イワモト チヒロ
岩本 知広教授



  • 工学部 物質科学工学科
  • 理工学研究科(博士前期課程) 量子線科学専攻
  • 理工学研究科(博士後期課程) 量子線科学専攻
  • 応用理工学野 物質科学工学領域


  • ナノテク・材料, 材料加工、組織制御
  • ナノテク・材料, ナノ材料科学
  • ナノテク・材料, 複合材料、界面
  • ナノテク・材料, 構造材料、機能材料, 構造・機能材料


  • 電子顕微鏡、粒界・界面、接合


  • 1995年03月 博士(工学)(東京大学)


  • 1995年03月, 東京大学, 工学系研究科, 材料学専攻


  • 2022年04月 - 2024年02月, 委嘱委員, 溶接学会界面接合研究委員会
  • 2022年04月 - 2024年02月, 幹事, 溶接学会軽構造接合加工研究委員会
  • 2022年04月 - 2024年02月, 委嘱委員, 溶接学会マイクロ接合研究委員会
  • 2018年04月 - 2022年03月, 委員長, 溶接学会マイクロ接合研究委員会
  • 2020年04月 - 2021年03月, 代議員, 日本金属学会関東支部
  • 2017年04月 - 2021年03月, 幹事, 溶接学会軽構造接合加工研究委員会
  • 2018年04月 - 2020年03月, 委員, 溶接学会研究推進部会
  • 2016年04月 - 2018年03月, 幹事, 溶接学会マイクロ接合研究委員会
  • 2016年04月 - 2018年03月, 委員, 溶接学会界面接合研究委員会
  • 2016年04月 - 2017年03月, 委員, 溶接学会軽構造接合加工研究委員会



  • 2023年05月, マイクロ接合功績賞, 一般社団法人溶接学会 マイクロ接合研究委員会
  • 2015年12月11日, 論文賞, 紫外光励起による単結晶ダイアモンドの研磨メカニズムに関する研究, FA財団
  • 2015年06月, マイクロ接合優秀研究賞, 超音波端子接合における界面現象, 一般社団法人 溶接学会 マイクロ接合研究委員会
  • 2015年03月18日, 2014年度精密工学会論文賞, 紫外光励起による単結晶ダイヤモンドの研磨メカニズムに関する研究, 公益社団法人精密工学会


  • 超音波スポット接合を応用したAZ31B合金継手における接合チップ形状に依存した微細組織の進展
    Yuichi HIGASHI; Chihiro IWAMOTO, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), 2024年
  • In situ TEM observation of the Ultrasonic Bonding Process
    Yoshimi Otani; Chihiro Iwamoto; Kensuke Hamada
    Key Engineering Materials, 2023年11月, [査読有り]
  • Crack initiation and propagation behavior of dissimilar interface with intermetallic compound layer in Al/steel joint using coupled multiscale mechanical testing
    Tomoki Matsuda; Kotaro Hayashi; Chihiro Iwamoto; Takashi Nozawa; Mitsuru Ohata; Akio Hirose, Elsevier Ltd.
    Materials & Design, 2023年11月01日, [査読有り]
  • Alウェッジワイヤボンディング用超硬ツールの表面摩耗部及びAl付着物の微細観察               
    濱田賢祐、岩本知広, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    軽金属溶接, 2023年10月16日, [査読有り]
  • Microstructures at the Interface of Al alloy and galvannealed steel jointed by scrubbing refill friction stir spot welding
    Nagisa Kaiho; Chihiro Iwamoto; Ryusuke Sakon; Tomoki Matsuda; Akio Hirose; Naoki Takeoka
    Welding Letters, 2023年10月01日, [査読有り]
  • Microstructure of the interface between aluminum alloy and galvannealed steel plates jointed by FSSW multi-step loading process
    Iori Kojima; Chihiro Iwamoto; Yuka Shimizu; Tomoki Matsuda; Akio Hirose, Taylor & Francis Online
    Welding International, 2023年07月21日, [査読有り], [招待有り]
  • Simulation of the Pressure Bonding Process Using the Phase-field Crystal Method               
    Y. Sasajima; R. Onozawa; S. Hatakeyama; C. Iwamoto
    ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2023年07月21日, [査読有り]
  • 〔主要な業績〕Microstructure Variation in the ultrasonic bonding process between Al sheets observed by in-situ transmission electron microscopy
    Chihiro Iwamoto; Yoshimi Ohtani; Kensuke Hamada, 筆頭著者, Elsevier
    Scripta Materialia, 2023年05月17日, [査読有り]
  • FSSW多段階負荷プロセスによって接合されたアルミニウム合金板/合金化亜鉛メッキ鋼板の微細組織
    児島伊織、岩本知広、清水優歌、松田朋己、廣瀬明夫, 責任著者, 溶接学会
    溶接学会論文集, 2023年02月20日, [査読有り], [招待有り]
  • Fracture dominant in friction stir spot welded joint between 6061 aluminum alloy and galvannealed steel based on microscale tensile testing
    Tomoki Matsuda; Toshiya Ogaki; Kotaro Hayashi; Chihiro Iwamoto; Takashi Nozawa; Mitsuru Ohata; Akio Hirose, Elsevier BV
    Materials & Design, 2021年12月21日, [査読有り]
  • Effect of Dent Depth in Ultrasonic Spot Welding Joints used Extruded Mg96Zn2Y2 Alloys
    Y. Higashi; K. Futawatari; C. Iwamoto, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, The Materials Research Society of Japan
    Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 2020年08月01日, [査読有り]
  • Interface Characterization of Ultrasonic Spot-Welded Mg Alloy Interlayered with Cu Coating
    Amir Badamian; Chihiro Iwamoto; Shigeo Sato; Suguru Tashiro, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, MDPI
    metals, 2019年05月08日, [査読有り]
  • TEM内その場観察によるベータ型チタン合金の変形挙動解析               
    小野瀨航平、倉本繁、鈴木拓哉、Ya-Ling CHANG、仲川枝里、大村孝仁、岩本知広
    軽金属, 2019年05月01日, [査読有り]
  • Microstructure of Joint between Stranded Wire and Substrate Welded by Ultrasonic Welding
    Chihiro Iwamoto; Keisuke Yamauchi; Kazuki Motomura; Yoichi Hashimoto and; Kensuke Hamada, 筆頭著者, MDPI
    Applied Science, 2019年02月05日, [査読有り]
  • Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Cu-Pd-Ag Alloy Wire with Aging Treatment               
    Chihiro Iwamoto; Fumio Watanabe; Risei Koitabashi, 筆頭著者
    Materials Science Forum, 2018年12月26日, [査読有り]
  • Change of LPSO Phases Morphology in Extruded Mg96Zn2Y2 Alloy Joints during Ultrasonic Spot Welding Process               
    Y. Higashi; C. Iwamoto; Y. Kawamura, ラスト(シニア)オーサー
    Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 2018年10月, [査読有り]
  • 押出Mg-Zn-Y合金の異方性と超音波接合性の関係
    星勇太、岩本知広、東雄一, 責任著者, 溶接学会
    溶接学会論文集, 2018年09月04日, [査読有り]
  • Microstructure Evolution in Cu-Pd-Ag Alloy Wires During Heat Treatment
    Chihiro Iwamoto; Naoki Adachi; Fumio Watanabe; Risei Koitabashi, 筆頭著者, Springer
    Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2018年07月16日, [査読有り]
  • Development of butt welding of polymeric materials based on softening and stirring effects by hot tool               
    Kenji Nakamura; Shinobu Satonaka; Yoshiki Matsunaga; Masahiro Kuronaga; Chihiro Iwamoto
    Welding International, 2017年02月21日, [査読有り]
  • Resistance Spot welding of Mg alloy with Mg-Zn-Y alloy insert               
    Chihiro Iwamoto; Yoshihito Kawamura; Mitsuru Hano, 筆頭著者, American Welding Society, Japan Welding Society
    10th International Conferences on Trends in Welding Research, 2016年10月11日
  • Plastic deformation behavior within ultrasonic spot welding joints with AZ31B Mg alloys               
    Yuichi Higashi; Chihiro Iwamoto, ラスト(シニア)オーサー, American Welding Society, Japan Welding Society
    10th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research, 2016年10月11日
  • 超音波接合されたMg96Zn2Y2合金継手の微細組織
    末永 圭一; 東 雄一; 岩本 知広; 河村 能人, Mg96Zn2Y2合金薄板を超音波接合法により接合し,接合体の断面の微細組織観察を行った.接合界面周辺では,微細化した結晶粒を持つバンドが観察された.また,溶接チップの形状により傾斜領域と平面領域が形成され,特に傾斜領域では塑性流動により接合が促進されていた., 一般社団法人 溶接学会
    溶接学会全国大会講演概要, 2016年
  • Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of extruded Mg96Zn2Y2 alloy joints with ultrasonic spot welding
    Yuichi Higashi; Chihiro Iwamoto; Yoshihito Kawamura, Our study evaluated the microstructure formation mechanism and weldability of Mg-Zn-Y alloy with a long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) structure phase and applied ultrasonic spot welding technology to the welding for the first time. The microstructure evolution of the joints depended on the macro shape of the welding tip with both flat and slope region. A band with fine grains was generated around the weld interface. In the slope region, a novel waved band was generated, and it was revealed that the plastic flow occurred in the entire band. Outside the band in the flat region, Zn and Y segregated at the grain boundaries of an Mg-matrix. The presence of temperature distribution along the weld interface was suggested from the segregation region. Furthermore, the maximum weld strength was obtained with the weld condition in which the novel band was generated, and it was revealed that the enhancement of the plastic flow in the slope region contributed to an increase in the weld strength. The fracture modes transmuted with the condition and the base metal plug fracture mode was exhibited. (c) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
  • Sn and SnO2 nanoparticles by pulsed plasma in liquid: Synthesis, characterization and applications
    Zhazgul Kelgenbaeva; Emil Omurzak; Hirotaka Ihara; Chihiro Iwamoto; Saadat Sulaimankulova; Tsutomu Mashimo, In this work, spherical Sn and SnO2 nanoparticles smaller than 5 and 20 nm, respectively, were synthesized using pulsed plasma in deionized water, simply and environmentally friendly. The tetragonal Sn nanoparticles showed good crystallinity and slight increase in lattice parameters. Thermo-gravimetric analysis revealed insignificant weight loss from the particles, indicating their thermal stability up to 500 degrees C. The Sn nanoparticles then were annealed at 800 degrees C; in result, cassiterite phase of SnO2 nanoparticles were successfully obtained. Structural and morphological analysis indicated the full oxidation of Sn and size growth of SnO2 nanoparticles upto 20-25 nm. The SnO2 nanoparticles showed good photocatalytic activity in degradation of organic dyes, such as methylene blue and methyl orange. (C) 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH
  • Synthesis of Hollow Carbon Nano-Onions Using the Pulsed Plasma in Liquid
    Emil Omurzak; Zhypargul Abdullaeva; Chihiro Iwamoto; Hirotaka Ihara; Saadat Sulaimankulova; Tsutomu Mashimo, We synthesized carbon nano-onions (CNOs) using a low-voltage spark discharge in a liquid and studied the effects of liquid type and pulse duration. By the pulsed electric discharge between two graphite rods of 120 mm length and 6 mm diameter submerged into a 200 ml toluene or ethanol, hollow CNOs with diameters ranging from 10 to 30 nm were produced. CNOs produced using toluene grew more carbon shells than does the sample produced using ethanol. The sample that was synthesized using pulsed plasma with pulse duration of 5 mu s showed more carbon shells (10-30) than the sample prepared by 12 mu s (2 to 10). High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy analyses confirmed that the sample produced at 12 mu s pulsed plasma contains fullerene C-60, while the sample prepared at 5 mu s does not., AMER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS
  • 超音波接合を用いて接合された押出Mg96Zn2Y2合金継手の微細構造の特徴
    東雄一; 岩本知広; 河村能人, Extruded Mg96Zn2Y2 alloys have excellent mechanical properties and are two-phase alloys consisting of an Mg-matrix and a long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) structure phase extended along the extrusion direction-Developing the welding process of the advanced Mg/LPSO alloys is indispensable for expanding applications-This study evaluated microstructure evolution of the extruded Mg96Zn2Y2 alloy joints which were welded by ultrasonic welding.
