research to develop products or systems. The scientific data accumulated through such research and Field Technical Services (FTS) activities can be used not only for working out new products or systems, but also for developing modern tools for sales engineers, if the presentation method of the research data is refined by multimedia techniques that are now commonly utilised in e-education. The present paper deals with an example of academia and industry collaboration in this field. The start of the collaboration involved computational research of a gas adsorption process onto the surface of a molecular sieve zeolite material. The obtained data were available for understanding gas adsorption dynamics in relation to the characteristics of the molecular sieve zeolite products. The obtained data were also conveniently used when sales engineers explained their products to customers. The important role of sales engineers is to give scientific information about products and systems, and to share this knowledge with customers. In this sense, the work of sales engineers is essentially educating customers. In this paper, the authors show an example of e-education systems that can be used for sales engineering., UICEE, FACULTY ENGINEERING
    4th Asia-Pacific Forum on Engineering and Technology Education, Forum Proceedings, 2005年, [査読有り]
  • Increasing the rate of going on to university and quality assurance in engineering education: high school side activities
    T Sekiguchi; T Watahiki; A Minato; S Ozawa, In a few years, as the result of the fewer number of children problem, all candidates for higher education at Japanese high schools will be allowed to enter universities or colleges. University education cannot be elite education, but should just be a natural extension of compulsory education. This is in significant contrast to the situation from a few decades ago, when universities could select high quality students through very competitive entrance examinations. The system of Japanese entrance examinations has deformed high-school education from its rightful state. The present situation of reduced competition can be the starting point for the reconstruction of high-school education, which will lead to quality assurance in engineering education at universities. This paper deals with an example of high-school side activities to maintain the standard of engineering education. Improvements in high-school education is based upon the following: preparations of high quality demonstration experiments of physics that help students to understand physics through observations, and a questionnaire study to check whether high-school students have acquired the correct concepts of physical quantities in their classes. This is discussed in relation to quality assurance in engineering education., UICEE, FACULTY ENGINEERING
    4th Asia-Pacific Forum on Engineering and Technology Education, Forum Proceedings, 2005年, [査読有り]
  • 2値画像の輪郭線抽出へのシミュレーテッドアニーリングの応用
    湊 淳,小澤 哲, 筆頭著者, ノイズを合む2値画像から輪郭線を抽出するために,シミュレーテッドアニーリングを用いて輪郭線上に粒子を配置する方法を提案する.本手法では,2値画像によりポテンシャルエネルギーが与えられる空間中で相互作用する粒子系のモデルを用いている., 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会
    電子情報通信学会誌, 2005年
  • 高校における質量概念形成の実態と問題点
    綿引隆文,湊淳,小澤哲, 高校生は,質量概念について,顕著な前概念を持つことが知られている。複数の学校において,学習前と学習後の生徒に調査を行ったところ,学習後も質量概念について,十分な概念形成がなされていないことがわかった。伝統的に行われてきた授業や実践についての問題点を明らかにする。, 日本物理教育学会
    物理教育, 2005年
  • 顧客の商品に対する感性の購入意思決定・品質予測への影響分析―高い顧客満足を得られる商品開発に関する研究(2)-
    石田厚子,湊 淳,小澤 哲, In connection with progress of technology, products with good function and performance are thrown into the market one after another and they give great influences on business or life. On the other hand, however they may have good quality, they cannot be necessarily accepted in a market and obtain customer satisfaction. In this paper, we argued about effects of customers' sensitivity to products and technology on intension of purchase and quality prediction. At first, we defined a concept of 'quality of products' and 'customer's prediction to quality', and modeled 'intension of purchase' and 'customer satisfaction' with them. Next, we analyzed influence of customers' sensitivity to products and technology on 'customer's prediction to quality' and 'intension of purchase' by experiments using questionnaires. At last, we proposed ways of offering information according to customers' sensitivity. They might give good effects on customer satisfaction., Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
    感性工学, 2005年
  • 高専の情報基礎科目のためのVOD-WBTシステムの開発
    布施雅彦,湊淳,小澤哲, ワープロ・表計算ソフトなどのビジネスソフトの基本的利用法とその応用技術をVODで視聴して学習できるWBTシステムを開発した。このシステムは,学習項目をマウスを使って簡単に検索操作ができ,正規の授業以外に,自宅学習のツールとして自由にネットからアクセスして利用できるシステムである。学習者のペースで自由に学習可能であるために,学生の学習意欲が向上し,効率よく短期間に学習できるようになった。このシステムを実際に授業で利用して,学生の学習効率が向上することを確認した。, CIEC
    コンピュータ&エデュケーション, 2005年
  • eラーニングを利用した事前擬似体験学習が学習意欲に与える効果-VR資料館コンテンツ開発-
    布施雅彦,湊淳,小澤哲, バーチャルリアリティーとマルチメディア技術を利用した資料館サイトを制作し,インターネットから疑似体験学習が可能なシステムを開発した。実際訪問してもできないような体験をコンピュータならではの機能を組み込み,ゲーム感覚で体験できる学習システムで,学習者の興味・関心を引き出すことができた。, CIEC
    コンピュータ&エデュケーション, 2005年
  • ITコンサルティング顧客満足度向上への影響要因と制御―高い顧客満足を得られる商品開発に関する研究(3)-
    石田厚子,湊淳,小澤哲, Recently, customers want not only products themselves but also know how and service annexed to them. In this paper, we made a study of 'consulting service', especially 'information technology (IT) consulting'. We analyzed a relation between a sensual quality of service and a level of customer delight, and got a result that correlation was influenced by communications between clients and consultants. At first, we defined structure and quality of consulting service, and made a model of customer delight with quality of service. Next, we analyzed customers' responses to questions about real IT consulting cases, and introduced influential elements to customer delight and ways of improving them. Further, we noticed a fact that these elements were affected by a relationship between clients and consultants. At last, we suggested that good communications were essential to customer delight., Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
    感性工学, 2005年
  • Computer Experiments on Scattering of Atmic Excitations by Defects in Model Crystals
    R. KOMURO; M. ITABA; A. MINATO; S. OZAWA and Y. HIKI, A molecular dynamics computer simulation has been carried out for a monatomic, anharmonic, and two-dimensional hexagonal model crystal. Central forces between the nearest neighbor atoms and anharmonic forces up to the third order are considered. Pulse input displacements are applied to the line of atoms at one end of a rectangular crystal, and the atomic excitations propagating in the crystal are observed. The excitations are shown to be phonons or solitons when the applied pulse is small or large, respectively. A mass defect - an atom of which the mass is lighter or heavier than that of the lattice atoms - is placed near the center of the crystal. The excitation is scattered by the defect, and the simulations are made for various cases of large and small inputs, and light and heavy mass defects. The obtained results are represented using two-dimensional maps. The intention of the study and the significance of the results are briefly discussed., INST PURE APPLIED PHYSICS
