ウエスギ カオル上杉 薫助教Kaoru Uesugi
- 2023年04月 - 2025年03月, 広報委員, 日本機械学会 バイオエンジニアリング部門
- 2024年04月 - 2024年08月, 実行委員 Web担当, 日本機械学会 2024年茨城講演会
- 2024年05月, オーガナイザー(バイオマニピュレーション), ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2024
- 2023年04月 - 2023年08月, 実行委員 Web担当, 日本機械学会 2023年茨城講演会
- 2023年06月, オーガナイザー(バイオマニピュレーション), ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2023
- 2021年04月 - 2023年03月, 委員, 日本機械学会 バイオエンジニアリング部門「若手による次世代戦略委員会」
- 2022年08月, 実行委員, 日本機械学会 2022年茨城講演会
- 2022年08月, Special Issue Editor, Biosensors (ISSN 2079-6374), “MEMS Based Biosensors and Its Applications“
- 2022年06月, オーガナイザー(バイオマニピュレーション), ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2022
- 2022年03月, Workshop Committee, International Workshop on Molecular Cybernetics: Toward Chemical AI
- 2021年04月 - 2021年08月, 実行委員 Web会場担当, 日本機械学会 2021年茨城講演会
- 2021年06月, オーガナイザー(バイオマニピュレーション), ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021
- 2020年05月, オーガナイザー(バイオマニピュレーション), ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2020
- 2020年04月, 構成員, 茨城大学ライフサポート科学教育研究センター
- 2019年06月, オーガナイザー(バイオマニピュレーション), ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2019
- 2018年08月, 幹事, 国際生体分子デザインコンペティション(BIOMOD2018)国内大会
- 2018年05月, “Multi-Scale Bionic Systems” オーガナイザー(代理), ICRA2018 Workshop
- 2017年09月, 幹事, 国際生体分子デザインコンペティション(BIOMOD2017)国内大会
個人HP: http://uesugilab.mechsys.ibaraki.ac.jp/
- 2023年07月, TRiSTARフェロー認定, 文部科学省「世界で活躍できる研究者戦略育成事業」として実施する「大学×国研×企業連携によるトップランナー育成プログラム(TRiSTAR)」(代表機関 国立大学法人筑波大学)
上杉薫 - 2022年08月, 優秀講演賞, マイクロ溝基板を用いた細胞の形態制御と細胞内部構造の3次元解析, 日本機械学会 2022年茨城講演会
綿谷直樹;上杉薫;長山和亮 - 2022年05月, 若手優秀講演賞, 細胞配列化と繰返引張刺激による血管平滑筋細胞の分化誘導への試み, 日本機械学会 関東支部 第28期総会
綿谷直樹;上杉薫;長山和亮 - 2022年04月, Best Presentation Award, 細胞間の力学的相互作用が細胞の紫外線耐性に与える影響~細胞密度および細胞種の違いによる応答変化~, 関東学生会第61回学生員卒業研究発表講演会
廣岡祐仁;上杉 薫;長山和亮 - 2021年09月, 優秀講演賞, 細胞の力学応答解析のための顕微鏡下伸展刺激負荷システムの開発, 日本機械学会 2020年茨城講演会
池田圭吾,上杉薫,長山和亮 - 2021年03月, 学生優秀発表賞, 聴覚を用いた細胞情報評価方法の提案, 日本機械学会 関東学生会第60回学生員卒業研究発表講演会
滝口裕也;長山和亮;上杉薫 - 2019年06月, ベストプレゼンテーション賞, 線虫の化学走性を用いたµ物質のセンシング・マニピュレーション・デリバリーに関する研究, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2018
新保圭成,珍部公輔,上杉薫,木村幸太郎,森島圭祐 - 2019年03月, ベストプレゼンテーション賞, 細胞内FRETを用いたワイヤレス力センサの開発に関する研究, 日本機械学会 関西学生会2018年度学生員卒業研究発表講演会
森裕樹;上杉薫;森島圭祐 - 2019年03月, ベストプレゼンテーション賞, 静脈弁に着想を得たマイクロ流体デバイスにおけるフレキシブル逆止弁構造, 日本機械学会 関西学生会2018年度学生員卒業研究発表講演会
別所芳春;王穎哲;上杉薫;森島圭祐 - 2019年, 優秀講演賞, アメンボの幼虫と成虫の表面構造による撥水機能の差異, 第19回公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会
上杉薫;眞山博幸;森島圭祐 - 2018年06月, ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門一般表彰 ベストプレゼンテーション表彰, 引張刺激に対するiPS由来3次元心筋組織の拍動特性, 日本機械学会
上杉 薫 - 2017年03月, ベストプレゼンテーション賞, 生体機械融合型ロボットによる自律分散センサネットワークの構築に関する研究, 日本機械学会 関西学生会2018年度学生員卒業研究発表講演会
平野陽大;上杉薫;倉本圭;森島圭祐 - 2015年, ベストプレゼンテーション賞, 単一筋細胞バイオアクチュエータを駆動源とするマイクロマシンに関する研究, 日本機械学会 関西学生会2014年度学生員卒業研究発表講演会
小川幸太;上杉薫;Yaxiaer Yalikun;森島圭祐 - 2008年05月, 中間発表会 優秀講演賞, 東京農工大学大学院機械システム工学専攻
上杉 薫 - 2006年09月, アイデアコンテスト入賞, 東京農工大学 産学連携・知的財産センター
上杉 薫
- 〔主要な業績〕Micro tensile tester measurement of biomechanical properties and adhesion force of microtubule-polymerization-inhibited cancer cells.
Kaoru Uesugi; Shota Obata; Kazuaki Nagayama, 筆頭著者, Both mechanical and adhesion properties of cancer cells are complex and reciprocally related to migration, invasion, and metastasis with large cell deformation. Therefore, we evaluated these properties for human cervical cancer cells (HeLa) simultaneously using our previously developed micro tensile tester system. For efficient evaluation, we developed image analysis software to modify the system. The software can analyze the tensile force in real time. The modified system can evaluate the tensile stiffness of cells to which a large deformation is applied, also evaluate the adhesion strength of cancer cells that adhered to a culture substrate and were cultured for several days with their adhesion maturation. We used the modified system to simultaneously evaluate the stiffness of the cancer cells to which a large deformation was applied and their adhesion strength. The obtained results revealed that the middle phase of tensile stiffness and adhesion force of the microtubule-depolymerized group treated with colchicine (an anti-cancer drug) (stiffness, 13.4 ± 7.5 nN/%; adhesion force, 460.6 ± 258.2 nN) were over two times larger than those of the control group (stiffness, 5.0 ± 3.5 nN/%; adhesion force, 168.2 ± 98.0 nN). Additionally, the same trend was confirmed with the detailed evaluation of cell surface stiffness using an atomic force microscope. Confocal fluorescence microscope observations showed that the stress fibers (SFs) of colchicine-treated cells were aligned in the same direction, and focal adhesions (FAs) of the cells developed around both ends of the SFs and aligned parallel to the developed direction of the SFs. There was a possibility that the microtubule depolymerization by the colchicine treatment induced the development of SFs and FAs and subsequently caused an increment of cell stiffness and adhesion force. From the above results, we concluded the modified system would be applicable to cancer detection and anti-cancer drug efficacy tests.
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2024年05月22日, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Morphological and functional analyses for investigation of sexually selected legs in the frog legged beetle Sagra femorata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).
Masako Katsuki; Kaoru Uesugi; Tomoyuki Yokoi; Takane Ozawa; Devin M O'Brien; Douglas J Emlen; Kensuke Okada; Yasukazu Okada, Mate choice and male-male combat over successful mating often cause disproportionate exaggeration of male trait relative to body size. However, the exaggeration is often not the only trait involved with male-male combat and mate choice: suites of co-expressed traits may function together as a coordinated unit. When this occurs, dimorphism may be expected for these additional, non-exaggerated, structures. S. femorata males have disproportionately large hind-legs used in male-male combat over females. During the fights, fore- and mid-legs are used to keep males in positions where advantageous for leverage. Because use of the exaggerated hind-legs is coordinated with the other legs, they will coevolve as a functional unit. Here, we show that 1) S. femorata has sexual size differences in all three legs; 2) males show positive allometry in the relative sizes of all three legs; and 3) microstructures of tarsi on the fore- and mid-legs are also sexually dimorphic. Despite these differences in the tarsal microstructure, 4) adhesion forces of the tarsi had no sexual difference in flat surface. The microstructure would be specialized on attaching elytra surface. These results suggest that the three pairs of legs function together during fighting behavior, with hind-legs employed primarily for fighting, and the fore- and mid-legs functioning to grip females, keeping males positioned on the back of the female during combat.