    Specimens were welded so that extrusion directions could be orthogonal to each other-The extrusion direction and the direction in which the LPSO phases extended are parallel, thus the extrusion direction of the top plate is 90 degrees orientation to the ultrasonic vibration-The bottom plate is 0 degrees orientation.
    A band with fine grains around the weld interface was generated and the grain growth occurred outside of the band-Inside of the band indicated the basal texture and outside of the band kept the extruded texture-The width of the band with fine grains expanded in the top plate side with increasing the welding energy-The grown grains outside of the band were also large in the top plate side-In addition, the grown grains of Mg matrix were estimated to be morphology that extended to the extrusion direction. In ultrasonic welding process, the expansion of the band width and the grain size of the grown grains in the top plate side were found that the direction of ultrasonic vibration and the orientation of the extruded texture were contributed., JAPAN INST METALS
    日本金属学会誌, 2015年
  • 加熱工具による軟化と攪拌を利用した高分子材料の突合せ接合
    中村賢治; 里中忍; 松永佳樹; 黒永昌弘; 岩本知広, In this study, new butt welding technique was proposed to join the polymeric materials, in which the polymeric material is softened by the heated tool due to the Joule's effect heating of the electric current flow through the tool, and the coalescence of material is done by the stirring action due to the tool rotation. 3 mm thick Polycarbonate (PC) sheets were joined in various joining conditions, from which joining mechanism, mechanical properties of joints and process parameters affecting joint performance were investigated. In the experiments, in-situ observation with CCD camera and material temperature measurement during process, as well as the observation of surface appearance and cross-section of the joint and tensile test were performed for these purposes. It was shown from the in-situ observation and material temperature measurement that the molten and softened region is formed around the weld tool. It was also shown that sufficient heat input was required to form the sound joints with acceptable performance, which depended upon the joining speed and amount of electric current flow through the tool. The observation of joint appearance and cross-section revealed that the joint with comparable thickness to base material was obtained under the condition of revolution pitch below 0.08 mm, defined by the ratio of joining speed to tool rotation. It is noticed that the joint obtained from the proper conditions have same mechanical properties as the base material, and that the process parameters of this method were tool rotation speed, welding speed and amount of electric current. These results suggest proposed method is useful for joining the polymeric materials., Japan Welding Society
    溶接学会誌, 2015年, [査読有り]
  • Synthesis of pure iron nanoparticles at liquid–liquid interface using pulsed plasma
    Zhazgul Kelgenbaeva; Emil Omurzak; Shintaro Takebe; Saadat Sulaimankulova; Zhypargul Abdullaeva; Chihiro Iwamoto; Tsutomu Mashimo, Pure alpha-Fe nanoparticles with a parts per thousand currency sign10 nm size were synthesized using a simple method-pulsed plasma in liquid. This is the first time that pure metallic nanoparticles were prepared by arc discharge method using water-toluene interface as a medium. Several experiments made evident that toluene-water ratio in emulsion influences the purity and size of Fe nanoparticles. The purity of the nanoparticles gradually increased from 48 to 98 %, while particle size decreased from 21 to 9.5 nm with smaller toluene volume fraction (from 40 to 5 %) in the microemulsions. Finally, toluene:water with 95:5 (%) ratio was found to be the most appropriate medium for pure Fe nanoparticle formation. Lattice parameters of the obtained Fe samples calculated from XRD found to be larger (a = 0.2927 nm) than those previously reported Fe (a ((BCC-Fe)) = 0.2866 nm). HRTEM showed spherical-shaped Fe nanoparticles with partial aggregation. Vibrating sample magnetometer indicated superparamagnetic properties of particles with high-saturation magnetization (M (s) = 125 emu g(-1)) at room temperature., SPRINGER
    Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2014年08月, [査読有り]
  • Microstructure of aluminum/glass joint bonded by ultrasonic wire welding
    Chihiro Iwamoto, An Al/glass joint created by using ultrasonic welding was analyzed by means of multiscale observation techniques. A cross-sectional analysis of the microstructure revealed that a directly joined interface without reaction phases formed at the periphery of a round joined region. The size of Al grains markedly decreased after ultrasonic welding and some subgrains were observed along the interface. The finer Al grains observed around the periphery of the joined interface showed active plastic flow that promoted welding. © 2013 The Minerals, Metals &
    Materials Society and ASM International., Springer Boston
    Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2014年, [査読有り]
  • 紫外線励起による単結晶ダイヤモンドの研磨メカニズムに関する研究
    峠睦、長野拓義、田川智彦、坂本武司、横井裕之、岩本知広、渡邉純二, Diamond has superior characteristics such as the highest thermal conductivity and dielectric breakdown field, and is expected to be a good candidate material for the next generation semiconductor device. On the other hand, the etching and the mechanical processing are much difficult because of chemical and physical stabilities of diamond. As the device materials must be polished without the crystallographic distortion beneath a polished substrate, the simplified planarization techniques accompanied with high surface quality is intensely required. The ultraviolet rays excited polishing of single crystal diamond substrates has been studied in our laboratory. The UV-polishing characteristics, such as higher polishing rate and superior final surface roughness, have been revealed in these many years. This work will interpret the UV-polishing mechanism to achieve a well-polished diamond substrate satisfied for the requirement of the semiconductor device materials. The effects of the ultraviolet irradiation and processing atmosphere on the polishing rate and surface integrities were carefully examined. The polishing mechanism was discussed using experimental results of the luminous phenomenon, CO gas concentration and TEM observation of abrasion powder. The polishing model based on these discussions was proposed, and high-grade diamond wafer was finally obtained by the UV-polishing under the polishing conditions decided by the proposed polishing model., 公益社団法人 精密工学会
    精密工学会誌, 2014年01月01日, [査読有り]
  • Synthesis of WO3・H2O nanoparticles by pulsed plasma in liquid
    Liliang Chen; Tsutomu Mashimo; Hiroki Okudera; Chihiro Iwamoto; Emil Omurzak, Pure orthorhombic-phase WO3 center dot H2O nanoparticles with sizes of about 5 nm were synthesized by pulsed plasma in deionized water, in which tungsten electrodes provide the source of tungsten and the water is the source of oxygen and hydrogen. The quenching effect and liquid environment inherent in this pulsed plasma in liquid method resulted in ultra-small particles with lattice lengths (a = 5.2516 angstrom, b = 10.4345 angstrom, c = 5.1380 angstrom) larger than those of reference lattices. The emission lines of W I atoms, W II ions and H I atoms were observed by an optical emission spectrum in order to gather information on the synthetic mechanism. These nanoparticles showed higher absorption in the visible region than did ST-01 TiO2 and Wako WO3 nanoparticles. The WO3 center dot H2O nanoparticles displayed more activity in the photocatalytic test than did the commercial TiO2 sample (ST-01). Also, the absorption edge of WO3 center dot H2O shifted to longer wavelengths in the UV-Vis absorption pattern relative to that of the anhydrous tungsten oxide., ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY
    RSC Advances, 2014年, [査読有り]
  • Ultrasonic Evaluation of Spot Welding Nugget Diameter with a Line-Focused Probe               
    Masayuki Fujita; Masafumi Ueno; Chihiro Iwamoto; Shinobu Satonaka
    Welding in the world, 2013年11月01日, [査読有り]
  • Magnetite Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Pulsed Plasma in Liquid
    Zhazgul Kelgenbaeva; Emil Omurzak; Shintaro Takebe; Zhypargul Abdullaeva; Saadat Sulaimankulova; Chihiro Iwamoto; Tsutomu Mashimo, Iron oxide nanoparticles have attracted much attention over the last few years owing to their fundamental importance and technological applications. In this work, spherical ferromagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles with an average diameter of 19 nm were synthesized by a simple and one-step method, pulsed plasma in liquid. Pulsed plasma, induced by a low-voltage spark discharge, was submerged in a dielectric liquid at a voltage of 200 V, a current of 6 A, a frequency of 60 Hz, and a single discharge duration of 10 mu s. Water with different concentrations of 1-hexadecylpyridinium bromide (CPyB) was applied as a liquid, and several experiments made evident that the surfactant concentration affects the phase compositions of the produced materials. The purity of the magnetite phase in the sample increased (from 65 to 98%) with increasing CPyB concentration (from 0.10 to 0.84 g) in 200 ml of water. The crystal structure of magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles with the Fd (3) over barm space group and a lattice parameter of a = 0.8393 nm was evident from X-ray diffraction results. Magnetite nanoparticles were investigated further by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy/energy-dispersive spectroscopy and thermogravimetrical analysis, and using a vibrating sample magnetometer. (C) 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics, IOP PUBLISHING LTD
