オカヤマ ツヨシ岡山 毅教授Tsuyoshi OKAYAMA
- 園芸と家畜との相互作用を含む農園活動が精神疾患のある成人の心理的および生理的状態に及ぼす影響(Effects of Farming Activity, Including Horticulture and Interaction With Farm Animals, on the Psychological and Physiological Status of Adults With Mental Disorders)
安江 健; 坂本 希美; 平山 望; 小松崎 将一; 山川 百合子; 高橋 弘美; 柴沼 沙織; 小針 大助; 岡山 毅; 豊田 淳, 日本型の園芸療法(CF)を確立するため、統合失調症および/または器質性精神障害をもつ成人17名(男性14名、女性3名、21~64歳)を対象に検討した。農作業は、30分間の園芸作業(種まきおよび収穫)と、30分間の家畜との触れ合い(ウシとヤギのブラッシングおよび給餌)から成り、二つの作業は1ヵ月おきに入れ替えた。作業中は心拍数を連続的に記録し、心理的ストレス反応尺度(SRS)と唾液中α-アミラーゼ濃度(sAA)を各作業の前と後に測定した。心拍数変動分析では、交感神経と副交感神経の興奮の指標であるLF/HFとHF nuを作業の前と後で比較した。sAA濃度は作業の前と後で変わらなかったが、SRSスコアは抑鬱/不安の項目で有意に低下した。LF/HFとHF nuも、園芸作業後に家畜と触れ合うことにより有意に異なっていた。これらの所見から、二つを組合わせたCFは、精神疾患をもつ成人の不安や緊張を軽減する可能性があると考えられた。, ヒトと動物の関係学会
ヒトと動物の関係学会誌, 2023年03月 - Local CO2 Application within Strawberry Plant Canopy Increased Dry Matter Production and Fruit Yield in Summer and Autumn Culture
Yuya Mochizuki; Sou Murakami; Takuro Kobayashi; Kanjana Worarad; Yukio Yonezu; Hiroki Umeda; Tsuyoshi Okayama; Eiichi Inoue, Taylor & Francis
International Journal of Fruit Science, 2022年08月10日, [査読有り] - Optimization of the year‐round mowing schedule of a robotic lawnmower in a Japanese pear orchard
Muhammad Zakaria Hossain; Shoji Watanabe; Tsuyoshi Okayama; Masakazu Komatsuzaki, Wiley
Weed Biology and Management, 2022年04月26日, [査読有り] - Rice Height Monitoring between Different Estimation Models Using UAV Photogrammetry and Multispectral Technology
Wenyi Lu; Tsuyoshi Okayama; Masakazu Komatsuzaki, Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry was used to monitor crop height in a flooded paddy field. Three multi-rotor UAVs were utilized to conduct flight missions in order to capture RGB (RedGreenBlue) and multispectral images, and these images were analyzed using several different models to provide the best results. Two image sets taken by two UAVs, mounted with RGB cameras of the same resolution and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers of different accuracies, were applied to perform photogrammetry. Two methods were then proposed for creating crop height models (CHMs), one of which was denoted as the M1 method and was based on the Digital Surface Point Cloud (DSPC) and the Digital Terrain Point Cloud (DSPT). The other was denoted as the M2 method and was based on the DSPC and a bathymetric sensor. An image set taken by another UAV mounted with a multispectral camera was used for multispectral-based photogrammetry. A Normal Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) and a Vegetation Fraction (VF) were then extracted. A new method based on multiple linear regression (MLR) combining the NDVI, the VF, and a Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) value for estimating the measured height (MH) of rice was then proposed and denoted as the M3 method. The results show that the M1 method, the UAV with a GNSS receiver with a higher accuracy, obtained more reliable estimations, while the M2 method, the UAV with a GNSS receiver of moderate accuracy, was actually slightly better. The effect on the performance of CHMs created by the M1 and M2 methods is more negligible in different plots with different treatments; however, remarkably, the more uniform the distribution of vegetation over the water surface, the better the performance. The M3 method, which was created using only a SPAD value and a canopy NDVI value, showed the highest coefficient of determination (R2) for overall MH estimation, 0.838, compared with other combinations., MDPI AG
Remote Sensing, 2021年12月24日 - Estimating body weight of pigs from posture analysis using a depth camera.
Tsuyoshi Okayama; Yoshifumi Kubota; Atsushi Toyoda; Daisuke Kohari; Go Noguchi, 筆頭著者, A noninvasive method for estimating the body weight (BW) of a pig considering its posture using a low-cost depth camera (Kinect v2) was proposed. A total of 150 pigs were used, and 738 depth images (point clouds) were obtained for them. The pig "volume" was calculated from the pig point cloud, and it was found to have a very high correlation to BW. To evaluate the posture of a pig quantitatively, seven posture angles were calculated based on the "spine" extracted from a pig point cloud. We found the posture angles representing the height of the head position correlated with the accuracy of BW estimation using the "volume." Based on this finding, we proposed an "adjusted volume," which was adjusted based on the relationship between the posture angles and the estimation error. The BW of pigs was estimated using the simple regression model with the "adjusted volume," and the MAPE and RMSPE were 4.87% and 6.13%, respectively. The accuracy of the suggested model was similar to that of the volume-based estimation models of other studies that used only data with an appropriate pig posture for BW estimation.