Arthropod structure & development, 2024年05月04日, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Contractile and Tensile Measurement of Molecular Artificial Muscles for Biohybrid Robotics.
Yingzhe Wang; Kaoru Uesugi; Takahiro Nitta; Yuichi Hiratsuka; Keisuke Morishima, A printable artificial muscle assembled from biomolecular motors, which we have recently developed, showed great potential in overcoming the design limitations of conventional biohybrid robots as a new bio-actuator. Characterizing its contractility for extending its applicability is important. However, conventional measurement methods are composed of complex operations with poor reproducibility, flexibility, and real-time responsiveness. This study presents a new method for measuring the contractile force generated by artificial muscles. A measurement system was constructed, wherein artificial muscles were patterned by UV laser scanning in an oil-sealed microchamber, and the contractile force was measured in real time using a microforce sensor extended by a 3D-printed microcantilever. The measurement accuracy of the sensor was ensured through calibration and correction. For demonstration purposes, a series of contractile measurements were carried out using the proposed system. The relationship between contractile force and the dimensions of the activation space of the artificial muscles, as well as the tensile properties of the contracted muscle chain were evaluated. The results will help characterize the contractile properties of the artificial muscle and lay the foundations for its further application in biohybrid robotics.
Cyborg and bionic systems, 2024年05月, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Analysis of Rowing Force of the Water Strider Middle Leg by Direct Measurement Using a Bio-Appropriating Probe and by Indirect Measurement Using Image Analysis.
Kaoru Uesugi; Hiroyuki Mayama; Keisuke Morishima, 筆頭著者, Rowing force of the middle leg of a water strider is one of the important factors affecting water repellency and applications in biomimetics, biomechanics, and biology. However, many previous studies have been based on estimated leg rowing force and lack some credibility. Therefore, we tried to measure leg rowing force directly by a force transducer. In this article, we report the rowing force of water striders obtained by direct and indirect measurements. In the direct measurement, water striders were set onto a sensor system and the rowing force of a middle leg of the set water striders was directly measured using a bio-appropriating probe (BAP), a kind of hook. In the indirect measurement, water striders were not fixed and the rowing force of locomoting water striders was evaluated by image analysis using a high-speed camera. As a result, we determined the rowing force by the direct measurement to be 955 μN, while the rowing force by the indirect measurement was 493 μN. We considered that the indirect measurement might lack some credibility because half the propellant energy was lost in the indirect force measurement due to various other factors.
Cyborg and bionic systems, 2023年11月, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Keeping a Clean Surface under Water: Nanoscale Nipple Array Decreases Surface Adsorption and Adhesion Forces
Kaoru Uesugi; Kazuaki Nagayama; Euichi Hirose, 筆頭著者, While nanoscale nipple arrays are expected to reduce light reflection and/or dust contamination in some insects, similar structures have been reported in various marine invertebrates. To evaluate the anti-contamination property of the structure in aquatic regimes, we measured the adsorption and adhesion forces on the flat surface and MOSMITE™ (Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Tokyo, Japan), a synthetic material mimicking the nipple array, under water. A small force toward the surface occurred when the probe approached the substrate surface. This adsorption force was significantly smaller on MOSMITE™ than on the flat surface. The adhesion force toward the surface occurred when the probe was detached from the surface, and it was also significantly smaller on MOSMITE™ than on the flat surface. The adhesion force in the air was much greater than the force under water, and the force was also significantly smaller on MOSMITE™ than on the flat surface. In the aquatic regime, the nipple array provides less adsorption/adhesion properties for the surface and thus, the organisms would have less contamination of microparticles on their body surface. As the adsorption and adhesion forces are also involved in the attachment of cells, tissue, and larvae, less adhesive body surfaces should be beneficial for survival in aquatic environments, as well as land environments., MDPI AG
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022年01月08日, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕細胞への静水圧刺激負荷による紫外線誘導DNA 損傷の抑制効果
上杉 薫; 佐藤 賢也; 長山 和亮, 筆頭著者, Kaoru UESUGI, Kenya SATO and Kazuaki NAGAYAMA Cells are affected by various mechanical stimulations and change their mechanical and physiological properties. Recently, we found that mechanical stress possibly inhibits the ultraviolet (UV)-induced DNA damage of cells. Thus, in this study, the morphological change and the UV damage of nuclear DNA of cultured cells exposed to hydrostatic pressure were evaluated. First, a hydrostatic pressure-imposing experimental setup was constructed and morphological change of rat smooth muscle cell’s (A7r5) nucleus was evaluated. The results showed that the shape of the nucleus of cells exposed to hydrostatic pressure came close circle and the projected area and the volume decreased. The height of the nucleus did not change significantly. Then, the UV damage of nuclear DNA of A7r5 cells exposed to hydrostatic pressure was evaluated. An evaluation of breakage of DNA with γ-H2AX shown that the UV damage of cells exposed to hydrostatic pressure was inhibited. An evaluation using nuclear staining was shown that the UV damage of cells exposed to hydrostatic pressure was more decreased than that of cells unexposed, simultaneously with intranuclear DNA aggregations. These results mean that the DNA aggregation that occurred by a decrease of nuclear shape may work as a physical barrier against UV irradiation., 日本実験力学会
実験力学, 2021年10月01日, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Water-Repellency Model of the Water Strider, Aquarius Paludum Paludum, by the Curved Structure of Leg Micro-Hairs
K. Uesugi, 筆頭著者
Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, 2021年06月, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Measurement of the bio-mechanical properties of two different feeder layer cells
S. Romanazzoa; K. Uesugi; A. Taniguchia; G. Forte; K. Morishima
The Open Biotechnology Journal, 2021年01月, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Proposal of a Water-repellency Model of Water Strider and Its Verification by Considering Directly Measured Strider Leg-rowing Force
K. Uesugi; H. Mayama; K. Morishima, 筆頭著者, © 2020 SPST. Nano-and micro-structures can be realized by using photofabrication, crystal growth, chemical deposition, etching and other methods. This variety of fabrication methods encourages the development of water-repellent surfaces from the viewpoint of biomimetics. Water striders have attracted interest in biomimetics because their water-repellency property makes it possible for them to live on water surfaces. Micro-hairs, which are present on the surface of the water strider’s legs, can maintain an air layer between the water surface and the legs, providing the repellency property. While there have been various studies which have considered a physical model of the water strider’s water-repellency property, no model has taken directly measured water strider leg-rowing force into account. Therefore, in this study, we proposed a physical model of a water strider using Laplace pressure, and then we considered directly measured leg-rowing force to verify the model. First, we considered the relationship between water pressure around the micro-hairs and the intersection of the surface of the micro-hairs and the water surface using our proposed model. We found that when the micro-hairs were in contact with the water surface and the air layer was maintained, the maximum Laplace pressure Pmax was 35.2 kPa. This meant that if Laplace pressure exceeded 35.2 kPa, the water pressure caused by the rowing motion of the strider legs pushed water into the space between micro-hairs. Additionally, we calculated maximum water pressure PL which was loaded around the surface of the water strider's leg by rowing of the leg. PL was 546 Pa, and this value was significantly smaller than Pmax. This meant that the water pressure did not push water into the space between the leg micro-hairs and the water strider’s legs maintained their water repellency when moving.
Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, 2020年05月, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕A simple micro check valve using a photo-patterned hydrogel valve core
Yingzhe Wang; Kazuma Toyoda; Kaoru Uesugi; Keisuke Morishima, © 2020 Elsevier B.V. Micro check valves play a pivotal role in many microfluidic systems. However, there is still an unmet need for low-cost check valves with good performance and easy integration. In this work, we present a planar micro check valve using a hydrogel valve core fabricated in situ in a microchannel. This valve is characterized by a simple fabrication process and easy integration with other microfluidic devices. Experimental results proved that the check valve performs better than most existing in-plane micro check valves, especially in low-pressure operations, with nearly zero forward cracking pressure and reverse leakage, adjustable forward fluidic resistance, and good repeatability. We further proposed a normally-closed check valve with controllable cracking pressure to meet different requirements of microfluidic devices. Precise cracking pressures could be achieved by regulating the valve spring width. To demonstrate the valve usefulness, we employed these valves to make a finger-actuated micro-mixer and a bio-actuated micro-pump. This study makes the flow control more simplified in integrated microfluidic systems.