  • Mg-Zn-Y系合金をインサート材としたMg合金の抵抗スポット溶接
    岩本 知広; 里中 忍; 河村 能人; 杷野 満, ZnとYを少量含んだMg合金をインサート材としてAZ31Bを低電流で抵抗溶接することを目指した。ZnとYの含有量が少ない場合、溶接電流と破断強度はインサート材がない場合とあまりかわらないのに対して、その量が増えると低い溶接電流で高い破断強度を持つ接合体を作製できた。, 一般社団法人 溶接学会
    溶接学会全国大会講演概要, 2013年03月21日
  • Pulsed Plasma Synthesis of Iron and Nickel Nanoparticles Coated by Carbon for Medical Applications (Special Issue : Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials)
    Abdullaeva Zhypargul; Omurzak Emil; Iwamoto Chihiro, Published by the Japan Society of Applied Physics through the Institute of Pure and Applied Physics
    Japanese journal of applied physics : JJAP, 2013年01月
  • High temperature stable WC1-x@C and TiC@C core-shell nanoparticles by pulsed plasma in liquid
    Zhypargul Abdullaeva; Emil Omurzak; Chihiro Iwamoto; Hiroki Okudera; Michio Koinuma; Shintaro Takebe; Saadat Sulaimankulova; Tsutomu Mashimo, High temperature phase tungsten carbide and titanium carbide coated with graphitic carbon (WC1-x@C and TiC@C) nanoparticles were synthesized by pulsed plasma in liquid. HRTEM results show that the average size of WC1-x@C and TiC@C nanoparticles are 30 and 35 nm, respectively. Raman spectroscopy revealed well-organized graphitic coatings, which make the nanoparticles stable at higher temperatures and resistant to oxidation. Refinement of the XRD profiles showed larger cell parameters compared to JCPDS cards. Furthermore, thermogravimetric analyses showed the higher thermal stability up to 601 and 543.4 degrees C, for the WC1-x@C and TiC@C nanoparticles, these are 43% and 36% more compared to the thermal stability of previously reported nanoparticles, which degraded at around 350 degrees C., ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY
    RSC ADVANCES, 2013年, [査読有り]
  • Synthesis of novel CoCx@C nanoparticles
    Chen, L; Mashimo, T; Iwamoto, C; Okudera, H; Omurzak, E; Ganapathy, H.S; Ihara, H., H; Zhang, J; Abdullaeva, Z; Takebe, S; Yoshiasa, A, CoCx nanoparticles encapsulated in carbon shells were synthesized using a pulsed plasma in liquid ethanol. This is the first time that monolithic cubic phase cobalt carbide nanoparticles have been obtained. X-ray diffraction refinement of the nanoparticles showed that the lattice parameter of prepared cubic phase cobalt carbide is larger than that of CoCx (44-0962) and cubic phase Co (15-0806 and 01-1259). The x-ray absorption fine structure spectra near the Co K-edge of the synthesized sample indicated differences from commercial metallic cobalt and cobalt oxide samples. High resolution transmission electron microscopy revealed that a thin carbon coating covered the surface of the nanoparticles. These carbon layers might isolate core CoCx material from the outside environment, and allow functionalization by carboxyl groups for the further purpose of targeted drug delivery. The obtained CoCx@C particles, with a crystallite size of about 10 nm confirmed by the electron microscope, aggregate into 20-40 nm secondary particles in distilled water as shown by dynamic light scattering, and possess high saturation magnetization of about 120 emu g(-1). The sodium 3'-[1-(phenylaminocarbonyl)-3,4-tetrazolium]-bis(4-methoxy-6-nitro)benzene sulfonic acid hydrate assay and defragmentation of deoxyribonucleic acid on MCF-7 cells after incubation with particles indicate relatively low cytotoxicity of CoCx@C nanoparticles, compared with micro-sized and nano-sized metallic cobalt particles and commonly used iron oxides. For the small sized CoCx@C particles, the release of cobalt ions was checked by a chelation method with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid solution to be at a very low level compared with other reference materials., IOP PUBLISHING LTD
    Nanotechnology, 2013年, [査読有り]
    S. Satonaka; C. Iwamoto; G. -i. Murakami; Y. Matsumoto, Lightweight materials such as high-strength steels and aluminum alloys are widely used in automotive components for the purposes of weight reduction and consequent higher fuel efficiency. As new alloys have been developed, magnesium alloys have become attractive for the production of automotive components due to their unique properties, such as high specific strength, damping capacity, and recyclability. In the assembly process of these materials, resistance spot welding (RSW) is used to construct thin sheet structures. Although RSW of steel sheets with high weld quality has already been established, the following problems remain with regard to RSW of magnesium alloys: high welding current, degeneration of electrodes, and blowholes and expulsion in or around the nugget In this study, RSW with cover plates was applied to magnesium alloy sheets to investigate the performance of spot-welded joints. The weld quality was evaluated based on the tensile shear strength of the joints, the shape and the size of the nugget, and the appearance of blowholes and expulsion. Since RSW with cover plates is similar to conductive heat resistance seam welding (CHRSMW), the results showed that RSW with cover plates enabled the spot welding of a magnesium alloy with a large nugget and high tensile shear strength in the joint. It was also shown that blowhole-free spot welds with a large nugget and high tensile shear strength were obtained for welding currents above 8 000 A with a long down-slope time of welding current and a high electrode force., SPRINGER HEIDELBERG
    WELDING IN THE WORLD, 2012年07月, [査読有り]
  • Onion-like carbon-encapsulated Co, Ni, and Fe magnetic nanoparticles with low cytotoxicity synthesized by a pulsed plasma in a liquid
    Zhypargul Abdullaeua; Emil Omurzak; Chihiro Iwamoto; Hullathy Subban Ganapathy; Saadat Sulaimankulova; Chen Liliang; Tsutomu Mashimo, We synthesized onion-like carbon-encapsulated Co, Ni, and Fe (Co-C, Ni-C, and Fe-C) magnetic nanoparticles with low cytotoxicity using pulsed plasma in a liquid. The pulsed plasma is induced by a low-voltage spark discharge submerged in a dielectric liquid. The face-centered cubic Co and Ni, and body-centered cubic Fe core nanoparticles showed good crystalline structures with an average size between 20 and 30 nm were encapsulated in onion-like carbon coatings with a thickness of 2-10 nm. Vibrating-sample magnetometer measurements revealed the ferromagnetic properties of as-synthesized samples at room temperature (Co-C = 360 Oe, Fe-C = 380 Oe, and Ni-C = 211 Oe). Raman-spectroscopy analysis found onion-like carbon shells composed of well-organized graphitic structures. Thermal gravimetric analysis showed a high stability of the as-synthesized samples under thermal treatment and oxidation. Cytotoxicity measurements showed higher cancer cell viability than samples synthesized by different methods. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
    CARBON, 2012年04月, [査読有り]
  • 高強度マグネシウム合金の抵抗スポット溶接
    岩本 知広; 里中 忍; 河村 能人; 山内 亮; 杷野 満, 高強度Mg合金Mg96Zn2Y2合金薄板を抵抗スポット溶接により接合した。市販のMg合金AZ31Bに比べ低い溶接電流で接合が可能であった。接合部では本合金に特徴的なLPSO相の他、LPSO相だけ溶融する部分溶融部が観察された。また、溶融部は母材に比べ、15%程度硬度が下がった。, 一般社団法人 溶接学会
    溶接学会全国大会講演概要, 2012年03月15日
  • Microstructure and Mechanical properties of Mg96Zn2Y2 joints welded by resistance spot welding
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura, Mg96Zn2Y2 is widely studied due to its high tensile yield strength and elongation. These excellent properties were considered to relate to the nanostructure of the alloy such as fine-grained alpha-Mg matrix and bent long period stacking ordered (LPSO) structure. In order to extend the application of this Mg alloy, development of the welding technique is indispensable. In the light of the reliability and productivity, resistance spot welding is an attractive method to join this Mg alloy. In this study, we joined the Mg alloys by the resistance spot welding with cover plates. Mechanical properties and structures of the nugget of the joints were investigated. In the case of the joints welded with cover plates, the welded region of the Mg alloy sheets were covered with steel plates to supply adequate heat for welding. Joints of extruded Mg96Zn2Y2 were obtained at relatively low welding current. The tensile strength of Mg96Zn2Y2 alloy was higher than that of the commercial Mg alloy AZ318 joints. Mg96Zn2Y2 base alloy had extended LPSO phase along extruded direction in alpha-Mg grains. At the nugget, net-like secondary phase was produced in the Mg grains. The relationship between the microstructure in the joints and mechanical properties were discussed., TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD
    THERMEC 2011, PTS 1-4, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Control of the nugget nanostructure of Mg96Zn2Y2 welded by resistance spot welding
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura, Recently, Mg96Zn2Y2 alloy was widely studied due to its excellent mechanical properties. These properties were considered to relate to the nanostructure of the alloy such as alpha-Mg matrix and bent long period stacking ordered (LPSO) structure. In this study, as the first step to the mechanical property control, we applied various spot welding methods to the Mg alloy to control the structure of the joints. The specimen used was an extruded Mg96Zn2Y2 alloy. The sheets were cut from this alloy rod for resistance spot welding. Three kinds of spot welding methods were applied to join the Mg alloy, such as spot welding with cover plates, long-time spot welding, and water-cooled spot welding.