    Jpn.J.Appl.Phys, 2004年
  • 先進的ビジネスモデル/商品発想への機械工学分野の発明技法‘TRIZ’の適用 -高い顧客満足を得られる商品開発に関する研究(1)-
    石田厚子,湊淳,小澤哲, Most companies have many subjects around their business, and wish fast and effective solutions with new information technologies. Around 2000, we found that similar solutions were used in robotics and business systems. We thought that it might be possible to change business strategy or to create innovative business models and products with mechanical problem solving way. We tried to use 40 Inventive Principles and a Contradiction matrix of 'invention methodology TRIZ'. At first, we defined essential subjects and contradictions on business, and made 'business idea database' using TRIZ. In the situation, we defined a 'business / products strategy classification' and an 'information technology classification' which represented current and future business and technologies. We translated mechanical concepts into business concepts. Next, we proposed a process of conceiving innovative business models and products, using 'business idea database'. At the same time, we presented an example of application. At last, we evaluated this methodology, using real business models and innovative products. As a result, it was found that TRIZ could be effective for systematic business solutions development., Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
    感性工学会論文集, 2004年
  • フラウンホーファー線による水素の存在の観察授業
    関口隆司,湊淳,小澤哲, 高等学校の「光のスペクトル」の単元では,スペクトルの名称を学ぶ程度で,実験・観察においてもカドミウムなどのスペクトルをただ眺めるだけで終わっている。スペクトルをクラス全体の生徒に同時に示すことができれば,吸収スペクトルの観察や,フラウンホーファー線の観察から,太陽大気中に水素が存在することを検証することができる。そこで,スペクトルをTVモニター上で観察する装置を開発して,これらの実験を実現した。, 日本物理教育学会
    物理教育, 2004年
  • Computer simulation study on propagation of nonlinear waves through heavily defective crystals
    Y. Hiki; M. Itaba; R. Komuro; A. Minato; and S. Ozawa, A molecular dynamics computer simulation has been performed for a monatomic, anharmonic, and two-dimensional hexagonal crystal. Central forces between the nearest neighbor atoms and anharmonic forces up to the third order are considered. Pulse displacements are applied to the line of atoms at the left end of a rectangular model crystal, in the right half of which a number of light or heavy mass defects are randomly placed. Phonons or solitons propagating in the crystal and scattered by the defects are observed. (C) 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim., WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH
    physica status solidi (c), 2004年
  • Computer simulation of propagation of nonlinear waves interacting with a small number of point mass defects
    S Ozawa; R Komuro; M Itaba; A Minato; Y Hiki, A molecular dynamics computer simulation has been performed for a monatomic, anharmonic, and two-dimensional hexagonal crystal. Central forces between the nearest neighbor atoms and anharmonic forces up to the third order are considered. Pulse displacements are applied to the line of atoms at the left end of a rectangular model crystal, in the middle of which two light or heavy mass defects are placed. Phonons or solitons propagating in the crystal and scattered by the defects are observed. (C) 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim., WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH
    physica status solidi (c), 2004年
  • 2次元六方晶系モデル結晶における非線形波の伝搬に関する計算機実験
    伊多波 正徳; 湊 淳; 小澤 哲; 比企 能夫, 2次元六方格子質量-バネモデル結晶について分子動力学計算機実験を行った。非調和力を3次の項まで、また、中心力を最近接と第2近接原子について考慮した。入力変位を結晶面の原子に与え、結晶中の原子に誘導された変位と全エネルギーを計算した。結晶の2つの方向について、入力変位を与えると、ソリトンが原子の励起として観測された。最近接原子間ポテンシャルと第2近接原子間ポテンシャルの比に対する生成されたソリトンの伝搬速度および強さについて調査した。, Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan
    Journal of Computer Chemistory, 2003年
  • Computer Experiments on Soliton Production for Realizing Laboratory Experiments
    M. ITABA; A. MINATO; S. OZAWA and Y. Hiki, Molecular dynamics computer experiments have been carried out for two-dimensional hexagonal mass-spring model crystals. Anharmonic forces up to the third order were taken into account, and central forces were considered between the nearest neighbor atoms. Input pulse displacements were given to atoms on the crystal surface, and induced displacements and velocities of all atoms in the crystal were computed. Solitons were produced as the atomic excitation, and the propagation velocity and the strength of solitons were enumerated. The dependences of these two quantities on the pulse application direction and on two parameters, the magnitudes of the input pulse and the higher order force constant, were investigated. Two crystallographic directions were taken for the input pulse direction, and values of the two parameters were widely varied. On the basis of the results of the simulation, a possible laboratory experiment of soliton production was considered., INST PURE APPLIED PHYSICS
    Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 2002年05月
  • Computer Experiments on Phonons and Solitons in Two-dimensional Hexagonal Crystals
    M Itaba; A Minato; S Ozawa; Y Hiki, A molecular dynamics computer simulation was carried out for two-dimensional anharmonic mass-spring model crystals. Instead of the square lattice crystals in our previous study, hexagonal lattice crystals were chosen. Interactions between the nearest neighbor and the next nearest neighbor atoms were taken into account. Mechanical excitations produced in the lattice by an input pulse displacement applied on the edge of the crystal were studied. Phonons and solitons were, respectively, produced when the input was small and not small. Our interest was focused on anticipating probable laboratory experiment of soliton production in real crystals. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
    Physica, 2002年
  • Optical Design of a Space Retroreflector Using a Hybrid Search
    Masanori Itaba; Atsushi Minato; Hiroki Azumi; Satoru Ozawa; Nobuo Sugimoto, 責任著者, Retroreflectors on satellites are used as targets for laser ranging and laser long-path absorption measurements of atmospheric trace species. To compensate for the velocity aberration, slight tuning of the design is necessary. The curvatures of mirrors, the angles between mirrors, and the direction of the retroreflector on the satellite must be tuned to optimize the optical efficiency of the retroreflector. An enumerative scheme is not applicable when the number of parameters is large. We proposed earlier a technique using a genetic algorithm for the optical design of a space retroreflector.(1)) In this paper, we have improved the method introducing a hybrid technique that is a combination of a genetic algorithm and simulated annealing., OPTICAL SOC JAPAN
    Optical Review, 2002年
  • 授業イメージアンケートによる高専の情報科目における授業分析方法の試み
    布施 雅彦; 湊 淳; 小澤 哲, 日々の授業が過ぎていく一斉授業の中で、毎回の授業が学生にとって充実した授業を行えているか、理解が不十分で悩んでいる学生がいないか疑問である。学生の授業での「つまずき」は非常に発見することが難しい。そこで、自分が担当する高専での情報科目において、ネットワークコンピュータを利用し毎回の授業の終わりに、授業イメージアンケートを実施し、授業毎に授業分析と個人分析を行った。そして、次の授業にフィードバックできるような情報を導き出す支援システムの構築を試み、それを利用して授業を約2年間行った。その分析結果について考察し、授業改善・個別指導において、授業で役立てることができたことを報告する。, CIEC