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 2020年04月, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Survival Rate of Cells Sent by a Low Mechanical Load Tube Pump: the “Ring Pump”
K. Uesugi; K. Nishiyama; K. Hirai; H. Inoue; Y. Sakurai; Y. Yamada; T. Taniguchi; K. Morishima, 筆頭著者, © 2020 by the authors. A ring pump (RP) is a useful tool for microchannels and automated cell culturing. We have been developing RPs (a full-press ring pump, FRP; and a mid-press ring pump, MRP). However, damage to cells which were sent by the RP and the MRP was not investigated, and no other studies have compared the damage to cells between RPs and peristaltic pumps (PPs). Therefore, first, we evaluated the damage to cells that were sent by a small size FRP (s-FRP) and small size MRPs (s-MRPs; gap = 25 or 50 μm, respectively). "Small size" means that the s-FRP and the s-MRPs are suitable for microchannel-scale applications. The survival rate of cells sent by the s-MRPs was higher than those sent by the s-FRP, and less damage caused by the former. Second, we compared the survival rate of cells that were sent by a large size FRP (l-FRP), a large size MRP (l-MRP) (gap = 50 μm) and a PP. "Large size" means that the l-FRP and the l-MRP are suitable for automated cell culture system applications. We could not confirm any differences among the cell survival rates. On the other hand, when cells suspended in Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline solution were circulated with the l-MRP (gap = 50 μm) and the PP, we confirmed a difference in cell survival rate, and less damage caused by the former.
micromachines, 2020年04月, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Micro Vacuum Chuck and Tensile Test System for Bio-Mechanical Evaluation of 3D Tissue Constructed of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes (hiPS-CM)
K. Uesugi; F. Shima; K. Fukumoto; A. Hiura; Y. Tsukamoto; S. Miyagawa; Y. Sawa; T. Akagi; M. Akashi; K. Morishima, 筆頭著者, © 2019 by the authors. In this report,we propose amicro vacuumchuck (MVC)which can connect three-dimensional (3D) tissues to a tensile test system by vacuum pressure. Because the MVC fixes the 3D tissue by vacuum pressure generated on multiple vacuum holes, it is expected that the MVC can fix 3D tissue to the system easily and mitigate the damage which can happen by handling during fixing. In order to decide optimum conditions for the size of the vacuum holes and the vacuum pressure, various sized vacuum holes and vacuum pressures were applied to a normal human cardiac fibroblast 3D tissue. From the results, we confirmed that a square shape with 100 μm sides was better for fixing the 3D tissue. Then we mounted our developed MVCs on a specially developed tensile test system and measured the bio-mechanical property (beating force) of cardiac 3D tissue which was constructed of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPS-CM); the 3D tissue had been assembled by the layer-by-layer (LbL) method. We measured the beating force of the cardiac 3D tissue and confirmed the measured force followed the Frank-Starling relationship. This indicates that the beating property of cardiac 3D tissue obtained by the LbL method was close to that of native cardiac tissue.
micromachines, 2019年07月, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕A Micro Peristaltic Pump Using an Optically Controllable Bioactuator
E. Yamatsuta; S. Beh; H. Tsujimura; K. Uesugi; K. Morishima
Engineering, 2019年05月, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Insect Muscular Tissue-Powered Swimming Robot
Y. Yalikun; K. Uesugi; M. Hiroki; Y. Shen; Y. Tanaka; Y. Akiyama; K. Morishima, 筆頭著者
actuators, 2019年04月, [査読有り] - A Simple Micro Check Valve Using Patterned Hydrogel Valve Core
Yingzhe Wang; Kaoru Uesugi; Keisuke Morishima, IEEE
2019 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2019年01月, [査読有り] - Micro-Assembly Using Optically Patterned Molecular-Motor-Powered Artificial Muscles
Yingzhe Wang; Yuichi Hiratsuka; Takahiro Nitta; Kaoru Uesugi; Keisuke Morishima, © 2019 IEEE. In this work, a novel micro-assembly method using molecular-motor-powered artificial muscles is presented. A UV scanning system was set up to fast optically pattern artificial muscles from microtubules and kinesins. With this system, micro-components could be accurately assembled by fabricated artificial muscles in microfluidic channel. The successful assemblies of hexagon micro-components have proved the feasibility of this method. We believe this new micro-assembly with simple operation and low cost has a great potential in MEMS applications.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2019年01月, [査読有り] - Microfluidic fabrication of bio-actuators driven by artificial muscles made from molecular motors
Yingzhe Wang; Yuichi Hiratsuka; Takahiro Nitta; Kaoru Uesugi; Keisuke Morishima, © 2019 CBMS-0001. In this paper, we developed a microfluidic chip based method for fabrication of bio-actuators driven by artificial muscles made from molecular motors. Different from conventional complex methods, we integrates the fabrication and actuation of bio-actuators into a single microfluidic chip using UV-induced projection printing with a maskless optical system. A micro-gripper was fabricated and actuated in a microfluidic chip as an example of application. This low-cost and easy-operated method is able to make different kinds of bio-actuators for microfluidic devices.
23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019, 2019年, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Temperature-responsive culture surfaces for insect cell sheets to fabricate a bioactuator
K. Uesugi; Y. Sakuma; Y. Akiyama; Y. Akiyama; K. Iwabuchi; T. Okano; K. Morishima, 筆頭著者
Advanced Robotics, 2019年01月, [査読有り] - In vitro parasite nanomaterial delivery microrobot using nematodes
K. Niibo; K. Chimbe; K. Uesugi; K. Kimura; K. Morishima
Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2018), 2018年11月, [査読有り] - Water-repellency by nano-meter scale tack structures of infant water strider’s leg surface
K. Uesugi; H. Mayama; K. Morhisima, 筆頭著者, Copyright © (2018) by Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society. All rights reserved. We try to explain about the function of nano-meter scale tack structures which are characteristic structure of infant water strider. Surface of infant water strider's legs has two types tiny structure. One is micro-meter scale hair-like structures and another is nano-meter size tack shape structure. It is considered that both of structures have water-repellency. However, in case of infant, there is possibility that water may incoming between micro hairs because distance between tip of infant water strider's micro hairs was larger than that of adult. The nanometer scale tack structures are assistant function for water-repellency which can reject incoming water.
Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2018), 2018年11月, [査読有り] - Measuring thermal behavior of a single cell by using a micro single-sided transient hot rectangle method
Y. Takashima; T. Katayama; K. Uesugi; K. Morishima, Copyright © (2018) by Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society. All rights reserved. In the field of regenerative medicine research, quantitative evaluations of the cell condition. We measured the change of a single cell condition induced by the osmotic pressure change using a micro single-sided transient hot rectangle (µ-STHR) method [1]. The μ-STHR method is a minimally invasive probe applying a high-speed heat pulse. The results indicated that we succeeded in measuring the change of NIH-3T3 cell utilizing thermal responses.
Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2018), 2018年11月, [査読有り] - A venous valve-like check valve for microfluidic device
Y. Bessho; Y. Wang; K. Uesugi; K. Morishima, Copyright © (2018) by Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society. All rights reserved. In this paper, we proposed a new venous valve-like check-valve(V2CV) for microfluidic device which consist of two valve flaps made from PDMS. Compared to conventional check valves in microfluidic devices, this V2CV has simpler structure and easier fabrication, make it possible to be applied in different kinds of microfluidic devices. Experiments were carried out to test its capacity of allowing forward flow and blocking reverse flow.
Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2018), 2018年11月, [査読有り] - A bioactuator micropump using peristaltic locomotion piston
K. Toyoda; K. Uesugi; K. Uesugi, Copyright © (2018) by Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society. All rights reserved. This paper reports a bioactuated micropump using peristaltic locomotion piston, which utilize a living earthworm in a micro fluidic chip. We focused on the earthworm’s locomotion strategy and we propose a micropump that use bioactuator like earthworm as both an actuator and a piston. First, we measured earthworm’s peristaltic motion to design curved microchannel in order to minimize the gap between earthworm’s body and channel wall. Secondly, the flow rate in the designed channel was estimated. This paper is the first case of making a piston micropump using peristaltic locomotion living actuator.
Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2018), 2018年11月, [査読有り] - Development of a novel monitoring technique for micro-living components utilizing heat diffusion and its application on cultured cells
T. Katayama; Y. Takashima; S. Katayama; K. Uesugi; K. Morishima
Proceedings of International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales, 2018年07月, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕A closed system for pico-liter order substance transport from a giant liposome to a cell
S. Miyakawa; K. Uesugi; K. Morishima, 筆頭著者, © 2018 by the authors. In single cell analysis, transport of foreign substances into a cell is an important technique. In particular, for accurate analysis, a method to transport a small amount (pico-liter order) of substance into the cell without leakage while retaining the cell shape is essential. Because the fusion of the cell and the giant liposome is a closed system to the outside, it may be possible to transport a precise, small amount of substances into the cell. Additionally, there is no possibility that a leaked substance would affect other systems. To develop the liposome-cell transportation system, knowledge about the behavior of substances in the liposome and the cell is important. However, only a few studies have observed the substance transport between a liposome and a cell. Here, we report observation of small amount of substance transport into a single C2C12 cell by using a giant liposome. Substance transport occurred by electrofusion between the cell and the giant liposome containing the substance, which is a closed system. First, to observe the electrofusion and substance transport from the moment of voltage application, we fabricated a microfluidic device equipped with electrodes. We introduced suspensions of cells and liposomes into the microfluidic device and applied alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) voltages for electrofusion. We observed a small amount (22.4 ± 0.1%, 10.3 ± 0.4% and 9.1 ± 0.1%) of fluorescent substance (Calcein) contained in the liposomes was transported into the cell without leakage outside the cell, and we obtained the diffusion coefficient of Calcein in the cell as 137 ± 18 μm2/s. We anticipate that this system and the knowledge acquired will contribute to future realization of more accurate single cell analysis in a wide range of fields.