    In the base metal, secondary phases extended along extruded direction at approximately 30 mu m intervals were produced in the alpha-Mg matrix. The secondary phase contained 14H-type LPSO structure. In the nugget of the joint welded with cover plates, a secondary phase was produced like a net in the alpha-Mg grain which was approximately 30 mu m in diameter. Both 14H-type and 18R-type LPSO were observed in the secondary phase. In the nugget produced by the long-time spot welding, a secondary phase tended to segregate to the grain boundary of the alpha-Mg grains. The structure of LPSO was 18R-type. In the water-cooled welding, strong directionality of the secondary phase texture was observed around the edge of the nugget. These results showed that the nugget nanostructure of Mg96Zn2Y2 dramatically varied depending on the above adopted methods of spot welding., TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD
    THERMEC 2011, PTS 1-4, 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Planarization of C-face 4H-SiC substrate using Fe particles and hydrogen peroxide solution
    Akihisa Kubota; Masahiko Yoshimura; Sakae Fukuyama; Chihiro Iwamoto; Mutsumi Touge, We have proposed a surface planarization method for silicon carbide (SiC) substrates using Fe abrasive particles and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) solution. In this proposed method, the SiC surface is first oxidized by hydroxyl radicals generated by the decomposition of H(2)O(2) on the surface of Fe abrasive particles, and then an oxide layer is formed on the SiC substrate. This layer is then mechanically and/or chemically removed by Fe abrasive particles and H(2)O(2) solution, resulting in a smooth and damage-free SiC surface. In this study, the chemical mechanical planarization of a 4H-SiC (000 (1) over bar) C-face substrate by our proposed method was examined. The morphology was observed by phase-shift interferometric microscopy, Nomarski differential interference contrast microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The subsurface damage on the processed surface was evaluated by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. These observations showed that the surface roughness of the SiC substrate was markedly improved and that a damage-free and scratch-free SiC surface was obtained. These results provide useful information for preparing high-integrity SiC substrates with high efficiency. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC
  • In-process Monitoring of Tool Behavior and Tool Wear in End Milling by Use of Projection Image
    Shinichi Yoshimitsu; Shinobu Satonaka; Yoshihiro Kawano; Chihiro Iwamoto; Dunwen Zuo; Shunichi Yamashita, This report describes a two-dimensional monitoring system for milling machines using small-diameter tools. Small-diameter tools are used for high-speed milling, and they are indispensable for high-quality and high-productivity manufacturing. However, tool breakage occasionally occurs, and this becomes a serious problem in automated production. This study aims to develop a system for monitoring the cutting state that can prevent tool breakage. The proposed system consists of two charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras, an image processing device, a man-machine controller (MMC), and a machining center with an open computer numeric (CNC). This monitoring system is connected to the machining center by Ethernet. It enables the precise measurement of tool deflection during high-speed milling. In an experiment, we applied this system to the end milling of a steel plate under different cutting conditions, and we examined the relationship between tool deflection and the cutting conditions. In addition, we applied this monitoring system to measure tool wear, and we examined the relationship between tool deflection and tool wear. It was found that the proposed system enabled in-process monitoring of the cutting state and tool wear., TRANSACTION PUBLISHERS
  • Pulsed Plasma Synthesis of Iron and Nickel Nanoparticles Coated by Carbon for Medical Applications               
    Abdullaeva, Z; Omurzak, E; Iwamoto, C; Ihara, H; Ganapathy, H. S; Sulaimankulova, S; Koinuma, M; Mashimo, T
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2012年, [査読有り]
  • Wurtzite-type ZnS nanoparticles by pulsed electric discharge
    Emil Omurzak; Tsutomu Mashimo; Saadat Sulaimankulova; Shintaro Takebe; Liliang Chen; Zhypargul Abdullaeva; Chihiro Iwamoto; Yudai Oishi; Hirotaka Ihara; Hiroki Okudera; Akira Yoshiasa, The synthesis of wurtzite-type ZnS nanoparticles by an electric discharge submerged in molten sulfur is reported. Using a pulsed plasma between two zinc electrodes of diameter 5 mm in molten sulfur, we have synthesized high-temperature phase (wurtzite-type) ZnS nanocrystals with an average size of about 20 nm. The refined lattice parameters of the synthesized wurtzite-type ZnS nanoparticles were found to be larger than those of the reported ZnS (JCPDS card no 36-1450). Synthesis of ZnMgS (solid solution of ZnS and MgS) was achieved by using ZnMg alloys as both cathode and anode electrodes. UV-visible absorption spectroscopy analysis showed that the absorption peak of the as-prepared ZnS sample (319 nm) displays a blue-shift compared to the bulk ZnS (335 nm). Photoluminescence spectra of the samples revealed peaks at 340, 397, 423, 455 and 471 nm, which were related to excitonic emission and stoichiometric defects., IOP PUBLISHING LTD
    NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2011年09月, [査読有り]
  • High resolution transmission electron microscopy of Aluminum/Mo-coated glass substrate interface bonded by ultrasonic wire welding
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; A. Yoshida; T. Nishinaka; K. Yamada, 責任著者, Ultrasonic welding is an attractive joining method, because bonding is quickly obtained without extra heat or welding metal. Thus far, there have been several researches about the bonded interface structure and process of the ultrasonic welding. However, atomic structure analysis of the bonded interface was limited and sometimes controversial results were obtained. Besides, there were only few studies about application of the ultrasonic welding to Al/Glass substrates and detailed bonding mechanism was unclear. In this report, the ultrasonic bonded interface between an Al wire and a Mo coated glass substrate was observed by high resolution transmission electron microscopy and the bonding mechanism was discussed. The bonded sample was cut perpendicular to the interface and, the atomic structure and chemical composition of the cross-section of the sample were analyzed. Grains in a Mo layer on the glass observed before bonding extended perpendicular to the glass substrate and terminated with nano sized pyramids. Structure of Mo grains remained unchanged after the bonding. Around the interface between Al and Mo, several dislocations and Al sub-grains were produced in Al and no intermetallic compounds were observed. Al and Mo lattices were directly connected at the interface. This indicates that dislocations generated at the interface moved to form low angle grain boundaries during a recovery process without intermetallic formation. During the ultrasonic welding process, the pyramids of Mo surface were considered to work effectively to break a native oxide and produce the bonded interface., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 2011年07月, [査読有り]
  • Graphitic carbon-coated ZrC- and Co-nanoparticles synthesized by pulsed plasma in liquid               
    Chen, L. L; Omurzak, E; Takebe, S; Iwamoto, C; Mashimo, T, 責任著者
    Advanced Materials Research, 2011年05月, [査読有り]
  • Pure Tetragonal ZrO2 Nanoparticles Synthesized by Pulsed Plasma in Liquid
    Liliang Chen; Tsutomo Mashimo; Emil Omurzak; Hiroki Okudera; Chihiro Iwamoto; Akira Yoshiasa, Pure tetragonal phase ZrO2 (t-ZrO2) nanoparticles of sizes smaller than 5 nm were synthesized by a pulsed plasma in liquid (PPL) method, a one-step synthesis method: in an ammonia solution with no use of dopants or annealing for stabilization. Lattice parameters of the obtained samples refined by the Rietveld method revealed structural differences compared with the nanoparticles obtained by other methods such as the sol-gel method. The intrinsic properties of the pulsed plasma in liquid method and the alkaline environment (OH-) may be responsible for the stabilization of tetragonal zirconia, while the oxygen deficiency level checked by X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) is smaller than 1%, leading to light gray color of samples and a limited stabilization effect on the tetragonal phase. The particles displayed a higher UV absorption property than a commercial stabilized zirconia sample. Also, the emission lines of Zr I atoms and Zr II ions were observed by an optical emission spectrum to gather information on the synthesis mechanism., AMER CHEMICAL SOC
  • Resistance Spot Welding between Aluminum Alloy and Low-Carbon Steel
    Ranfeng Qiu; Hua Yu; Hongxin Shi; Keke Zhangi; Chihiro Iwamoto; Shinobu Satonaka, Aluminum alloy A5052 and low-carbon steel (SPCC) was welded using resistance spot welding with a cover plate. The interfacial microstructure was observed using electron microscopy. A thick two-layered reaction layer contains Fe2Al5 and FeAl3 was observed at the welding interface, respectively. Mechanical property analysis suggested that the reaction layer has no effect on the tensile shear strength of the A5052/SPCC joint and affects the cross tension strength of the joint., TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD
  • Synthesis of zirconium carbide (ZrC) nanoparticles covered with graphitic "windows" by pulsed plasma in liquid
    Liliang Chen; Chihiro Iwamoto; Emil Omurzak; Shintaro Takebe; Hiroki Okudera; Akira Yoshiasa; Saadat Sulaimankulova; Tsutomo Mashimo, Cubic phase zirconium carbide (ZrC) nanoparticles encapsulated in graphitic carbon with an average size of about 10 nm were produced using pulsed plasma in liquid (PPL), in which zirconium metal electrodes provided the zirconium source and liquid ethanol the carbon. The quenching effect and near vacuum environment inherent in this pulsed plasma in liquid method resulted in the synthesis of nanoparticles with a uniform small size distribution and high purity. Lattice parameters of the obtained samples refined by the Rietveld method were larger than other reported data. Also, the emission lines of atoms Zr I, ions Zr II, atoms C I, ions C II and atoms H I were observed by an optical emission spectrum to gather information on the synthesis mechanism. The results of thermogravimetric and infrared ray emissivity of the nanoparticles showed that the graphitic carbon shells composed of a mere several layers with high transmissivity serve to act as "windows", helping both to protect the ZrC nanoparticle inside from oxidation and to preserve its high infrared ray emissivity., ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY
    RSC ADVANCES, 2011年, [査読有り]
  • In-situ HRTEM Observations of Spreading Reactive Molten Alloy on Ceramic Substrates               
    C. Iwamoto; S.-I. Tanaka, 責任著者
    Advances in Science and Technology, 2010年10月, [査読有り]
  • Interfacial characterization of joint between mild steel and aluminum alloy welded by resistance spot welding
    Ranfeng Qiu; Hongxin Shi; Keke Zhang; Yimin Tu; Chihiro Iwamoto; Shinobu Satonaka, The interfacial characteristics of resistance spot welded steel-aluminum alloy joint have been investigated using electron microscopy. The results reveal that reaction product FeAl(3) is generated in the peripheral region of the weld while a reaction layer consisting of Fe(2)Al(5) adjacent to steel and FeAl(3) adjacent to aluminum alloy forms in the central region of the weld, and that the morphology and thickness of the reaction layer vary with the position at the welding interface. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC
  • Interfacial reaction layer in resistance spot welded joint between aluminium alloy and austenitic stainless steel               
    Qiu, R. F; Iwamoto, C; Satonaka, S, 責任著者
    Materials Science and Technology, 2010年01月, [査読有り]
  • Microstructure of bonding interface in explosively welded metal/ceramic clad               
    Ii, S; Iwamoto, C; Satonaka, S; Hokamoto, K; Fujita, M, 責任著者
    Mater. Sci. Forum., 2010年01月, [査読有り]
  • Synthesis of Blue Amorphous TiO2 and TinO2n-1 by the Impulse Plasma in Liquid
    Omurzak Emil; Mashimo Tsutomu; Iwamoto Chihiro; Matsumoto Yasumichi; Sulaimankulova Saadat
  • Effect of interfacial reaction layer continuity on the tensile strength of resistance spot welded joints between aluminum alloy and steels
    Ranfeng Qiu; Shinobu Satonaka; Chihiro Iwamoto, We have joined aluminum alloy A5052 to cold-rolled steel SPCC and austenitic stainless steel SUS304 using resistance spot welding. The interfacial microstructures have been observed using scanning electron microscopy and the tensile strength of the joints have been examined by cross tension testing. We have investigated the effect of interfacial reaction layer on the tensile strength of the joints based on the analyses of the fracture surfaces and the distribution of reaction layer thickness in the welding interface for two types of dissimilar materials joints. The results reveal that the tensile strength of joint is related to the fraction of discontinuous reaction layer. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Materials and Design, 2009年10月, [査読有り]
  • Effect of interfacial reaction layer continuity on the tensile strength of resistance spot welded joints between aluminum alloy and steels
    Ranfeng Qiu; Shinobu Satonaka; Chihiro Iwamoto, We have joined aluminum alloy A5052 to cold-rolled steel SPCC and austenitic stainless steel SUS304 using resistance spot welding. The interfacial microstructures have been observed using scanning electron microscopy and the tensile strength of the joints have been examined by cross tension testing. We have investigated the effect of interfacial reaction layer on the tensile strength of the joints based on the analyses of the fracture surfaces and the distribution of reaction layer thickness in the welding interface for two types of dissimilar materials joints. The results reveal that the tensile strength of joint is related to the fraction of discontinuous reaction layer. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCI LTD
    MATERIALS & DESIGN, 2009年10月, [査読有り]
  • Interfacial microstructure and strength of steel/aluminum alloy joints welded by resistance spot welding with cover plate
    Ranfeng Qiu; Chihiro Iwamoto; Shinobu Satonaka, We joined aluminum alloy A5052 to cold-rolled steel SPCC (Steel Plate Cold Commercial) and austenitic stainless steel SUS304 using resistance spot welding with a cover plate. The interfacial microstructure was observed using transmission electron microscopy. A thick two-layered reaction layer contains Fe(2)Al(5) and FeAl(3) and a thin serration reaction layer contains Fe(2)Al(5) and FeAl(3) were observed at the A5052/SPCC and A5052/SUS304 interface, respectively. Mechanical property analysis suggested that the reaction layer has no effect on the tensile shear strength of the A5052/SUS304 joint and that the tensile shear strength of the A5052/SPCC joint is influenced by the reaction layer formed at its interface. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA
  • The influence of reaction layer on the strength of aluminum/steel joint welded by resistance spot welding
    Ranfeng Qiu; Chihiro Iwamoto; Shinobu Satonaka, We investigated the influence of interfacial reaction layer on the strength of resistance spot welded aluminum/steel joint by analyzing fracture surface and observing interfacial structure. The results revealed that the interfacial strength was approximately 6.509 MPa in the case that the reaction layer thickness exceeds 1.5 mu m. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC
  • Mechanical properties and microstructures of magnesium alloy AZ31B joint fabricated by resistance spot welding with cover plates               
    Qiu, R. F; Satonaka, S; Iwamoto, C, 責任著者
    Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2009年01月, [査読有り]
  • In situ scanning electron microscopy observation of fracture crack propagation in the welding interface between aluminium alloy and steel               
    Qiu, R; Iwamoto, C; Satonaka, S, 責任著者
    Materials Science and Technology, 2009年01月, [査読有り]
  • Characterization of joint between titanium and aluminum alloy welded by resistance spot welding with cover plate               
    Qiu, R; Higuchi, K; Satonaka, S; Iwamoto, C, 責任著者
    Yosetsu Gakkai Ronbunshu/Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society, 2009年01月, [査読有り]
  • Ultrasonic evaluation of spot welding nugget diameter with a line-focused probe
    Masayuki Fujita; Masafumi Ueno; Chihiro Iwamoto; Shinobu Satonaka, Resistance spot welding has been widely used for the construction of thin sheet metal structures. The structures' reliability depends upon the weld quality as well as the weld size. Therefore, various non-destructive inspections have been applied to the spot welds. Among them, the ultrasonic evaluation is widely used for the detection of defects and for the measurement of weld size. However, this method is too difficult for the detection of the fusion zone or nugget non-destructiveIy, in spite of the high demand for their evaluation. Due in part to the recent application of high-strength steel sheets to automobiles, this problem has become a crucial subject in spot welding. The discrimination of the nugget from the solid state-welded zone or the corona bond is now strongly demanded. This study focused on the non-destructive discrimination between the nugget and the corona bond
    a new, ultrasonic measurement with a line-focused probe was proposed. In the experiment, spot welded specimens both with and without surface indentations were prepared, in order to determine the affecting factors on the ultrasonic measurement of spot welds. Moreover, two types of special, thin sheet specimens were prepared to determine the acoustic phenomena in the fusion zone. The first type was the resistance spot-welded specimen and the other was the gas tungsten arc-welded specimen. The measurement of these two special specimens showed that the sound velocity in the nugget differed from the base material and was dependent upon the inhomogeneous microstructures. The different sound velocity caused a different amplitude of reflected waves in the nugget, the change of which also depended upon the measuring conditions of the water path. From these results, it was shown that the measurement based on the different amplitude and the dependence on the water path enabled the non-destructive discrimination between the nugget and the corona bond., Institut International de la Soudure
    Welding in the World, 2009年, [査読有り]
  • Nanoscale dynamic wetting and spreading of molten Ti alloy on 6H-SiC               
    Tanaka, S. I; Iwamoto, C, 責任著者
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 2008年01月, [査読有り]
  • Direct nucleation of cubic boron nitride on silicon substrate               
    Yang, H; Iwamoto, C; Yoshida, T, 責任著者
    Diamond and Related Materials, 2007年01月, [査読有り]
  • Development of resistance welding for silicon carbide               
    Hamasuna, K; Iwamoto, C; Satonaka, S; Nishida, M; Tomoshige, R; Fujita, M, 責任著者
    Materials Transactions, 2007年01月, [査読有り]
  • Reactive wetting dynamics on 6H-SiC surface with oxide layer               
    Tanaka, S. I; Iwamoto, C, 責任著者
    Advanced Materials Research, 2006年01月, [査読有り]
  • 1 Å-resolution chemical imaging by phase contrast technique               
    Iwamoto, C; Statonaka, S; Yamamoto, T; Ikuhara, Y; Matsuhata, H, 筆頭著者
    Journal of Applied Physics, 2006年01月, [査読有り]
  • Development of new ultrasonic inspection technique for spot welds with matrix arrayed probe and saft
    Ikeda, T; Karasawa, H; Matsumoto, S; Satonaka, S; Iwamoto, C, 責任著者
    Welding in the World, 2006年01月, [査読有り]
  • セラミックス破壊の微視的観察と原子論的メカニズム
    松永 克志; 井 誠一郎; 岩本 知広; 山本 剛久; 幾原 雄一, The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
    まてりあ : 日本金属学会会報, 2005年04月20日
  • Peculiar deformation characteristics of turbostratic boron nitride thin film               
    Yang, H; Iwamoto, C; Yoshida, T, 責任著者
    Thin Solid Films, 2005年01月, [査読有り]
  • TEM in situ observation of fracture behavior in ceramic materials               
    Ii, S; Iwamoto. C; Matsunaga, K; Yamamoto, T; Ikuhara, Y, 責任著者
    Applied Surface Science, 2005年01月, [査読有り]
  • TEM内その場観察法による窒化ケイ素の粒内破壊に伴う亀裂進展経路の同定
    井 誠一郎; 岩本 知広; 松永 克志; 山本 剛久; 幾原 雄一, 公益社団法人 日本金属学会
    まてりあ : 日本金属学会会報, 2004年12月20日
  • High-resolution transmission electron microscopy of as-deposited boron nitride on the edge of ultrathin Si flake               
    Yang, H; Iwamoto, C; Yoshida, T, 責任著者
    Journal of Applied Physics, 2004年01月, [査読有り]
  • Comparative studies of crystallization of a bulk Zr-Al-Ti-Cu-Ni amorphous alloy               
    Nieh, T. G; Iwamoto, C; Ikuhara, Y; Lee, K. W; Chung, Y, 責任著者
    Intermetallics, 2004年01月, [査読有り]
  • In situ observation of crack propagation in magnesium oxide ceramics