Animal science journal = Nihon chikusan Gakkaiho, 2021年12月, [査読有り] - ウシの飼育管理作業が大学生の心理・生理的状態に及ぼす影響
安江 健; 平山 望; 武田 愛生; 小針 大助; 岡山 毅; 小松﨑 将一; 山川 百合子; 佐々木 誠一; 豊田 淳
日本畜産学会報, 2021年05月25日, [査読有り] - Assessment of nest building and social interaction behavior in mice exposed to acute social defeat stress using a three‐dimensional depth camera
Hikari OTABI; Tsuyoshi OKAYAMA; Atsushi TOYODA, 責任著者, Nest building is an instinctive behavior toward protection from predators, body temperature regulation, and courtship. Previously, we discovered that acute and chronic social defeat stress suppresses the onset of nest-building behavior in male mice (C57BL/6J). Here, we analyzed nest building and other behavioral deficits induced by acute social defeat stress (ASDS). We utilized a customized cage and specifically developed observational programs for nest building, social avoidance, and other behaviors using an infrared depth camera to acquire three-dimensional (3D) data of animal behavior (Negura system). We determined the volume of nesting materials from these 3D depth images. Mice exposed to ASDS showed increased spontaneous activities, decreased rearing, and delayed nest building; however, nest-building activity was gradually recovered during the dark period of the 24 hr observation interval. At the endpoint following 24 hr, the ASDS and control groups showed no differences in nest volumes. Furthermore, we observed the time courses of both nest building and social avoidance behaviors and their relationship using the Negura system. Our data demonstrated a weak positive correlation between nest-building delay and social avoidance in ASDS mice. The Negura system can observe various behaviors that reflect the effects of social defeat stress.
Animal Science Journal, 2020年09月09日, [査読有り] - ワイヤレス3軸加速度計による精神障がい者と健常者の園芸作業の動作比較
デビ ハニン サニ; 小松 将一; 山川 百合子; 高橋 弘美; 柴沼 沙織; 安江 健; 岡山 毅; 豊田 淳, 園芸作業がもたらす心身の健康維持に関する効果は障がい者をふくめた多くの市民に注目されている.本研究では,園芸作業が,健常者および精神障がい者の作業動作の違いについて検討した.ワイヤレス3軸加速度計を用いて,精神障がい者6人および健常者7人を対象として,6種の異なる作業強度の園芸作業を行った.園芸作業中の平均動的加速度は,健常者と精神障がい者とでは大きく異なった.精神障がい者は,溝堀り作業など労働強度が高い作業では,動的加速度は健常者よりも有意に低くなった.とくに,精神障がい者と健常者では溝堀り作業工程などのサイクルの違いが認められた.これに対し,播種作業など比較的作業強度が低い作業については,動的加速度は健常者との差異は有意ではなかった.このような健常者と精神障がい者との園芸作業ごとのパフォーマンスの違いは,両者が協調して実施する園芸活動などのプログラム策定の基礎データとなる., 日本農作業学会
農作業研究, 2018年, [査読有り] - Affective Temperature Control in Food SMEs using Artificial Neural Network
Mirwan Ushada; Tsuyoshi Okayama; Nafis Khuriyati; Atris Suyantohadi, Informa UK Limited
Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2017年09月14日 - Identification of environmental ergonomics control system for Indonesian SMEs
Mirwan Ushada; Atris Suyantohadi; Nafis Khuriyati; Tsuyoshi Okayama, This paper identified the environmental ergonomics control system for Indonesian SMEs (Small Medium-sized Enterprises). The system was defined that workstation environment could be controlled using worker workload and workstation temperature difference. The research objectives were: 1) To analyze the relationship between workstation temperature difference and workload
2) To identify the environmental ergonomics control system for Indonesian SMEs. 380 data set of heart rate, indoor temperature and temperature set points were collected from Indonesian SMEs. Workloads were classified based on heart rate. Temperature difference were determined using set point temperature (Before working) and indoor temperature (After working). Temperature difference were categorized to 14 quadrants. Actors of system were identified. Research result indicated that temperature difference generated various workload. System identification was expected to support further development of environmental ergonomics control., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
2017 3rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics, ICCAR 2017, 2017年06月07日 - Community Gardens as Health Promoters: Effects on Mental and Physical Stress Levels in Adults with and without Mental Disabilities
Nugrahaning Sani Dewi; Masakazu Komatsuzaki; Yuriko Yamakawa; Hiromi Takahashi; Saori Shibanuma; Takeshi Yasue; Tsuyoshi Okayama; Atsushi Toyoda; Hikari Shimonishi; Seiichi Sasaki, The study focuses on psychological and physical effects of stress while performing community garden activities of various intensity levels. The aim of this study was to determine the psychological and physical effects in adults with (case group) and without (control group) mental disabilities. Salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) levels and the stress response scale (SRS-18) were used for the psychological analysis (n = 42). For physical assessment (n = 13), electrocardiogram (ECG), surface electromyogram (sEMG), and respiration rate were continuously measured while performing the activities using a multichannel telemetry system. The results showed that following the activities, the case group exhibited decreasing sAA levels while control group exhibited increasing sAA levels. However, both groups exhibited lower SRS-18 results following the activities. Compared with the control group, the case group had a significantly lower increase in the ratio of the heart rate (IRHR) (5.5%) during low-intensity work (filling pots with soil), but a significantly higher IRHR (16.7%) during high-intensity work (turning over soil). The case group experienced significantly higher levels of fatigue during high-intensity work (digging) than during the rest condition. These findings indicate that appropriate workload allocation, according to health, is necessary in the community garden setting because reducing the intensity of work assignments for people with mental disabilities will reduce their physical stress., MDPI AG
SUSTAINABILITY, 2017年01月, [査読有り] - The acute social defeat stress and nest-building test paradigm: A potential new method to screen drugs for depressive-like symptoms.