Micromachines, 2018年07月, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Analytical model and experimental evaluation of the micro-scale thermal property sensor for single-sided measurement
Takashi Katayama; Kaoru Uesugi; Keisuke Morishima, We report a new analytical model of the MEMS-based thermal property sensor for samples which are difficult to handle and susceptible to damage by thermal stimulus, such as living cells. Many sensor designs had been reported for thermal property measurements, but only a few of them have considered the analytical model of the single-sided measurement in which a measurement sample is placed on the sensor substrate. Even in the few designs that have considered the analytical model, their applicable limits are restricted to more than 1 mm length in practical situations. Our new model considers both the sample and the sensor substrate thermal properties and is applicable to a sensor length less than 1 μm. In order to minimize the influence of the heat stimulus to the sample, the model formulates the required heat dissipating time for different sensor geometries. We propose fast and precise detection circuit architecture to realize our model, and we discuss the sensor performance for a number of different designs., MDPI AG
Micromachines, 2018年04月05日, [査読有り] - Biomechanical Force Measurement of Hierarchical Living Materials.
Kaoru Uesugi; Keisuke Morishima, 筆頭著者, IEEE
International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science(MHS), 2018年, [査読有り], [招待有り] - Construction of detection system for intracellular changes using a micro single-sided transient hot rectangle method.
Yoshiyuki Takashima; Yuta Yagami; Takashi Katayama; Kaoru Uesugi; Keisuke Morishima, IEEE
International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science(MHS), 2018年, [査読有り] - Application of stimulation to biological sample using flexible structure deformation.
Hiroki Miyashiro; Kaoru Uesugi; Keisuke Morishima, © 2018 IEEE. Research on the biotechnology field using micro devices has been carried out variously, and we focus on mechanical stimulation to biological samples in this paper. However, dedicated devices such as microprobes tend to be expensive and are not easy to fabricate. Therefore, we propose a device which can stimulate the biological sample using PDMS structure deformation by pressure control, and can easily fabricate it. By measuring the relationship between inlet pressure and PDMS deformation, we confirmed the stability of behavior of the proposed device. Furthermore, using the proposed device, an experiment system for roots of broccoli sprout is constructed., IEEE
International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science(MHS), 2018年, [査読有り] - Direct measurement of propelling force of water strider
K. Uesugi; H. Mayama; K. Morishima, 筆頭著者, IEEE
Proceedings of Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science 2017, 2017年12月, [査読有り] - Direct observation and behavior analysis of enchytraeus japonensis in soft material for swarm intelligent micro robots
K. Toyoda; K. Uesugi; K. Morishima, © 2017 IEEE. In this study, we report the observation and behavior analysis of Enchytraeus japonensis, a species of earthworm, as the first step for creating swarm intelligent micro robots. Several studies have been conducted on the earthworm's behaviors of constructing tunnels by biologists and agronomists. Earthworms make intricate network of tunnels in the soil. We presumed that earthworms use self-organization to make this intricate structure, and we investigated the Enchytraeus japonensis's behaviors. Two experiments to observe their behaviors and to confirm construction of tunnels with self-organization were done. As the results, we observed that their behaviors were both tracking the same direction with other individuals, and changing direction with sensing the surrounding environments of hardness. These behaviors emerge the intricate network of tunnels with self-organization., IEEE
Proceedings of Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science 2017, 2017年12月, [査読有り] - Eyeball Deformation by Organ Pressure Regulation Using Magnetic Sheet
A. Aso; K. Uesugi; H. Kanda; T. Fujikado; K. Morhisima, © 2017 IEEE. In this paper, we propose a new therapy for improving the symptom by transforming organs. For example, deformation of the eyeball cause axial myopia which greatly affects the quality of life. So we demonstrated preliminary experiments to show the possibility of a new treatment for axial myopia. In experiments, by inserting a magnetic sheet at the back of the eyeball and applying a magnetic field, the eyeball was deformed into an appropriate shape. As a result, wrinkles were formed along the blood vessel on the ocular fundus at the time of compression. This shows that compressive stress has occurred. So, our experimental method was successfully demonstrated to deform it. We are investigating that it will lead us a new therapy., IEEE
Proceedings of Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science 2017, 2017年12月, [査読有り] - Direct micro force measurement of water strider’s oaring force for revealing mechanism of water-repellency
K. Uesugi; H. Mayama; K. Morhisima, 筆頭著者, © 17CBMS-0001. In this report, we directly measured leg force at locomotion of water strider. Additionally, we suggested a newly model which used the Laplace pressure for explaining mechanism of water-repellent. For measuring direct force of water strider's leg force, we constructed a micro newton level force measurement system. Then, we successfully measured oaring force of leg (730 μN). By inserting measured force for the suggested model, we confirmed that the pressure generated on the surface of leg was sufficiently smaller than the Laplace pressure. This mean that water strider can save water- repellency of legs from oaring of its legs.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2017), 2017年10月, [査読有り] - Patterning molecular motors for fabrication of stacked rotary actuator
K. Minakata; K. Uesugi; K. Morishima, © 17CBMS-0001. In this paper, we propose a high power rotary actuator driven by molecular motors, which is fabricated by stacking rotation units. To make rotation units, it is necessary to control the orientation of the molecular motors in the circumferential direction. In this study, their orientation control is conducted using vortex flow field. At first, we made a micro channel in which a vortex flow is formed for patterning the molecular motors. Second, a motility assay was conducted along the flow field to pattern the rail protein for design of a molecular motor-driven stacked rotary actuator unit we proposed.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2017), 2017年10月, [査読有り] - ON-CHIP INTERNALIZATION PROCESS OF AN INTRACELLULAR NANOBOT INTO A SINGLE CELL