    Matsunaga, K; Ii, S; Iwamoto; Yamamoto, T; Ikuhara, Y, 責任著者
    Nanotechnology, 2004年01月, [査読有り]
  • In situ HRTEM observations of the formation of reaction phases from liquid Ag-Cu-Ti alloy and SiC, Si and C substrates               
    Iwamoto; Matsunaga, K; Yamamoto, T; Ikuhara, Y, 筆頭著者
    Nanotechnology, 2004年01月, [査読有り]
  • Direct observation of intergranular cracks in sintered silicon nitride               
    Ii, S; Iwamoto. C; Matsunaga, K; Yamamoto, T; Yoshiya, M; Ikuhara, Y, 責任著者
    Philosophical Magazine, 2004年01月, [査読有り]
  • Identification of crack path of inter- and transgranular fractures in sintered silicon nitride by in situ TEM               
    Ii, S; Iwamoto. C; Matsunaga, K; Yamamoto, T; Yoshiya, M; Ikuhara, Y, 責任著者
    Journal of Electron Microscopy, 2004年01月, [査読有り]
  • Interface engineering of cBN films deposited on silicon substrates               
    Yang, H; Iwamoto, C; Yoshida, T, 責任著者
    Journal of Applied Physics, 2003年01月, [査読有り]
  • Ultrafast thermal plasma physical vapor deposition of thick SiC films               
    Wang, X. H; Eguchi, K; Iwamoto, C; Yoshida, T, 責任著者
    Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2003年01月, [査読有り]
  • Multifunctional alloys obtained via a dislocation-free plastic deformation mechanism
    Saito, T; Furuta, T; Hwang, J. H; Kuramoto, S; Nishino, K; Suzuki, N; Chen, R; Yamada, A; Ito, K; Seno, Y; Nonaka, T; Ikehata, H; Nagasako, N; Iwamoto, C; Ikuhara, Y; Sakuma, T, 責任著者
    Science, 2003年01月, [査読有り]
  • Dynamic and atomistic deformation of sp2-bonded boron nitride nanoarrays               
    Iwamoto, C; Wang, H.S; Watanabe, S; Yoshida, T, 筆頭著者
    Applied Physics Letters, 2003年01月, [査読有り]
  • Termination mechanism of inversion domains by stacking faults in GaN               
    Iwamoto, C; Shen, X. Q; Okumura, H; Matsuhata, H; Ikuhara, Y, 筆頭著者
    Journal of Applied Physics, 2003年01月, [査読有り]
  • Nanostructures of the turbostratic BN transition layer in cubic BN thin films deposited by low-pressure inductively coupled plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition               
    Yang, H.S; Iwamoto, C; Yoshida, T, 責任著者
    Journal of Applied Physics, 2002年01月, [査読有り]
  • High-quality cBN thin films prepared by plasma chemical vapor deposition with time-dependent biasing technique               
    Yang, H; Iwamoto, C; Yoshida, T, 責任著者
    Thin Solid Films, 2002年01月, [査読有り]
  • High-rate deposition of nanostructured SiC films by thermal plasma PVD               
    Wang, X. H; Eguchi, K; Iwamoto, C; Yoshida, T, 責任著者
    Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2002年01月, [査読有り]
  • Direct growth of c-BN on a mono-structured transition layer by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition               
    Iwamoto, C; Wang, H.S; Yoshida, T, 筆頭著者
    Diamond and Related Materials, 2002年01月, [査読有り]
  • Atomic morphology and chemical reactions of the reactive wetting front
    Iwamoto, C; Tanaka, S. I, 筆頭著者
    Acta Materialia, 2002年01月, [査読有り]
  • Structure analysis of GaN thin film with inversion domains by high voltage atomic resolution microscopy               
    Iwamoto, C; Shen, X. Q; Okumura, H; Matsuhata, H; Ikuhara, Y, 筆頭著者
    Materials Transactions, 2002年01月, [査読有り]
  • Formation of protection layer during oxidation of Al-implanted TiN coating               
    Akhadejdamrong, T; Mitsuo, A; Iwamoto, C; Yamamoto, T; Ikuhara, Y; Aizawa, T, 責任著者
    Materials Transactions, 2002年01月, [査読有り]
  • Self-lubrication of chlorine-implanted titanium nitride coating               
    Aizawa, T; Akhadejdamrong, T; Iwamoto, C; Ikuhara, Y; Mitsuo, A, 責任著者
    Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2002年01月, [査読有り]
  • Nanometric inversion domains in conventional molecular-beam-epitaxy GaN thin films observed by atomic-resolution high-voltage electron microscopy               
    Iwamoto, C; Shen, X. Q; Okumura, H; Matsuhata, H; Ikuhara, Y, 筆頭著者
    Applied Physics Letters, 2001年01月, [査読有り]
  • Structure of wetting front in the Ag-Cu-Ti/SiC reactive system               
    Nomura, M; Ichimori, T; Iwamoto, C; Tanaka, S. I, 責任著者
    Journal of Materials Science, 2000年01月, [査読有り]
  • Nanostructure of wetting triple line in a Ag - Cu - Ti/Si3N4 reactive system
    Nomura, M; Iwamoto, C; Tanaka, S. I, 責任著者
    Acta Materialia, 1999年01月, [査読有り]
  • Structure of triple line in reactive Ag-Cu-Ti/SiC wetting system
    Nomura, M; Ichimori, T; Iwamoto, Ch; Tanaka, S, 責任著者
    Mater. Sci. Forum., 1999年01月, [査読有り]
  • Direct atomic observation of reactive wetting front on silicon carbide
    Iwamoto, Ch; Tanaka, S, 筆頭著者
    Mater. Sci. Forum., 1999年01月, [査読有り]
  • Nanoscopic analysis of a Ag-Cu-Ti/sapphire brazed interface               
    Ichimori, T; Iwamoto, Ch; Tanaka, S, 責任著者
    Mater. Sci. Forum., 1999年01月, [査読有り]
  • Atomic observations at the reactive wetting front on SiC               
    Iwamoto, Ch; Ichinose, H; Tanaka, S.I, 筆頭著者
    Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties, 1999年01月, [査読有り]
  • Grain-boundary character of titanium carbide produced by the reaction between titanium-containing molten alloy and silicon carbide
    Iwamoto, C; Tanaka, S.I, 筆頭著者
    Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties, 1998年01月, [査読有り]
  • Reactive wetting of Ag-Cu-Ti On SiC in HRTEM               
    Iwamoto, C; Tanaka, S.I, 筆頭著者
    Acta Materialia, 1998年01月, [査読有り]
  • Interface nanostructure of brazed silicon nitride
    Iwamoto, C; Tanaka, S.I, 筆頭著者, Plenum Press
    Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1998年01月, [査読有り]
  • Direct atomic observation of chemical reaction between silicon carbide and titanium-containing molten alloy
    Iwamoto, C; Tanaka, S.I, 筆頭著者
    Applied Surface Science, 1998年01月, [査読有り]
  • Sublattice reversal in GaAs/Si/GaAs (100) heterostructures by molecular beam epitaxy               
    Koh, S; Kondo, T; Ishiwada, T; Iwamoto, C; Ichinose, H; Yaguchi, H; Usami, T; Shiraki, Y; Ito, R, 責任著者
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2: Letters, 1998年01月, [査読有り]
  • Chemical behavior in diffusion bonding of Si3N4-Ni and Si3N4-superalloy IN-738               
    Chen, Y. C; Iwamoto, C; Ishida, Y, 責任著者
    Scripta Materialia, 1996年01月, [査読有り]
  • Reaction products at the interface of IN-738/Si3N4 bond
    Chen, Y. C; Iwamoto, C; Ishida, Y, 責任著者, The purpose of this study was to investigate the interface microstructure and reaction products morphology in solid state diffusion bonding of the silicon nitride/Ni-based superalloy (IN-738). Compounds such as Cr3Si, Ni31Si12, δ-Ni2Si and Cr3Ni2Si were identified. A precipitated zone which exists between the reaction products and IN-738 works as a diffusion barrier, the reactive elements of IN-738 seem to be almost blocked to contribute to the formation of Cr3Si, Ni31Si12, δ-Ni2Si, and Cr3Ni2Si. The phenomenon of morphological instability was also explained by Wagner’s model. The faceted phases Cr3Ni2Si and δ-Ni2Si showed an epitaxial growth along with the Si3N4 matrix., 社団法人 日本金属学会
    Materials Transactions, JIM, 1996年01月, [査読有り]



  • Al ワイヤウェッジボンディングにおいて基板材料が微細組織に与える影響               
    日本金属学会2024年春季全国大会, 2024年03月12日, 日本金属学会
    20240312, 20240314
  • 熱電材料と端子材料の超音波接合               
    日本金属学会2024年春季全国大会, 2024年03月12日, 日本金属学会
    20240312, 20240314
  • 超音波接合された冷間圧延鋼板/Al板の微細組織               
    日本金属学会2024年春季全国大会, 2024年03月12日, 日本金属学会
    20240312, 20240314
  • Alワイヤの超音波接合においてNiめっきが微細組織に及ぼす影響               
    第30回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウムMate2024, 2024年01月23日
    20240123, 20240124
  • 超音波接合過程における材料表面状態の影響               
    日本金属学会2023年秋期講演大会, 2023年09月20日
    20230920, 20230922
  • Microstructure and mechanical properties of the interface between Aluminum Alloy and Galvannealed Steel Sheets Joined by FSSW               
    Chihiro Iwamoto; Matsuda Tomoki; Akio Hirose; Seiichiro Ii
    Thermec 2023, 2023年07月05日, Thermec 2023 Program comittee, [招待有り]
    20230703, 20230707
  • In situ TEM observation of the ultrasonic bonding process               
    Yoshimi Ohtani; Chihiro Iwamoto; Kensuke Hamada
    Thermec 2023, 2023年07月04日
    20230703, 20230707
  • Effect of Ni interlayer on the microstructure of Al/Al interface joined by wedge bonding               
    Kazuma Onodera; Chihiro Iwamoto; Kensuke Hamada
    Thermec 2023, 2023年07月04日
    20230703, 20230707
  • 複動式摩擦攪拌点接合によるAl合金と合金化溶融亜鉛めっき鋼板の接合界面微細組織観察               
    溶接学会2023年春季全国大会, 2023年04月26日
    20230426, 20230428
  • ウェッジボンディングによるAl/Al接合体組織に対するNiメッキの影響               
    日本金属学会2023年春期講演大会, 2023年03月07日
    20230307, 20230310
  • せん断試験による超音波接合後の微細組織への影響               
    第29回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム Mate2023, 2023年01月24日, (一社)スマートプロセス学会 エレクトロニクス生産科学部会、(一社)溶接学会 マイクロ接合研究委員会
    20230124, 20230125
  • 複動式摩擦攪拌点接合によるAl合金/合金化溶融亜鉛めっき鋼板の接合界面組織               
    溶接学会2022年秋季全国大会, 2022年09月09日
    20220908, 20220910
  • 超音波接合における界面形成現象               
    溶接学会2022年秋季全国大会フォーラム, 2022年09月09日, [招待有り]
    20220908, 20220910
  • 超音波接合のその場観察法の開発               
    日本顕微鏡学会第78回学術講演会, 2022年05月12日
    20220511, 20220513
  • ウェッジワイヤボンディング用超硬ツールにおける表面摩耗部の微細観察               
    溶接学会2022年春季全国大会, 2022年04月13日
    20220413, 20220420
  • 超音波接合の出力と周波数変化によるAlワイヤの組織の推移               
    日本金属学会2022年春期講演大会, 2022年03月22日
    20220315, 20220322
  • ウェッジボンディングにおける接合界面形成過程               
    第28回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム Mate2022, 2022年02月03日, (一社)スマートプロセス学会 エレクトロニクス生産科学部会、(一社)溶接学会 マイクロ接合研究委員会
    20220201, 20220214
  • Alウェッジワイヤボンディングにおける接合周波数とせん断強度との関係               
    第28回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム Mate2022, 2022年02月03日, (一社)スマートプロセス学会 エレクトロニクス生産科学部会、(一社)溶接学会 マイクロ接合研究委員会
    20220201, 20220214
  • FSSW 多段階負荷プロセスによって接合されたアルミニウム合金/合金化溶融亜鉛メッキ鋼板の微細組織               
    JAAA2021「先進自動車製造技術における接合技術2021」, 2021年11月30日, 一般社団法人溶接学会軽構造接合加工研究委員会
    20211130, 20211201
  • 超音波接合過程のその場観察               
    溶接学会2021年度秋季全国大会, 2021年09月21日, 溶接学会
    20210921, 20210928
  • Alウェッジワイヤボンディングにおける接合周波数の及ぼすせん断強度への影響               
    濱田賢祐、岩本知広、石塚 智也
    溶接学会2021年度秋季全国大会, 2021年09月21日, 溶接学会
    20210921, 20210928
  • 超音波接合界面の微細組織               
    表面分析研究会第56回研究会, 2021年06月24日, 表面分析研究会, [招待有り]
    20210624, 20210625
  • Microstructure and mechanical properties of the lamellar structure in Ag-Cu-Pd alloy wires               
    Chihiro Iwamoto; Fumio Watanabe; Risei Koitabashi
    Thermec 2021, 2021年06月01日, [招待有り]
    20210601, 20210605
  • Microstructural Evolution of Ultrasonic-Welded Cu Stranded Wire               
    C. Iwamoto; K. Motomura; Y. Hashimoto; H. Takao; S. Taguchi; K. Hamada
    Thermec 2021, 2021年06月01日, [招待有り]
    20210601, 20210605