Behav. Processes, 2017年, [査読有り] - Murine depression model and its potential applications for discovering food and farm products with antidepressant-like effects.
T. Goto; S. Tomonaga; T. Okayama; A. Toyoda, Advanced societies face increased health problems related to various stresses. Chronic psychological stress is a major risk factor for psychiatric disorders such as depression. Although therapeutic agents reduce several symptoms of depression, most have side effects in a broad range of the population. Furthermore, some victims of depression do not show significant improvement with any drugs, so alternative approaches are needed. Good dietary habits may potentially reduce depressive symptoms, but there is little scientific evidence thus far. Murine depression models are useful to test nutritional approaches in vivo. Our model mice subjected to a subchronic mild social defeat stress (sCSDS) paradigm show several alterations in physiological parameters and social behavior. These stress-induced symptoms in sCSDS mice can be used as cues to identify antidepressant-like natural resources including foods and farm products. We previously discovered that sCSDS mice show more vulnerability to social stress by changing dietary condition. In addition, we developed a more objective system for analyzing mouse behavior using a 3D depth-sensing camera to understand relationships between diet and behavior. The combination of sCSDS mice with 3D behavioral analysis is a powerful method for screening ingredients in foods and farm products for antidepressant-like effects., Frontiers
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2016年, [査読有り] - Subchronic and mild social defeat stress alter mouse nest building behavior
Hikari Otabi; Tatsuhiko Goto; Tsuyoshi Okayama; Daisuke Kohari; Atsushi Toyoda, Behavioral and physiological evaluations of animal models of depression are essential to thoroughly understand the mechanisms of depression in humans. Various models have been developed and characterized, and the socially defeated mouse has been widely used for studying depression. Here, we developed and characterized a mouse model of social aversion using a subchronic and mild social defeat stress (sCSDS) paradigm. Compared to control mice, sCSDS mice showed significantly increased body weight gain, water intake, and social aversion to dominant mice on the social interaction test. We observed nest building behavior in sCSDS mice using the pressed cotton as a nest material. Although sCSDS mice eventually successfully built nests, the onset of nest building was severely delayed compared to control mice. The underlying mechanism of this significant delay in nest building by sCSDS mice is unclear. However, our results demonstrate that nest building evaluation is a simple and useful assay for understanding behavior in socially defeated mice and screening drugs such as antidepressants. (c) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
BEHAVIOURAL PROCESSES, 2016年01月, [査読有り] - Development of Kansei Engineering-based watchdog model to assess worker capacity in Indonesian small-medium food industry
Mirwan Ushada; Tsuyoshi Okayama; Haruhiko Murase, This paper highlighted a new method to assess worker capacity in Indonesian small-medium food industry (SMFI). The sustainability of SMFI should be maintained based on the worker capacity. The status of worker capacity could be categorized as normal, capacity constrained worker and bottleneck. By using Kansei Engineering, worker capacity can be assessed using verbal parameter of mood and non-verbal parameter of heart rate in a given workplace environment. Fusing various Kansei Engineering parameters of worker capacity requires a robust modeling tool. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was used to develop a Kansei Engineering-based watchdog model. The model is defined as a black box relationship between worker capacity and workplace environmental parameters. Its function for assessing worker capacity can be defined as dynamic variation of mood and heart rate in a given workplace environment. Thus, these relationships were modeled using a three layered ANN. The model was demonstrated via a case study of Tempe Industry. The trained ANN model generated satisfied accuracy and minimum error. The research results concluded the possibility to assess the worker capacity in Indonesian SMFI by combining Kansei Engineering and ANN., Elsevier B.V.
Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food, 2015年10月01日 - Strain differences in temporal changes of nesting behaviors in C57BL/6N, DBA/2N, and their F1 hybrid mice assessed by a three-dimensional monitoring system
Tatsuhiko Goto; Tsuyoshi Okayama; Atsushi Toyoda, Nest building is one of the innate behaviors that are widely observed throughout the animal kingdom. Previous studies have reported specific brain regions and genetic loci associated with nest building in mice. These studies mainly evaluated the nest structure, without observing the nesting process. In this study, we evaluated the effects of strain and learning on the nesting process of mice using a 3D depth camera. To determine the quality of the nest structure, a conventional scoring method, Deacon scores 1-5, was applied to the recorded depth images. The final score of the nest, latency to start nesting behavior, and latencies to reach Deacon scores 3-5, were determined using three genetically different mouse strains-C57BL/6NCrl (B6), DBA/2NCrlCrlj (DBA), and B6D2F1/Crl (B6D2F1). The final score of the DBA nest was significantly lower than that of the B6D2F1 nest, and DBA mice showed significantly longer latency to start nest building than the other two strains in the first trial. By observing the time course of nest building, we confirmed that DBA mice took significantly longer to build their nests than B6 and B6D2F1 mice. Although we did not find any significant differences between DBA and B6 mice in the final assessment of the nest based on the Deacon method, overnight monitoring of the nesting behavior using a 3D depth camera could elucidate the clear differences in the amount of time spent nesting between DBA and B6 mice. In addition, the learning effect was more evident in DBA mice than it was in B6 in terms of latencies to reach Deacon score 3-5 in five repeated trials. DBA mice showed a gradual decrease in latency to build, whereas nesting behaviors of B6 mice were relatively consistent throughout the five trials. Therefore, our 3D depth image method gives higher resolution and structural information regarding the nesting process in mice. Future genetic analyses using the 3D assessment system will provide novel insights into the complex genetic basis for nesting and other behaviors in animals., Elsevier