    コピュータ&エデュケーション, 2002年
  • ビデオオンデマンドとウェブデータベースを利用した相互・自己評価システムの開発 ―高専における問題解決学習の事例―               
    教育システム情報学会誌, 2002年
  • 高校の物理教育のためのビデオ画像を用いたコンピュータによる新しい教育手法の開発
    布施 雅彦; 鈴木 三男; 湊 淳; 小澤 哲; 増田 健二, 物理では現象を理解させるために、演示実験が授業の動機づけの手段として良く用いられる。授業展開で演示実験をより効果的に行うために、演示実験をデジタルビデオカメラで撮影し、コンピュータで処理しビデオ画像を解析する新たな方法を試みた。空気中および水中での落下運動に注目し、空気中の自由落下と物体の落下運動中に、重力の他に速度に関係した抵抗が働く落下運動の解析を行った。この解析結果を踏まえ、擬似体験実験用教材に再加工した。実際の授業では演示実験を行った後、学生1人1人がその教材利用してビデオ画像解析する方法で、運動解析を行う擬似体験一斉実験を試みた。, CIEC
    コンピュータ&エデュケーション, 2002年
  • 衛星マルチスペクトル画像の感性依存型濃度変換システムの開発(共著)               
    湊淳; 桑原祐史; 戸田高明; 越前暢子; 志摩邦雄; 小沢哲; 小柳武和, 筆頭著者
    応用測量論文集, 2001年
  • カオス変調レーザダイオードを用いた測距手法の基礎実験(共著)               
    湊 淳; 伊多波 正徳; 若狭 雅哉; 小澤 哲, 筆頭著者
    計測自動制御学会論文集, 2001年
  • Computer Experiments on Solitons in Three Dimensional Crystals with Nearest-Neighbor and Next-Nearest-Neighbor Atomic Interactions(共著)
    MA Joarder; A Minato; S Ozawa; Y Hiki, Molecular dynamics simulation was performed for three-dimensional (3D) cubic mass-spring model crystals. Anharmonic potential up to the fourth order was taken into account, and central forces between the nearest neighbor (nn) and the next nearest neighbor (nnn) atoms were considered. The ratio of the potential between the nnn atoms to the potential between the nn atoms was varied. An input pulse displacement was given to central atomic planes in the crystal or to the end atomic plane of the crystal, and induced displacements and velocities of all atoms were computed. As the nnn interaction was enhanced, the soliton velocity increased and the soliton energy decreased. The results were compared with those of ID and 2D crystals obtained previously. The increase of soliton velocity due to the enhanced min interaction was largest for ID crystals, and the decrease of soliton energy was smallest for 2D crystals. Discussions and remarks were presented for these results., INST PURE APPLIED PHYSICS
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2001年
  • Optical Design of a Hollow Cube-Corner Retroreflector for a Geosynchronous Satellite(共著)
    Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa; Nobuo Sugimoto, 筆頭著者, The optical characteristics of a single-element hollow cube-corner retroreflector for a geosynchranous satellite were numerically evaluated for laser ranging and laser long-path absorption measurements of atmospheric species. An optical design with spherical surfaces and tuned dihedral angles was considered to compensate for velocity aberrations. The parameters for the retroreflector were optimized with genetic algorithms for different retroreflector sizes and wavelengths (500 nm and 1, 3, and 10 mum). We found that 20-cm retroreflectors are sufficient for realistic measurements when the laser wavelength is 500 nm or 1 pm. However, a larger retroreflector is necessary to overcome the detector noise level at 3 and 10 mum. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America., OPTICAL SOC AMER
    Applied Optics, 2001年
  • 顔画像および身体情報解析手法の開発と不登校カウンセリングへの応用
    南野 猛; 小野 昌彦; 湊 淳; 小澤 哲, The progressive relaxation training, which belongs to the systematic desensitization method for students having social withdrawals, is employed to decrease client's anxiety. Up to now, understanding the progress of treatment depends on the skilled counselor's experience. Therefore, development of objective evaluating method is necessary. We tried to apply analyzing technique for client's face image. Simultaneously the temperature of client is also measured to evaluate the progressive relaxation training. As a result, it was found that the bend of face, the brain wave and the skin temperature could become a parameter to understand the progress of treatment., Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
    感性工学会論文集, 2001年
  • Computer experiments on Propagation of Nonlinear Waves in Model Crystals with Next-Nearest-Neighbor Atomic Interactions(共著)
    MMA Joarder; A Minato; S Ozawa; Y Hiki, Molecular dynamics computer simulations were performed for one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) anharmonic mass-spring model crystals. Anharmonic potentials up to the fourth order were taken into account. Central forces were considered between the nearest-neighbor (nn) and the next-nearest-neighbor (nnn) atoms. The ratio of the potential between the nnn atoms to the potential between the nn atoms was varied. An input pulse displacement was given to definite atoms in the crystal and induced displacements and velocities of all atoms were computed. Propagating solitons were produced as atomic excitations and the energy of the excitation was sharply concentrated in the solitons. Simulations were mainly carried out to study the influence of interatomic interactions in the crystal, short-range or long-range in character. upon the soliton production., JAPAN J APPLIED PHYSICS
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2000年
  • A Good Sampling Method for Guessing Rectangles in[0, 1]2(共著)               
    Forma, 2000年
  • Computer Experiments on Propagation of Soliton in Crystals(共著)
    S Ozawa; MMA Joarder; A Minato; Y Hiki, Molecular dynamics computer simulation was carried out for homogeneous one-dimensional crystals and Langmuir-Blogett chain crystals. A mass-spring model was used, and the anharmonic interatomic potential up to the fourth order was taken into account. The total number of atoms was 120, and an end of the crystal was free to move and the other end fixed. An input pulse was applied to a couple of free end atoms, and the displacements and kinetic energies of all atoms in the crystal were computed. Solitons and phonons were produced, propagated and reflected at the ends of the crystal. Long-period propagation of stable solitons was observed in homogeneous crystals and in one-layer LB chain crystals. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
    J. Alloys Comp., 2000年
  • Earth-Satellite-Earth laser long-path absorption experiment using the Retroreflector in Space(RIS)on the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite(共著)
    Nobuo Sugimoto; Nobuhiko Koga; Ichiro Matsui; Yasuhiro Sasano; Atsushi Minato; Kenichi Ozawa; Yasunori Saito; Akio Nomura; Tetsuo Aoki; Toshikazu Itabe, This paper reports the results of the laser long-path absorption experiments carried out with the Retroreflector in Space (RIS) on the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). The RIS is a 0.5 m diameter single-element hollow retroreflector with a unique optical design which uses a curved mirror surface to correct velocity aberrations caused by the satellite movement. In the RIS experiments a laser beam was transmitted from a ground station, reflected by the RIS, and received back at the ground station. The absorption of the intervening atmosphere was measured in the round-trip optical path. After the launch of the ADEOS in August 1996, the optical characteristics of the RIS were tested, and it was confirmed that the RIS worked well in orbit. The spectroscopic measurement was carried out with the single-longitudinal-mode TEA CO2 lasers by means of the method utilizing the Doppler shift of the reflected beam caused by the movement of the satellite. The spectrum of ozone was successfully measured in the 10 mu m region, and the measurement of the column contents of ozone was validated with the simultaneous heterodyne spectrometer measurement. In June 1997, however, the experiment with the RIS was discontinued due to the malfunction of the ADEOS solar paddle., IOP PUBLISHING LTD