  • FSSWにより接合したAl合金とGA鋼の反応相形態               
    溶接学会2021年度春季全国大会, 2021年04月14日, 溶接学会
    20210414, 20210419
  • Alワイヤボンディング用超硬ツールにおける表面摩耗とAl付着の観察               
    溶接学会2021年度春季全国大会, 2021年04月14日, 溶接学会
    20210414, 20210419
  • 超音波接合過程における複線Cuワイヤの微細組織変化               
    溶接学会2021年度春季全国大会, 2021年04月14日, 溶接学会
    20210414, 20210419
  • 摩擦攪拌点接合されたAl合金/合金化溶融亜鉛めっき鋼板接合界面の組織解析               
    日本金属学会2021 年春期(第168 回)講演大会, 2021年03月16日, 日本金属学会
    20210316, 20210319
  • Al合金/合金化溶融亜鉛めっき鋼板接合界面の反応相形態               
    佐近隆介、岩本知広、黒木颯仁、清水優歌、松田朋己、小椋 智、佐野智一、廣瀬明夫
    日本金属学会2021 年春期(第168 回)講演大会, 2021年03月16日, 日本金属学会
    20210316, 20210319
  • 超音波接合された複線Cuワイヤの内部ひずみ分布と接合過程               
    日本金属学会2021 年春期(第168 回)講演大会, 2021年03月16日, 日本金属学会
    20210316, 20210319
  • 超音波接合されたCu複線ワイヤの熱サイクル試験による微細組織変化               
    駒井芹哉、岩本知広、佐藤成男、堀内涼太郎、; 高尾洋史、橋本陽一、濱田賢祐
    第27回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム Mate2021, 2021年02月02日, (一社)スマートプロセス学会 エレクトロニクス生産科学部会、(一社)溶接学会 マイクロ接合研究委員会
    20210202, 20210215
  • FSSWにより接合したAl合金と鋼の微細組織               
    2020年溶接学会秋季全国大会, 2020年09月09日, 溶接学会
  • 超音波接合TEM観察ホルダーの開発               
    溶接学会2020年度春季全国大会, 2020年04月22日, 溶接学会
  • 黒鉛の微細組織と破壊経路               
    日本金属学会2020年春期講演大会, 2019年03月17日, 日本金属学会
    20200317, 20200319
  • Ag-Cu-Pd合金ワイヤの熱処理による集合組織形成機構               
    日本金属学会2020年春期講演大会, 2019年03月17日, 日本金属学会
    20200317, 20200319
  • 超音波接合された複線Cuワイヤの微細組織形成過程               
    日本金属学会2020年春期講演大会, 2019年03月17日, 日本金属学会
    20200317, 20200319
  • Ag-Cu-Pd合金ワイヤの熱処理による集合組織形成機構               
    2020年日本金属学会春期講演大会, 2020年03月03日, 日本金属学会
  • 超音波接合された複線Cuワイヤの微細組織形成過程               
    2020年日本金属学会春期講演大会, 2020年03月03日, 日本金属学会
  • Cuワイヤの超音波接合条件と微細組織の関係               
    第26回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム Mate2020, 2020年01月29日
  • Ag-Cu-Pd合金の熱処理による析出相形態変化               
    第26回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム Mate2020, 2020年01月29日
  • Ag-Cu-Pd合金の微細組織と機械的特性の関係               
    第26回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム Mate2020, 2020年01月29日
  • 超音波接合と微細組織               
    第128回マイクロ接合研究委員会, 2019年12月05日, 溶接学会マイクロ接合研究委員会, [招待有り]
  • 超音波接合中のCu複線ワイヤの微細組織変化               
    藁澤 匠太郎、岩本 知広、駒井 芹哉、堀内 涼太郎、本村 一生、橋本 陽一、髙尾 洋史、田口 悟、濱田 賢祐
    溶接学会秋季全国大会, 2019年09月17日, 溶接学会
  • Microstructural Evolution of Ultrasonic-Welded Cu Stranded Wire               
    C. Iwamoto
    The 72nd IIW Annual Assembly & International conference, 2019年07月10日, International Institute of Welding
  • Ag-Cu-Pd合金中の微細析出物界面の構造               
    日本顕微鏡学会第75回学術講演会, 2019年06月17日, 日本顕微鏡学会
  • 伸線加工されたAg-Cu-Pd合金における棒状組織の硬度への寄与               
    日本顕微鏡学会第75回学術講演会, 2019年06月17日, 日本顕微鏡学会
  • Solid-Liquid Reaction and Deformation of Advanced Materials Investigated by In-Situ TEM               
    Chihiro Iwamoto
    The 4th International Conference on Microstructures and Properties of Materials, 2019年05月15日, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang Materials Research Society, [招待有り]
  • 超音波接合された複線ワイヤの微細組織               
    岩本 知広、本村 一生、橋本 陽一、濱田 賢祐
    溶接学会春季全国大会, 2019年04月18日
  • 熱処理によるAg-Cu-Pd合金ワイヤの微細組織と硬度変化               
    日本金属学会春期全国大会, 2019年03月20日
  • ウェッジボンディングされたCu複線ワイヤの微細組織               
    第25回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム Mate2019, 2019年01月29日, スマートプロセス学会 エレクトロニクス生産科学部会, 溶接学会 マイクロ接合研究委員会
  • Ag-Cu-Pd合金の微細組織と強度の関係               
    黒木颯仁; 岩本知広; 渡辺文男; 小板橋理成
    第25回「エレクトロニクスにおけるマイクロ接合・実装技術」シンポジウム Mate2019, 2019年01月29日, スマートプロセス学会 エレクトロニクス生産科学部会, 溶接学会 マイクロ接合研究委員会
  • Microstructure of Joint between Stranded Wire and Substrate bonded by Ultrasonic Welding               
    C. Iwamoto; K. Yamauchi; K. Motomura; Y. Hashimoto; K. Hamada
    4th International Conference on Nanojoining and Microjoining 2018, 2018年12月02日, Micro Joining Committee of Japan Welding Society
  • Microstructure of LPSO type Mg alloy Joints controlled amount of dent that occurred by ultrasonic welding               
    K. Futawatari; Y. Higashi; C. Iwamoto; Y. Kawamura
    4th International Conference on Nanojoining and Microjoining 2018, 2018年12月02日, Micro Joining Committee of Japan Welding Society
  • Hardening Process of Ag-Cu-Pd Alloy Wires               
    C. Iwamoto
    International Forum of Frontiers of Electron Microscopy, 2018年10月20日, [招待有り]
  • Spot welding of Mg alloy with dissimilar Mg alloy insert               
    Chihiro Iwamoto; Yuuichi Higashi
    The 71st IIW Annual Assembly & International conference, 2018年07月15日, IIW
  • Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Cu-Pd-Ag Alloy Wire with Heat Treatment               
    Chihiro Iwamoto; Fumio Watanabe; Risei Koitabashi
    Thermec 2018, 2018年07月09日, [招待有り]
  • 接合界面の微細組織評価               
    溶接学会平成30年度春季全国大会, 2018年04月25日, 溶接学会, [招待有り]
  • Interface Microstructure of Mg-Zn-Y Joints Bonded by Ultrasonic Spot Welding               
    C. Iwamoto; Y. Higashi
    70th IIW, 2017年06月25日, International Institute of Welding, Chinese Welding Society
  • Plastic deformation behavior within AZ31B Mg alloy joints welded by ultrasonic spot welding(国際会議論文)               
    Yuichi Higashi; Chihiro Iwamoto
    The 10th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research & International Welding Symposium of Japan Welding Society, 2016年10月
    201610, 201610
  • Ultrasonic Spot Welding of the Mg96Zn2Y2 alloy               
    C. Iwamoto
    The 6th International Forum on Advanced Materials, 2016年09月24日, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chinese Materials Research Society and Academic Union for Advanced Materials in China, [招待有り]
  • Microstructure of the Mg96Zn2Y2 alloy joints welded by ultrasonic spot welding               
    C. Iwamoto; Y. Higashi; Y. Kawamura
    Thermec 2016, 2016年05月29日, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, [招待有り]
  • Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Zn-Y Alloy Joints Joined by Ultrasonic Spot Welding               
    Yuichi Higashi; Chihiro Iwamoto; Yoshihito Kawamura
    The 10th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications, 2015年10月15日
  • Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Zn-Y Alloy Joints Joined by Ultrasonic Spot Welding(国際会議論文)               
    Yuichi Higashi; Chihiro Iwamoto; Yoshihito Kawamura; Masakazu Harada
    The 10th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications論文集 pp.331~336, 2015年10月
    201510, 201510
  • Microstructure of Mg-Zn-Y alloy welded by resistance spot welding               
    Chihiro Iwamoto
    11th session of the national heat treatment, 2015年07月19日, Taiyuan University of Technology, [招待有り]
  • Microstructure of Al/Ag-Coated Glass Joint Bonded By ltrasonic Wire Welding               
    Chihiro Iwamoto; Tomoyuki Nishinaka; Ken Yamada
    IIW International Conference 2015, 2015年07月02日
  • Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg96Zn2Y2 alloy joint bonded by ultrasonic wire welding               
    Y. Higashi; C. Iwamoto; Y. Kawamura
    The 2nd International Symposium on Long-Period Stacking Ordered Structure and Its Related Materials 2014,, 2014年10月05日
  • Ultrasonic welding of Mg-Zn-Y alloy plates               
    Y. Higashi; C. Iwamoto; Y. Kawamura
    IUMRS-ICAM2013, 2013年
  • Microstructure of extruded Mg96Zn2Y2 alloy under ballistic impact               
    T. Matsuo; C. Iwamoto; K. Hokamoto; Y. Kawamura
    IUMRS-ICAM2013, 2013年
  • Microstructure of the interface between Al and glass bonded by ultrasonic wire welding               
    C. Iwamoto
    IJST2013, 2013年
  • Nanoscale dynamic reactive wetting and spreading of molten Ti alloy on 6H-SiC               
    S.-I. Tanaka; C. Iwamoto
    IJST2013, 2013年
  • 超音波電極接合による銀被覆ガラス/アルミニウム接合体の微細組織               
    第150回日本金属学会講演概要, 2012, 2012年
    2012, 2012
  • In situ observation of deformation process of Magnesium alloy               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura
    The 3rd Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing, ASMP 2012, 2012年
  • Microstructure of the Aluminum/Glass joint bonded by ultrasonic wire welding               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Ono; A. Yoshida; T. Nishinaka; K. Yamada
    The 3rd Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing, ASMP 2012, 2012年
  • Microstructure of the interface between Al and Glass substrates bonded by ultrasonic wire welding               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Ono; A. Yoshida; T. Nishinaka; K. Yamada
    MRS Fall Meeting, 2012年
  • Deformed microstructure of Mg96Zn2Y2 alloy under ballistic impact               
    C. Iwamoto; K. Hokamoto; T. Matsuo; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura
    MRS Fall Meeting, 2012年
  • Control of the nugget nanostructure of Mg96Zn2Y2 welded by resistance spot welding               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura
    Thermec’2011, 2011年08月
    20110801, 20110805
  • Microstructure and Mechanical properties of Mg96Zn2Y2 joints welded by resistance spot welding               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura
    Thermec’2011, 2011年08月
    20110801, 20110805
  • High resolution transmission electron microscopy of aluminum/glass substrate interface bonded by ultrasonic wire welding               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; A. Yoshida; T. Nishinaka; K. Yamada
    Proceedings of the JSME/ASME 2011 International Conference on Materials and Processing, ICM&P2011, 2011年06月
    20110613, 20110617
  • In-situ HRTEM Studies of Brazing Process               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka
    Proceedings of the JSME/ASME 2011 International Conference on Materials and Processing, ICM&P2011, 2011年06月
    20110613, 20110617
  • 超音波電極接合による種々のガラス基板/アルミニウム接合体の組織観察               
    第149回日本金属学会講演概要, 2011, 2011年
    2011, 2011
  • Microstructure of cast and extruded Mg-Zn-Y alloy joint welded by friction stir welding               
    K. Nakamura; C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kwamura; M. Noda; T. Tsumura; K. Nakata
    The 5th Pan-Yellow Sea Rim International Symposium on Magnesium Alloys -YSR5, 2010年11月
    20101116, 20101118
  • In situ observation of the crack propagation in Mg96Zn2Y2               
    C. Iwamoto; R. Yamauchi; K. Nakamura; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura
    The 5th Pan-Yellow Sea Rim International Symposium on Magnesium Alloys -YSR5, 2010年11月
    20101116, 20101118
  • Nugget formation and joint strength in resistance spot welding of magnesium alloy sheets with cover plates               
    S. Ishimaru; C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Matumoto; G. Murakami