Behavioural Processes, 2015年10月01日, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Assessing nest-building behavior of mice using a 3D depth camera
Okayama, T; Goto, T; Toyoda, A, 筆頭著者
Neuroscience Methods, 2015年05月28日, [査読有り] - Kansei’s physiological measurement in small-medium sized enterprises using Profile of Mood States and heart rate
Mirwan Ushada; Tsuyoshi Okayama; Nafis Khuriyati; Atris Suyantohadi, Kansei’s physiological measurement were pursued in 4 (four) production systems of small-medium sized enterprises in in Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), Indonesia. These SMEs produces indigenous food product of Bakpia, Cracker, Fish chips and Tempe. Profile of Mood States (POMS) was used as the verbal parameter to measure Total Mood Disturbance (TMD). Heart rate was used as the non-verbal parameter. The measurement was pursued in daily check-in before working and check-out after working. The research results indicated TMD and heart rate are sensible to measure physiological response to workplace environmental parameters. Workplace environment has greater impact to the sensibility of worker mood and heart rate in Bakpia and Tempe’s SMEs, while it has less impact in Cracker and Fish Chips’s SMEs., Springer Verlag
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2015年 - Strain differences in temporal changes of nesting behaviors in C57BL/6N, DBA/2N, and their F1 hybrid mice assessed by a three-dimensional monitoring system
Behav. Processes, 2015年, [査読有り] - 個体レベルのシステムバイオロジー 細胞回路同定・非侵讐計測・非接触摂動(仮) 赤外線深度センサを利用した動物、植物の動きの解析
豊田 淳; 後藤 達彦; 荒川 俊也; 小針 大助; 鈴木 丈詞; 岡山 毅, (公社)日本生化学会
日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集, 2014年10月 - 〔主要な業績〕Future gardening system -smart garden
岡山 毅
Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture, 2013年, [査読有り] - リアルタイム土壌センサによる環境負荷量を表す土壌マップを用いた精密圃場管理の検討
梅田大樹・澁澤 栄・岡山 毅・Denis Yukio Sakuma・下保敏和
農業機械学会誌, 2011年04月24日, [査読有り] - The effect of photoperiod on β-glucuronidase gene expression under control CaMV-35S promoter in transgenic lettuce
Okayama, T; Furukawa, H; Okamura, K; Murase, H, 筆頭著者, We investigated the effects of different photoperiods on the expression level of GUS genes regulated by the CaMV-35S promoter in leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. 'Greenwave') for a recombinant protein production system. A leaf disk experiment and a cultivation experiment were conducted in different photoperiods. A linear relationship (R2 = 0.9934) was observed between the lengths of photoperiods and GUS activities per unit fresh weight in the leaf disk experiment. This result indicates that the expression of the CaMV-35S promoter during a photoperiod was much more enhanced than that during a dark period. In the cultivation experiment, a longer photoperiod helped not only to enhance the growth of a lettuce plant but also to increase its GUS activity. As a result, GUS activity per plant under the 24:0 h photoperiod was significantly (P<
0.05) higher than that under the 16:8 and 8:16 h photoperiods. However, the question remains whether these results for GUS-CaMV-35S promoter can be applied to other recombinant proteins or promoters. Further studies are thus required to establish a practical strategy for designing an efficient recombinant production system, in a plant factory., Biotron Institute
Environment Control in Biology, 2010年, [査読有り] - 広範な地域における一般化線形モデル・一般化線形混合モデルとGISを用いたアライグマ(Procyon lotor)の個体数の推定
金井武徳; 岡山 毅; 小山修平, 外来生物をはじめとする野生動物の管理計画を実施する場合,広範な地域における個体数を把握し将来的な目標を掲げながら対策を実施していくことが重要である.そこで本稿では,有害鳥獣捕獲による捕獲数,土地利用データおよび衛星データを用いてGISと一般化線形モデル(モデル1)および一般化線形混合モデル(モデル2)を組み合わせることにより大阪府域におけるアライグマの個体数を推定した.その結果,2つのモデルともに同様の説明変数がステップワイズ法によって選択され,大阪府域におけるアライグマの個体数分布図を掲示することができた.また,大阪府和泉市内において外来生物法に基づく防除の確認の申請によって捕獲されたアライグマ(検証データ)と推定したモデルを比較した結果,推定結果と検証データに相関が高いことが分かった(モデル1:r = 0.898,モデル2:r = 0.898).ここで構築したモデルとGISを用いて大阪府域におけるアライグマの個体数を推定した結果,モデル1が2,836頭(95%信頼区間:2,350頭~3,418頭),モデル2が2,836頭(95%信頼区間:2,289頭~3,515頭)と推定された.
, Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics
農業情報研究, 2010年, [査読有り] - 長ネギの内部品質評価方法とその変動
飯野 師,澁澤 栄,岡山 毅,梅田大樹,小島陽一郎,小平正和
農業機械学会, 2010年, [査読有り] - Time course of the expression of the CaMV35S-GUS gene in transgenic lettuce plants grown in a plant factory
Tsuyoshi Okayama; Kenichi Okamura; Haruhiko Murase, 筆頭著者, Leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. 'Greenwave') containing an introduced Cauliflower mosaic virus-35S promoter fused onto the the ß-glucuronidase (GUS) gene was grown in a plant factory for 50 days from seeding. Measurements of the GUS expression level of leaves indicated that the GUS protein that accumulated in the leaves was very stable and did not degrade. Consequently, the GUS expression per plant increased exponentially as the cultivation period became longer. This stability of the recombinant protein indicates that a longer cultivation period would be more efficient than the conventional cultivation period in a plant factory. However, the optimum cultivation period depends on the stability of the recombinant protein which is required., Elsevier B.V.
Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food, 2009年, [査読有り] - Modeling of forced convection airflow driven by thermal gradient caused by evaporation from cover plant
Park, J-E; Okayama, T; Murase, H, 文理シナジー学会
文理シナジー学会, 2009年, [査読有り] - Local wind control near the wall greening by using a neural network
Jai-Eok Park; Tsuyoshi Okayama; Haruhiko Murase, This study focuses on generating and controlling air flow caused by temperature differences and increasing the greening rate in urban areas by means of biowalls. In this study, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software and an artificial neural network. (ANN) inverse model were used to study generating and controlling air flow. First, an ANN inverse model was trained and tested using the data obtained from the CFD simulation, Then, the trained ANN inverse model recommended greening patterns to generate the desired air flow. Finally, a model study was conducted under similar conditions on the greening patterns recommended by the ANN inverse model. The most highly recommended greening pattern was whole-greening, in which the average temperature of 35.5°C would generate ascending air flow at a rate of 0.3 m·s-1. Wind velocity in the model study of a whole-greening pattern in which average temperature was 33.8°C, was 0.29 m·s-1' which is close to the desired wind velocity in the ANN inverse model. This result shows that it is possible to generate and control air flow near bio-greening caused by temperature differences, and this method which used CFD simulation and ANN inverse model is applicable., Biotron Institute
Environmental Control in Biology, 2009年, [査読有り] - A dynamic model for simulating recombinant protein production in transgenic lettuce for optimum environmental control
Tsuyoshi Okayama; Takenori Kanai; Mirwan Ushada; Kenichi Okamura; Haruhiko Murase, 筆頭著者, A dynamic model for simulating recombinant protein production in transgenic lettuce for optimum environmental control was developed. The model comprised three main parameters, which were leaf fresh weight, the number of cells, and amount of protein in each leaf. The differential equations of the model were integrated using the modeling software STELLA™. The model was calibrated based on the measured data of transgenic lettuce plants which were grown in a plant factory for 50 days from seeding. The plants contained an introduced Cauliflower mosaic virus-35S promoter fused onto the β-glucuronidase gene. Simulations were conducted to investigate the effect of plant growth control on the productivity of recombinant proteins which have various stabilities. The simulations indicated the importance of recombinant protein stability. If the parameters corresponding to the production and degradation of a recombinant protein can be identified, the simulation will be a strong tool for devising an environmental control strategy for highly efficient recombinant protein production systems., Biotron Institute
Environmental Control in Biology, 2009年, [査読有り] - リアルタイム土壌センシングシステムによる土中画像を用いた土壌パラメータ推定手法の検討
梅田 大樹; 澁澤 栄; 小平 正和; 下保 敏和; 平子 進一; 二宮 和則; 岡山 毅, The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers
農業機械学会誌, 2008年 - Estimation of evapotranspiration rate using neural network with plant motion
Tsuyoshi Okayama; Yang Yang; Peter P. Ling; Haruhiko Murase, 筆頭著者, Two neural network (NN) models were developed to estimate evapotranspiration (ET) rate of New Guinea Impatiens (Impatiens New Guinea Hibrid). Inputs of one NN model were canopy temperature, environmental factors (air temperature, relative humidity, radiation), and the plant motion (optional). The plant motion was calculated using the top projected canopy area. The mechanistic model was used in order to provide a baseline with which to compare performances of the NN models. In non-drought stress condition, root mean square error (RMSE) between estimated and measured ET rate of the NN model with the plant motion (NNP), the NN model without plant motion (NN), and the mechanistic model were 21.80%, 22.04%, and 29.94%, respectively. In drought stress condition, RMSE of the NNP, the NN, and the mechanistic model were 39.02%, 49.8.1%, and 72.09%, respectively. The plant motion could contribute the better performance when the plants were in drought stress condition. The NN model could estimate the ET rate without parameters used in the mechanistic model., Biotron Institute
Environmental Control in Biology, 2008年, [査読有り] - A simulation for precision airflow control using multi-fan in a plant factory