K. Ogawa; K. Uesugi; K. Morishima, This paper reports on-chip internalization of an intracellular nanobot into a single cell with a microfluidic device. The nanobot was made of a Ni sputtered carbon naocoil and driven by a rotating magnetic field. Here, we fabricated the microfluidic device to capture a single cell by a soft lithography technique and demonstrated on-chip internalization of the nanobot. As a result, a single cell was captured in the microfluidic device and the nanobot was successfully internalized into the trapped cell. Additionally the nanobot could be driven at a speed of 0.35 mu m/s inside the cell. This result indicates the potential of the nanobot which can move to any positions inside a single cell for intracellular stimulation., IEEE
30TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICRO ELECTRO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS (MEMS 2017), 2017年, [査読有り] - Micro fluidic vacuum chuck system for handling of regenerative three dimensional tissue
K. Uesugi; K. Fukumoto; F. Shima; S. Miyagawa; Y. Sawa; M. Akashi; K. Morishima, 筆頭著者, In this study, we report a novel chucking system for three dimensional tissues (3D tissues) by controlling vacuum pressure in micro channel. In the field of regenerative medicine and drug test, evaluation of mechanical properties of 3D tissues is important. However, it has been difficult to fix 3D tissues to evaluation system without stress concentration due to the fragility of 3D tissues. Therefore, we developed the micro vacuum chuck (MVC). Because the MVC has multi vacuum holes, it is expected that the effect of stress concentration be decreased. By using MVC, we had succeeded in measuring the mechanical property of 3D tissue.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2016), 2016年10月, [査読有り] - Evaluation system for mechanobiology of three-dimensional tissue multilayered in vitro
Kaoru Uesugi; Akihiro Nishiguchi; Michiya Matsusaki; Mitsuru Akashi; Keisuke Morishima, 筆頭著者, This paper reports the mechanical properties of 3D layered tissue were measured by using a special fixture (micro vacuum chuck) and a measurement system. In this study, the mechanical properties of 3D layered tissue were measured by tensile test. Since difficulty of fixing the 3D layered tissue to tensile test system, the micro vacuum chuck which could fix the 3D layered tissue to tensile test system without damage was developed. Additionally, because there has been no system which can measure tensile force of 3D layered tissue, special tensile system was also developed. By using micro vacuum chuck and developed system, the tensile force of 3D layered tissue was measured and the maximum force was about about 907 μN (Strain = 1.35)., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2015, 2016年03月21日, [査読有り] - Behavior of a single muscle cell bioactuator on a biocompatible fiber string structure
Kohta Ogawa; Kaoru Uesugi; Keisuke Morishima, In this paper, we proposed a micromachine that driven by a single muscle cell bioactuator. Dorsal vessel cells (DVCs) were used as a bioactuator because of their robustness. We adopted flagella movement as motion of the micromachine. In order to confirm the motion of the micromachine by DVCs, we assumed a physical model and estimated the maximum displacement of the micromachine. DVCs adhesion to the structure was also investigated. As a result, we confirmed DVCs adhesion and compared the behavior with control. DVCs on a structure contracted at a speed of 86% of DVCs on a dish. This result will lead the micromachine driven by a single muscle cell bioactuator., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2015, 2016年03月21日, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Contractile Performance and Controllability of Insect Muscle-Powered Bioactuator with Different Stimulation Strategies for Soft Robotics
Kaoru Uesugi; Koshi Shimizu; Yoshitake Akiyama; Takayuki Hoshino; Kikuo Iwabuchi; Keisuke Morishima, 筆頭著者, This article describes contractile performance and controllability using different stimulation strategies of a bioactuator made from dorsal vessel (DV) tissue harvested from an insect (final stage moth larva). This insect tissue is an excellent bioactuator because of its high robustness; an accurate adjustment of culturing conditions such as temperature and pH necessary for culturing mammalian living tissues and cells is unnecessary for the DV tissue. There are no reports that measure contractile force of the DV tissue directly or measure response of the DV tissue when stimulated by different strategies systematically. To this aim, a force measurement system, which can measure contractile force directly and allows adjustment for the DV tissue length, was constructed, and the contractile properties of the DV tissue when stimulated by tensile, thermal, electrical, and chemical (crustacean cardioactive peptide [CCAP]) stimulations were evaluated with a force transducer. It was found that the tensile response could control contractile force. The thermal response could tune the contractile force and contractile frequency and there was no thermal damage up to 35 degrees C. The electrical stimulation could control contractile force. The CCAP chemical stimulation could control contractile frequency; the CCAP effective concentration was 10(-6) M. It was concluded that the contractile properties of the DV tissue could be controlled using different stimulation strategies., MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC
SOFT ROBOTICS, 2016年03月, [査読有り] - Effect of mechanical stimulation on neurite outgrowth of dorsal root ganglion neurons toward integrative mechanobiologic nerve bridge.
Yuya Ishibashi; Kaoru Uesugi; Keisuke Morishima, IEEE
2016 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration(SII), 2016年, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕バイオマテリアルとマイクロナノマシンが拓く生命機械融合ウェットロボティクス
上杉 薫; 森島 圭祐, 筆頭著者, 東京 : 日本バイオマテリアル学会 ; 2002-
バイオマテリアル, 2014年10月 - Measurement system for biomechanical properties of cell sheet.
Kaoru Uesugi; Yoshitake Akiyama; Takayuki Hoshino; Yoshikatsu Akiyama; Masayuki Yamato; Teruo Okano; Keisuke Morishima, 筆頭著者, IEEE
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS), 2013年, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Measuring mechanical properties of cell sheets by a tensile test using a self-attachable fixture
Kaoru Uesugi; Yoshitake Akiyama; Takayuki Hoshino; Yoshikatsu Akiyama; Masayuki Yamato; Teruo Okano; Keisuke Morishima, 筆頭著者, In this paper, we present a tensile test system and a new self-attachable fixture for measuring mechanical properties of cell sheets. Previously when measuring the mechanical properties of cell sheets, the sheets would be damaged because they dried out. With our system, the tensile test can be carried out while the cell sheets are in the culture medium, so there is no damage by drying. Previously, it has also been difficult to attach a cell sheet in the tensile test system owing to the structure of the conventional fixture, and there has been no tensile test system which had a measurement range that covered the tension force range of the cell sheets. Therefore, we have addressed these problems by developing a self-attachable fixture and a tensile test system. To confirm suitability of the fixture and test system, we measured mechanical properties of two different kinds of cultured cell sheets, C2C12 (cells mouse myoblast cells) and NIH-3T3 (3T3) cells (mouse fibroblast cells), and of the same kinds of sheets treated with cytochalasin-D. We confirmed differences in mechanical properties for each kind of cell sheet. This indicates that our new fixture and test system are applicable for measurement of mechanical properties of cell sheets without damage of the sheets by drying., Fuji Technology Press