    The 5th Pan-Yellow Sea Rim International Symposium on Magnesium Alloys -YSR5, 2010年11月
    20101116, 20101118
  • Butt Welding Technique for Industrial Materials by Softening and Stirring Effects of Tool               
    K. Nakamura; C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura; K. Nakata
    The 6th KU-KITECH International Symposium on Bulk Metallic Glasses and Advanced Materials, 2010年09月
    20100914, 20100915
  • Resistance Spot Welding of Magnesium Alloys with Mg96Zn2Y2 Inserts               
    K. Moutai; C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura
    The 6th KU-KITECH International Symposium on Bulk Metallic Glasses and Advanced Materials, 2010年09月
    20100914, 20100915
  • In-Situ High-Resolution Observation of Spreading Reactive Molten Alloy on Ceramic Substrates               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka
    The 6th KU-KITECH International Symposium on Bulk Metallic Glasses and Advanced Materials, 2010年09月
    20100914, 20100915
  • Microstructure of Mg96Zn2Y2/AZ31B Joined by Resistance Spot Welding               
    K.Honda; K. Nakamura; C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura
    The 4th Pan-Yellow Sea Rim International Symposium on Magnesium Alloys -YSR4, 2009年11月
    20091112, 20091113
  • Microstructure of Mg96Zn2Y2 joints welded by resistance spot welding               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura; K.Honda; K. Nakamura
    The 4th Pan-Yellow Sea Rim International Symposium on Magnesium Alloys -YSR4, 2009年11月
    20091112, 20091113
  • Asymmetrical Microstructure of Mg-Zn-Y Alloy Plate Welded by Friction Stir Welding               
    K. Nakamura; C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura; M.Noda; T. Tsumura; K Nakata
    The 4th Pan-Yellow Sea Rim International Symposium on Magnesium Alloys -YSR4, 2009年11月
    20091112, 20091113
  • Epitaxial Film Growth at the Spreading Reactive Wetting Front               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka
    The Twelfth Frontiers of Electron Microscopy in Materials Science, 2009年09月
    20090927, 20091002
  • Nanostrucutre of Mg96Zn2Y2 Joints Bonded by Resistance Spot Welding with Cover Plates               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura; Kenji Nakamura
    ASMA3, 2009年09月
    20090921, 20090923
  • Structure of Mg-Zn-Y Alloy Joined by Friction Stir Welding               
    K. Nakamura; C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; T. Tsumura; K. Nakata; Y. Kawamura
    ASMA3, 2009年09月
    20090921, 20090923
  • Structure of Mg96Zn2Y2 Joined by Various Resistance Spot Welding               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura; K. Honda; K. Nakamura
    ASMA3, 2009年09月
    20090921, 20090923
  • In-situ Cross-sectional Observations of Spreading Reactive Molten Alloy on SiC               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura; Kenji Nakamura
    The 5th KITECH-KU Symposium, 2009年07月
    20090715, 20090717
  • Structure of Mg-Zn-Y Alloy Joined by Friction Stir Welding               
    K. Nakamura; C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; T. Tsumura; K. Nakata
    The 5th KITECH-KU Symposium, 2009年07月
    20090715, 20090717
  • Control of the nugget nanostructure of Mg96Zn2Y2 welded by resistance spot welding               
    K. Honda; K. Higuchi; K. Nakamura; C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura
    The 4th KITECH-KU Symposium, 2008年05月
    20080518, 20080521
  • Interface nanostructure of Mg96Zn2Y2 joints welded by resistance spot welding using cover plate               
    K. Higuchi; K. Honda; C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura
    The 4th KITECH-KU Symposium, 2008年05月
    20080518, 20080521
  • Mechanical properties and microstructure of Mg96Zn2Y2 joints welded by resistance spot welding               
    A. Kinoshita; G. Murakami; M. Noda; C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; Y. Kawamura
    The 4th KITECH-KU Symposium, 2008年05月
    20080518, 20080521
  • Interface Nanostructure of Mg96Zn2Y2 Joints Welded by Resistance Spot Welding               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; A. Kinoshita; Q. Ranfeng
    The 2nd Pan-Yellow Sea Rim International Symposium on Magnesium Alloys, Gwangju Research Center (KITECH), 2007年03月
    20070315, 20070316
  • Crack Propagation Mechanism at the Weld Interface between Steel and Aluminum Alloy               
    R. F. Qiu; C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka; A. Kinoshita
    International Microscopy Congress (IMC16), 2006年09月
    20060903, 20060908
  • In-situ HRTEM observations of various morphologies at the front of spreading molten alloy on the SiC substrate               
    C. Iwamoto; S. Satonaka
    International Microscopy Congress (IMC16), 2006年09月
    20060903, 20060908
  • Nanoscale dynamics at reactive wetting front on SiC               
    S.I. Tanaka; C. Iwamoto
    Mater. Sci. Forum, 2005年12月
    2005, 2005
  • Development of New Ultrasonic Inspection Technique for Spot Welds with Matrix Arrayed Probe and SAFT               
    T. Ikeda; H. Karasawa; S. Matsumoto; S. Satonaka; C. Iwamoto
    Procceedings of International symposium on Joining Technologies in Advanced automobile Assembly, 2005年12月
    2005, 2005
  • One-angstrom-resolution element mapping by phase contrast-ARHVEM technique               
    C. Iwamoto; H. Yang; T. Yoshida
    Proceeding of Thirteenth International Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, 2003年03月
    200303, 200304
  • Microstructures in Different Lattice-Polarity GaN Films observed by Atomic-Resolution High-Voltage Electron Microscopy               
    X.Q. Shen; C. Iwamoto; T. Ide; H. Matsuhata; Y. Ikuhara; H. Okumura
    First Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors(APWS-2003), 2003年03月
    20030309, 20030312
  • Multi functional titanium alloy "Gum Metal"               
    T. Saito; T. Furuta; J.H. Hwang; S. Kuramoto; K. Nishino; N. Suzuki; R. Chen; A. Yamada; K. Ito; Y. Seno; T. Nonaka; H. Ikehata; N. Nagasako; C. Iwamoto; Y. Ikuhara; T. Sakuma
    Mater. Sci. Forum, 2003年08月
    2003, 2003
  • In-situ Observation of Crack Propagation in Magnesium Oxide Ceramics               
    K. Matsunaga; S. Ii; C. Iwamoto; T. Yamamoto; Y. Ikuhara
    1st International Symposium on Active Nano-Characterization and Technology, Tsukuba, 2003年01月
    2003, 2003
  • In-situ HRTEM Observation of the Reaction Phase Formation in the Spreading Active Liquid               
    C. Iwamoto; K. Matsunaga; T. Yamamoto; Y. Ikuhara
    1st International Symposium on Active Nano-Characterization and Technology, Tsukuba, 2003年01月
    2003, 2003
  • Electron Microscopy studies of intergranular crack propagation behavior in polycrystalline silicon nitride               
    S. Ii; C. Iwamoto; K. Matsunaga; T. Yamamoto; M. Yoshiya; Y. Ikuhara
    1st International Symposium on Active Nano-Characterization and Technology, Tsukuba, 2003年01月
    2003, 2003
  • TEM In-situ Observation of Fracture Process and High-Temperature Behavior in Ceramics               
    Y. Ikuhara; S. Ii; C. Iwamoto; K. Matsunaga; T. Yamamoto
    1st International Symposium on Active Nano-Characterization and Technology, Tsukuba, 2003年01月
    2003, 2003
  • Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of high quality cubic BN films with an intermediate layer of turbostratic BN thinner than 3 nm               
    H. Yang; C. Iwamoto; T. Yoshida
    MRS, 2002年12月
    2002, 2002
  • Atomic-scale dynamic deformation behavior of BN thin films               
    C. Iwamoto; H. Yang; T. Yoshida
    MRS, 2002年12月
    2002, 2002
  • HREM and AEM Study of Thermal Plasma Deposited Films               
    Y. Ikuhara; J. Shibata; D.V. Shtansky; C. Iwamoto; T. Yamamoto; T. Yoshida
    JSPS International Symposium on "Thermal Plasma Deposition", 2002年01月
    2002, 2002
  • Transformation of active carbon to onion-like fullerenes under electron beam irradiation               
    B. Xu; H. Jia; H. Zhou; H. Ichinose; C. Iwamoto
    Materials Research Society Symposium, 2001年04月
    20010417, 20010420
  • Stability of Ti Compounds in Reactive Wetting on Silicon-based Ceramics               
    M. Nomura; C. Iwamoto; S.-I. Tanaka
    Trans. JWRI, 2001年01月
    2001, 2001
  • ARHVEM Observation of Indium Irradiated GaN Film Grown by MBE               
    C. Iwamoto; X.Q. Shen; H. Okumura; H. Matsuhata; Y. Ikuhara
    Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Advanced Physics Fields, 2001年01月
    2001, 2001
  • Atomic Thin Film Preceding the Reactive Wetting Front               
    C. Iwamoto; M. Nomura; S.-I. Tanaka
    Trans. JWRI, 2001年01月
    2001, 2001
  • Interface Nanostructure of Brazed Silicon Nitride               
    C. Iwamoto; S.-I. Tanaka
    Ceramic Microstructure: Control at the Atomic Level, 1998年01月
    1998, 1998
  • Kinetics of the Reactive Wetting in Terms of Nanomorphology               
    M. Nomura
    Proc. Int. Conf. High Temperature Capillarity, 1997年01月
    1997, 1997
  • Direct atomic observation of chemical reaction between silicon carbide and titanium-containing molten alloy               
    C. Iwamoto; S.-I. Tanaka
    The fourth international symposium on atomically controlled surfaces and interfaces, 1997年01月
    1997, 1997
  • In situ Reactive Wetting on Silicon-based Ceramics in HRTEM               
    C. Iwamoto
    1997, 1997
  • Interface nanostructure of Brazed Silicon Nitride               
    C. Iwamoto; S.-I. Tanaka
    Ceramic Microstructures ’96, 1996年06月
    19960624, 19960627
  • Bonding Behaviors of FCC Noble Metal Nano particles under Electron Beam Irradiation in HRTEM               
    B.S. Xu; C. Iwamoto; S.-I. Tanaka
    Interface Science and Materials Interconnection Proc. of JIMIS-8, 1996年01月
    1996, 1996
  • Interface Nanostructure of Brazed Silicon-based Ceramics               
    C. Iwamoto; S.-I. Tanaka
    Interface Science and Materials Interconnection Proc. of JIMIS-8, 1996年01月
    1996, 1996
  • Interface structures in solid-state bonded b-Si3N4/Nickel and a-Si3N4/Nickel               
    M.E. Brito; Y. Bando; C. Iwamoto; H. Ichinose; Y. Ishida
    Adv.Mater.'93, Composites, Grain Boundariesand Nanophase Materials, 1994年01月
    1994, 1994
  • Observation of Interface between Bi-Superconducting Oxide and Metal Using HREM and STM               
    K. Suenaga; C. Iwamoto; J. Matsuzaki; H. Ichinose; M. Mori; Y. Ishida
    Proc. 4th Int.Sym. on Scuperconductivity, (IIS '91), 1991年01月
    1991, 1991


  • 溶接学会
  • 日本金属学会
  • 日本顕微鏡学会
  • 日本機械学会



  • 特許第5935183号, マグネシウム合金の接合方法及びマグネシウム合金の接合構造