Tsuyoshi Okayama; Kenichi Okamura; Jai-Eok Park; Mirwan Ushada; Haruhiko Murase, 筆頭著者, A new airflow system with multi-fan for precise airflow control and its evaluating method were suggested. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation was employed to analyze airflow. A cultivation space (1.0 × 1.0 × 0.5 m3) was established in the CFD model, and 12 lettuce models with simplified shapes were set in the space. Six small fans were used for generating airflow in the model. In order to verify the accuracy of the CFD model against the actual situation, the same situation as the CFD model were prepared. Lettuce replicas were made of steel meshes with sealing tapes. The accuracy of the CFD model was enough to investigate performances of the airflow control patterns. We assumed that the net photosynthetic rate per plant can be calculated the summation of the net photosynthetic rate calculated with the air current speed and the leaf area in the cell (the minimum unit of the CFD model) on the surface of the lettuce models which were the adjacent cells to the lettuce models. The suggested airflow control pattern could provide more uniform airflow distribution than, the conventional airflow pattern and also enhance the net photosynthetic rate more than that in the conventional airflow pattern with the same energy input., Biotron Institute
Environmental Control in Biology, 2008年, [査読有り] - A simulation model for heterologous protein production in transgenic lettuce
Tsuyoshi Okayama; Kenichi Okamura; Harahiko Murase, 筆頭著者, A simulation model was developed for heterologous protein production in transgenic lettuce. The model focused on. the time course of fresh weight and heterologous protein of each leaf. The total amount of heterologous protein in a head of lettuce was expressed by the summation of all amounts of heterologous protein in all leaves. Soluble rather than heterologous protein concentration was used due to the unavailability of the transgenic lettuce producing specific heterologous protein. The parameters of the model were decided based on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. 'Greenwave') grown in the plant factory at Osaka Prefecture University. The first simulation reproduced the time course of soluble protein production in a head of lettuce grown under conventional environmental conditions. In the second simulation, protein production at 15°C and 25°C was simulated to investigate the effect of the model parameters on protein production. The results indicated the existence of an optimum cultivation cycle and the advantages and disadvantages of protein production at low and high temperature., Biotron Institute
Environmental Control in Biology, 2008年, [査読有り] - Textural analysis of soil images to quantify and characterize the spatial variation of soil properties using a real-time soil sensor
Swapan Kumar Roy; Sakae Shibusawa; Tsuyoshi Okayama, The primary aim of this work was to predict soil moisture content and soil organic matter using soil image texture statistics. Co-occurrence method texture statistics were used to characterize Andisol soils to extend the possibility of using RGB color space in representing composite soil color. Four co-occurrence method textural features; angular second moment (ASM), contrast (CON), correlation (COR) and inverse difference moment (IDM) calculated from generalized matrix for image texture representation were used to describe soil moisture content variation under laboratory conditions. It was found that CON and COR had negative responses to moisture content (MC) and ASM had positive response to MC. The same were also observed in direct captured field soil images in terms of textural indices against MC and soil organic matter (SOM). The correlations were significant for ASM and COR in fertilizer and combined (fertilizer-manure) plots and insignificant in manure plots. To relate sub-surface image textural indices and soil properties for individual years, stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR) and supervised feed-forward neural networks (NN) were investigated in an attempt to provide minimal prediction errors. The improvements achieved by NN with minimal prediction errors were better than SMLR in different years. It was assumed that several years of data sets with a much larger number of observations could be used to differentiate fundamental soil properties., SPRINGER
PRECISION AGRICULTURE, 2006年12月, [査読有り] - Monitoring of topsoil characteristics using field airborne hyper signatures and underground soil images from real-time soil spectrophotometer
Roy, S. K; Shibusawa, S; Okayama, T
農業機械学会誌, 2006年, [査読有り] - 近赤外分光法を用いた土壌診断手法の開発 -偏光を利用した手法の検討-
梅田大樹; 澁澤 栄; 高柳正夫; 岡山 毅; 平子進一, A new technique applying polarized near-infrared spectroscopy is proposed for precise measurements of moisture content in soil. Diffuse reflectance spectra of seven kinds of soil samples were measured. Linear relation between the moisture content and the signal intensity due to water is lost when the moisture content of the soil is high, presumably because intense direct reflection at the sample surface interferes measurements. Application of polarized light was found to improve the precision of quantitative measurement. In the scheme, by using a polariz-ing plate for each of the incident and reflected light, p-polarized light was irradiated on a soil sample, while only the s-polarized light from the sample was detected. The technique is expected to be applicable not only for precise measurements of moisture content but also for diagnosis of texture of soil with high concentration moisture., The Spectroscopical Society of Japan