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 2013年, [査読有り] - 〔主要な業績〕Measuring adhesion force of a cell sheet by the ninety-degree peel test using a multi hook type fixture
Kaoru Uesugi; Yoshitake Akiyama; Takayuki Hoshino; Yoshikatsu Akiyama; Masayuki Yamato; Teruo Okano; Keisuke Morishima, 筆頭著者, In this study, we report measurements of the adhesion force of a cell sheet made by applying the ninety-degree peel test. The ninety-degree peel test has been applied to general sheet materials and its procedure is defined by the International Standard Organization (ISO). Only a few studies have been able to measure adhesion force of fragile cell sheets because the sheets are easily broken and cannot be fixed to the conventional fixtures of test systems. Additionally, there are no ninety-degree peel test systems which can measure weak forces such as adhesion force of cell sheets. Therefore, we developed a new fixture to hold the sheet in place during measurements of the adhesion force and we also developed a special test system. Our novel fixture is a multi hook type fixture which allows cell sheets to be fixed to the test system without breaking. We successfully measured adhesion force of a cell sheet. © 2013 by JSME.
Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, 2013年, [査読有り] - Development of cell-sheet handling tool for measurement of cell sheet adhesion force
Kaoru Uesugi; Yoshikatsu Akiyama; Masayuki Yamato; Teruo Okano; Takayuki Hoshino; Keisuke Morishima, 筆頭著者, IEEE
2009 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, 2009年11月, [査読有り] - Micro Handling Tool of Cell Sheet for Measurement of Adhesion Force
K. Uesugi; Y. Akiyama; M. Yamato; T. Okano; T. Hoshino; K. Morishima, 筆頭著者
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2009), 2009年11月, [査読有り]
- 生物表面のナノ構造による液中での防汚機能メカニズム解明を目的とした摩擦力評価
大内椋太; 広瀬裕一; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
第36回バイオエンジニアリング講演会, 2024年05月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - 分子ロボットへの応用を目的に膜組成を変更したリポソームのマイクロピペット吸引試験による機械的特性評価
清田匠; 豊田太郎; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2024, 2024年05月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - 分子ロボットのためのしなやかな筐体開発に向けたリポソームの機械的特性評価
上杉薫; 清田匠; 豊田太郎; 長山和亮
第36回バイオエンジニアリング講演会, 2024年05月
筆頭著者 - 蛍光共鳴エネルギー移動に基づく細胞力センサ開発に関する研究
岡崎駿斗; 北口哲也; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
関東学生会第 63 回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2024年03月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - 生物の持つ表面ナノ構造による防汚機能の解明を目的とした摩擦力評価
大内椋太; 広瀬裕一; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
関東学生会第 63 回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2024年03月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - 2 軸微小力センサ搭載摩擦力測定システムによる 生物体表を模倣したナノ構造の摩擦力評価
大内椋太; 広瀬裕一; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
第34回バイオフロンティア講演会, 2023年12月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - 分子ロボット開発を目的としたリポソームの機械的特性評価と膜組成の提案
清田匠; 豊田太郎; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
第34回バイオフロンティア講演会, 2023年12月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - Simultaneously evaluation of mechanical properties for multiple liposomes with a microfluidic device constructed rectangular-shaped funnel channels
K. Uesugi; T. Toyota; K. Nagayama
DNA29, 2023年09月, [査読有り]
筆頭著者 - マイクロピペット吸引法を用いた膜組成の異なるリポソームの機械的特性評価
清田匠; 豊田太郎; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
日本機械学会M&M材料力学カンファレンス(CD-ROM), 2023年09月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - 配列化人工血管平滑筋組織を使った繰返伸展刺激下での細胞応答解析
山崎泰成; 上杉薫; 長山和亮
日本機械学会 2023年茨城講演会, 2023年08月 - 分子ロボット開発を目的としたリポソームの機械的特性評価 ~膜組成の異なるリポソームの評価~
清田匠; 豊田太郎; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
日本機械学会 2023年茨城講演会, 2023年08月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - リポソームの膜張力評価を目指したマイクロ流体システムの開発
柏木悠里; 豊田太郎; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2023年06月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - 機械的ストレスが細胞の DNA 損傷に与える影響~細胞密度による応答比較~
廣岡祐仁; 上杉薫; 長山和亮
日本機械学会 2022年茨城講演会, 2022年08月 - 分子ロボット開発を目的とするリポソームの機械的物性評価 ~マイクロピペット吸引法の安定性向上~
清田匠; 長山和亮; 豊田太郎; 上杉薫
日本機械学会 2022年茨城講演会, 2022年08月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - マイクロ溝基板を用いた細胞の形態制御と細胞内部構造の3次元解析
綿谷直樹; 上杉薫; 長山和亮
日本機械学会 2022年茨城講演会, 2022年08月 - 細胞密集状態が細胞の紫外線由来 DNA 損傷に与える影響~細胞種による応答比較~
廣岡祐仁; 上杉薫; 長山和亮
日本機械学会 第34回バイオエンジニアリング講演会, 2022年06月 - 細胞組織の配向制御とその重層化に関する基礎研究
中澤未来; 上杉薫; 長山和亮
日本機械学会 第34回バイオエンジニアリング講演会, 2022年06月 - 分子ロボット作製を目的とするマイクロピペット吸引法を適用したリポソームの機械的特性評価
清田匠; 長山和亮; 豊田太郎; 上杉薫
日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2022年06月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - 細胞間の力学的相互作用が細胞の紫外線耐性に与える影響~細胞密度および細胞種の違いによる応答変化~
廣岡祐仁; 上杉薫; 長山和亮
関東学生会第61回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2022年03月 - 配向を制御した重層化細胞組織の形成に関する研究
中澤未来; 上杉薫; 長山和亮
関東学生会第61回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2022年03月 - 分子ロボット開発を目的とするリポソームの機械的特性評価法の確立~マイクロピペット吸引法の適用~
清田匠; 豊田太郎; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
関東学生会第61回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2022年03月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - Facilitation for the vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation by arranging cell orientation and cyclic stretch stimulation
N. Wataya; K. Uesugi; K. Nagayama
AP Biomech 2021, 2021年12月 - Analysis of the changes in nucleus-cytoskeleton connection in vascular smooth muscle cells under cyclic stretch stimulation
K. Ikeda; K. Uesugi; K. Nagayama
AP Biomech 2021, 2021年12月 - Nipple-Array Reduces Adhesion Force in the Water: Evaluation of Functional Nano-Scale Structures of Ascidians Surface
K. Uesugi; K. Nagayama; E. Hirose
AP Biomech 2021, 2021年12月
筆頭著者 - リポソームの機械的特性評価を目的としたマイクロピペット吸引法の確立 ~哺乳類細胞を用いた評価方法の確立~
清田匠; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
第5回分子ロボティクス年次大会, 2021年11月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - 顕微鏡下マイクロ引張試験機による単一細胞の機械的特性・及び接着力の同時評価—~微小管重合阻害した子宮頸癌由来 HeLa 細胞の力学的特性変化~
上杉 薫; 小幡 祥太; 長山 和亮
日本機械学会2021年次大会, 2021年09月
筆頭著者 - 再生皮膚組織における表皮,及び真皮の機械的特性評価
喜多則文; 武藤潤; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021, 2021年06月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - 微細溝コラーゲン基質上で配列化培養した血管平滑筋細胞への繰返伸展刺激負荷
綿谷直樹; 上杉薫; 長山和亮
日本機械学会第33回バイオエンジニアリング講演会, 2021年06月 - 血管力学環境を考慮した生体由来材料による微細溝付細胞培養基質の開発
綿谷直樹; 上杉薫; 長山和亮
関東学生会第60回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2021年03月 - 機械学習を用いた位相差画像からの細胞表面硬さの推定手法の確立