    J. Opt. A : Pure Appl. Opt., 1999年
  • Computer experiments on surface excitation in three-dimensional model crystal(共著)
    Y Hiki; R Komuro; A Minato; S Ozawa, Molecular dynamics computer simulations were carried out for three-dimensional anharmonic mass-spring model crystals. Between the nearest and next nearest neighbor atoms central forces were considered, and anharmonic potential up to the fourth order was taken into account. An input pulse displacement was given to atomic rows on a free surface of the crystal, and the induced displacements on the surface and in the bulk of the crystal were computed. Solitons were: produced as atomic excitations when only the nearest neighbor atomic interactions were considered. Simulations were carried out under various computational conditions to determine the characteristics of soliton production., JAPAN J APPLIED PHYSICS
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 1999年
  • Development of a Lidar System for Measuring Methane Using a Gas Correlation Method(共著)
    A Minato; MA Joarder; S Ozawa; M Kadoya; N Sugimoto, We developed a laser long-path absorption lidar system using a pas correlation method for measuring atmospheric methane. This technique uses a broad-band laser and a pas correlation cell. We developed a potassium titanyl arsenate (KTA) optical parametric oscillator at 3.416 mu m for the laser source. The optical round-trip path length is 20 m. The experiment was carried out using this system. It was estimated that the error in the density of methane is 4.4 ppm for measurement within 1 s., INST PURE APPLIED PHYSICS
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 1999年
  • Mathematical Study of Conceptualization in N-Dimensional Space(共著)               
    Forma, 1999年
  • Optical design of space retroreflector using genetic algorithm
    Atsushi Minato; Nobuo Sugimoto, Hollow retroreflectors installed on satellites are used as targets for satellite laser ranging and earth-satellite laser long-path absorption measurements. The optical characteristics of a space retroreflector are determined by several parameters, including mirror curvatures, dihedral angles, and the direction of the retroreflector on the satellite. In this paper, we propose using a genetic algorithm to design space retroreflectors. We applied this method for design of a retroreflector 50 cm in diameter. We found that the optimum design of space retroreflectors having high optical efficiency is obtained in a short time by using the genetic algorithm. © 1999 Scripta Technica., John Wiley and Sons Inc.
    Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part II: Electronics (English translation of Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi), 1998年
  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた人工衛星搭載レトロリフレクタの光学的設計(共著)               
    湊 淳,杉本 伸夫, 筆頭著者
    電子情報通信学会誌, 1998年
  • カオス変調を用いたレーザ遠隔計測手法の提案
    湊 淳, 筆頭著者
    計測自動制御学会論文集, 1998年
  • Design of Four-element Space hollow cube-corner Retroreflector Using Genetic Algorithm(共著)
    Atsushi Minato; Nobuo Sugimoto, 筆頭著者, A four-element retroreflector was designed for satellite laser ranging and Earth-satellite-Earth laser long-path absorption measurement of the atmosphere. The retroreflector consists of four symmetrically located corner retroreflectors. Each retoreflector element has curved mirrors and tuned dihedral angles to correct velocity aberrations. A genetic algorithm was employed to optimize dihedral angles of each element and the directions of the four elements. The optimized four-element retroreflector has high reflectance with a reasonably broad angular coverage. It is also shown that the genetic algorithm is effective for optimizing optics with many parameters. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America., OPTICAL SOC AMER
    Applied Optics, 1998年
  • Laser long-path absorption lidar technique for measuring methane using gas correlation method(共著)
    Atsushi Minato; Takao Kobayashi; Nobuo Sugimoto, 筆頭著者, We studied a new laser long-path absorption lidar technique using a gas correlation method for measuring methane in the atmosphere. The method employs a broad-band multimode infrared pulsed laser and a cell containing methane as the correlation filter. The correlation filter is used to analyze the spectra of the transmitted and received pulses. We obtained a simple equation for deriving the density of the target molecule from an analogy of the differential absorption method. The measurement method was evaluated by a simulation study to measure methane in the 3 mu m region using a solid-state optical parametric oscillator. The result shows that atmospheric methane can be measured by a system using the reflection from a hard target, and that the methane density derived by a simple equation has good linearity in the practical density range in methane measurements. It also indicates that the measurement is not sensitive to fluctuations in the multimode laser spectrum. The measurement system is compact and useful for various field measurements of atmospheric methane., JAPAN J APPLIED PHYSICS
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 1998年
  • Optical characteristics of the Retroreflector in Space(RIS) on the ADEOS satellite
    Kenichi Ozawa; Nobuhiko Koga; Nobuo Sugimoto; Tetsuo Aoki; Toshikazu Itabe; Hiroo Kunimori; Atsushi Minato; Yasuhiro Kubota; Yasunori Saito; Akio Nomura, This paper reports the optical characteristics of the Retroreflector in Space (RIS) on the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) in orbit. The RIS is a 0.5 m diameter single-element hollow cube-corner retroreflector with a unique design which uses a curved mirror to correct the velocity aberration caused by the satellite's movement. We used a Nd:YAG Laser to test the efficiency of the reflection at 532 nm. The ADEOS was actively tracked with a 1.5 m diameter tracking telescope using the image of the RIS lit by the Nd:YAG laser. We measured the intensity of return light with an image-intensified CCD camera on the guiding telescope with a diameter of 20 cm. The intensity of the return was quantified by comparing it with images of stars. we compared the result with the theoretical reflectance of the RIS, and confirmed that the reflectance of the RIS agreed with the designed value. The return from the RIS was comparable to a stellar magnitude of 2 to 3, depending on the elevation angle when lit by a 0.3 W laser with a beam divergence of 0.5 mrad.