分光研究, 2006年, [査読有り] - Classification of Shape of Bell Pepper by Machine Vision System
Okayama, T; Qiao J; Tanaka, H; Kondo, N; Shibusawa, S, 筆頭著者, 本研究では, 客観的かつ迅速なピーマンの選果を目指したマシンビジョンシステムの開発を目指し, 2つの実験を行った. 最初の実験では, ピーマンを選果する際に重要となる果形特徴量の選別を行い, さらにそれら特徴量を用いた判別試験を行った. その結果, 3方向から撮影された画像から得られた5つの特徴量が選択された. それらを用いた特徴量を入力変数として用いたニューラルネットワークによる判別精度は, A判定が95%, B判定が100%, 全体で95.7%であった. 2番目の実験では, なるべく少ない画像数で, 高い判別精度が得られる撮影画像数とそれらを撮影する角度の最適値を, シミュレーションを用いて求めた. その結果, 2つの画像を用いた場合の最適角度は90度であり, 4画像を用いた場合のB級品判別精度は, 80%, 8画像を用いた場合では92%であった., Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics
農業情報研究, 2006年, [査読有り] - Data fusion of soil spectral reflectance and image features for predicting soil parameters using real-time soil sensor
Okayama, T; Shibusawa, S; Kaho, T; Umeda, H; Hirako, S, 筆頭著者
農業機械学会誌, 2006年, [査読有り] - DNA algorithm and its application
Okayama, T; Murase, H, 筆頭著者, 自然界の情報処理系には,進化の結果として得られた数多くの最適化手法が確認されている.これらの最適化手法の理解は,新しい最適化アルゴリズムの構築につながる.その成功例として,遺伝的アルゴリズム,ニューラルネットワーク及び免疫的アルゴリズム等が挙げられる.岡山らによって提案された,それらに続く新しい生物系由来最適化アルゴリズムであるDNAアルゴリズムは,遺伝子情報を含まないとされるイントロンを利用しており,イントロンをエキソン部に挿入することにより,重要な遺伝子情報を含むエキソン部を突然変異から保護し,結果として突然変異率の設定に対して,安定した解の推定が可能である.本研究では,このDNAアルゴリズムに,新たにエキソンシャッフリングの概念を導入し,その効果を検証するために100都市巡回セールスマン問題を用いた.その結果,イントロン挿入率およびイントロン削除率を変化させ,エキソン数を調整することで,ほぼ最短の巡回ルートの探索が可能であった.また,単純遺伝的アルゴリズムと比較したところ,10個体,10,000世代において,単純遺伝的アルゴリズムの推定ルート長が1997に対し,DNAアルゴリズムでは881と良好な結果が得られた., Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics
農業情報研究, 2005年, [査読有り] - 事業型生ごみ発生現場におけるコンポスト化一次処理装置の意義と効果
姜虎; 笹尾 彰; 澁澤 栄; 八木 茂; 岡山 毅; 野田玲治
農業機械学会誌, 2005年, [査読有り] - リアルタイム土中光センサによるテクスチャ画像解析を用いた土壌パラメータの推定
ROY SWAPAN KUMAR; 岡山 毅; 澁澤 栄; 笹尾 彰, The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers
農業機械学会誌, 2004年, [査読有り] - DNAアルゴリズム
岡山 毅; 北端啓司; 村瀬治比古, 筆頭著者, 農学分野の多くの問題は非線形性が強く,また,解候補数も莫大であることが多い.そのような問題に対しては従来の決定論的な計算手法による解析が困難である場合が多い.それらの問題を解くもしくは近似解を得る手法として注目を集めているのが,適応的あるいは知能的手法で生物系由来アルゴリズムである遺伝的アルゴリズム(GA)や人工ニューラルネットワーク(ANN)である.本研究で開発したDNAアルゴリズムは(DNAA), GAやANNと同様な生物系由来アルゴリズムである.GAとDNAAの違いは,GAがエキソンのみを考慮に入れているのに対し,DNAAは,エキソンのみならずイントロンも最適化に貢献する要素として取り入れたことにある.エキソンとはタンパク質合成に必要な塩基配列であり,イントロンとはタンパク質の合成の際に情報源として用いられない塩基配列である.イントロンの役割は未だ解明されていないが,その重要な役割の一つが,突然変異による致命的な遺伝情報の破壊を減少させることにあるといわれている.本研究では,人工生命を用いてこの仮定を検証し,そして文字列探索問題とナップザック問題を用いてDNAAの性能を評価した.その結果,エキソンによる突然変異に対する防御が,人工生命が繁殖する上で良い効果を与えていること,そしてより重要度の高いエキソンにより長いイントロンが付加すること,そしてDNAAは,GAと比較し高い突然変異率に対してより安定した推定が行えることが明らかとなった., Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics
農業情報研究, 2003年, [査読有り] - Effects of CO2 concentration and light intensity on photosynthesis of a rootless submerged plant, Ceratophyllum demersum L. used for aquatic food production in bioregenerative life support systems
Y Kitaya; T Okayama; K Murakami; T Takeuchi, In addition to green microalgae, aquatic higher plants are likely to play an important role in aquatic food production modules in bioregenerative systems for producing feed for fish, converting CO2 to O-2 and remedying water quality. In the present study, the effects of culture conditions on the net photosynthetic rate of a rootless submerged plant, Ceratophyllum demersum L., was investigated to determine the optimum culture conditions for maximal function of plants in food production modules including both aquatic plant culture and fish culture systems. The net photosynthetic rate in plants was determined by the increase in dissolved O-2 concentrations in a closed vessel containing a plantlet and water. The water in the vessel was aerated sufficiently with a gas containing a known concentration of CO(2)gas mixed with N-2 gas before closing the vessel. The CO2 concentrations in the aerating gas ranged from 0.3 to 10 mmol mol(-1). Photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) in the vessel ranged from 0 (dark) to 1.0 mmol m(-2) s(-1), which was controlled with a metal halide lamp. Temperature was kept at 28degreesC. The net photosynthetic rate increased with increasing PPFD levels and was saturated at 0.2 and 0.5 mmol m(-2) s(-1) PPFD under CO2 levels of 1.0 and 3.0 mmol mol(-1), respectively. The net photosynthetic rate increased with increasing CO2 levels from 0.3 to 3.0 mmol mol(-1) showing the maximum value, 75 nmolO(2) gDW(-1) s(-1), at 2-3 mmol mol(-1)CO(2) and gradually decreased with increasing CO2 levels from 3.0 to 10 mmol mol(-1). The results demonstrate that C. demersum could be an efficient CO2 to O-2 converter under a 2.0 mmol mol(-1) CO2 level and relatively low PPFD levels in aquatic food production modules. (C) 2003 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved., PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