西原賢太; 上杉薫; 長山和亮
関東学生会第60回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2021年03月 - 聴覚を用いた細胞情報評価方法の提案
滝口裕也; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
関東学生会第60回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2021年03月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - 再生皮膚組織の機械的特性評価に適した引張試験システムの開発
喜多則文; 武藤潤; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
関東学生会第60回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2021年03月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - Water-repellency Function of Water Strider by Curvature Shape of Micro-hairs
K. Uesugi
The 38th International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology, 2021年01月, [査読有り]
筆頭著者 - “耳”を用いた細胞情報評価への挑戦 ~細胞の声を聞く~
滝口裕也; 長山和亮; 上杉薫
「細胞を創る」研究会13.0, 2020年11月
ラスト(シニア)オーサー - ニップルアレイ構造は体表の接着力を低下するか?
上杉薫; 長山和亮; 広瀬裕一
第5回ホヤ研究会, 2020年10月
筆頭著者 - 3次元再生組織の機械的特性評価
ACT japanフォーラム, 2019年12月
筆頭著者 - Micro-/Nanoscale structure of infant water strider
K. Uesugi; H. Mayama; K. Morishima
Okinawa Colloids 2019, 2019年11月
筆頭著者 - Direct Measurement of Water Strider’s Leg Rowing Force for Considering Water-Repellent Mechanism
K. Uesugi; H. Mayama; K. Morishima
Okinawa Colloids 2019, 2019年11月
筆頭著者 - Design of micro structure and live-cell FRET imaging method for developing wireless micro force sensor
K. Uesugi
The 16th MicRO Alliance Workshop, 2019年10月, [招待有り]
筆頭著者 - 細胞利用型力センサの開発を目的とした細胞へのFRET機能遺伝子導入
上杉薫; ウィビサナジョハネス ニコラウス; 北口哲也; 田畑修; 森島圭祐
日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2019年09月
筆頭著者 - 細胞内FRETを用いたワイヤレス力センサの開発に関する研究
森裕樹; 上杉薫; 森島圭祐
日本機械学会 関西学生会2018年度学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2019年03月 - Fabrication of bio-actuators driven by artificial muscles organized from molecular motors
王穎哲; 平塚祐一; 上杉薫; 森島圭祐
化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 第38回研究会(38th CHEMINAS), 2018年10月 - Development of wireless micro force sensor using mechano-biological functions
K. Uesugi
MicRO Alliance Workshop, 2018年10月, [招待有り]
筆頭著者 - Fabrication of bio-actuators with molecular motors by stereolithographic
Yingzhe Wang; Kazuyuki Minakata; Yuichi Hiratsuka; Kaoru Uesugi; Keisuke Morishima
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2018, 2018年06月 - Fabrication Continuous DNA Lattice Structure with Nanofiber Framework
Ranwen Lu; Kaoru Uesugi; Keisuke Morishima
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2018, 2018年06月 - 生体機械融合型ロボットによる群れ行動を用いた自律分散センサネットワークの構築に関する研究
平野 陽大; 上杉 薫; 倉本 圭; 森島 圭祐
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2018年06月 - 線虫の化学走性を用いたマイクロ物質のセンシング・マニピュレーション・デリバリーに関する研究
新保 圭生; 珍部 公輔; 上杉 薫; 木村 幸太郎; 森島 圭祐
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2018年06月 - Measurement of mechanical properties for understanding various life phenomena
K. Uesugi; K. Morishima
The 1st International Symposium on Systems Intelligence Division, 2018年01月
筆頭著者 - 昆虫細胞シート回収のための温度応答性ポリマ表面の開発
上杉薫; 森島圭祐; 佐久間唯; 秋山佳丈; 岩渕喜久男; 秋山義勝; 岡野光夫
インテリジェント材料・システムシンポジウム講演要旨集, 2018年01月
筆頭著者 - 多細胞生物個体は『チューブで創る』―「細胞を創る」の次のお話―
山蔦栄太郎; 上杉薫; 森島圭祐
「細胞を創る」研究会10.0, 2017年10月 - 単一細胞-巨大リポソーム融合界面における物質輸送機序の解明を目指したマイクロ流体デバイスの開発
宮川彰平; 上杉薫; 森島圭祐
「細胞を創る」研究会10.0, 2017年10月 - Enchytraeus japonensisの行動解析による自己組織化マイクロロボットの創製
豊田和馬; 上杉薫; 森島圭祐
「細胞を創る」研究会10.0, 2017年10月 - 分子モーターで駆動する積層型回転アクチュエータの作製
南方和之; 平塚祐一; 上杉薫; 森島圭祐
「細胞を創る」研究会10.0, 2017年10月 - iPS細胞由来3次元積層心筋組織の拍動特性
上杉薫; 塚本佳也; 日浦綾美; 赤木隆美; 宮川繁; 澤芳樹; 明石満; 森島圭祐
「細胞を創る」研究会10.0, 2017年10月
筆頭著者 - Computational toxicology of cardiomyocyte gel image
H. Matsumoto; T. Takakuwa; S. Sagisaka; S. Tokuno; K. Uesugi; K. Morishima; K. Kuramoto
CBI学会2017年大会, 2017年10月 - 生体分子モータを用いた積層型回転アクチュエータの設計と作製
南方和之; 平塚祐一; 上杉薫; 森島圭祐
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017, 2017年05月 - Manufacturing System of Micro-robots with Molecular Artificial Muscle
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017, 2017年05月 - Image Processing based Closed Loop Automated Control System for Cell Bio-Manipulation using LabVIEW and FPGA
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017, 2017年05月 - Design and fabrication of a flapping-wing micro air vehicle driven by chemical method
Yan-Hao SHIH; Kaoru Uesugi; Keisuke Morishima
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017, 2017年05月 - 引張刺激に対する iPS 由来 3 次元心筋組織の拍動特性
上杉 薫; 塚本 佳也; 日浦 綾美; 赤木 隆美; 宮川 繁; 澤 芳樹; 明石 満; 森島 圭祐
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2017年05月
筆頭著者 - 機能回復を目的とした力学刺激による臓器圧整法の提唱―近視改善に向けた眼球の力学変形による眼軸の調整―
麻生 晃雄; 上杉 薫; 神田 寛行; 不二門 尚; 森島 圭祐
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2017年05月 - 生体アクチュエーターを用いた持続可能な動力供給システムの創出
長森英二; 藤田英明; 森島圭祐; 秋山佳丈; 松崎典弥; 竹内昌治; 森本雄矢; 福田淳二; 古川英光; 蓮沼誠久; 井藤彰; 清水一憲; 櫻井英俊; 境慎司; 山田真澄; 山口哲志; 伊藤大知; 深田宗一朗; 今井祐記; 根建拓; 岸田綱郎; 藤田聡史; 冨田秀太; 加藤竜司; 備瀬竜馬; 上杉薫; 堀江正信
豊田研究報告, 2017年 - 伸展刺激によるバイオエンジニアリング的評価を目指した 3 次元組織の機械的特性測定
上杉 薫; 塚本 佳也; 日浦 綾美; 島 史明; 明石 満; 森島 圭祐
バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集, 2017年01月
筆頭著者 - 3次元組織の機械的特性評価を目指した試験システム,及び専用把持具の最適化
上杉薫; 日浦綾美; 塚本佳也; 島史明; 明石満; 森島圭祐
日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム予稿集, 2016年11月
筆頭著者 - 3次元組織の機械的特性評価を目的とした試験システムの統合,およびその操作性の向上
上杉薫; 日浦綾美; 塚本佳也; 島史明; 明石満; 森島圭祐
日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2016年09月
筆頭著者 - 集積型マイクロバキュームチャックシステムを用いた3次元組織の機械的特性測定
上杉 薫; 福本 健; 島 史明; 明石 満; 森島 圭祐
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2016年06月
筆頭著者 - オプトケモメカニカル変換による分子モーターの大規模自己組織力学場形成―力学特性評価とバイオアクチュエータ機構の動作実験―
平井 皓基; 平塚 祐一; 上杉 薫; 森島 圭祐
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2016年06月 - 3次元再生組織の機械的特性測定
上杉薫; 福本健; 島史明; 明石満; 森島圭祐
分子ロボティクス第7回領域会議, 2016年03月
筆頭著者 - Beating properties of 3D layered tissue constructed from iPS cardiocyte
K. Uesugi; Y. Amano; A. Nishiguchi; M. Matsusaki; M. Akashi; K. Morishima
Proceedings of the 26th CDB Meeting Mechanistic Perspectives of Multicellular Organization, 2015年09月
筆頭著者 - マイクロバキュームチャックを用いた引張試験によるiPS心筋細胞3次元積層組織の引張力測定
上杉薫; 天野雄斗; 西口昭広; 松崎典弥; 明石満; 森島圭祐
日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2015年09月
筆頭著者 - マイクロバキュームチャックを用いた3 次元組織構造体の機械的特性測定
上杉薫; 松崎典弥; 明石満; 森島圭祐
日本バイオマテリアル学会 第10 回関西若手研究発表会, 2015年08月
筆頭著者 - Design of Micro Vacuum Chuck for Measuring Mechanical Properties of Three Dimensional Multilayered
K. Uesugi; A. Nishiguchi; M. Matsusaki; M. Akashi; K. Morishima
International Symposium on Nanoarchitectonics for Mechanobiology, 2015年07月
筆頭著者 - 3次元積層細胞の引張試験のためのマイクロバキュームチャックの開発
上杉 薫; 西口 昭広; 松崎 典弥; 明石 満; 森島 圭祐
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2015年05月17日
筆頭著者 - Stiffness of feeder cells and differentiation
K. Uesugi; S. Romanazzo; K; Morishima
Proceedeings of The 62nd NIBB Conference Force in Development, 2014年11月
筆頭著者 - Measuremnt of mechanical properites of feeder cells by tensile test with cell sheet
K. Uesugi; S. Romanazzo; Y. Akiyama; M. Yamato; T. Okano; K. Morishima
Measuremnt of mechanical properites of feeder cells by tensile test with cell sheet, 2014年09月
筆頭著者 - 細胞シート引張試験によるフィーダーレイヤーの機械的特性測定
上杉薫; SARA Romanazzo; 秋山義勝; 大和雅之; 岡野光夫; 森島圭祐
第32回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2014年09月
筆頭著者 - 単軸引張試験による細胞シートの機械的特性パラメータの導出
上杉 薫; 秋山 佳丈; 浅野 豪文; 秋山 義勝; 大和 雅之; 岡野 光夫; 森島 圭祐