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1997年, [査読有り]
  • Optical design of hollow cube-corner retroreflector for space
    Atsushi Minato; Nobuo Sugimoto, We discuss the design of next generation hollow satellite retroreflectors for satellite laser ranging and atmospheric measurements. We also review a method for controlling the beam pattern of the reflection using curved mirrors in a retroreflector. A new design method is introduced which uses a genetic algorithm for optimizing the parameters for a satellite retroreflector, and this method is applied to the design of both single-element and four-element satellite retroreflectors. The concept of the acute angle retroreflector and possible applications to a satellite retroreflector are also discussed.
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1997年, [査読有り]
  • Laser long-path absorption experiment using the Retroreflector in Space (RIS) on the ADEOS satellite
    Nobuhiko Koga; Nobuo Sugimoto; Kenichi Ozawa; Yasunori Saito; Akio Nomura; Atsushi Minato; Tetsuo Aoki; Toshikazu Itabe; Hiroo Kunimori, We conducted an earth-satellite-earth laser long-path absorption experiment using the Retroreflector in Space on the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite, which was launched on August 17, 19% by the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA). Two single-longitudinal-mode transverse, electric, atmospheric (TEA) CO2 lasers were used in the spectroscopic measurement of atmospheric trace species. One TEA laser was used to measure the absorption of the ozone, and the other to record a reference signal. We measured the absorption spectrum of the atmosphere using the Doppler shift of reflected beam caused by the satellite's movement. The ozone spectrum was successfully measured using the 10R(24) line of 13CO2 and the 9P(24) line of 12CO2. We studied the measurement error and reduced it by adding a spatial filter to the transmitter optics.
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1997年, [査読有り]
  • New Method for Calculating Reflected Wave Fronts of Acute Retroreflectors with Tuned Dihedral Angle(共著)
    Minato, Atsushi; Sugimoto, Nobuo, 筆頭著者, An acute retroreflector having dihedral angles of 45, 60 and 90 deg exactly reflects incident rays in the opposite direction. Beam pattern or wave front of the reflected light of the acute retroreflector can be controlled by tuning dihedral angles. We present here a new method for calculating the reflected wave front of the acute retroreflector, in which the wave front is calculated with high accuracy and in a shorter calculation time than by the conventional ray trace method., OPTICAL SOC JAPAN
    Optical Review, 1997年
  • Optical Characteristics of the Retroreflector in Space on the ADEOS Satellite in Orbit(共著)
    K Ozawa; N Sugimoto; N Koga; Y Kubota; Y Saito; A Nomura; A Minato; T Aoki; T Itabe; H Kunimori, Optical characteristics of the retroreflector in space (RIS) on the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) in orbit were tested using a second harmonics Nd:YAG laser. The intensity of reflection from the RIS was analyzed with an intensified charge coupled device camera by comparing the image with those of stars. It was confirmed that the RIS in orbit is working properly as a retroreflector., OPTICAL SOC JAPAN
    Optical Review, 1997年
  • シミュレーテッドアニーリング法を用いた座席決定アルゴリズムの開発
    湊 淳, 計測自動制御学会
    計測自動制御学会論文集, 1996年
  • Optical Characteristics of the Retroreflector in Space for the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite(共著)
    Nobuo Sugimoto; Atsushi Minato, Optical characteristics of the flight unit of the retroreflector in space (RIS) for the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) were tested with a 60-cm diameter interferometer. The efficiency of the reflection of the RIS on the ADEOS in orbit was simulated based on the measured wavefront for the ground stations at several different latitudes., OPTICAL SOC JAPAN
    Optical Review, 1996年
  • Theoretical Evaluation of Earth-to-Satellite Laser Long-path Absorption Measurement of Atmospheric Trace Species in the Infrared Region(共著)
    N SUGIMOTO; A MINATO; K OZAWA; Y SAITO; A NOMURA, Measurement of atmospheric trace species based on the earth-to-satellite laser long-path absorption method using continuously tunable infrared laser was theoretically studied. Optimum wavelengths for the measurement were systematically investigated in the infrared region for all molecules included in the HITRAN92 data base. It was shown that H2O, CO2, O-3, CH4, N2O and CO have strong absorption lines, and that the inversion method for retrieving vertical profiles can be applied. Also, it was shown that absorption lines of NO2, OCS, HCl, C2H6, HF, HNO3, NO, NH3, C2H2, H2CO, and HOCl have sufficient intensities for measuring column contents. Accuracy of column measurement of each molecule was estimated for a laser long-path absorption system using a geosynchronous satellite., JAPAN J APPLIED PHYSICS
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 1995年
  • Measurement of Dihedral Angle Errors of a Large-Aperture Space Retroreflector : Separation of the Effect of Sag Due to Gravity(共著)
    Atsushi Minato; Nobuo Sugimoto; Zvi Bleier; George C. Hunter and James Paul, 筆頭著者, A 50-cm diameter hollow cube-corner retroreflector for a space application was tested with a 60-cm interferometer. To separate the effect of sag due to gravity, the interferograms were taken at six rotational positions, with the retroreflector mounted horizontally. The zero-gravity dihedral angles and the effect of sag were estimated from the interferograms., OPTICAL SOC JAPAN
    Optical Review, 1995年
  • Data Reduction Method for the Laser Long-path Absorption Measurement of Atmospheric Trace Species Using the Retroreflector in Space
    N.Sugimoto and A.Minato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, Data reduction method for the earth-satellite-earth laser long-path absorption measurements of atmospheric trace species using the Retroreflector in Space (RIS) on the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) is described. In the RIS experiment, atmospheric absorption will be measured with single-longitudinal-mode pulsed CO2 lasers and their second and third harmonics. High-resolution absorption spectra are measured by using the Doppler shift of the return beam which is caused by the satellite movement. Vertical profiles of O-3 and CH4 are retrieved from the measured absorption line shapes with the inversion method. Also, column contents of CFC12, HNO3, CO2, CO, N2O are derived by the least squares method with assumptions on the relative vertical profiles. Errors in the measurement were evaluated by computer simulation., IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG
    IEICE Trans.Commun., 1995年
  • Method for Measuring Dihedral Angles of a Cube-corner Retroreflector Having Curved Mirror Surfaces(共著)
    N SUGIMOTO; A MINATO, Measurement of dihedral angles of a cube-corner retroreflector with curved surfaces is discussed. A simple method for measuring a dihedral angle from an interferogram is given based on theoretical consideration. A general method to obtain three dihedral angles by means of least-squares fitting of the interference fringes is also described. The method is tested by means of simulation data., SOC PHOTO-OPT INSTRUM ENG
    Optical Engineering, 1994年
  • Heterodyne Spectroscopy Using Broadband Short-pulse Laser for Long-path Absorption Measurement of Atmospheric Trace Species(共著)
    N SUGIMOTO; A MINATO, A concept of heterodyne spectroscopy for absorption measurements which employs a broadband short-pulse laser is presented. The absorption line structure of the sample in the spectral width of a short-pulse laser is measured with broadband heterodyne detection. The absorption spectrum can be measured, in principle, with a single laser shot, and the method is potentially useful for laser long-path absorption measurements of atmospheric trace species. Application to an airborne laser long-path absorption system for measuring CH4 is discussed., JAPAN J APPLIED PHYSICS
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 1994年
  • Retroreflector with acute dihedral angles(共著)
    N SUGIMOTO; A MINATO, An acute-angle retroreflector having three dihedral angles of 45, 60, and 90 deg was studied by use of the ray-trace method. Incident rays are reflected nine times in the retroreflector, and there are 26 different sequences for reflections. Errors in the dihedral angles will cause the directions of the reflected rays to diverge. A possible application of the acute-angle retroreflector is in target design for laser ranging., OPTICAL SOC AMER
    Optics Letters, 1994年
  • Heterodyne Spectroscopy Using Spectral Spread of Short Laser Pulse(共著)
    Sugimoto,A.Minato; Saito; Nomora, A heterodyne absorption spectroscopy method which utilizes the spectral spread of a short laser pulse was demonstrated with laser pulses generated by an electrooptic modulator from a frequency-stabilized He-Ne laser. The spectrum of a Michelson inteferometer was observed by the method in a spectral bandwidth of approximately 100 MHz., JAPAN J APPLIED PHYSICS
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 1994年
  • Long-path absorption measurement of CO2 with a Raman-shifted tunable dye laser
    Nobuo Sugimoto; Atsushi Minato, A laser long-path absorption system was developed with a hydrogen Raman shifter pumped by a tunable dye laser. The absorption spectrum of CO2 in the 2-μm region was measured in the open air with a retroreflector or a hard target. The concentration of CO2 was determined from the spectrum by the least-squares method. Noise in the system was analyzed, and the propagation of error to the obtained concentration was investigated. The statistical error in the concentration was estimated at approximately 1% for a single spectrum measurement. Comparison with the simultaneous measurements with a nondispersive infrared gas analyzer showed good agreement. © 1993, Optical Society of America.
    Applied Optics, 1993年, [査読有り]
  • Comparison of Ozone Profiles Obtained with NIES DIAL and SAGE (]G0002[) Measurements(共著)
    H NAKANE; Y SASANO; S HAYASHIDAAMANO; N SUGIMOTO; MATSUI, I; A MINATO; MP MCCORMICK, Ozone profiles obtained with the DIAL (Differential Absorption Lidar) system at the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Tsukuba, Japan (36-degrees-N, 140-degrees-E) were compared with data provided by the satellite sensor SAGE II. The SAGE II data were selected based on criteria of spatial and temporal differences between the DIAL and the SAGE II measurements: five degrees in latitude and fifteen degrees in longitude, within a latitudinal band from 31-degrees to 41-degrees-N, and within one, three and five days after or before the DIAL measurements. Results show very good agreement for the individual and the zonal-mean profiles. The average mean difference between the DIAL and the SAGE II measurements over the altitudes 15-50 km was about 10 %., METEOROLOGICAL SOC JAPAN
    Journal of Meteorological Sciety of Japan, 1993年
  • Long-path absorption measurement of CO2 with a Raman-shifted tunable dye laser(共著)
    Nobuo Sugimoto; Atsushi Minato, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, A laser long-path absorption system was developed with a hydrogen Raman shifter pumped by a tunable dye laser. The absorption spectrum of CO2 in the 2-mu m region was measured in the open air with a retroreflector or a hard target. The concentration of CO2 was determined from the spectrum by the least-squares method. Noise in the system was analyzed, and the propagation of error to the obtained concentration was investigated. The statistical error in the concentration was estimated at approximately 1% for a single spectrum measurement. Comparison with the simultaneous measurements with a nondispersive infrared gas analyzer showed good agreement., OPTICAL SOC AMER
    Appl. Opt., 1993年
  • Optical design of cube-corner retroreflectors having curved mirror surfaces
    Atsushi Minato; Nobuo Sugimoto; Yasuhiro Sasano, The characteristics of retroreflectors that include curved mirror surfaces are theoretically investigated. The use of curved mirror surfaces in a cube-corner retroreflector is an effective method for diverging the reflected beam, especially in a large-aperture hollow retroreflector. The effect of curved surfaces is demonstrated for simple examples that give circular and elliptical wave-front patterns. The method was applied in the optical design of a satellite retroreflector in space, which is to be loaded on the Japanese polar orbit Advanced Earth Observing Satellite. © 1992 Optical Society of America.