SPACE LIFE SCIENCES: CLOSED ARTIFICIAL ECOSYSTEMS AND LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS, 2003年, [査読有り] - Leaf cellular automata and its application
T Okayama; H Murase, Recently. genetic algorithms and other newly developed search techniques have received a lot of attention, because of their easy to use nature in many engineering problems. They are capable of locating a good approximate in extremely large search spaces. with a reasonable amount of computational effort. Leaf cellular automata (LCA) developed and evaluated in this study are also one of search algorithms inspired by photosynthetic procedures a leaf. Cellular automata are used as fundamental technique., IEEE
- 低コストオープンソースハードウェアを用いたスマート農業推進の提言
岡山 毅
農作業研究, 2020年09月, [査読有り], [招待有り] - オオムギリビングマルチの畝間への播種様式の違いが雑草発生とサツマイモ収量に及ぼす影響
浅木 直美; 中島 悠冶; 盧 文藝; 安達 俊輔; 西脇 淳子; 岡山 毅; 小松崎 将一
日本作物学会関東支部会報, 2020年 - 家畜とのふれあいを含む農作業活動が精神疾患者の心理・生理的状態に及ぼす効果
安江 健; 竹村 紀穂; 高橋 弘美; 柴沼 沙織; 下西 ひかり; 水野 高昌; 小松崎 将一; 山川 百合子; 小針 大助; 岡山 毅; 佐々木 誠一; 豊田 淳
日本畜産学会大会講演要旨集, 2017年03月 - Monitoring Nest Building in Mice and Leaf Movement of Kidney Beans Using an Infrared Range Camera
Tsuyoshi Okayama; Tatsuhiko Goto; Takeshi Suzuki; Atsushi Toyoda
Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 2015年, [査読有り]
- サツマイモの三次元形状解析
朝戸拓望; 浅木直美; 小松﨑将一; 岡山 毅; 岩崎明
サツマイモの三次元形状解析, 2024年03月 - 黒毛和種子牛の血統別の発育状況に対する時系列的三次元解析手法の提案
岩田颯斗; 岡山毅; 小針大助; 小松崎将一; 路川強
農作業学会2024年度春季大会, 2024年03月 - ゲームエンジンを使った参加型フェノタイピング仮想実験空間の提案
岡山 毅
農業環境⼯学関連学会2023年合同⼤会, 2023年09月 - 4次元(3次元+時間軸)で考えるゲームエンジンを活用した植物工場シミュレーションの可能性と課題
岡山 毅
日本生物環境工学会2023年豊橋大会, 2023年09月 - Developing Dynamic Parametric and Rigging Models of Strawberry Leaf with a Digital Content Creation Tool
Okayama, T; Mochizuki, Y
MLCAS 2023, 2023年07月 - 「技術革新」によるスマートアグリの実現
農業をめぐる「技術革新」と茨城の地域活性化, 2019年11月05日, [招待有り] - 深度センサを用いたインゲンマメの水ストレス反応の三次元計測
農業環境工学関連5学会2015年合同大会, 2015年09月17日 - 3次元深度センサを用いたマウス巣作り行動の評価に関する研究
豊田 淳,後藤 達彦,岡山 毅
第38回日本神経科学大会, 2015年07月29日 - Monitoring Nest Building in Mice and Leaf Movement of Kidney Beans using an Infrared Range Camera
Tsuyoshi Okayama; Tatsuhiko Goto; Takeshi Suzuki; Atsushi Toyoda
The 2014 International Conference on Agro-industry (ICoA) : Competitive and sustainable Agro-industry for Human Welfare, 2014年11月25日, [招待有り] - Investigating Spatiotemporal Light Environmental Control using an LED Projector on Plant Growth
Plant Factory Conference 2014, 2014年11月12日 - Investigation of Aesthetic Qualities of Tabletop Plant Factories with Growing Multiple Species of Plants
Kasumi Matsuo; Tsuyoshi Okayama
Plant Factory Conference 2014, 2014年11月12日 - Monitoring of Leaf Movement of Kidney Beans by using an Infrared Depth Camera
Plant Factory Conference 2014, 2014年11月11日 - 3次元センサを用いた インゲンマメ葉の調位運動計測
岡山 毅; 鈴木丈詞
農業食料工学会第73回(2014年度)年次大会, 2014年05月18日 - 3次元センサを用いたインゲンマメ葉の調位運動計測
岡山 毅,鈴木丈詞
農業食料工学会第73回(2014年度)年次大会, 2014年05月18日 - Future Gardening system - Smart Garden -
Tsuyoshi OKAYAMA
Ag-ESD SYMPOSIUM 2013, 2013年11月26日, [招待有り] - 深度センサを用いた植物生育モニタリングの基礎的研究
農業食料工学会第72回(2013年度)年次大会, 2013年09月11日 - The effect of light intensity on β-glucuronidase gene expression under control CaMV-35S promoter in transgenic leaf lettuce
Okayama, T; Okamura, K; Murase, H
6th International Symposium on Light in Horticulture, 2009年 - Lettuce growth model for “edible vaccine” production
Okayama, T; Okamura, K; Murase, H
4th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB), 2008年 - Textural feature of subsurface soil image for sensor-fusion using real-time soil sensor
Okayama, T; Shibusawa, S; Umeda, H; Hirako, S
8th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, 2006年 - Site-specific soil properties prediction using hyperspectral signatures of topsoil coverage and underground image by real-time soil spectrophotometer implementation of precision agriculture
Roy, S. K; Shibusawa, S; Okayama, T
Precision Agriculture '05, 2005年 - A real-time multi-spectral soil sensor - Predictability of soil moisture and organic matter content in a small field
Shibusawa; S.; Ehara; K.; Okayama; T.; Umeda; H.; Hirako; S.
Precision Agriculture '05, 2005年 - DNA algorithms based on exon shuffling
Okayama; T.; Murase; H.
16th IFAC World Congress, 2005年 - Characterization of fertilizer and manure stressed soil images with textural analysis using real-time soil spectrophotometer
Roy, S. K; Shibusawa, S; Kaho, T; Morimoto, E; Sasao, T; Okayama, T; Kondo, N
7th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, 2004年 - Mist Irrigation System for Moss
Okayama; T.; Ishikawa; M.; Uemura; S.; Murakami; K.; Murase; H.
International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Bioproduction Systems, 2002年 - Solution for N queens problem using a photosynthetic algorithm
Okayama; T.; Murase; H.
15th IFAC World Congress, 2002年