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014, 2014年05月24日
筆頭著者 - 細胞シート把持具を用いた引張試験による細胞シート力学特性測定
上杉薫; 秋山佳丈; 星野隆行; 秋山義勝; 大和雅之; 岡野光夫; 森島圭祐
日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2013年09月
筆頭著者 - 細胞シート力学特性評価システムの開発 : 細胞シート自動把持具による細胞シート引張試験
上杉 薫; 秋山 佳丈; 星野 隆行; 秋山 義勝; 大和 雅之; 岡野 光夫; 森島 圭祐
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013年05月22日
筆頭著者 - 細胞シート引張試験システムによる細胞シートの力学特性評価
上杉薫; 秋山佳丈; 星野隆行; 秋山義勝; 大和雅之; 岡野光夫; 森島圭祐
日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム予稿集, 2012年11月
筆頭著者 - Micro tensile test system for the quality evaluation of cell sheet
K. Uesugi; Y. Akiyama; M. Yamato; T. Okano; Y. Akiyama; T. Hoshino; K. Morishima
Proceedings of 2012 Summer School of the HeKKSaGOn Consortium, 2012年09月
筆頭著者 - 微小張力測定システムによる細胞シート引張強度測定
上杉薫; 秋山佳丈; 星野隆之; 秋山義勝; 大和雅之; 岡野光夫; 森島圭祐; 森島圭祐
バイオ・ナノテクフォーラムシンポジウム・インテリジェント材料/システムシンポジウム講演要旨集, 2012年01月
筆頭著者 - Micro stretching test system for the quality evaluation of cell sheet
K. Uesugi; Y. Akiyama; T. Hoshino; Y. Akiyama; M. Yamato; T. Okano; K. Morishima
Proceedings of Biofabrication2011, 2011年10月
筆頭著者 - セルラーインプリンティングによる生体機能創発ロボティクスの創製
上杉薫; 星野隆行; 森島圭祐
新学術領域「分子ナノシステムの創発化学」第1回公開シンポジウム, 2010年02月
筆頭著者 - 微小アンカーによる細胞シートハンドリングツールを用いた細胞シート接着力測定システムの開発
上杉薫; 星野隆行; 秋山義勝; 大和雅之; 岡野光夫; 森島圭祐
日本バイオマテリアル学会大会予稿集, 2009年11月
筆頭著者 - 微小アンカー型ツールを利用した細胞シートマニピュレーションによる接着力測定
上杉薫; 秋山義勝; 大和雅之; 岡野光夫; 星野隆行; 森島圭祐
日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2009年09月
筆頭著者 - 細胞の接着力測定のためのセルシート把持具の試作と性能評価
上杉薫; 秋山佳丈; 古川勇二; 森島 圭祐
文部科学省特定領域バイオ操作 第四回若手研究者ワークショップ, 2009年06月
筆頭著者 - 細胞ビルドアップ型ウェットナノロボティクスの構築と機能創発 : 細胞の接着力測定のためのセルシート保持具の試作と性能評価
上杉 薫; 秋山 佳丈; 古川 勇二; 森島 圭祐
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2009年05月25日
筆頭著者 - 細胞シート接着力測定システムの開発
特定領域研究「バイオ操作」第一回若手研究交流会, 2008年08月
筆頭著者 - 機械とバイオが融合したデバイス
筆頭著者 - New force transducer for measuring mechanical properties of myofibril
キエン・グイェン・ファン; 上杉薫; 小林孝和
第47回日本生体医工学会大会, 2008年05月
- バイオ・医療・化学等の分野で普及が期待できる衝撃付与型攪拌装置
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構 生体のセンシングと計測 ~首都圏北部4大学連合~ 新技術説明会, 2023年11月16日 - リポソームや生体材料・生物の力学的特性評価
「量子技術による3次元積層マイクロ流体チップの創出」と「学術変革領域(A)分子サイバネティクス」のジョイントワークショップ, 2023年07月25日, [招待有り] - Measurement and Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Living Things by Developing Force Measurement Systems and Fixtures
Kaoru Uesugi
International Workshop on Molecular Cybernetics: Toward Chemical AI, 2022年03月15日, [招待有り] - Force Measurement for Elucidating Functions of Surface Micro-structures of Living Things
Kaoru Uesugi
Panelist: Panel Symposium “Biomimetics: Learn from Nature”, The 38th International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology, 2021年06月15日, [招待有り] - 力学を通して見る生体・生物の世界
筑波大学・茨城大学合同100人論文 オンライン研究会交流イベント, 2021年03月26日, [招待有り] - バイオメカニクス的アプローチによる生物機能解明
茨城大学ライフサポート教育研究センター・セミナー, 2020年10月28日, [招待有り] - Multi-layer level biomechanical force measurement
Kaoru Uesugi
Keynote Talk: Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science 2018, Proceedings of Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science 2018, pp. 209-212, Nagoya, 2018年12月, [招待有り] - 力学刺激に基づいた臓器圧整法の提案と軸性菌糸の治療への応用
大阪大学国際医工情報センター MEI3クラブ, 2018年06月11日 - Mechanical properties of water strider for developing liquid surface acting micro-robots
Kaoru Uesugi
ICRA 2018 Workshop , Brisbane Session: Multi-Scale Bionic Systems: Bio-inspired, bio-mimetic, biohybrid actuators and robots, 2018年05月25日 - LiVEMechXが拓く超スマート社会 生物×発電×センサ×ネットワーク
独立行政法人 日本学術振興会 分子ナノテクノロジー第174委員会(第61回) 薄膜第131委員会(第289回) 合同研究会, 2018年04月16日 - 3次元再生組織評価法の標準化を目指した機械的特性測定システムの開発
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構 大阪大学 新技術説明会, 2018年01月25日 - LiVEMechX・生命機械融合ウェットロボティクスが拓く超スマート社会
第88回 大阪大学工業会機械工学系 技術交流会 ―阪大機械系の産学連携・シーズとニーズ 現状と展望―, 2017年12月01日, [招待有り] - 機械製図実習
シニアティーチングアシスタントの体験談講演, 2013年03月22日, [招待有り]
- 生命をシンプルな共通力学モデルで説明できるか? ~力学的評価手法の提案・開発~
2023年05月 - 2025年03月 - 撹拌装置及び撹拌方法
2022年 - ソフトロボット,及びバイオアクチュエータの開発に向けた細胞搭載型メカノバイオロジカルセンサ
2019年04月 - 2020年03月 - 生物の力学的特性測定を目的とした,分子機械型超微小ワイヤレス力センサの開発
2018年04月 - 2019年03月 - 力学刺激に基づいた臓器圧整法の提案と軸性近視の治療への応用
2017年04月 - 2018年03月 - 生体分子モーターで駆動する積層型回転アクチュエータの創成
2017年04月 - 2018年03月 - 3次元バイオマニュファクチュアリングを目指した組織構造体の機械的特性評価
2016年04月 - 2017年03月 - 3次元組織構造体のバイオマニュファクチュアリンングを目指した品質評価法の確立に関する補助事業
2015年04月 - 2016年03月 - 3次元バイオマニュファクチュアリングを目指した組織構造体の機械的特性評価
2015年04月 - 2016年03月 - Micro fluidic vacuum chuck system for handling of regenerative three dimensional tissue
2016年 - 再生医療に向けた3 次元組織構築体の機械的特性評価システムの開発
2014年04月 - 2015年03月 - Measurement System for Biomechanical Properties of Cell Sheet
2013年 - 次世代型バイオアクチュエータ創製に向けた細胞シートの力学特性評価システムの開発
2011年04月 - 2012年03月 - Micro Handling Tool of Cell Sheet for Measurement of Adhesion Force
- 日立北校生研究室インターンシップ受け入れ
2023年11月29日 - 模擬授業(出張講義)茨城県立佐和高等学校
2023年09月27日 - 令和5年度いばらきサイエンスキッズ育成事業「オンライン科学自由研究相談会」 助言者
2023年07月31日 - 令和4年度いばらきサイエンスキッズ育成事業「オンライン科学自由研究相談会」 助言者
2022年08月01日 - 講演及び講義補助者「ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス~ようこそ大学の研究室へ~KAKENHI 」「髪の毛の 1/20 の太さ! ナノテクノロジーで人口毛細血管を作ってみよう!」における講演及び講義補助(講演やマイクロ流路作製の指導)
2022年07月25日 - 茨城県教育庁学校教育部義務教育課,令和3年度いばらきサイエンスキッズ育成事業「オンラインミニ博士によるミニ学会」における助言者
2021年11月21日 - 高大接続のための講座「最先端の科学技術ともの作りの楽しさ」講師,(日立第一高校高大連携講座における模擬授業)
2021年08月26日 - 令和3年度いばらきサイエンスキッズ育成事業「オンライン科学自由研究相談会」 助言者
2021年07月29日 - 日立一校生研究室インターンシップ受け入れ
- 茨城大など、アメンボが水面を蹴る脚力の直接測定に成功
マイナビニュース, 2023年12月, インターネットメディア - アメンボが水面を移動する際の中脚の脚力の直接測定に初めて成功 新規開発の計測システムで従来技術より正確な脚力測定を実現 アメンボの脚の撥水機能を応用した水面移動型超小型ロボットなどの開発に貢献
茨城大学プレスリリース, 2023年12月, インターネットメディア - 水面移動中のアメンボの脚1本の力を直接測定、茨城大学などが世界初成功
大学ジャーナルオンライン, 2023年12月, インターネットメディア - 茨城大など、アメンボが水面を蹴る脚力の直接測定に成功
マピオンニュース(提供:マイナビニュース), 2023年12月, インターネットメディア - アメンボが水面を移動する際の中脚の脚力の直接測定に初めて成功 新規開発の計測システムで従来技術より正確な脚力測定を実現 アメンボの脚の撥水機能を応用した水面移動型超小型ロボットなどの開発に貢献
日本の研究.com(プレスリリースの紹介), 2023年12月, インターネットメディア - 再生組織引っ張り検査
日経産業新聞, 2015年01月30日, 新聞・雑誌
- The 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)
2024年04月 - Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering (JBSE)
2024年03月 - ベシクル・コロイド・ドロップレット作製用攪拌装置
大学見本市2023~イノベーション・ジャパン, 2023年08月24日 - 2023年08月25日 - 日本機械学会 2023年茨城講演会
2023年08月 - ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2023
2023年06月 - Micromachines
2022年06月 - Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering (JBSE)
2022年05月 - International Workshop on Molecular Cybernetics: Toward Chemical AI
2022年03月 - 日本機械学会「若手による次世代戦略委員会」委員 出藍セミナーシリーズ 第2回(全6回)
2021年10月 - ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021
2021年06月 - 「出藍ラジオ」運営(2021年度) 主催:日本機械学会「若手による次世代戦略委員会」委員
2021年 - 科学研究助成事業「学術変革領域(A)(公募研究)」の書面審査
2021年 - The 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (2021), Abstract Award
2021年 - 日本機械学会 2020年茨城講演会
2020年08月 - 日本機械学会論文集査読(一般社団法人日本機械学会)
2020年 - ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2019
2019年06月 - MEIグラント2018(グラントA, B)(大阪大学国際医工情報センター)
2018年11月05日 - MARSS2018 Regular session “Measurement and characterization”
2018年07月 - ICRA2018 Workshop “Multi-Scale Bionic Systems”
2018年05月25日 - 国際生体分子デザインコンペティション(BIOMOD2017)国際大会 学生引率
2017年11月 - 細胞シート評価システム
JASIS2014 (Japan Analytical & Scientific Instruments Show) ((株)池田理化ブース), 2014年09月03日 - 2014年09月05日