    Applied Optics, 1992年, [査読有り]
  • 長光路吸収法による大気微量分子濃度測定における誤差の考察
    湊 淳, Errors in spectral fitting determination of molecular concentration in laser long-path absorption measurement were investigated. Propagation of errors in a measured spectrum was studied analytically. The result shows that the systematic error in the determined concentration depends on the type of the noise included in spectral data and it is important to use appropriate weighting function in least square fitting for minimizing the error. Optimization of measurement conditions was also investigated by the analytical method., The Spectroscopical Society of Japan
    分光研究, 1992年
  • 赤外レーザー長光路吸収システムによる野外光路の大気微量分子濃度測定(共著)
    湊淳,杉本,笹野, 筆頭著者, レ-ザ-学会
    レーザー研究, 1992年
  • Vertical Profiles of Temperature and Ozone Observed during DYANA Campaign with the NIES Ozone Lidar System at Tsukuba(共著)
    H NAKANE; S HAYASHIDA; Y SASANO; N SUGIMOTO; MATSUI, I; A MINATO, Temperature and ozone profiles were observed with the NIES ozone lidar system during the DYANA campaign from January 15th to March 15th at Tsukuba (36-degrees-E, 140-degrees-N). Temperature profiles from 30 km to 90 km and ozone profiles from 20 km to 45 km were obtained. The mesospheric temperature profiles were highly variable and deviations from the NASA88 model atmosphere were large in January and February, but the deviations were small in March 1990. Especially, conspicuous variations of the mesospheric temperature profiles, rapid increase around 55 km and rapid decrease around 75 km, were observed during the period from January 24th to 26th. We also observed layers with large vertical temperature gradients close to the adiabatic lapse rate above clear inversion layers in the middle mesosphere on January 17th and February 17th. The observed ozone number densities were > 10% lower than the ozone sonde data averaged over 22 years at 25 km and 30 km on January 17th, 25th, 26th. The deviations from the averaged ozone sonde data were small on February 5th, March 8th, 10th and 13th., TERRA SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO
    J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 1992年
  • Optical design of cube-corner retroreflectors having curved mirror surfaces(共著)
    A.Minato; N.Sugimoto; Y.Sasano, 筆頭著者, The characteristics of retroreflectors that include curved mirror surfaces are theoretically investigated. The use of curved mirror surfaces in a cube-corner retroreflector is an effective method for diverging the reflected beam, especially in a large-aperture hollow retroreflector. The effect of curved surfaces is demonstrated for simple examples that give circular and elliptical wave-front patterns. The method was applied in the optical design of a satellite retroreflector in space, which is to be loaded on the Japanese polar orbit Advanced Earth Observing Satellite., OPTICAL SOC AMER
    Appl. Opt., 1992年
  • ADEOS搭載リトロリフレクター(RIS)の設計(共著)
    湊 淳,杉本,笹野, 筆頭著者, This paper describes optical design of the Retroreflector In-Space (RIS) for the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS), which is planned for launch in February of 1995. RIS is a cube-corner retroreflector for earth-satellite-earth laser longpath absorption measurements of atmospheric trace species such as ozone, CFC 12, carbon dioxide and methane. In the RIS measurement, a laser beam is transmitted from a ground station, reflected by RIS and received at the ground station. The absorption spectrum of the atmosphere is measured by scanning the laser wavelength. The density of the trace species are obtained by analyzing the spectrum. RIS has a single-element hollow structure and has an effective diameter of 0.5 m. The mirror shape for RIS was newly designed to optimize the intensity pattern of the beam reflected by RIS in orbit. A slightly curved surface is used for one of three mirrors forming the retroreflector to overcome the velocity aberration of the reflected beam. The effect of the curved surface on the intensity pattern of the reflected beam was investigated by a computer simulation. The parameters of the surface curvature were determined by optimizing the reflected beam intensity at the ground station., The Remote Sensing Society of Japan
    日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 1991年
  • 赤外ラマンシフターを用いた長光路吸収システムの開発(共著)
    湊 淳,杉本,笹野, 筆頭著者, レ-ザ-学会
    レーザー研究, 1990年
  • 成層圏および対流圏オゾン鉛直分布の測定を目的とする多波長オゾンレーザーレーダーの製作(共著)
    杉本,笹野,中根,林田, 松井,湊 淳, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, A multiple wavelength differential absorption laser radar has been constructed to measure the ozone profiles from the lower troposphere up to the upper stratosphere. The system consists of two subsystems ; one (the low altitude system ; LA) for the tropospheric measurements and the other (the high altitude system ; HA) for the stratospheric measurements. The LA system employs a KrF excimer laser with a deuterium and a hydrogen Raman shifter to generate 277, 292 and 313 nm laser pulses, and a receiving telescope with a diameter of 0.56 meter. The HA system has a XeCl laser with a deuterium Raman shifter and a XeF laser to generate 308, 339 and 351 nm laser pulses, and a receiving telescope with a diameter of 2 meters. The whole system is controlled by a mini-computer. Details of the system and some measurement examples are presented., 公益社団法人 応用物理学会
    応用物理, 1989年



  • 工学基礎ミニマムシリーズ 物理ミニマム 第2版               
    小澤哲,前川克廣,篠嶋妥,辻龍介,湊淳, 共著
    学術図書出版社, 2006年
  • 地球環境工学ハンドブック               
    オーム社, 1993年


  • 高層建築物の角度変動計測と機械学習による評価               
    牧野 柊斗; 手塚 佑; 湊 淳
    電気学会東京支部茨城支所研究発表会, 2024年11月30日
  • 茨城県内の高層建築物で観測された能登半島地震               
    手塚 佑; 牧野 柊斗; 湊 淳
    電気学会東京支部茨城支所研究発表会, 2024年11月30日
  • 理工系とことば               
    湊 淳; 福村 真紀子
    言語文化教育研究学会 第10回年次大会, 2024年03月03日
  • 気泡管を用いた傾斜計と振動計による建築物の診断技術               
    藤原 拓哉; 蛭田 湧人; 湊 淳
    電気学会東京支部茨城支所研究発表会, 2023年12月02日
  • 振動及び傾斜計測計による建物の診断に関する研究               
    蛭田湧人; 藤原拓哉; 湊淳
    電気学会茨城支所研究発表会, 2022年12月17日, 電気学会茨城支所
    20221217, 20221217
  • 気泡管を用いた高感度傾斜計による建築物のヘルスモニタリングと土砂災害への応用               
    湊 淳
    イノベーション・ジャパン-大学見本市, 2022年10月04日, 科学技術振興機構
    20221004, 20221031
  • 動物音声の自動認識装置の開発               
    杉山竣哉; 湊淳; 小松崎将一
    電気学会東京支部茨城支所研究発表会, 2021年12月11日
    20211211, 20211211
  • 機械学習によるカモの鳴き声の自動認識手法の提案               
    杉山 竣哉,湊 淳,小松﨑将一
    電気学会東京支部茨城支所研究発表会, 2021年02月06日
  • ニューラルネットワークを使用した検品支援ツール開発に関する基礎検討               
    野田 佑樹,原口 春海,湊 淳
    日本機械学会 2019年度茨城講演会, 2019年08月22日
  • Development of perpendicular detection device and application to land survey               
    R. Jayasekara; A. Minato; S. Ozawa; M. Itaba
    4th ISCIU 235-238 (Ibaraki), 2009年
  • Developmet of E-learning community in Asian Pacific countries               
    G. Dassanayake; V. Patu; A. Minato; S. Ozawa
    Int. Conf. on Soclal Science 221-221 (Sri Lanka), 2008年
  • Message formation and message transfer               
    S. Ozawa; G. Dassanayake; V. Patu; M.Itaba; A. Minato
    Int. Conf. on Soclal Science 222-222 (Sri Lanka), 2008年
  • Unique molecular recognition properties of aptamers and their application to diagnostics               
    N. Sakai; A. Minato; S. Ozawa
    4th ISCIU 235-238 (Ibaraki), 2008年
  • Proposal of E-manual for risk management of future natural disasters               
    Dassanayake, G; Patu, V; Fernando, S; Wijesinghe, A; Munasinghe J.K; Herath, W; Noguchi, H; Minato, A; Ozawa
    ISCIU3, 2007年10月
  • Mitigation experience in Samoa about the risk of Tropical Cyclones that leads to the designing of a Computer based learning environment on RISK Management               
    Patu Vaise; Gamunu Dassanayake; Faainu Latu; Hiroshi Noguchi; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa
    ISCIU3, 2007年10月
  • Proposal of disaster management and recovery solutions (DMRS) for future natural disasters               
    J. Munasinghe; D. Dharmathilaka; S. Fernando; G. Dassanayake; V. Patu; W. Herath; H. Tonooka; A. Minato; S. Ozawa
    ISCIU3, 2007年10月
  • Improvement of text-based e-learning contents by using a new multimedia-type web authoring tool - a case study from a Sri Lankan University -               
    Gamunu Dassanayake; Vaise Patu; Sandun Fernando; Ranjith Jayasekera; Atsushi Minato; Hiroshi Noguchi; Satoru Ozawa
    Proc. 8th Intern. Conf. on Inform. Techn. Based Higher Edu. and Train., 2007年07月
  • Development of e-learning user communities by installing cooperative servers               
    Vaise Patu; Gamunu Dassanayake; Hiroshi Noguchi; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa
    8th Intern. Conf. on Inform. Techn. Based Higher Edu. and Train., 2007年07月
  • Development of a Job Control System to Optimize Web Traffics               
    Sandun Fernando; Janaka Dalugama; Ranjith Jayasekera; Gamunu Dassanayake; Vaise Patu; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa
    8th Intern. Conf. on Inform. Techn. Based Higher Edu. and Train., 2007年07月
  • Role of teacher’s communities for improving teaching methods by e-learning techniques in Asian Pacific countries               
    Satoru Ozawa; Gamunu Dassanayake; Vaise Patu; Hiroshi Noguchi; Atsushi Minato
    8th Intern. Conf. on Inform. Techn. Based Higher Edu. and Train., 2007年07月
  • Problems in introducing web-based learning in south Asian countries               
    Gamunu Dassanayake; Vaise Patu; Sandun Fernando; BD Nandadeva; Ruchira Somaratne; Atsushi Minato; Hiroshi Noguchi; Satoru Ozawa
    8th Intern. Conf. on Inform. Techn. Based Higher Edu. and Train, 2007年07月
  • Proposal for usage of ICT methods for risk management of future natural disasters, Dassanayake, G., Patu, V., Fernando, S., Wijesinghe               
    A; Herath, W; Noguchi, H; Minato, A; Ozawa, S
    Intern. Sym. Mitigation and Adaptation of Climate-Change-Induced Natural Disasters, 2007年
  • Collection of Samoan wisdom regarding mitigation of risk of tropical cyclones Designing an e-learning course of the risk management               
    Patu, V; Dassanayake, G; Noguchi, H; Minato, A; Ozawa, S
    Intern. Sym. Mitigation and Adaptation of Climate-Change-Induced Natural Disasters,, 2007年
  • Application of Simulated Annealing for Extraction of Outlines from Binary Image or Grey Image               
    Shiming Zhu; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa
    2nd ISCIU, 2006年10月
  • Printed circuit diagnosis by image processing               
    Akihiro Masaya; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa
    2nd ISCIU, 2006年10月
  • Development a new light communication system with LED               
    Shun Liu; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa
    2nd ISCIU, 2006年10月
  • New method of detecting position of car for intelligent traffic signal               
    Yafeng zhang; Atsushi Minato; Satoru Ozawa
    2nd ISCIU, 2006年10月
  • Application to counseling effect confirmation of face Motion picture image analysis technique               
    M.Chinen,A.Minato; S. Ozawa
    2nd ISCIU, 2006年10月


  • 2021年04月 - 現在, 農業食料工学会
  • ライフサポート学会
  • 計測自動制御学会
  • 電子情報通信学会



  • 特許7214176, 特願2022-121482, 建物の健全性評価方法及びシステム
    湊淳,ムハンマド ナジーブ アルヘブラワィ,土田寛,土田正利
  • 2013-250189, 傾斜変化量監視システム及び傾斜変化量監視方法
  • 2013-44739, 傾斜変化測定センサネットワーク装置及び傾斜変化測定センサネットワークシステム
  • 特開2009-25276, 鉛直判定センサ及び鉛直測量システム
    土田 寛,湊 淳,桑原 祐史
  • 特開平7-181041, 鋭角後方反射装置
    杉本 伸夫,湊 淳
  • 特開平04-318502, キューブコーナーリトロリフレクター
    杉本 伸夫,湊 淳
  • 特許6028119, 特願2016-093674, 建物健康管理装置及びこの建物健康管理装置を用いた建物健康管理方法
    土田 寛,湊 淳,小澤 淳


  • 茨城県サービス作業分科会               
    茨城県, 2018年 - 2019年03月
  • 科学の祭典 日立大会               
  • 科学の祭典 日立大会               
  • 科学の祭典 日立大会               
  • 高校生科学体験教室               
    県内の高校生数名に3日間で科学の基礎を体験学習させる., 2016年
  • 科学の祭典 日立大会               
  • 科学の祭典 北茨城大会               
  • 科学の祭典 日立大会               
  • 科学の祭典 北茨城大会               
  • 高校生科学体験教室               
    県内の高校生数名に3日間で科学の基礎を体験学習させる., 2012年
  • 科学の祭典 日立大会               
  • 科学の祭典 北茨城大会               
  • 高校生科学体験教室               
    県内の高校生数名に3日間で科学の基礎を体験学習させる., 2011年